Rating of the best carriers for cats and cats in 2022

Having become the owner of a mustachioed pet, it’s time to take care of his comfort. In addition to the standard set of everyday accessories, you will need to purchase a carrier in case you transport your animal. Since any travel is stressful for a pet, you should try to minimize it. Therefore, an ordinary bag will not work; the cat will be uncomfortable in it. The rating of popular cat carriers presented in this article will help you make the right choice.

It is important that the cat is comfortable being inside.

Which carrier to choose: requirements

A cat should not be afraid to travel in a bag.
Good carriers for cats must be roomy and reliable. It is unlikely that your pet will calmly react to being placed in a confined space. Usually a cat in such a situation begins to behave inappropriately. In order not to further injure the animal, it is worth creating favorable conditions for it. Therefore, when purchasing, certain points are taken into account.


As for the size, it should be such as not to hinder the cat’s movements (he could stand up, sit down, lie down). Therefore, they choose depending on the configuration of the animal. It is advisable that it also include a drinking bowl and a feeder (usually attached to the inside of the door). This is an important factor during long-term transportation. If there is a short transportation, a standard carrying bag will be enough, where the fluffy will lie comfortably.

Selected depending on the size of the pet

If the kitten is small, it is better to immediately buy a large bag, taking into account the future dimensions of the pet (for example, Sphynxes and Maine Coons differ significantly in size).

When transporting two pets, preference is given to models with a partition.

For two cats, buy a model with a partition


When choosing a material, they are again guided by the time spent on the road with the cat. Main criteria:

  • If the furry leaves the house only for the next visit to the veterinary clinic or another place located within walking distance, models made of soft textiles are suitable. They are lighter, more convenient to use and inexpensive.
  • For kittens, a wicker basket is the best option. For one-time walks this is just the thing.
  • But for a long trip it is more practical to buy a plastic container. It is convenient to transport your pet on any type of transport (plane, car).

Regardless of the type, it must have a hard bottom - one of the main conditions. Feeling the hard floor under its paws, the cat feels safe and calms down faster. It is important to have inspection holes to provide an overview of what is happening outside. Being in ignorance and darkness, the animal begins to get nervous. It should also close securely so that the cat cannot open it on his own and retreat.

Weight of carrier and cat

When choosing, you should think about yourself. If you are planning a long journey on foot, it is better to take a lightweight structure or on wheels. This is a significant nuance if the pet is heavy. We must not forget that you will have to carry this valuable cargo yourself, even to the car.

The weight of the cat is also taken into account. Any model is suitable for a kitten. It’s more difficult if you have to move an adult, well-fed cat. Then focus on the following recommendations from experts:

Animal weight, kgContainer weight, kg
Up to 51-1,5
More than 102,5


When choosing the size of a carrier for trips and trips in public or private transport, you need to focus solely on the dimensions of the animal, the characteristics of the breed and the personal preferences of the owner. The cat should sit and lie freely both along and across the selected container or cage. But if you plan to fly, much more stringent requirements will be imposed on the size range and design. Among them:

  • the total parameters of length, width and height should not exceed 115 cm (55x40x20 cm);
  • availability of free air access - no closed bags;
  • If the animal weighs more than 8 kg, it travels in the luggage compartment (weighed with the carrier).


It would seem that it could be easier to buy a cat carrier. But in this regard, as when choosing any product, you need to know the preferences of the person who will use it. Usually, no difficulties arise, since the range of such products in stores is large and varied.

Plastic box

Plastic box
Leader in popularity, due to a number of factors:

  • made of durable material that guarantees a considerable service life (more than 5 years);
  • spacious;
  • rigid frame (it’s comfortable for cats to stay inside);
  • do not absorb different odors;
  • permitted for air travel.

Along with many advantages, there is a significant disadvantage - boxing takes up a lot of space in the apartment.

Backpacks for cats

It is more convenient for the owner to carry the pet in a backpack.
This type is not much different from a fabric bag. The only, but significant, positive point is the presence of straps that allow you to put the backpack on your shoulders and free your hands.

