The best pet hotels in Moscow: where to leave your cat or dog on vacation

Cats walk on their own - we have known this since childhood. But in fact, despite all its independence, the cat, of course, needs care and attention. In addition, cats, like people, have different personalities. Some sit on the window for hours, others follow their hostess with their tails, and at night they curl up in a ball at their feet.

But what if you need to leave? On vacation or a business trip, for example. We’ll look at what to do with your beloved pet in this article.

Situations when it is necessary to give up a cat for a while

In addition to the problem of planned vacations and departures to warmer climes, there are other life situations when an animal needs to be moved to comfortable conditions. These include:

  • major renovations in the apartment - cats do not like change and, if they find themselves in a situation of constant change, they experience enormous stress, which can negatively affect their health;
  • the first days after the birth of a baby - if there is a small child in the house, parents may not have enough time for regular activities and caring for their furry pet;
  • urgent business trip;
  • the arrival of a large number of relatives or a noisy party.

All of the above for an animal can lead to problems with its psychological state. The cat may get sick, become aggressive, or, conversely, lethargic and boring. Then the owners should think about where to leave the cat both during the holidays and during emergency apartment changes.

Option two - invite a friend to visit

Having planned to give your pet to friends or family during the holidays, it may turn out that among them or their loved ones there are allergy sufferers. In this case, the idea of ​​temporary relocation will have to be abandoned. This scenario is possible if your pet is very attached to you and to the house - its usual habitat. Moving even to your best friends is stressful for him, against the background of which the cat may refuse to eat, get sick, and so on.

There's nothing you can do, you'll have to leave your pet at home. Since cats do not need constant human presence and regular walks, this is quite possible. With one caveat - the animal must be looked after and checked if everything is in order at least once every few days.

The supply of water and food in your absence can be done using an automatic feeder, but someone must change the tray in any case. Cats are clean, they will not use a dirty toilet, and this already threatens unpleasant surprises in the apartment after returning.

Perhaps friends or neighbors will be willing to come over every two or three days.

Now there is, but in this case you will have to give the keys to the apartment to a stranger, and not everyone is ready for this.

Overexposure options

The first thing any modern person does when problems arise is to type the phrase “where to leave the cat on vacation” into the search bar of the Internet browser. There may be several options:

  • domestic maintenance in an apartment or private house;
  • life in a veterinary clinic;
  • keeping the cat at home with periodically visiting friends or relatives for feeding and cleaning;
  • keeping in specialized hotels for cats.

All types of overexposure have their advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects of an animal's life in the house include a familiar environment, food that the owners leave, their own tray and toys.

If you give your furry to a general shelter in a private house, he will be provided with walks in the fresh air and communication with other animals, and the veterinary clinic will be able to provide immediate assistance if necessary. But you should still be prepared for multiple unpleasant situations that will await your pet.

Option one - we give the pet into its own hands

The easiest option is to ask your family or friends to take your pet with them while on vacation. A cat is not a dog; it does not need to be walked several times a day in any weather. All you need is familiar food, clean water and a litter tray.

Ask your loved ones and friends; there will probably be those among them who dream of a kitten, but are hesitant to buy one or go to a shelter for homeless animals. After spending several days with a purring, affectionate little cat who is also not too difficult to care for, the decision will be much easier to make, and your soul will be at peace, because the cat will be in good hands during your absence.

Possible problems with improper animal care

Before you decide exactly where to leave your cat during vacation and other life situations, you need to understand all the risks that may lie in wait for you or your beloved ponytail. The main ones among them are:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract due to improper feeding - if the animal is accustomed to one particular food, but when changing, stomach or intestinal diseases may occur;
  • injuries as a result of conflicts - keeping several cats in an apartment at the same time often leads to them starting to conflict;
  • infection or parasites - private shelters rarely ask for a veterinary passport and pay attention to the availability of vaccinations and scheduled visits to a specialist, as a result - diseases, fleas, worms;
  • stress - a cat that is accustomed to being often played with, stroked, and brushed will experience psychological shock when alone.

This is a small part of the problems you will encounter if you make the wrong choice.

Moving a cat to friends or relatives

This option is suitable for those cats who have difficulty withstanding loneliness. Any move, even for a short time, is stressful, so the cat will be more comfortable with familiar people. Choose a candidate from people with whom the pet is willing to make contact.

Familiar toys, a scratching post and a house will help reduce your cat’s anxiety. Don't forget to buy food, bring bowls and a tray. When choosing a temporary family, pay attention to the conditions in the apartment and the composition of the family. You should not place your cat in a home with children or an aggressive dog.

