Instructions: how to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor in an apartment

A cat in the house personifies comfort, warmth and tenderness, but if mistreated by the owner, not entirely pleasant character traits may appear. Innate instincts cause the animal to express dissatisfaction and mark its territory, leaving urine stains. It doesn’t matter to him how expensive your flooring or furniture is, the main thing is to express yourself. It is difficult to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor; it contains many chemical elements.

Why does the unpleasant smell of cat urine appear in the apartment?

When a pet poops in a cute litter box, this is an indicator of illness, anxiety and fright, pickiness (the owner changed the litter and is not happy with it), retaliatory aggression, etc.

Basically, there are two reasons - illness and changes in behavior due to some factors. Therefore, it is recommended to have your pet examined by a veterinarian so as not to look for ways to remove the smell of cat urine on an ongoing basis. A dirty tray is another reason for the stench, the discharge becomes concentrated, and animals don’t like going into it.

Reasons why a cat does not use the litter tray for its intended purpose

The cat doesn't like his litter box.
The owner of a mustache needs to pay attention to the size of the cat and the litter box. Maybe it's not quite the right size for him.

The tray should be no less than one and a half times larger than the pet. The location of the cat litter is calm and secluded. If there are several cats in the house, then it is possible for each pet to have a separate litter box, since not all animals like to share their litter box. Another common reason is a poorly washed tray. Cats have a much better sense of smell than humans, and they have a great sense of how clean their litter box is. It is better to clean it using detergents every day.

New smells. Cats perceive all other people's smells as an encroachment on their personal territory. Thus, the “king” reminds who is the boss of the house. This feature of cats must be remembered when guests come to the house. To avoid an unpleasant situation, it is better to place someone else's shoes higher on the shelf.

Stressful situations. Cats are usually quite sensitive people. They perfectly feel the homely atmosphere and, even more so, the attitude towards their loved one. If a cat is offended, then he can remind you of his personality in a similar way. Cats require an even, calm attitude; they do not tolerate excessive affection, much less rough treatment.

Problems related to your pet's health. Mostly older people are prone to this; they tend to urinate more frequently and sometimes even experience urinary incontinence.

Territory marker. The pet sprays a small stream of urine in a wide variety of places, and he does this perfectly well in the house. A tendency to these actions manifests itself in uncastrated cats. Thus, he attracts the attention of cute cats to his person. The cat shows with its marks that it is in charge and dominates other individuals.

Is the smell of cat urine harmful to humans?

The discharge may contain parasites that cause toxoplasmosis and are dangerous for pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant women are not recommended to wash trays, or to do it with gloves and then wash their hands.

The substance in the discharge that causes such a terrible “aroma” is ammonia. In animal urine its content is about 0.05%. Ammonia and emissions are harmful to human health. Of course, nothing bad will happen to the pet owner from just one puddle, but neglecting cleaning can lead to serious consequences.

Ammonia vapors, when inhaled, can cause an allergic reaction, cough, runny nose, and asthma. Therefore, trays are cleaned daily so that there are no reasons to look for options on how to eliminate the smell of cat urine in the apartment.

Method number 9. Weaning or scaring away

Agree that constantly running around the house with a damp cloth and sniffing suspiciously is not an easy task. It is much easier to train a cat not to violate the hygiene of your home.

I tried a lot, but these methods turned out to be the best:

  • In the cat’s favorite place for unauthorized urination, place pungent-smelling substances - from ground pepper, cinnamon, coffee, basil, vinegar, lemon - to gasoline, fuel oil or creosote (if the cat has completely exhausted you).
    These smells will scare away the animal; Important: place the odorous substances in a closed container with holes checked (for example, a plastic multivitamin bottle). To be sure, attach the container to the wall or furniture with tape so that the cat does not simply roll away the odorous container.
  • hang the peels of oranges, lemons or grapefruits in a net; these fruits are unpleasant to a cat’s sense of smell;
  • observe the behavior of the animal, perhaps it is offended or takes revenge on you with fragrant puddles;
  • Use veterinary drugs such as “Antigadin” and “Antigadin Happy Cat” in areas of cat marks.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor

There are many substances and ways to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor in an apartment at home. There are budget options, since available components are used, and more expensive ones, due to the use of industrially produced products.

Remove the smell of cat urine using folk remedies

Pet owners who have soiled themselves even once are looking for ways to remove the smell of cat urine. Folk remedies are the first thing that is used in such cases. Also, knowledge about recipes will be useful if you need to remove the smell of cat urine from the apartment from the previous owners.