The method of transportation is clearly convenient for the owner, but the cat will have to sit in an uncomfortable position during the journey. In addition, he will shake violently, which may lead to vomiting.

Carrying bags

Purring Carriage
In the form of a bag, it is good in many ways. It is easy to fold and put away somewhere for storage when not needed (does not take up much space). Equipped with comfortable handles. With such luggage you can safely enter public transport or a store. Only in terms of comfort for purring, this is not the best option. Designed for transporting animals over short distances.

The disadvantages are the following:

  • if the pattern is without a frame, the fabric bends under the weight of the pet, which creates discomfort for him;
  • due to synthetics, there is poor air circulation (in summer the cat will be especially stuffy in such a bag);
  • The fabric is waterproof, so you can’t get caught in the rain;
  • The cramped interior will cause panic in the animal - at least a little extra space is required.

To ensure that your purchase lasts as long as possible and does not fall apart after the first use under the weight of your pet, you need to check the strength of the seams in advance. It is desirable that they have plastic reinforcement.


This model looks like a frame textile bag, but on wheels and with a retractable handle. The presence of many pockets on the sides allows you to take the necessary little things with you.

Bag on wheels for long trips with a cat

The design is convenient for both the owner and the animal being transported. You can't do without it when traveling long distances.


Suitable for kittens
Wicker baskets have many advantages, which is why they are often preferred by mustachioed owners. Firstly, the model is practically weightless, so it will not be difficult for a person to carry it with a cat. Secondly, thanks to the rigid frame the cat feels completely safe.

The downside is that the materials from which the carrying baskets are made quickly absorb foreign odors. Once a cat relieves itself once, it will turn into a permanent toilet.

Metal cage

Carrier cage for dogs and cats
This is an improved modification of the plastic box. It has a wide viewing angle, so the cat will not feel like a prisoner in a dungeon. These are made of wear-resistant material and will last for many years. Caring for it is simple - just periodically wipe it off from dirt.

Winter carry

Winter version
Similar models are insulated from the inside. Usually the bottom and sides are lined with foam rubber, fleece or fur. Winter ones are needed in severe frosts or for placing a cat in the luggage compartment of an airplane.

Some models provide the ability to unfasten the warm lining. Then the carrier can be used in the warm season.

Sling carrier

A convenient modification for carrying a pet, freeing the owner’s hands.
This is a kangaroo backpack, which is known to many young mothers. The bag is put on in such a way that the passenger is located on the owner’s chest. At the same time, your hands are completely free. The straps are soft and do not put pressure on the shoulders.

Best Plastic Cat Cages

This is the most optimal solution for those planning long trips, although it is also relevant for traveling short distances. Moreover, such offers are the cheapest and most accessible on the market. We have selected the two best options for flying on airplanes, transporting an animal on a train, and so on.

Trixie plastic cage for cats 55x36x35

This container was included in our rating of the best carriers for cats because of its versatility and practicality, since it can be used to transport not only furry pets, but also rabbits, small breeds of dogs, etc. Externally, the design looks very impressive, and Indeed, the product is made of high-quality and durable plastic. It is very convenient that the cage closes at the top, and there is a mesh on the side for air flow, as well as for normal visibility. Even if the cat urinates here, the product can be easily disassembled and washed.


  • There is a hole through which the pet can be given something to drink or eat;
  • In general, cats like to stay inside;
  • The walls are not scratched even with intense attempts to get out;
  • Calm colors;
  • Withstands different weights;
  • Large side door.


  • Imbalance is possible when the cat is in one part of the cage;
  • May seem too hard and may need some underlayment.

Reviews often note that the Trixie model is easy to carry, since it itself weighs little and has a good handle, the position of which can be changed if necessary.

Moderna Road Runner 1

This is one of the most practical models in our TOP, which can even be used to transport large cats. Moreover, small dog breeds can easily fit into it. Among the conveniences, it is necessary to note the door on the side, through which the pet can see what is happening around, as well as the protection of the lid from rain, there are no holes in it. The animal can stay in this cage for hours without much discomfort before visiting the veterinarian, while traveling by bus, etc.