Features and benefits of hotels for cats

Pet hotels have emerged in the last decade. During this period, they managed to earn the recognition and love of the townspeople and their pets. Facilities where you can leave your cat while on vacation have been specifically designed to accommodate felines.

Both Maine Coons and spoiled Britons will live comfortably in them. The main conditions for a good stay in a hotel are:

  • individual contents in transparent boxes of suitable size;
  • attention to the needs of the animal;
  • the guests have veterinary passports, vaccinations and a guarantee of the absence of fleas and other parasites;
  • careful attention to nutrition;
  • clean water, ventilation, sanitization if necessary.

In hotels, special attention is paid to staffing. A condition for being hired is necessarily a love for cats, a desire to play with them, and pet them. Surrounded by love and care, fluffies sometimes don’t even want to return to their owners.


In other words, a temporary family, an unofficial hotel for cats. There are simply volunteers who post advertisements on service websites, ready to accept pets and temporarily care for them. The option is inexpensive, but remember that the cat gets along with other pets, plus these are strangers, so you can’t trust them 100%.

Unlike an official hotel, foster care apartments are not equipped for pets, and people do not have any guarantees. So leaving your cat there is a big risk.

Ways to prepare a cat for keeping in a hotel

No matter how good the cat is in the new place, after the question “where to leave the cat on vacation? The question always arises – how to prepare the animal for the move. Recommended:

  • visit the veterinarian and renew your passport;
  • if necessary, give the cat a sedative;
  • hand over your pet's toys and belongings to the hotel;
  • Convince yourself of the good conditions of the hotel.

A properly prepared animal will tolerate the first hours or days of overexposure well.

Cat breeds that respond best to overexposure

The possibility of long or systematic separations from a pet is often clear at the time of its selection. It is logical to choose a kitten of a breed whose representatives are most tolerant of loneliness and a change of environment. A rating of the 7 most suitable cats for long-term loneliness has been compiled:


This is a tailless breed with a relatively short, smooth coat and an equally smooth, calm and kind disposition. The Manx is English by origin. Representatives of the breed correspond to stereotypes about the inhabitants of the country. Manx are balanced, businesslike, and intelligent. Given the English character, cats of the breed are not active, impatient and unpretentious in care.

Manx breed

Russian blue

The name comes from the silver-blue color of its fur. It is short, smooth, soft. The cat has a refined figure and an equally aristocratic character. The animal is calm and not very active or sociable. Some Russian Blues are shy around strangers and even fearful. Therefore, overexposure is not advisable. But a babysitter from among your friends and relatives will do.

British Shorthair

The color of the coat is reminiscent of the Russian Blue, but the coat is longer and plusher. There are other colors too. There are 10 of them in the standard. The cat itself is more dense and stocky in build than the Russian Blue, and is distinguished by a wide, flattened muzzle. Some people confuse the breed with the Scottish Fold. Only, the British don't have droopy ears. The British character and lifestyle are lazy. The animal is independent, rarely asks to be held, and loves solitude. At the same time, the mustachioed man cannot be called insensitive. Affections from people are accepted, but in moderation.

Scottish lop-eared

Also on the list of independent lovers of solitude with the makings of an introvert. Characterized by playfulness and the ability to play without the participation of people or other animals. The cat entertains itself, the main thing is to provide it with toys. The Scotsman's body is muscular and stocky. The tips of the animal's ears hang down. The muzzle is wide and rounded. The roundness of shapes is also characteristic of the body.

Norwegian forest

This cat was taken by people from the wild. The tamed individuals turned out to be affectionate and docile, and began to be bred in captivity. From wild life, Norwegian foresters inherited a love of solitude, the ability to hunt and self-service. Like Scottish Folds, Norwegians entertain themselves. It is enough to leave your pet toys and climbing frames.

Norwegian Forest Cat


A cat with a wide, flat face and long, soft, fluffy fur. Tolerance for loneliness and calmness are combined with whimsical care. The structure of the muzzle and the nature of the coat require, at a minimum, frequent combing and cleaning of the eyes and ears. This must be taken into account by those who will be hired as nannies for an animal, or care for it during the absence of the owners.

If your Persian's eyes are not wiped daily, long hairs of fur may get into them. Tearfulness and inflammation begin. The ears require care because they grow in long and thick fur. The nose causes difficulties because the airways are greatly shortened.

