How to calm a cat when she is walking and help during heat?

Antisex for cats is used to suppress the sexual function of pets and prolong the period of sexual rest. This veterinary drug has a relatively safe composition, therefore it is very popular among animal owners who do not dare to undergo radical sterilization and are afraid of postoperative complications.


Not the most effective way to calm a cat at home, but in some cases it really works. During heat, you need to “move” her into a separate room and provide her with maximum comfort. You can put a warm heating pad under the bed, place bowls of food and water nearby, and also try to avoid situations that could frighten or irritate the already emotionally unstable state of the pet.

If there is also a cat living in the house, the animals should be isolated from each other. To calm the instinct that is running wild, you should not let your cat go outside if it is accustomed to walking “free.” In this way, you can not only limit her communication with her relatives, but also avoid an unplanned pregnancy.

Drops for cats so that they don’t want a cat

In cats, sexual activity occurs in the spring. It is then that they begin to especially annoy their owners by meowing, rushing outside and damaging household property. To cope with this condition, many owners prefer drops. But still, if a cat wants a cat, how to calm him down, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

The following have proven to be the best sedative drops for cats:

  • "Sex barrier";
  • "Contra-sex";
  • "Cat Baiyun".

You can buy them at any veterinary pharmacy.

Sexual needs of a cat

When a cat yells and asks for a cat, this indicates a thirst for the realization of its main purpose inherent in nature - fertilization and bearing offspring. The animal is ripe for this, and the body requires the fulfillment of natural sexual needs and the removal of arousal.

Raised pelvis

How does your pet behave?

  • screams loudly, sometimes unnaturally, meows obsessively from time to time;
  • behaves restlessly, aggressively;
  • rubs against furniture, people's legs, household objects;
  • lifts the pelvis.

At this moment, the animal’s genitals swell slightly, and in some cases a slight discharge appears. During estrus, a cat will instantly become aroused by any cat, so to prevent fertilization it is necessary to completely exclude contacts of individuals of the opposite sex.

Attention! Some cats, when in heat, on the contrary, become very affectionate, they literally stick to their owners.

Indications for taking Antisex

Antisex is recommended to be used to suppress the first heat in young cats (7-9 months) that have just reached puberty. This is especially important if young animals come into contact with adult animals or have the opportunity to visit the street. The drug is indicated if the cat shows signs of estrus, but mating is undesirable.

These symptoms include:

  • loud meowing;
  • restless behavior;
  • attempts to jump out the window;
  • aggression towards owners;
  • rolling on the floor, etc.

Often the estrus period lasts up to 2 weeks. At this time, the cat needs the drug. The indication for the use of the product is the onset of estrus, since surgery cannot be performed at this time.

In addition, the drug is recommended for use in cases where sterilization of the animal is impossible due to existing contraindications.

Pros and cons of oral contraception for cats

Hormonal drugs have many side effects, which not all owners are aware of.

These drugs inhibit the course of hunting, but can cause serious complications:

  • formation of cysts and neoplasms;
  • pyometra;
  • endometritis;
  • breast cancer;
  • infertility.

The advantages of using oral contraceptives include their low cost and availability. But this method also has disadvantages: risks of complications, the need to increase the dose to achieve the desired effect, and age restrictions.

How to calm an animal

  • One of the easiest and simplest ways is to give your pet as much affection and attention as possible. Many argue that it is better not to touch a cat during sexual activity; this statement is considered erroneous. On the contrary, showing as much attention and affection as possible will allow the purr to calm down and relieve tension.
  • Also, do not forget about your pet’s active games. Active games distract her and give her physical exercise. In order to at least slightly distract the pet from the great desire to procreate, it is worth giving her a good drive, thereby she will get rid of the accumulated energy and get a little tired. After such games, the pet is unlikely to want to walk around the house and scream hysterically.
  • You can temporarily calm a screaming cat by bathing it, so the cat, licking itself, will give you several hours of peace and tranquility. But you can only bathe your cat if your home is warm and there are no drafts.
  • During heat, try to feed your pet often and in small portions; while she is eating, she will naturally be busy; such feeding will also have a beneficial effect on digestion and the condition of the body as a whole.

Such methods do not always help, but in many cases they calm and distract her for a short time; most importantly, they are completely harmless to your pet’s health.

