A cat is walking: how to calm an animal during heat

When a cat goes into heat, this is a signal that the animal’s body is ready for mating and procreation. But in most cases, the pet’s instinct will not be satisfied, and the owners, tired of the constant, heart-rending cries of the cat, are looking for ways to calm the animal. When many drugs, although they help, can subsequently negatively affect the health of the animal, folk remedies are no less effective - they will calm the animal and will not harm the body.


Specialized medications provide quick results and a high-quality effect to calm a cat in heat. But you should not abuse them regularly. Such drugs negatively affect not only the reproductive and hormonal systems, but also the entire body. Subsequently, they can cause severe illness in the animal, including the development of cancer.

If you resort to traditional medicinal methods of calming your pet, then preference should be given to the safest of them. Veterinarians recommend using a medicine called Kot Bayun during the period of estrus. Its main components are sedative herbs.

Products based on natural ingredients such as Fitex and Relax Easy Travel are also preferred. The disadvantage of herbal sedatives is that they are not equally suitable for everyone, so owners often have to buy and try several different drugs before finding an effective one.

There are also means to calm a cat during heat, such as a collar with pheromones. Such collars are somewhat more expensive than tablets or drops, but their effectiveness is much greater.

When is it better to do without medications?

It is recommended to stop using medications if your cat has severe chronic diseases, especially diabetes. In addition, the medication should not be used if the animal has been diagnosed with neoplasms in the genitourinary system. The use of a hormonal agent can stimulate their rapid growth.

Further use of Antisex is contraindicated if the cat showed signs of an allergic reaction after taking it. Treatment with medication is unacceptable if the animal has previously had swelling of the mammary glands. It is necessary to discontinue further use of Antisex and other hormonal drugs in case of side effects such as increased appetite in the cat and a sharp change in its behavior.

Traditional methods of calming down during estrus

If it so happens that the cat is in heat, about which she notified her owner with a heart-rending cry, and there is no medicine at hand and no way to get it, you can use various folk methods. These methods are safe and give good results, albeit short-term. Therefore, they are used as an emergency measure. Recipes for calming a cat:

  1. Give your pet a decoction based on medicinal herbs that have a sedative effect. To prepare a decoction, you can use chamomile, mint or linden. Prepare a decoction according to one recipe - 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed, pre-dried ingredient and leave the drink to steep until it cools, strain. You can give the decoction to your cat in its pure form or add it to food or water. It is especially effective to pour the decoction into the animal’s mouth at night; the soothing effect of the herbs will help the cat fall asleep.
  2. When the cat begins to have another attack of strong screaming, you can dip its butt in cool water and hold it in it for several minutes. Albeit not for long, but this measure will help calm down the wandering murka.
  3. You can bathe your cat in the shower. After the water procedure, your pet will be busy only licking its fur for 4-5 hours and will simply not have time to meow. It is best to carry out the water procedure late in the evening, then the owners will have the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.
  4. A weak solution of vinegar is an effective, proven way to calm a walking cat to rest for a while. Dilute the vinegar with water to make a slightly sour-tasting liquid, and pour a small amount into the animal’s mouth.
  5. To distract your cat from her heat, you can apply a small amount of butter to her face. As with the shower, the animal will be busy cleaning itself up for a long time afterward.
  6. You can calm your pet with a drink of milk and soda. There should be a little soda: no more than on the tip of a knife.
  7. If a cat keeps you awake all night with its heart-rending screams, it is recommended that you forcefully pour 50 g of vodka into its mouth in the evening. An intoxicated and calm animal will sleep all night.
  8. For a day, a walking animal will be calmed by this recipe - crush ¼ tablet of Diphenhydramine and a whole tablet of valerian, mix the powders together and give to the cat. You can add a mixture of crushed drugs to food.
  9. Another way to distract an animal in pain is to give a closed jar of valerian; such a toy will amuse the cat for a long time.
  10. Experienced cat owners recommend putting a copper plate in a bowl of water; it should lie in the water until the estrus period passes.

There are plenty of ways to calm a screaming pet during heat. Each owner can choose the most suitable and acceptable option for himself. During the period of heat, it is important to give the cat maximum attention, constantly walk with her, play, and frolic. The more exhausted a cat is from outdoor games during the evening, the better she will sleep, and with her, her owners will be able to relax in silence.

Ways to achieve a more effective effect of cleansing fluid administered through an enema

In answer to the question of how to do an enema at home, in addition to using it correctly, there should be ways to help the tissues of the intestinal walls better absorb the cleansing agent with which it is filled. These methods include:

  • The first method is to perform a relaxing retraction of the abdomen after infusion of liquid.
  • The second method is to perform a physical exercise in which, after filling the intestines with a cleansing liquid, you need to lie on your back near the wall, raise your legs and buttocks up and fix this position with your hands, supporting your lower back. Then, with such a physical stance, your legs need to be rested with your heels against the wall, and your stomach should be relaxed as much as possible. You can achieve maximum relaxation of the abdomen by lightly stroking it from the bottom to the beginning of the chest. In this weakened state, the intestines are most able to absorb the infused cleanser. To achieve the greatest therapeutic effect, you must remain in this position for at least 10 minutes.
  • The third method is reinforcing. After standing with your legs raised, you should lie on your right side to allow the liquid to reach the most inaccessible places in the intestine, where a huge amount of toxic substances are deposited. For people suffering from hypertension, the stand with legs raised can be completely changed to a position on the right side.