Maine Coon

Another breed taken from the wild. In it, mustaches are found in America. The Maine Coon is larger than the average domestic cat, weighing about 12 kilograms. This is at a height of 40 cm at the withers. Representatives of the breed have long, thick, wild-colored fur. Does not require professional grooming. Rare brushing is enough. In other respects, the cat is also not whimsical; its character is independent and calm.

The Maine Coon's tendency to be alone is a legacy of wild life. It plays into the hands of owners who don’t like playful babies and are often absent from home. Among cats, there are also those who, on the contrary, are not well suited to separation from their owner. If any are predicted, it is better not to take: Orientals, Sphynxes, exotic shorthairs, Munchkins, Abyssinians.

Differences between the Sir Cat Hotel and home foster care

For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, there is a wonderful option where to leave a cat during the holidays - this is the Sir Cat hotel for cats. We have been successfully keeping pets for seven years. Now we have 5 branches and this is not the limit. We are constantly developing and expanding. Now we have more than 115 cozy rooms, for which there is almost always a waiting list.

Our cats live in individual boxes that are kept perfectly clean. They play and study with them. Every day, cat owners send a photo report to their owners, or you can order video surveillance and be aware of the animal’s condition from anywhere in the world.

Option three - give the cat up for foster care

A cat hotel is the most expensive option. In this case, you leave your beloved pet in the hands of professionals. You can be sure that the cat is kept in completely safe conditions. They won't eat what they don't need, won't jump out of the window, won't fight with the neighbor's animals. If something happens to your pet, the hotel for cats will immediately provide qualified assistance.

Many pet hotels have cameras that you can connect to via an app and thus monitor your pet.

Some hotels for cats can also help with home foster care, that is, finding a family where there are no allergy sufferers, no other animals, where they love cats and know how to care for them. You enter into an agreement that sets out the rights and obligations of the parties, and go on your trip with peace of mind.

Our conditions and room rates


  • Area 2.2 sq.m.
  • Cat's care
  • Daily photo report
  • Room cleaning
  • Care, feeding
  • Games and affection with your pet


1 of 10 left


  • Area 3.5 sq.m
  • Cat's care
  • Daily photo report
  • Room cleaning
  • Care, feeding
  • Video surveillance for 100r
  • Games and affection with your pet


3 out of 80 left


  • Area 4.2 sq.m
  • Cat's care
  • Daily photo report
  • Room cleaning
  • Care, feeding
  • Video surveillance for free
  • Spa treatments: ear cleaning, combing
  • Games and affection with your pet


2 out of 23 left

The Sir Cat Hotel, where you can leave your cat during your vacation for any length of time, offers its guests:

  • three types of rooms;
  • individual, habitual nutrition;
  • clean air and water;
  • games and affection;

But the most important thing we give to fluffy tails is boundless love. Keeping cats in our hotel is practically a cat spa. You will take the animal back refreshed, calm and peaceful.

Room rates range from 549 to 849 rubles per day. Additional charges may apply for some services.

Paid foster care or hotel for cats

In special hotels, pets are fed, bathed, and taken for walks until their owner returns. This method will be more expensive, but it has a number of advantages:

  • Specialists will take care of the cat. They will be responsible for the pet;
  • At the hotel, animals are kept separately in a specially designed room. The pet will not be harmed: it will not run away, will not fall out of the window and will not eat a poisonous plant;
  • If an animal is sick, it will receive immediate medical attention;
  • The hotel staff will professionally take care of animals with specific needs. They will provide the necessary care and treatment;
  • Possibility of 24/7 monitoring of your cat via webcam.

Visit the hotel before leaving your cat there and pay attention to the size and cleanliness of the cages, and the order in the premises. The smell of urine and fur in the premises are sure signs that the animal is in danger here. If your cat is going to walk in the yard, inspect the area. The pet can escape if it finds a gap or hole.

What are the disadvantages of fostering cats?

The main disadvantage is the lack of regulation of this type of business. Private foster care providers enter into a storage agreement (Chapter 37, 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). There are also disadvantages:

  • disorientation of the pet in search of a tray or bowl of food;
  • fights due to overcrowding of animals;
  • infection;
  • lack of video surveillance.

If your pet has never left its home, being in an unfamiliar place can cause a nervous breakdown.

Myth #5: I won't know how my pet is really being treated.

Usually, foster care specialists send a daily photo and video report. But you need to be careful: sometimes unscrupulous sitters try to take all the photos and videos on one day and then pass them off as actual ones.

Ask to send photos and videos from walks - it’s easier to understand exactly when the photo was taken based on the weather outside. Or arrange video calls with a specialist via instant messengers to see your four-legged friend in real time.