You can calm the animal with the help of sedatives, such as herbal infusion Kot Bayun and special Anti-Stress drops. They are completely safe and help correct the pet’s behavior during estrus. Should be used following the instructions. They are especially helpful if your pet is having a hard time in estrus and is in a constant stressful situation.


Herbal preparations act softer, weaker, but also cause much fewer adverse reactions. The following representatives of herbal remedies are widely used:

  1. "Cat Baiyun". A natural drug whose sedative effect is caused by the influence of several herbs at once. The composition includes valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, sweet clover, oregano and others.
  2. "Anti-stress". A preparation based on motherwort. The composition includes not only herbs, but also vitamins and minerals that have a general strengthening effect.
  3. "Stop stress." A sedative containing phenibut and medicinal plant extracts.

Although herbal remedies have a weaker effect, they are still preferable for cats. They are much safer and rarely cause side effects.

Chemical composition and mechanism of action

Antisex contains 2 components:

  • ethinyl estradiol;
  • mepregenol acetate.

These substances have a depressing effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the brain, which is responsible for controlling the production of sex gonadotropic hormones in cats. The drug has an antiestrogenic and antiovulatory effect. It helps eliminate sexual desire in the animal.

Absorption of the main active substance occurs from the gastrointestinal tract. After this, it is processed in the liver tissues, where it breaks down into simpler substances, incl. conjugates and steroids. Decomposition products are excreted in feces and urine. After completing a course of therapy with this medication, up to 90% of the active substance is eliminated within 15 days.

In what cases are sedatives given?

Giving sedatives without a prescription is very harmful. It is better, of course, to solve the problem without medication. But, if this is not possible, then sedatives can be used as prescribed by the veterinarian. This is done in the following situations:

  • travel in transport;
  • moving to another apartment house;
  • when a new person appears in the family;
  • restless behavior during sexual desire;
  • visiting events, salons;
  • visiting veterinary clinics;
  • mental disorders.

Review of popular anti-festival remedies for cats and kittens

Veterinary medications for the “walking” of cats should not be given to immature pets, females during pregnancy and lactation, animals suffering from diabetes, pathologies of the genitourinary system, and cancer.

To prevent your pet from wandering, you can use drops, tablets and injections. Among the most popular are “Gestrenol”, “Covinan”, “Covinanet”, “Stop-intim”, “Sex-control”, “EX-5”, “EX-7.5”, “ContraSex Neo”.

Gestrenol: drops and tablets

This drug, containing mepregenol propionate and ethinyl estradiol, is produced by NVP Astrapharm LLC in 2 forms: tablets and drops for oral use. Tablets and solution for regulating sexual activity are prepared separately for females and males. Detailed information about the composition and methods of use of Gestrenol, depending on the form of release, is presented in the table:

Forms of release of the veterinary drugMode of applicationApplication diagram
PillsFor catsForced upon the onset of estrus by placing the medicine on the root of the tongue1-2 pills daily until the side effects completely stop. When a rapid effect is achieved, the veterinary drug is continued to be given to the pet for at least another day.
For cats
DropsFor catsDrop into the mouth, on the nose, or given along with a treatTo interrupt estrus at the first symptoms of the onset of estrus, 1 time per day for 3–5 days: 4 drops for pets weighing up to 5 kg, 5–8 drops for cats weighing 6–10 kg. To delay the estrous cycle between heats: 4 drops once every 7 days. To prevent pregnancy - no later than 24 hours after sexual intercourse: 8 drops twice at 24-hour intervals.
For catsTo stop sexual heat at the first symptoms of it, once a day for 3–5 days: 4 drops for a pet weighing up to 5 kg, 4–8 drops for a cat weighing 5.1–10 kg. For calming during sexual rest: 4 drops 1 time every 1.5–2 weeks on an ongoing basis.