  • Light weight;
  • Easy to assemble;
  • Ease of use;
  • Available in several colors;
  • Non-toxic materials.


  • Dependence of price on design.

The Moderna Road Runner 1 model, as reviews show, can be easily disassembled and assembled if necessary, which greatly simplifies its washing. In addition, the plastic from which it is made is resistant to the negative effects of the sun, low temperatures and a number of other factors.

Why do you need a cat carrier?

Beginning cat owners often do not fully understand the importance of purchasing a carrier, believing that they can do without it. But even basic periodic trips to the veterinary clinic or other trips with the animal will be fraught with difficulties - this becomes clear after the first such attempt. Cats generally do not tolerate any changes well, so during the journey to their destination they are unlikely to sit quietly in their arms.

It is for such cases that special attributes are provided so that the pet does not feel discomfort and behaves calmly.


A cat carrier is simple in design, but a very important device that every pet owner needs. According to its purpose, the design can be suitable for long-term transportation - for several hours or days, as well as created for short-term use

In addition, it is very important to take into account the weight and dimensions of the pet - they affect the type of design and some other features of carrying

For a large cat (over 5 kg in weight), you should choose a reliable plastic design. For kittens, they usually buy carriers for growth, especially if they have to transport not one animal, but several at once. Pets with a lot of fur should choose well-ventilated cages equipped with a special cover to create shade.

The main purpose of any carrier can be expressed in three key points.

  1. Peace of mind for the owner. A pet that is securely sealed from possible external influences does not pose a threat to others, is protected from infections, and is saved from the possible risk of escape, loss, or death.
  2. A sense of security for the animal. Cats are notorious homebodies, they have difficulty coping with changes in circumstances around them and are not very fond of traveling. A correctly chosen carrier helps the animal to better tolerate the road, protects it from extraneous influences and unexpected contacts.
  3. Satisfying physiological needs. The first and most important thing that carrying gives you is the feeling of a hard floor under your feet. In addition, a properly selected container allows the animal to remain comfortable inside it. In a spacious carrier, you can allocate space for the toilet in the form of a hygienic absorbent diaper or a tray with filler, install a drinking bowl and a feeding bowl.

How to train a kitten to be carried

It is not enough to purchase a product for your mustache. It will take time for him to get used to it, to go inside without fear and stay there for a long time. It is recommended to place the portable device within the cat’s field of vision a few days before the planned trip.

The object that appears will definitely not go unnoticed. After sniffing and repeatedly penetrating inside, he will get used to it. For this you need to reward him with something tasty and pet him. And when you next try to put him in a bag (backpack), there will be no resistance or fear.


The main feature of fabric bags is a wide range of colors and cuts. You can choose the appropriate option:

  • shoulder bags;
  • special backpacks for cats;
  • bags with handles.

Plastic containers are practically no different from each other. They are bulky and difficult to carry by hand. Ventilation holes are located on the roof or on the sides of the box.

The container can be both a carrier and a stationary house for a pet.

Wicker baskets differ from other types: because of the twigs, the animal thinks that it is in a natural shelter.

This has a positive effect on your mental state and makes moving less tiring. The basket can be used as a permanent cat bed.

Metal cages offer more space and airflow. Inside such a product, the cat has enough space to stretch and take a comfortable position.

If the animal refuses to sit in the carrier

When any attempts to train a cat fail, you can resort to some tricks. For example, all sorts of goodies are laid out near the box (bags, cages). There is a little space inside too. It is better to leave the premises yourself so that the animal does not feel embarrassed. Returning back a few minutes later, you can see a different picture - the cat happily eats the offered treats, without even being afraid to take them from the carrier.

You can lay your favorite bedding on the bottom, on which your pet is used to lying. But violence cannot be used in this matter. Otherwise, fear will become firmly entrenched in the animal’s mind, which will make any travel difficult.