You should not call every two hours: this distracts the specialist from caring for the guests. If you are worried and doubt that your pet will be comfortable, it is better to look for another foster home.

What to choose: hotel or home foster care

Thoughts about separation from your pet often force you to meticulously search for a decent temporary place for it. A dilemma arises: give the cat to a good hotel, or entrust it to the hands of a caring private cat sitter. It's worth considering both options.


If your pet has a cocky character or is difficult to get along with, then it is advisable to place it in a pet hotel. Professionals work there; they will get along with the most difficult clients. The cat owner should take into account that the hotel only accepts healthy animals.

The cat owner must be prepared to provide the animal’s passport, which contains all mandatory preventive vaccinations. When moving in, the two parties must enter into a legal agreement. The conditions for the stay of the furry guest are prescribed there. The pet’s personal questionnaire is also filled out on site.

It is worth choosing an establishment that specializes only in cats. In universal hotels, the pet will be under constant stress - from being close to, for example, dogs or birds. The cost of keeping an animal depends on the range of services. It is recommended to arrange temporary shelter for your friend in advance.

Home foster care

Private apartments are suitable for sociable, calm cats who like to play a lot and panic from being in separate boxes. The owner needs to choose a guardian who will provide the pet with comfortable conditions in accordance with its inclinations. Conditions of overexposure are different everywhere.

The room where cats live should be cleaned daily using disinfectants. Feeding takes place at a certain time, and the owner can bring food for his pet himself, as well as other supplies.

Home foster care socializes the animal and provides primary veterinary care in emergency situations. Good, popular establishments of this type do not advertise themselves; usually information about them comes through word of mouth. There are zookeepers who work here and will never harm the animal. Paid establishments enter into an agreement with the owner of the animal to eliminate difficulties in the event of controversial situations.

Where can you place a pet cat or male cat while on vacation?

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Look around: like you, most of your relatives, acquaintances, friends or work colleagues definitely have a pet! According to statistics, today as many as 76% of the residents of our country have managed to acquire a four-legged family member. Half of all pets that live in apartments and houses among Russians in general and among Muscovites in particular are cats!

Therefore, you found and are reading this article, which means that you are not the only one who has a problem where you can place a cat during a vacation, business trip, illness, or due to other life circumstances. A cat owner always has several free options:

  • give the animal to relatives or friends for a while;
  • leave the keys to your apartment to your loved ones, neighbors, or concierge, although the latter is unlikely to want to take on such responsibility for free;
  • take the animal with you on a trip;
  • if the trip only takes you a few days, place trays with cat litter, dishes with food and water in large quantities in the corners of the apartment, close off the most valuable rooms from the animal and leave the cat at home.

The last option, indeed, was used by many of our clients and we know about it precisely from their stories. We know of such cases when maximum people tried to lock an animal in an apartment even for a week, and if the pet is endowed with a calm character, gentle disposition and is not particularly mischievous and is not used to taking revenge on the owner in any way, then this option for spending time in the apartment in the absence of the owner is somewhat days is fine.

If all of the above options are not suitable for you for one reason or another, and the question of where you can place your cat during a vacation or business trip arises quite often, and every time you have to get nervous and frantically search for suitable options, then a paid temporary caring for your animal:

  • hotel for cats
    – temporary keeping of animals in specially equipped enclosures;
  • keeping cats at home
    - temporary keeping of a cat in an apartment with a private person or an employee of an organization providing such services;
  • Cat nanny
    is a relatively new service for Moscow, which involves a daily visit of a nanny to your home in order to feed the cat, wash the tray and change the litter in it, pour fresh water, and play with the animal for at least a short amount of time.

All of the above options have their pros and cons, which we talked about in detail on other pages of our site, but they are united by the fact that the problem of many Moscow animal owners: where can you place your cat during a vacation or business trip, can now be solved and no longer exists be a problem. Today, animal lovers even have several options to choose from. The only pity is that many people don’t even know about it!

Useful information for beginners

If for the first time you are faced with the fact that you need to leave urgently, and there is no one to leave the animal with, then, of course, you, like any other beginners, will be scared and sometimes very difficult to choose one of three paid services, especially since by calling several hotels for cats or home foster care, you will never know the truth about how your animal will actually be kept, what disadvantages you should know about the temporary pet care service, and where, after all, you can temporarily house a cat so that the price-quality ratio is optimal.