Potassium permangantsovka

One of the available tips on how to remove the cat urine smell in an apartment using improvised means is the use of potassium permanganate. Pink shiny crystals are inexpensive and are on the shelves of every pharmacy.

Before removing the “surprise” from your pet, prepare a saturated solution. Crystals are poured into the water and stirred for several minutes. You need to dissolve them well, otherwise the crystals will stain the floor. Wipe the area with moistened cotton wool and rinse off the residue completely.


Table and apple cider vinegar are effective. To ensure that removing puddles and stench from linoleum does not cause harm to the respiratory system (table vinegar smells very strongly), you need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Then remove the moisture with a rag, and pour diluted vinegar onto the area. You will need to rub the area for a few minutes. After cleaning, the floor is washed and the room is ventilated so that the apartment does not smell of vinegar and cat urine.

Apple cider vinegar is enhanced with powder. The procedure for removing the smell of cat urine with this vinegar is similar to working with 9% vinegar.

It is mixed with powder in a 1:1 ratio and rubbed into the dirty area. After treatment, wash off the remaining cleaning components with water. It is acceptable to use a diluted acid solution on fabrics, carpets, and furniture.


Soft baking soda is a unique product that fights a wide variety of stains. Soda to remove the smell of cat urine will clean both carpet and textiles.

Baking soda and 9% vinegar are effective ways to remove the smell of cat urine in the house. First, soda is poured onto the floor and left for 2-3 hours to absorb the stench. Sometimes this is enough. Then the area soiled by the cat is sprinkled with diluted vinegar, left for half an hour, and cleaned.

Hydrogen peroxide and soda

A product made from the following ingredients will help clear the smelly area: baking soda, Fairy and hydrogen peroxide to remove the smell of cat urine. The mixture will kill the stench on linoleum and upholstery.

At the first stage of cleaning, soda is poured onto the dirt and left for 2-3 hours. They don't clean it up. Peroxide and dishwashing detergent – ​​“Fairy” or any other – are mixed in a container. Proportions – half a glass of peroxide and 1 tsp. gel.

It is poured into a spray bottle and sprinkled with soda; it is also a good idea to scrub the area on the floor with a brush. After treatment, wash off any remaining product. It is permissible to use peroxide without adding “Fairy”.

Laundry soap

An inconspicuous bar of brown soap is an indispensable helper. Soap has a gentle effect on textiles and floor coverings; it can remove the stench from the sofa.

The procedure for removing the smell of cat urine from the floor in an apartment at home:

  • The bar is rubbed and dissolved in a glass of water until a porridge forms.
  • The porridge is applied to textiles or the floor with a brush or sponge.
  • The soap slurry is rubbed in with a brush for several minutes.
  • At the end of the treatment, rinse everything off with clean water and wipe dry with a rag.

For upholstery, it is more convenient to use brushes to remove foam.


Iodine removes stench on dark carpets, upholstery or floors. Do not use it for light-colored items; it can cause staining. Iodine is inexpensive and its use is simple. In a half-liter container with water you need to dilute 10 drops and stir. Using a spray bottle, spray the mark with the solution and leave for 2-3 hours, during which time the spray can be reapplied. After several hours of treatment, textiles and floors are cleaned thoroughly with water.

An additional benefit from iodine treatment is that furry pets do not like its smell.


This is a budget-friendly way to remove the smell of cat urine in an apartment. Soap shavings, salt and a few drops of glycerin are lathered and applied to the marked area with a brush. You can leave the foam for half an hour for thorough processing. At the end of cleaning, all remaining foam is washed off with water. The mixture of such components works gently and will not harm light or dark objects.

Lemon acid

Lemon juice and citric acid are good odor removers.

Lemon powder is diluted in water, and an unnecessary rag is moistened with the solution. Place a rag over the contaminated area for half an hour to an hour. Then the floors are washed clean. Citric acid for the smell of cat urine is effective and will not spend a lot of money from the family budget.

Lemon juice has a more gentle effect. Water and lemon juice are sprayed onto walls, textiles, and upholstery. You can squeeze the juice onto a sponge and rub the marked surfaces. The processing can be repeated several times.


An effective folk neutralizer for the smell of cat urine is ammonia. It is necessary to add about 10 drops to the place where the cat left the “surprise”. Then wait 15-20 minutes and additionally treat with soap foam. And most importantly, thoroughly wash the floors and ventilate the room.

Ammonia has a strong smell and takes a long time to dissipate, so if there are children in the family, it is recommended to send them for a walk or to visit their grandmother for a while.