Suspensions for injections (injections) “Covinan” and “Covinavet”

These antisex drugs regulate sexual desire in females and contain prolygestone. They should not be used for prolonged vaginal discharge. They are inserted under the skin between the shoulder blades. You cannot make intradermal injections, or inject drugs into subcutaneous fat deposits and scar tissue. Information about suspensions for injection "Covinan" and "Covinavet":

Name of veterinary drugMode of application
For the development of persistent anestrusFor one-time prevention of the onset of the estrous cycle
CowinanThe first injection is given during sexual rest, the second – after 3 months, the third – after another 4 months, then the drug is administered every 5 months.The suspension is used once during the period of met- or anestrus. The dose of the medicine is 1 ml. For pets weighing more than 7 kg, the dosage can be increased by 1.5 times.
CovinavetThe solution is used during the period of sexual rest or 2-3 days before the onset of estrus. Dosages of the drug: 1 ml – for cats weighing up to 3 kg, 1–1.5 ml – for pets weighing 3–5 kg, 1.5–2.5 ml – for animals weighing more than 5 kg.

Sex Barrier

Sex Barrier is an oral hormonal veterinary drug, the main effect of which is aimed at regulating sexual desire. Walking drops for cats effectively eliminate all problems associated with sexual heat. They prevent unwanted pregnancy, suppress arousal, and correct unwanted behavior of furry purrs. In case of accidental mating, the drug must be used within 24 hours.

Sex Barrier for Animals

The main active ingredients are mepregenol acetate and ethinyl estradiol, which enhance the effect of each other. They block the production of GnRH in the hypothalamus, which in turn prevents the secretion of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. In females, the secretion of estrogen slows down, the development of follicles in the ovaries slows down, and ovulation does not occur.

It is strictly forbidden to use in animals that have not reached puberty, as well as in cats suffering from urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, or in the presence of neoplasms of various etiologies.

When is it better to do without medications?

It is recommended to stop using medications if your cat has severe chronic diseases, especially diabetes. In addition, the medication should not be used if the animal has been diagnosed with neoplasms in the genitourinary system. The use of a hormonal agent can stimulate their rapid growth.

Further use of Antisex is contraindicated if the cat showed signs of an allergic reaction after taking it. Treatment with medication is unacceptable if the animal has previously had swelling of the mammary glands. It is necessary to discontinue further use of Antisex and other hormonal drugs in case of side effects such as increased appetite in the cat and a sharp change in its behavior.

Sterilization is the most humane method

Cats that meow loudly, heart-rendingly during heat and behave aggressively are a big problem for owners. If breeding offspring is not part of the owner's plans, it is better to sterilize the animal. After the operation, the pet will forever forget what hormonal surges and sudden mood swings are. The main advantage of sterilization is reducing the risk of developing life-threatening diseases of the genitourinary system. Thanks to this, the cat’s life expectancy increases by 5, or even 10 years. In modern veterinary clinics, the operation is performed with minimal tissue damage, and the material used for suturing dissolves on its own over time.

In the first days after sterilization, it is important to monitor the cat’s well-being. If her temperature has risen or her general health has worsened, it is necessary to urgently call a veterinarian at home. Self-medication for such complications is contraindicated. If you begin to deal with the consequences in a timely manner, the chances of successful recovery are as high as possible.

Description of the drug

The drug Antisex is a hormonal drug containing a synthetic progestogen. The substances present in this medication act on the gonads of cats. This leads to the fact that the animal’s estrus stops and sexual rest occurs.

The maximum doses of this drug are required only during the period when the animal begins to walk. In the future, you need to give a maintenance amount of the drug, which prolongs the period of sexual rest. The product is designed for long-term use. It is necessary to take into account that this drug is hormonal, therefore it has a complex effect on the animal’s body.

How to help without drugs?

If a cat has entered a state of high sexual activity, there is no need to use any “old-fashioned” folk methods, including acts that are cruel to the animal. It is forbidden to wet cats under cold water, smear their face or intimate area with irritating agents, or try to give them herbal tinctures to drink. This will only increase stress in the pet, and, in addition, will cause distrust in the owner.

The best option would be to isolate the animal in a safe room, take the “walking” cat in your arms as little as possible, and pet it. But physical activity, on the contrary, needs to be increased. You need to play with your pet as much as possible, using a laser pointer or making sunbeams, throwing soft balls or inviting him to run after a string. A tired and out of breath animal will go to bed and will torment both itself and its household less.

Fatigue calms even the most active cats

If a mustachioed pet goes for a walk outside (for example, in the area of ​​a private house), these exercises should be stopped during sexual activity. If you let a cat in heat out for a walk, there is a 100% chance that a cat will sneak in and the animal will return home in a state of pregnancy. Accordingly, a cat in a state of “walking” will simply run away and go in search of a partner.

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