Over the phone, they will definitely embellish your advantages and hide your shortcomings. Reviews on the Internet are also not very helpful: there will be few good ones, and many bad ones for any pet hotel you choose.

Why? Because those who were satisfied with the service provided will simply thank you, subsequently bring the animal again, recommend the place to friends and acquaintances, instead of singing the praises of the cat hotel on the Internet after returning from vacation or a business trip.

Let us tell you a secret that asking customers to leave reviews on a website is useless. Having promised, they still forget to do it, and forcing clients by disturbing them with phone calls with reminders that they need to do what they promised means losing both the client and their precious time.

Positive reviews are streams of flattering gratitude from those who used the service, which generally look strange and unnatural from the outside - after all, the animal in the pet hotel was not saved from an incurable disease and was not re-educated, which then gave the owner amazing results!

The animal was simply kept in an enclosure, fed, watered, its tray changed, and its well-being monitored. Those. kept the pet safe for the entire duration of its stay. And they did all this for money, sometimes very substantial, and not for charitable purposes for a nominal fee! It’s the same as using a taxi service, and then writing a flattering review about how great the taxi is: the driver didn’t kill or rob, he delivered on time, he didn’t take long routes to increase the rate, etc.

Negative reviews are streams of unflattering and abusive information that can be found in large quantities on the Internet. Basically, this information is about poor-quality service, mistreatment of an animal, or an illness allegedly acquired at the hotel. It, like the positive one, in 95% of cases is not supported by any facts, which, by the way, owners should pay attention to first of all when choosing a pet hotel or foster home for their pet.

Facts, for example, include some copies of documents, horrific photos or videos of an unfortunate animal “before” and “after”, which was treated poorly at the hotel, according to the indignant owner who left a negative review. At worst, there should be at least similar negative cases described by different clients, at different times on different sites, which clearly make it clear that the hotel, indeed, has a certain problem that many clients have been complaining about for a long time, but, judging by the latest reviews, it has not been eliminated.

Also, do not forget that negative reviews are very often just a battle expressed in writing between competing organizations. Copying the abusive text of a review left on one site and simply pasting it on numerous other sites and forums is a simple matter.

Having found all this in large quantities on the Internet, you will still never be able to get a correct idea from such reviews about the place where your animal will be.

As a beginner, you can follow a few simple rules that will help you choose the best place for you and the animal where you can place your cat for a while:

  1. Definitely, aggressive, willful or dominant cats or cats that show aggression or irritation even towards the owner should be sent to a cat hotel.

    In a stressful environment, an animal can behave extremely inappropriately, contrary to its self-preservation instincts. Namely: to be the first to rush into battle, not to let anyone get close even at a distance of several meters, to catch up with a person leaving the conquered territory in order to rush into an unjustified fight, tightly clinging to the legs or arms of a person, to fall into an even greater rage because that a person uses some kind of weapon or means of protection (slippers, mop, etc.) All this makes it impossible for the pet to live at home.

  2. Definitely, pets who seriously misbehave at home should be taken to a cat hotel: using the toilet in the wrong places, damaging curtains, wallpaper, upholstered furniture, throwing various objects from a height, digging up pots of house plants, stealing food from the table, etc.

    Even if a person involved in home foster care loves cats very much, he will not allow the animal to create a mess, disrupt the usual routine for all family members, destroy the home comfort created over the years, cause material damage to furniture or some other things, or keep others in tension with with the help of unpredictability, diversity and a large number of dirty tricks already done.

    Objectively weigh your animal's behavior before choosing home foster care!

  3. It is advisable not to give it up for home foster care, but to send an uncastrated adult cat to a hotel if there is a risk that the cat will start marking in a new place.

    In a home foster home, one way or another, there is the smell of other animals - previous guests, which is detected at the level of the cat's sense of smell. An unneutered cat may begin to mark new territory anyway, but this becomes even more likely if there are odors from other animals.

    You can give an animal for home fostering only when you are absolutely sure that it will go to the toilet exclusively in the litter tray.

  4. It is more convenient to use the services of a hotel for cats if you often have unplanned business trips or prefer to fly on vacation on last-minute packages.

    Good and qualified home foster care, with all the variety of offers, is rare. Usually, people who take in four-legged guests already have their own regular clients, and the schedule of arrivals is planned several months in advance. You can find an excellent foster care worker, but in case of an emergency trip, your cat will not always be able to be accepted into a home foster care facility, since the place is already occupied.

    The pet hotel will always provide free space.

