16 best vitamins for cats - ranking for 2021

The cat is greeted by its fur coat. This is how you can paraphrase the famous saying. Cat fur is not only an object of beauty, but also a main indicator of health. Vitamins for cats against hair loss are an indispensable aid for the well-being of cats.

One of the clearest ways to monitor your pet’s well-being is to control the amount of hair falling out. It is important to observe whether the guard hair or down hairs are falling off. In order to understand the nature of your pet's molting, you should study the etiology of the possible disease.

Which vitamins are deficient in cats and can cause hair loss?

The cat's body urgently needs all vitamins and microelements to one degree or another. But the following substances are most required for your pet’s fur and skin:

  • vitamins of group B, A, E, D;
  • sulfur, iodine, zinc, calcium;
  • fatty acids – Omega-3, Omega-6.

B vitamins help improve the function of the digestive organs, significantly strengthen muscle tissue, improve the general well-being of the cat, and prevent hair loss. B6, which helps the production of taurine, improves metabolic and energy processes in the pet's body. A lack of taurine leads to pathologies of the cardiovascular system, digestive tract, problems with the liver and kidneys. This significantly affects the condition of the cat's coat.

B7 (biotin) is part of many enzymes. It is better to use it with sulfur. It regenerates the skin, fights hair loss, strengthens the animal’s nervous system, and regulates protein and fat balance. The lack of biotin leads to inflammatory processes in the hair follicles, causing hair loss. B vitamins are found in foods such as pork, beef, poultry, fish, liver, carrots, potatoes, egg yolks, and fermented milk dishes.

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Vitamins of group A take care of the thickness and shine of the cat's coat and increase immunity. Contained in liver, offal, eggs, pumpkin, carrots, sweet peppers, spinach.

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Vitamin E ensures full growth of the cat's fur and increases resistance to various infections. Contained in oils, salmon and some other types of fish, dairy products.

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Cats can lose hair for a number of other reasons:

  1. Seasonal shedding. Twice a year cats experience intense hair loss - in spring and autumn. In this way, animals change their “coat” to a new one, more suitable for the coming season.
  2. Diet. Incorrectly selected food, food from a common table, food devoid of minerals and vitamins will sooner or later lead your pet to vitamin deficiency. The cat's fur will be the first to react to this. Diet is the most common cause of hair loss.
  3. Often, various diseases affect the appearance of the coat. The causes may be helminthic infestations, fungal diseases, allergies and other pathologies that lead to hair loss.

In all these cases, you should purchase vitamin complexes for your pet to keep the coat in order and prevent its loss.


Every cat's diet should be well balanced. This refers to a diet that provides all the essential nutrients. The diet must be selected individually. When choosing food, pay attention to the breed, age and physical activity of your pet. A diet for pregnant or lactating women should be high-calorie and nutritious.

Cats are carnivores by nature, so their diet should consist mainly of meat with small vegetable and fruit supplements. The cat should not consume grains, which are often used as fillers in cheap pet foods. Their digestive system is sensitive - improper feeding will cause illness or even death.

Ingredients of a proper diet:

  • Protein (meat, fish, carnitine and collagen).
  • Fats (saturated and unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6).
  • Macro- and microelements (calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, sodium, selenium, manganese, copper).
  • Vitamins (A, H, E, F, C, K and groups B and D).
  • Carbohydrates (starch, cellulose, fructoligosaccharides and others).
  • Antioxidants, glucosamine, beta-carotene.
  • Water.

Currently, there is a large selection of ready-made cat food. Feeding your pet “from the table” is highly discouraged.

Mom with child

You should purchase from companies that guarantee the use of only natural, complete supplements, the ingredients of which are subject to strict quality control.

There are many types of food, in particular by age:

  • kitten food,
  • food for adults,
  • food for older cats.

What vitamins are best for cat fur?

Vitamin complexes are intended for cats that are naturally fed. The most common form of release is tablets and liquid solutions. There are also gels, powders, drops, capsules. You should choose them based on your pet’s preferences and in terms of convenience. For example, gel, powder, drops can be disguised in a portion of food. In this case, there will be no need to give them forcibly. Therefore, many owners prefer liquid vitamins for their cats if they have hair problems. In case of serious health difficulties, the veterinarian prescribes vitamins in the form of injections and injections.

Attention! The dosage of vitamin preparations is determined by a veterinarian or the manufacturer’s instructions should be followed. Excess of active substances can be dangerous to your pet's health.


Fungal infections, better known as lichen, are characterized by hair loss in certain areas of the skin. If the animal does not receive treatment, the affected areas of skin enlarge and merge together.

Depending on the type of fungus, receding hairline patches may appear clear, scaled, scabbed, or scratched. The first signs of lichen are often overlooked, so for the purpose of prevention, the cat must be completely examined once every 2-3 days. A small, round patch of hairless hair is an almost guaranteed sign of the most common ringworm. Please note that ringworm (and others) is quickly transmitted to people and other animals.

The best vitamins for cat skin and coat

Vitamins “Phytomins” from a domestic manufacturer are suitable for restoring fur in British cats. They contain brewer's yeast, plant extracts, mineral supplements, collagen, taurine and sulfur. Noticeably improves hair growth, strengthens roots, and prevents hair loss. The drug is produced in the form of granules. Can be used for a long period.

Beaphar Kittys Mix is ​​considered a good vitamin for cat fur. This is a complex of vitamins in the form of a treat with different flavors. The product contains all the necessary vitamins for a pet’s healthy coat, as well as a number of microelements. The drug restores the cat's coat, prevents hair loss, improves vision and functioning of the cardiovascular system, and strengthens the condition of the pet's claws and teeth. Among the disadvantages, the increased sugar content is noted.

