TOP 15 best vitamins for cats and kittens (rating for 2022)

The health of pets depends on how balanced their diet is. At home, it is extremely difficult for cat owners to take into account all the nuances of nutrition. Therefore, veterinarians recommend that four-legged animals be given vitamin complexes. But before purchasing, carefully study the rating of the best vitamins for cats.

People's choice:

1. Doctor ZOO for cats Healthy kittenfrom 100 rubles
2. Beaphar Kitty's Junior + Biotinefrom 400 rubles
3. Doctor ZOO “Healthy cat”from 500 rubles
4. Unitabs ImmunoCatfrom 550 rubles
5. Omega Neofrom 300 rubles

Mini rating

What are the best vitamins for cats?

Vitamins for cats
The best vitamins for cats are those that cover at least 80% of the daily requirement for micro- and macroelements and are selected individually. Pet owners also need to consider the following points:

  • purchase vitamin complexes after consultation with a veterinarian and a complete examination of your pet;
  • healthy cats are advised to take a course of medications – twice a year for three months;
  • pregnant and elderly four-legged animals, as well as kittens, need vitamin supplementation on an ongoing basis;
  • Vitamins must be given strictly according to instructions.

Important! The most popular complexes include Anivital Feliimmune, Beafar Top 10, Brevers.


This complex is useful for cats bearing offspring.
Vitamins for cats are packaged in plastic tubes from 40 to 1430 tablets per package. The drug is also produced in the form of a paste for kittens and for older cats whose teeth are missing or beginning to fall out. In addition to Brevers, the mineral supplement Excel Calcidee, rich in calcium, necessary for cats during pregnancy and feeding of offspring, as well as for kittens during active growth and formation of teeth and skeleton, received a lot of positive feedback. The table shows the main composition of the Brevers vitamin complex for cats:

A drugCompound
8 in 1 Excel Brewer's YeastIngredientsMacronutrientsContent, mg/kg
Brewer's yeastVitamin B1800
Octadecanoic acidVitamin B2500
GlycineVitamin B650
Safrole oil
A nicotinic acid1200
Tuna oilIron1914
Garlic extractZinc3270
8 in1 Excel Calcium (Calcide)Dicalcium phosphateVitamin D3300
Milk serum
Stearic acid
Magnesium stearate

Types of vitamin complexes

Types of vitamin supplements
Before purchasing a vitamin supplement for your beloved cat, you need to decide on all the forms of release and the features of each of them. After all, not every option on sale can suit your pet and meet its needs.

Manufacturers produce mineral supplements for cats, cats and kittens in various forms. On sale you can find:

  • drops;
  • capsules/tablets;
  • powders;
  • gels and more.

Important! It’s not easy to find the right shape the first time. The fact is that each animal has its own optimal version of the drug - some happily chew tablets, others only accept drops or powders. Therefore, focus only on the preferences of your pet.

Vitamins for cats also differ in the concentration of their constituent substances. Depending on this, they are divided according to the duration of treatment into:

  • permanent;
  • coursework.

The former usually cover the animal’s daily need for nutrients. Such formulations can be taken almost all year round, taking short breaks of 1-2 weeks 3-4 times a year.

Vitamins intended for course use are more concentrated. They are necessary for animals during the recovery period after illness, during and after pregnancy, in the off-season and beyond. They are prescribed strictly in courses and you should not exceed the prescribed dosage - this can lead to poisoning of the animal.

Additives are classified by purpose:

  • general strengthening;
  • for wool growth;
  • for joints;
  • to strengthen bones and more.

The complex is selected based on what problems the pet has.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vitamins based on brewer's yeast have the following advantages that distinguish them from similar products for animals:

  • have proven high efficiency;
  • can be used to strengthen the immune system;
  • contains natural ingredients;
  • the taste is adapted to the preferences of cats;
  • do not contain dyes or preservatives;
  • there are no contraindications for castrated, sterilized, or elderly cats;
  • have an ideal price-quality ratio.

Excel Brewers Yeast 8 in 1 has one downside – poor packaging design. On the jar of vitamins there is a large drawing of a dog and no image of a cat. Because of this, many cat owners have no idea that these high-quality and healthy vitamins are suitable for their pets.

When should a cat be given vitamins?

When should a cat be given vitamins?
Cats do not always need vitamins. Healthy animals that eat special food get everything they need from food. Supplements are recommended for them only if any health problems arise.

But cats that eat from their owners’ tables urgently need vitamins. Such pets are most often recommended multivitamin supplements that can cover the daily need for minerals and trace elements.

Owners should take the listed rules as a basis, but there are exceptions to them - regardless of the type of nutrition, supplements are required:

  • cats during pregnancy and nursing;
  • kittens who moved to the common table;
  • sterilized and neutered animals;
  • pets with weakened immune systems.

