Veterinarian advice: how to leave a cat alone at home for several days without harm to health

Every loving owner worries about his pet: what does he do alone, is he sad when he is left alone during the owner’s working hours? The feelings become especially intense when your beloved cat has to be left for several days. We will try to understand the pressing issue and decide how best to act if we are forced to leave for some time.

It is generally accepted that a cat is an independent animal, “walking on its own,” however, any owner of a Scottish cat will say that the animal is immensely bored during his absence and this is noticeable in its behavior.

Scottish cats are very social and affectionate creatures.

Indeed, Scottish cats are very social pets. They do not have that note of self-sufficiency characteristic of the British breed. Animals become strongly attached to their owner, and separation is painful for them. When choosing a pet, this point should be taken into account. More information about the character of the Scottish Fold cat is described in this article.

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Safety first

Inspect the apartment with the most critical eye possible - as if there is a child left here who can climb anywhere. What can happen? It will swallow a bead, knock over a ficus tree, get tangled in a scarf left on the back of a chair, get stuck between the wall and the cabinet...

Usually the owner comes to the cat's aid, but when no one is around, even a simple tangle in the curtains can turn into a disaster. Remove everything small, breakable, and fragile. Close the cabinet doors. Make sure that objects that can damage the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract are not hidden behind the chair.

Cat hotel or cat nanny

  1. You can find a place where your cat will be taken care of by people you can trust. Veterinary clinics usually have advertisements for cat hotels. You should definitely check reviews about such a place, available documents and, of course, visit the hotel in advance.

  2. Now there are some kind of nannies for cats. Such a person will look after the cat when he comes into the house. Of course, it is necessary to have letters of recommendation. And it is necessary to carefully check such a person - documents, existing certificates. A cat is like a child. No one leaves a child for a month with a stranger. And you shouldn’t leave the cat either. But if there is no way out, then candidates are checked carefully and scrupulously to avoid unpleasant consequences.


Dumping a bag of food into a basin is a bad idea. Out of boredom, a pet can eat dry granules, and it’s good if it just makes you vomit. The safest option in case of leaving and working from morning to evening is an automatic feeder. In it, food is protected from insects, does not ventilate and has almost no contact with oxygen, which means it stays fresh longer.

Bulk automatic feeder for cats

Bulk feeders for cats are filled with dry granules. For canned food, plates divided into cells are used. Six cells are enough for three days with a twice-daily feeding schedule. This is more than enough for an adult pet. But canned food will not last three days in the heat - it will spoil. Therefore, either dry food or ask your friends to fill the bowl daily.

Who tolerates loneliness easier?

How an animal will survive a temporary separation from its mistress or owner depends on its gender. Females are more peaceful, diplomatic, and affectionate. They will try to establish contact with the temporary owner. Cats will be very happy about outside affection and will begin to “complain” about their loneliness. Males are more wary of strangers. If the person you entrusted with supervision is unfamiliar to the cat, then the cat may hiss and growl at him. Or maybe just hide when you hear an unfamiliar voice, hide under the sofa. Yes, cats also know how to be gentle and loyal. But their trust must be earned. If you left the male in the care of a person he knows and trusts, then there will be no problems with communication.

The owner must also take into account that males leave behind a heavier, sometimes very unpleasant odor indoors. That is why stale air in the home is one of the problems of a pet’s temporary loneliness. But not the worst. It will be worse when you leave the cat alone during the mating season. During your absence, he will mark all furniture, carpets, floors, and valuables.

Cats will tolerate loneliness more easily and without consequences if they are visited by familiar people.


Pure water

The best automatic drinkers are fountains with a carbon filter. Each cycle the water is cleaned of dust and debris. Thanks to circulation, it does not stagnate and remains fresh longer.

But even with such a drinking bowl, it is better to provide a reserve - a couple of large pots or buckets in places chosen by the cat. You cannot leave water in bowls or mugs - bacteria multiply quickly in a small container. Drinking dirty water, especially in summer, can lead to serious poisoning!

Automatic drinking bowl for cats


Scatter paper (not cellophane!) bows around the house, plastic Kinder eggs with food granules inside, balls without accessories. Toys must be safe - nothing can be chewed off or swallowed.

No feathers, taffy, fishing rods with threads or anything that can get tangled in or eaten, or that can break a tooth or claw. Pay attention to interactive toys for cats - they will definitely not let your pet get bored.

Leave your cat safe toys

It would be great if someone checked at least once a day to see if everything is okay. If not, well, an automatic feeder will solve the most pressing issue. And the rest can be solved on your own and with available means. The main thing is that the cat is in a safe space and strictly no longer than a couple of days.