Vodka will help fight the stench on textiles, shoes, and the floor. A small amount of liquid, about 50-100 ml. pour directly onto the floor, or place a dampened rag on the marked area. After waiting for some time, the area is cleaned with water or the textiles are washed.

If a pet shits in sneakers or boots, then vodka is poured inside. After drying, the shoes are washed from the inside and dried thoroughly. But you need to remember the nuance that vodka slightly stretches the shoes.

If the pet has done its business outside of the tray, then there is no need to put off cleaning, otherwise it will be difficult to fight off the unpleasant “aroma”. Folk remedies using the home method are effective; they can be used to remove them repeatedly, without causing harm to things.

Remove the smell of cat urine using household chemicals

If folk remedies cannot cope with the stench, then you need to choose an odor eliminator from the range of household chemicals.

How to remove the smell of cat urine in an apartment from the floor at home using purchased products is written in the instructions. Regardless of what household chemical was chosen, first try it on the inconspicuous side of the item.

The range of substances in stores is wide, we will list a small part.

  • SmellOff is a remedy for the smell of cat urine and cat odor. It is environmentally friendly, safe and versatile. Suitable for any floor coverings, upholstery, textiles, shoes.
  • DezoSan – eliminates stench at the molecular level, does not mask it with other aromas. It is included in the rating of the best remedies for the smell of cat urine and is economical in consumption.
  • OdorGone - the composition is patented in the USA, and bottling is carried out in Russia. The natural composition based on plant extracts disinfects surfaces and does not cause allergies in people.
  • OdorKill is a UK-made neutralizer that is an effective remedy for the smell of cat urine. Removes stench from urine, excrement, wool, suitable for any coating. The downside is the high price (about 4 thousand rubles).
  • Apicenna is a spray-eliminator of animal tags and foul odor. It is convenient and safe to use to get rid of cat odor in the apartment.
  • UrineOff – this product will quickly remove the old smell of cat urine.

The prices of containers with liquids and sprays are also different, ranging from 300 to 4000 rubles. But they are used sparingly, so the bottle will last for a long time.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from floors made of different materials

As a rule, everyone in their home has floors made of different materials. And a furry pet can shit on any material, without exception. Each floor covering has features that need to be taken into account when choosing how to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor at home.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from linoleum

Linoleum is a universal and common floor covering; it does not absorb odors well. To wash marks from linoleum, you need to prepare old rags and sponges, which you don’t mind throwing away later. And choose products that are suitable specifically for this material.

Clean linoleum like this: moisten a rag with a suitable product (foamed laundry soap shavings, vodka, vinegar, etc.) and apply it to the area. Or sprinkle with soda, which is therefore sprinkled with hydrogen peroxide. It is allowed to keep the substances for some time. After treatment, rinse the floor well. Or use a commercial cat urine odor absorber in your apartment.

How to Remove Cat Urine Smell from Wood Floors

Wood is a porous material; it absorbs liquids and moisture. Removing the stink of “surprises” is not easy. The best remedy for the smell of cat urine for wooden floors is lemon juice. Moisten the marked area with slightly diluted juice and rub it using a sponge.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from hardwood floors

Parquet is vulnerable if moisture gets on it. In addition to maintaining a terrible stench, it becomes deformed. Therefore, it is necessary to clean parquet floors from urine immediately. A solution of 9% vinegar and manganese helps remove stains. It is used to treat the dirty area, then it can be washed with soapy water. There is no need to scrub with a brush, it can scratch the parquet. If the folk recipe fails, then a specialized product for removing the smell of cat urine will be more effective.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from laminate flooring

The cat smell in the apartment persists for a long time even on laminate flooring; cleaning requires caution. Laminate flooring is sensitive to excess moisture, so do not moisten it too much.

Diluted vinegar, vodka, and lemon juice effectively remove marks. They moisten a rag with it and place the rag on the stain for a short time. Next, rinse thoroughly with water.

General procedure

The essence of almost any method of removing dirt from linoleum is the same procedure:

  1. Prepare the required solution or detergent according to the instructions.
  2. We wet a soft sponge or cloth in it.
  3. Depending on the concentration of the substance, we either wipe the surface or leave the product for a while.
  4. Remove any remaining product with water or soap solution.

Important! It is not recommended to spray the stain with fragrances, perfumes, or deodorants, as this can intensify the smell.

Concentrated chlorine is also not suitable for disinfecting linoleum, as it will damage the surface and increase the unpleasant odor. Do not use hard or metal sponges on linoleum - they will scratch the surface.

Let's take a closer look at the means that can be used to remove cat odor.