  5. Home foster care is necessary for animals that require special care.

    Home foster care is suitable for special pets:

    • kittens in need of feeding;
    • elderly animals;

  6. cats and kittens who have been prescribed treatment and medical care (dressings, injections, medication, etc.)
  7. show breeds that require special daily grooming;
  8. bare rocks that require above-average air temperatures;
  9. unvaccinated cats for which staying in a hotel is dangerous.
  10. Home foster care is best suited for animals left for long periods of time (from a month).

    A cat can stay in a small enclosed space in a hotel enclosure for 2-3 weeks without any problems. After some time spent locked up, the animal begins to yearn for physical activity and communication with humans.

    Living next to humans, cats become very dependent on tactile contact. The cat loves stroking, all kinds of scratching, as well as the warmth and softness of the human body. Curling up on or next to a person, enjoying touch, is often a way for a cat to soothe its nervous system.

    This ritual becomes a persistent habit. When an animal lacks such contact for a long time, as well as the ability to move freely around its territory, the animal’s psyche becomes depressed over time, and the meaning of existence disappears.

  11. for those who do not want to create additional stress for the cat.

    In a situation where you are sure that your animal will be best at home, then a cat sitter is the best option for you. The nanny's responsibilities include cleaning the cat's litter box, feeding the animal, and filling its bowl with fresh drinking water. The nanny can also chat with the animal, scratch behind the ear for at least 15-20 minutes a day, and play with a mouse or a ball.

    If you are not afraid to entrust your apartment to a stranger and want to try this service, then we advise you to work out this issue in advance, because cat sitters are still a rarity in Moscow, and you need to get to know the person to whom you are going to entrust both the apartment and the pet in advance.

We hope that this article at least partially answers your question about where you can place a cat during your vacation.

Finally, professional advice to all cat owners - do not demand the impossible from those who provide such necessary services today: to take full responsibility for the safety of your pet. Be a responsible owner for your part!

  • Vaccinate your cat promptly and without fail, even if it has been at home all its life, and also give the animal anthelmintic drugs at least 2 times a year.
  • When choosing a hotel or home foster care, come to see the conditions of detention in advance, this will be best.
  • Raise your animal so that you and other people receive joy from communicating with your pet.

to “Where can I place a pet cat or male cat while on vacation?”

  1. zooapteka:

    03/20/2014 at 06:40

    My friends help me. If I go away, they don't mind taking my cat for a while.



    07/12/2015 at 00:55

    An animal lover, usually a dog or cat owner, will take your pet in during your vacation or departure and look after it as if it were his own. The advantage of this option is that the pet will be in a home environment, this is especially important for animals with an active psyche, they will play with it, walk with it, and there will not be many animals in the apartment.


      Sergey Tsybenko:

      07/12/2015 at 09:41

      This is very strange what you write. Firstly, it is a lie that you can take someone else’s animal and look after it “as if it were your own.” Secondly, it’s immediately obvious that you’ve never done this because: 1. If someone else’s cat is brought to you, it usually hides somewhere under the bathroom and shits on itself there. And it needs to be pulled out of there somehow, since no one wants deposits of excrement in the most inaccessible places. As a result, the cats are sent to cages, for their own safety, because she can die there under the bathtub. 2. If they bring you the cutest dog, after the owner leaves, it turns into a hysterical dog, howling all night and trying to chew through the door and jamb. And no bribes or attempts at peaceful negotiations lead to results when the animal suffers for its owner. As a result, the dog is given a cradle so that it does not wake up the neighbors, and it goes into a cage. Or she manages to escape on the street, snatching the leash, twisting out of the collar, and she goes off to look for her native pinatas.


  3. Nina:

    10/16/2015 at 23:09

    ROSTOV-on-Don. Domestic animal care, have work experience. 89185020548


  4. Svetlana:

    10/28/2015 at 12:59

    Join my group created for announcements on fostering domestic cats in Chelyabinsk or the Chelyabinsk region during the holidays =)

    Write your advertisements, offer or find a foster home for your cat! I suggest not only considering options for paid foster care, but also uniting to help each other take care of our cats for free during vacations or long trips out of town.


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Pros of fostering cats

The obvious advantage of private foster care for cats is low prices. Instead of cages, there is a familiar room with a sofa and rug. What else attracts people in such establishments:

  • freedom of movement for the cat;
  • fewer guests than in zoo hotels.
  • more attention to the pet;
  • You can find such a service closer to your place of residence.

There are also free foster care centers in cities where street animals are taken care of. They are treated, treated for parasites, washed, and fattened. Volunteers provide food, medicine, and household items.

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