FeliDerm vitamins from a German manufacturer are designed for the fur and skin of cats during shedding. They also solve more serious problems - allergies, metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders. The composition includes biotin, Omega-3, amino acids, zinc, brewer's yeast. The complex has natural ingredients: algae, flour, meat, liver, egg, whey. The drug relieves skin itching, prevents hair loss, has good taste, is used very economically, but buyers note its high cost.

The drug "Canina Canivita" is produced in the form of a tonic. Suitable for cats of all ages. The effect of using vitamins occurs in the shortest possible time, since the product immediately enters the bloodstream. Recommended for cats with thick, long hair. After a course of treatment, it becomes smooth, stops pilling, acquires shine, and excessive hair loss stops. The drug relieves inflammation of the skin and eliminates itching. In addition, vitamins well regulate the animal’s sexual cycle. The disadvantages include the bitter aftertaste of the drug.

Vitamins "Doctor Zoo" can be used in different forms of nutrition. They contain all the necessary vitamins, as well as phosphorus, potassium, manganese, zinc, and copper. Thanks to the content of taurine and biotin, the condition of the skin and coat is quickly restored, and metabolism is normalized.

“Laveta Super For Cats” is a vitamin complex for cats taking part in exhibitions, including the Scottish breed. Contains vitamins B, E, as well as taurine and biotin, which provide your pet with shiny, healthy coat and skin.

“TM Excel Brewers” ​​- vitamins for those cats with intense hair shedding. Cats change it twice a year. To make the molting period more comfortable for the animal, it is imperative to give the pet vitamin complexes. This preparation contains fatty acids, all essential vitamins and microelements, and extracts of some plants. They prevent dandruff, hair loss, and eliminate hair fragility.

Vitamins "Radostin" from a domestic brand are suitable for sterilized cats against hair loss. Neutered animals also need special care and feeding. The drug contains multivitamins and prebiotics. Indications for use include nutritional problems, hair loss, and preventive measures.

It is worth noting the drug Malta paste. It contains malt extract, oils, fatty acids, and plant products. Designed to remove lost hair from the digestive tract. It has a pleasant taste, effectively combats hair loss, and minimizes seasonal shedding in animals. Available in tubes.

Important! In the process of taking vitamin preparations, it is necessary to carefully monitor their effect on the cat. The products can lead to allergies and other negative reactions in the pet’s body.

Rules for using cat vitamins for fur

In addition to the varied release form, the complexes have a certain concentration of active substances. Therefore, they should be used based on the instructions or the instructions of a veterinarian who will advise the dose and course of administration. For various diseases that require a therapeutic dose, vitamins should be used strictly as directed. They are usually used during inflammatory processes and infectious diseases.

Vitamins that are recommended for preventive use contain a minimal concentration of beneficial substances. It is determined by daily requirement. Their dosage has no therapeutic effect and is prescribed for the prevention of vitamin deficiencies.

Contraindications and side effects

When an excessive amount of active substances enters a cat’s body or there is an individual intolerance to the drug, this leads to an overdose and unpleasant consequences for the animal.

In case of an overdose, a pet may experience:

  • hair loss;
  • itching and rashes of the skin;
  • deterioration or lack of appetite;
  • some swelling;
  • increased anxiety.

In more serious cases, reproductive function is impaired, and disruptions in the functioning of the heart, liver, and kidneys are observed. You should not overuse vitamins if your cat has cancer, inflammatory processes, or allergic reactions. In such cases, vitamins can harm the animal.

Vitamins should be used with caution in weakened animals with chronic diseases, pregnant and lactating cats. The course of treatment, the vitamin complex, and its composition are agreed upon with a veterinarian, who will select the correct drug based on the pet’s physiological well-being, age, and general health.

For nursing

This category contains products for babies and nursing mothers who may have vitamin deficiencies. By using properly selected medications, you take care of the proper development of the skeleton, healthy teeth, beautiful coat and vitality of your pets.

Important! Vitamin E deficiency in a pregnant cat can cause fertility problems and miscarriage.

Kitzym is an ingredient based on brewer's yeast, the richest natural source of B vitamins. In addition, the drug contains calcium and phosphorus. The requirements for vitamins of this group double during pregnancy and lactation.

Veterinarian advice

The opinions of experts boil down to the fact that animal hair often falls out regardless of the time of year and molting period. For them, this is a reason to prescribe treatment. Reviews from veterinarians about vitamins for cat fur speak in favor of the drugs.

To prevent hair loss in cats, veterinary specialists recommend:

  • Regularly brush your pet’s fur with special brushes;
  • use shampoos with the right pH to bathe your cat;
  • adhere to the correct feeding regimen for your pet;
  • add vitamins and microelements to the diet;
  • do not feed your pet from the common table;
  • clean the cat's litter box in a timely manner;
  • Vaccinate the animal in due time.

You should only bathe your cat if it is heavily soiled and cannot be removed on its own.

Vitamins for women from 40 to 50 years old

Performance decreases, sometimes emotional breakdowns occur. The first signs of menopause appear. This is due to hormonal changes in a woman’s body. In order to support the body during this “restructuring”, it is necessary to receive enough vitamins and minerals, which are often lacking in regular food, not to mention poor nutrition.

What are the best vitamins for women over 40 to take to support the body?

Doctors advise:

  1. Vitrum Beauty Elite - to maintain immunity and normalize lipid metabolism. The substances included in its composition stimulate collagen production and improve skin condition.
  2. Lady's formula Woman 40 Plus is a vitamin and mineral supplement that improves metabolism and skin condition. Prevents obesity and has a positive effect on the genitourinary system.

No matter what happens in a woman’s life, she always needs a complete set of vitamins.

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