How to remove the old smell of cat urine in an apartment

If a pet shits on the floors or textiles, and it was not possible to clean them in a timely manner, then the stench eats away. Old “aroma” is difficult to eliminate, but it is possible with some effort.

Before removing the smell of cat urine from an apartment using folk remedies, pet owners should take into account the characteristics of the coating - porosity, color, presence of varnish.

Lemon juice and citric acid powder, diluted vinegar, and household chemicals can help remove old “odors.” If the stench is so persistent that you cannot remove it on your own, then you need to use the services of professional cleaning.

Preparatory work

So, as soon as you find a greeting from a purr on the floor or sofa:

  • Find the puddle and wipe it dry with a napkin or rag. If the cat vomits or relieves himself, remove the vomit or feces away;
  • Cover the wet area with a rag while you prepare the cleaning products.

Important: test any chemical you choose on a small area of ​​carpet, upholstery or clothing so as not to spoil the item - it may change the color or structure of their surfaces.

Products for removing cat urine from different surfaces

To quickly find the one you need among the many options, we will list the information in a table. Thus, it is easy to look for a folk remedy on how to remove the smell of cat urine in an apartment from the floor at home.

ItemAcceptable remedy
LinoleumVinegar diluted with water, lemon juice, a paste of soda and hydrogen peroxide.
LaminateDiluted vinegar, vodka, lemon juice, laundry soap.
TreeLaundry soap shavings paste, baking soda or lemon juice
ParquetA slightly pink solution of manganese and table vinegar.
Textiles (curtains, bed linen)Soaking and washing with vinegar, 1 tbsp of water in a basin. l. Plus additional washing with powder. Textiles must be rinsed thoroughly.
CarpetsVinegar + soda, paste from laundry soap shavings, or a mixture of soda, hydrogen peroxide and soap.
ShoesTreat inside and outside with vodka, diluted vinegar or a strong solution of potassium permanganate (except for light-colored shoes). It is recommended to soak the insoles separately.
ClothSoaking and washing with vinegar, 1 tbsp of water in a basin. l. Plus additional washing with powder. Textiles must be rinsed thoroughly. Leather clothing (jackets, gloves) can be treated with glycerin.
Upholstery of upholstered furnitureFor dark materials - iodine solution, for light ones - a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Laundry soap is universal.

Often processing once gives a weak result, so it is better to clean several times. It is permissible to combine, for example, first apply a paste of soda and peroxide, then laundry soap.

Effective cleaning after pets

You need to choose a suitable cleaning product taking into account the purpose of treatment and the chemical composition. All of them can be divided into the following groups:

  • antibacterial (they provide ideal cleanliness, but are hazardous to health; they should be used only in protective clothing);
  • antistatic (suitable only for coatings made of polymer or plastic);
  • disinfectants (destroy pathogenic microorganisms).

Important! Any of these products must be used in strict accordance with the instructions, without exceeding the permissible concentration.

How to prevent the smell of cat urine from appearing in your apartment

Pet owners need to be prepared for unexpected surprises. But sometimes it’s easier and more effective to prevent people from walking past the tray than to try to neutralize the consequences. It is important to monitor your health, feed rationally and do not forget to give your pet water so that diseases of the excretory system do not appear. Also, do not ignore emotional reasons: exclude competition between animals, jealousy or aggression. Sterilization and castration and the use of special substances, such as Antigadin, are effective.

In other words, if there is a pet living at home or the apartment smells like a cat, then sooner or later the question “what to do” will become relevant. How to remove the smell of cat urine in an apartment from the floor at home - use special liquids. Folk recipes offer a number of remedies, and industry produces a lot of liquids. The choice is up to the pet owner.

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Method No. 8. Psychotherapy!

In the meantime, while you are enthusiastically busy cleaning, think about: what could have provoked your pet into such an embarrassment?

Veterinarians and animal psychologists advise paying attention to:

  1. Cat litter box - place it in a quiet place, keep it dry and clean at all times, do not wash it with chlorine. The cat's litter box should be spacious and safe.
  2. A guest, a newborn child or purchased furniture, household appliances - cats consider themselves to be the main ones in the house, and a new person or object encroaches on their supremacy. So we need to “wet” him, neutralize the alien.
  3. Excitement of the animal - in case of your departure, an empty feeder or inattention to your pet, the cat will remember these flaws and mark your shoes or your clothes with urine.
  4. Kotofey disease can lead to emptying of the stomach, intestines and bladder in the most unexpected places. Such an animal must be urgently shown to a veterinarian.
  5. Sexual instinct forces male cats to mark their territory. Use tablets such as “Contrasex” or let the animal go for a walk in the wild.
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