After such preventive manipulations with the body, the release of the intestines should occur in several stages. Don't be afraid of this. This is normal. But at the same time, you should not delay the emptying process for too long, since the liquid in the intestines will begin to be absorbed into its tissues, which means that toxic substances will go back into the body.

Alternative Methods

If a cat constantly screams during estrus, and neither folk methods nor specialized remedies help her, in such cases you cannot do without hormonal drugs. You can purchase them in specialized pet stores and from a veterinarian. The form of release of hormonal drugs is drops, tablets and solutions for injections.

Despite the high efficiency and quick results of hormonal drugs, when used regularly they can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the animal. Therefore, the owner should think carefully about whether he is ready to risk the health and life of his pet.

If, nevertheless, the choice fell on hormonal drugs, their negative impact on the body can be minimized only by choosing the right drug. Before buying such a product, it is imperative to consult with a veterinarian who, based on the results of a blood test for hormones, will select the most optimal drug for the animal.

There is another fairly simple way to temporarily calm the animal - to organize a thermal bed for the cat, the role of which is played by a simple heating pad filled with water. It is enough to place the cat on a warm heating pad and cover it with a warm blanket; this measure will calm it down a little.

Gulena cat: all the subtleties of the process

There is an opinion that a cat wants a cat in the spring, or more precisely, in March. And it is true... in relation to the “correct” cats living “in nature”. Natural laws tell them to walk in the spring, feed their offspring in the warm season, and in the cold, think only about survival. Unfortunately or fortunately, the sleek, mustachioed pets who live in our homes look down on this opinion. A sweet life and a good diet lead to the fact that they are ready to reproduce throughout the summer and autumn months, and even winter.

At what age does a cat start asking for a cat?

What time do cats start walking? It depends on its breed: usually a cat begins to ask for a cat for the first time in the sixth to tenth month of life. However, despite the onset of puberty before the age of one year, she is not always able to give birth to healthy babies at this time. If a cat wants a cat for the first time, it is advisable not to let them meet at least until the age of one and a half years.

Signs of estrus in a tailed “bride”

What signs in an animal's behavior indicate that a cat wants a cat? There are a lot of them, and it’s difficult not to notice the signs that a cat has gone on a spree:

  • the cat screams both day and night, trying to run away from the house;
  • cannot stay in one place;
  • cuddles up to people and rubs against objects;
  • calm cats become aggressive, and vice versa;
  • rolls on the floor, lifts its tail up or to the side, tramples with its hind legs, as if squatting on them;
  • loses appetite or almost refuses to eat;
  • noticeable discharge from the genitals;
  • urination becomes more frequent.

How often does a cat ask for a cat?

How many days does a cat walk? The duration of her estrus varies from person to person. But the end of this period, when the cat has gone on a spree, does not mean at all that the owners can relax for a long time: if the “bride” did not manage to meet the “groom”, screaming and rolling on the floor can resume after a week or two. And to the question “how many days does the cat ask for the cat?” the exhausted owners answer: “all 365 in a year!” How this looks in practice, look at the video (Alexey Karasev).

How long does a cat walk?

How long does the cat ask for the cat? The duration of estrus is usually from 7 to 20 days. If the “bride” does not become pregnant, then the “wedding requirements” will be repeated every 14-21 days until she is expecting children or the resting season begins. Occasionally, a third option is also possible, the so-called false pregnancy, which postpones the appearance of a new period when the cat wants a cat.

Stages of heat

The estrus process can be roughly divided into four stages.

  1. The first is called proestrus. It lasts from 1 to 4 days and is characterized by the relative calm of the animal. The beginning of the period when the cat went on a spree is indicated only by quiet throaty meows and obsessive caressing of the owners. The tailed cat is not yet ready to meet a roaming cat.
  2. The second period, estrus, can last 7–10 days. The female begins not just to scream, but to scream at the top of her lungs. When you stroke her back, she crouches, moving her tail to the side. This means they are ready to mate. If you want to let her have a kitten or several, it is better to bring a male on the 3rd-5th day of estrus.
  3. In the third period, metestrus, which lasts from 3 to 12 days, the pet that has walked with the “groom” will drive away all applicants. When fertilization does not occur, a false pregnancy may begin, very similar to the real one, but not ending in childbirth. True pregnancy in your pet lasts 60–70 days.
  4. In the last, fourth period, called anestrus, she calms down.

What are the risks of constant pregnancy?

Exclusively by an increase in the number of stray animals (in the case of stray cats), as well as depletion of the mother’s body (in the case of “industrial” reproduction). In general, constant pregnancy is harmful for cats . After all, you and your pet do not live in the jungle, where kittens and cats can be eaten at any moment, so such high fertility only causes a lot of problems.

Interesting fact: frequent postpartum heats are typical for cats whose litters constantly contain “rejected”, underdeveloped kittens.

Moreover, in such cases, the mother often eats the entire litter and immediately begins to “hunt” for the cats. This is also a physiologically based phenomenon. If an animal feels that the offspring has “failed,” its body tries with all its might to fulfill the reproductive function assigned to it. That is, get rid of an unnecessary brood and urgently get pregnant again.

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