How to leave your cat alone at home while on vacation

There's nothing better than relaxing on the beach in the summer, hitting the slopes at your favorite ski resort in the cooler months, or simply spending time with your far-flung family. However, if you're a pet owner, you probably feel pretty limited when it comes to making and executing any travel plans if they're likely to last more than a day or two.

If you are a cat owner, you may just be in luck. Cats tend to be much more independent by nature, which makes it easier for you to leave them home alone without worrying about their safety and happiness. However, this does not mean that you can simply abandon your cat without taking special precautions. In fact, if you're going to be leaving your cat at home while you're away for more than a few days, there are a few steps you'll need to take to make sure your feline friend is happy and healthy at all times.

  • Hire a pet sitter.

While this may seem like just an extra expense, it's always smart to have someone check on your kitten every day. This way, if your cat gets stuck in the room, runs out of food or water unexpectedly, or gets sick, you'll have someone who can help her while you're away.

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  • Not only give the house key to your nanny, but also to a good friend or other family member.

This way, if something happens and your nanny is unable to get to your home for a few days, you have a safety net.

  • Buy a couple of water dispensers.

While it may seem normal to simply leave the water bowl out, the truth is that the water often evaporates from these dishes too quickly, which can leave your kitty without water for an extended period of time. Having two water dispensers ensures that your cat always has fresh water and gives you a little margin for error if one of them fails.

  • Use trash cans, phone books or any other heavy objects you may need to completely or partially block interior doors.

This allows your cat to have full access to the house while you're away, without the fear of accidentally slamming the door and getting trapped during her escapes.

  • If you're particularly concerned about separation from your furry friend, try installing a couple of motion-activated webcams in areas they'll frequent, like water bowls and litter boxes.

These cameras are usually tied to apps that you can access at any time, making it easier than ever to visually confirm your cat's safety.

  • To be safe, try to either move all indoor plants outside or move them to another room and close the door.

Most common houseplants are actually poisonous to cats, and while your pet usually can't chew them, the stress of being home alone can cause them to do so, which can lead to serious illness.

  • Even if your cat isn't known to chew electrical cords, unplug everything she can reach before you leave.

Again, stress often causes cats to temporarily become accustomed to new behaviors such as chewing, making cords a good target. For added safety in any case, consider using a bitter or cat repellent spray on your cords to protect both your cat and your cords from damage.

  • If you have a particularly ferocious cat, you may want to remove light bulbs from any lamps or other lighting sources that they might knock over while playing.

Broken light bulbs can, of course, pose a serious fire hazard.

  • Although your pet sitter should come every day, it's a good idea to invest in an automatic pet feeder just in case.

Before you leave, you will insert a specific portion of food into each of the device's compartments. At the same time every day, your cat will drop this food into the bowl. This is a great way to make sure your feline friend is getting the nutrition he needs while you're away.

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  • Just in case an emergency arises, post veterinarian information on the refrigerator or other obvious place where the pet sitter can find it if needed.

Also, leave a cash amount that can be used in case of emergency.

  • If your cat suffers from separation anxiety, you can leave a few of your unwashed shirts or other items of clothing on your bed or other easily accessible place.

Your cat may use this scent to calm itself in your absence. Another great option for keeping your kitty at ease is a homemade cat diffuser that safely mimics natural faramons to help reduce anxiety. Calming cat collars can also calm your cat with aromatherapy, which discourages destructive behavior and unwanted coloration.

  • Leave the blinds open in most rooms.

This will keep your cat outside during the day and provide plenty of great entertainment options, as well as a chance to snooze in the sun while you're on holiday.

  • Leave a few lights on.

This could be a small light, for example, in the hallway and bathroom. This simply helps make your cat's environment more familiar and ensures that she feels safe while you're away.

  • If your cat is afraid of being alone, you can leave the radio on at a very low volume.

Voices coming from the system can help your cat feel as if someone else is nearby.

  • If you'll be going away during the winter, consider investing in a safe space heater for your cat's favorite room to keep them comfortable and happy while you're away.

Heated cat beds use self-heating technology that reflects your cat's own body heat to keep them warm and cozy without the need for electricity. These beds come in handy in case of unexpected power outages.

While it may seem like a lot of work, it's important to follow each of these steps if you really want to keep your cat safe and happy while you're on vacation. Of course, you should always talk to your veterinarian about your plans to get even more guidance for your pet and make sure he is in the right condition to be alone for an extended period of time.

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