Main types of bags

Recently, the variety of models has been encouraging. Not just bags were invented - they were transformed into fashionable sports backpacks, trolley suitcases on wheels, stylish baskets and hard plastic boxes with prudent placement of food and drinking water for long journeys.

Convenient accessories have become not only a means of carrying animals, but also organically fit into the owner’s clothing style. The material used in production is also varied: plastic and fabric, leather and natural vine twigs are used.

All vehicles for cats can be divided into the following types:

  • frame bags-tents;
  • plastic boxes;
  • cells;
  • fabric folding carriers with a rigid base;
  • comfortable suitcases with food and toilet;
  • other (backpacks, baskets).

From fabric

Advantages of fabric carriers:

  • lungs;
  • can be folded (do not take up much space during storage);
  • inexpensive;
  • easy to wash.

Such textile, practical and lightweight bags are indispensable for visits to the veterinarian, trips to the country or for a short walk. They are not suitable for long-term transportation. The presence of a zipper allows you to either close the lid tightly or leave an open area for the cat to see. The disadvantage is that such a bag absorbs the smell of the animal and requires constant washing. The average price fluctuates around 2 thousand rubles.

Plastic box

The best representative of plastic boxes may be the “Trendy “Wild World” with a metal door that is secured with a reliable latch lock. The container is made of environmentally friendly plastic and has lattice inserts on the sides. The spacious box will accommodate a toilet tray, food and water container. However, the cat's weight is limited to 5 kg.


Successful and convenient combination of material, mesh and rigid frame. It looks like a tent with mesh windows. The animal likes such a house. It protects well and has excellent visibility and ventilation at the same time. A lightweight tent does not fold due to the rigidity of the frame.


Perhaps the most stylish bag. Curver Petlife will especially appeal to female representatives who go on vacation with their beloved pets. The bag is spacious and riddled with a lot of small holes - the cat is provided with excellent ventilation. The reliable plastic handle can be attached to the car interior, and the plastic clip-fasteners both decorate and hold the lid firmly.


This accessory is more suitable for displaying a beautiful expensive item by the owner. The backpack really looks beautiful and impressive. The ventilation is well thought out, and the presence of a “porthole” allows the cat to see what is happening around. It is also convenient to have many pockets. However, a huge disadvantage is the lack of contact between the owner and the animal, which can lead to stress for the latter.


Warranty service and its terms vary from pet store to pet store, but there are three main points for each service option:

  1. Replacement of damaged or defective goods upon purchase. If a defect is discovered, you have the right to contact the pet store for a refund or replacement of the product.
  2. Replacement of individual carrying parts that have failed. If there is a breakdown, the store will install a new grille, lock or latch. All work is carried out free of charge for the duration of the warranty period.
  3. Announcing the terms of the warranty and issuing a warranty card. The warranty card proves the buyer’s right to receive the store’s technical support services. Immediately after purchase you must be given this paper.

You should review the specific warranty terms before making a purchase.

Let's make another carrying bag with long handles

A very convenient and stylish carrying option is a bag with long handles that can be worn on the shoulder. The master class below will help you make such a bag. Necessary materials:

  • main fabric;
  • lining fabric;
  • filler (sintepon or foam rubber);
  • matching threads;
  • lightning;
  • a piece of fiberboard or durable cardboard;
  • sewing machine;
  • chalk for marking fabric;
  • scissors.

From the main and lining fabric, as well as the filling material, we cut out the parts in accordance with the pattern.

A – the length of the cat (from the front paw to the tail in a standing position);

B – cat’s height from floor to neck.

Operating procedure:

  1. Using a sewing machine, sew the side seam on the main fabric, lining and filling.
  2. We attach the corresponding bottom part to the main fabric part. We sew the lining parts together in the same way.
  3. We insert the lining into the parts made of the main fabric, filling them with filler.
  4. Sew a zipper on top.
  5. From the remnants of the main fabric we make handles of the required length and width, and sew them to the carrying bag.
  6. Since the cat's head is expected to stick out of the bag during transport, it is recommended to sew a small cord with a carabiner and collar inside the bag to prevent the animal from jumping out of the carrier.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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