Vitamins 8 in 1 Excel Brewers Yeast W / Garlic for dogs and cats - reviews


Shedding is a difficult period not only for dogs, but also for owners. In general, when the wool began to come out in clumps, I noticed that what was left did not inspire confidence in me. That is, she became faded, somehow dry, something was wrong with her skin. So I decided to get this supplement. The result did not take long to arrive! Our wool has become excellent! Our skin too. Now we shine and shine to the envy of others. The drug is also good for cats. Personally, I noted it for myself. Now, if necessary, I give it in courses. Helps. I hope it helps you too! Good luck!!!


2 times a year in spring and autumn I give my dog ​​Brevers vitamins from 8in1. When choosing a vitamin, I paid attention to the composition, because the dog eats professional food and would not want an excess of vitamins. Brevers contains B vitamins (the source of which is brewer's yeast contained in the vitamins), as well as garlic. At first, the scarecrow would be whether the dog would eat these vitamins on its own, because of the garlic. But Basta eats them with great pleasure. I have a large dog, so I took the packaging for large dogs and give it 2 tablets. Previously, there were problems with hair loss and dandruff, but now Basya is doing great!


We have a private house, so when we decided to get a dog, we took a large one - a shepherd dog. Fiona is a purebred, with famous ancestors, but she became somewhat stunted after giving birth at the age of 4. Now she is already 7 years old and every heat she not only sheds, but also withers and loses weight. They took different foods and vitamins, some she didn’t eat at all, others had no effect. I'm already exhausted - I feel sorry for the dog. Two months ago, the veterinarian recommended us 8in1 Brewer's Yeast vitamins for large breeds. So, firstly, Fiona eats them like candy, and also licks them. Well, the most important thing is that now it’s clear that the coat has become a little better, and in general my beauty is more lively and has a better appetite. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, because I've been struggling with her look and health for many years with varying success!


Little experience with vitamins - but this drug is effective. My pet (cat) has less hair loss, a shiny coat, there were bald spots on his head - a little overgrown. Good thing, I recommend it.


We bought vitamins for our dog at the pharmacy and she ate them with gusto. I think every puppy should definitely buy vitamins to strengthen their immunity.

Luda Krugli

The cats have been eating for a week and a half, but already now the fur visually grows less.


“During intense shedding, many cats experience gastrointestinal problems. During this period, the animal may become apathetic, it may develop impaired coordination of movements, loss of appetite, and weight loss. The main reason for all these negative phenomena is fur, which in large quantities ends up in the cat’s stomach. To improve the condition of the animal during molting, I recommend that my clients add malt paste and Excel Brewers Yeast 8 in 1 to the cat’s diet. Brewers vitamins improve the quality of the coat, heal the epidermis, are good for appetite and serve as an excellent prevention of liver diseases.”


I purchased Brevers vitamins for the first time on the advice of friends. This spring our cat shed a lot, which caused him a lot of problems. I heard somewhere that cats shed a lot of fur due to certain diseases. After examination, the veterinarian found no diseases. And he concluded that the cat did not have enough vitamin B. After two weeks of taking it, the cat’s mood improved, and the fur stopped falling out in clumps.



Excellent quality



Hi all! I have a very big dog) German Shepherd, boy. We live in an apartment and this is not a big problem. But we have a lot of stray dogs in our yard. One day they fell ill with a skin disease - Staphylococcus. Of course my dog ​​also caught this infection. At the veterinary clinic, I was advised to give my dog ​​these 8in1 Excel Brewer's for large breeds vitamins in addition to injections and ointments. They are specifically designed for large breeds of dogs and help resolve problems with fur and skin. The main ingredients are garlic and brewer's yeast. What does it have to do with when I give these products separately, they cause upset in the dog, but they are great in vitamins. 80 tasty tablets last for a long time, the dog willingly eats them every day. In a thick, convenient plastic jar. German vitamins. Previously, we also used the same company and are unlikely to change it) The price does not matter if we are talking about a beloved pet, even though the 8in1 brand is one of the most expensive.


I buy these vitamins for my cat and dog. Quite pleased with them. The cat used to have dandruff. As soon as I started giving him these vitamins, the dandruff disappeared. The wool is excellent. Both the dog and the cat. I especially like the fact that you can give it to both cats and dogs. The cat eats with pleasure. The dog is capricious and needs coaxing to eat, but she is a spoiled lady. I don’t give these vitamins all the time, but alternate them with others from the same company. About a month - for skin and coat, then a month - with calcium and vitamin D. Then a break of 2 weeks. To demonstrate the effect of vitamins, I will give a photo of my pets. As they say, evaluate the quality of the wool. I’ll make a reservation right away - my cat is not purebred (so that they don’t evaluate his fur coat in comparison with a Persian, for example.

Olesya Bondarenko

I highly recommend it to people whose cats and dogs suffer from hair loss. I work in a pet store and sell these vitamins, people, of course, initially doubt their effectiveness, I give them 14 vitamins to try (not free, of course, but I also think it’s not expensive, 1 piece is 1.5 rubles (give an animal 1 vitamin once a day)), then they definitely come and thank you and buy more! I assure you it will help any cat (dog)! They can be given simply for prevention, for example in the spring, when animals begin to molt. I don’t know how it is in other pet stores, but we sell vitamins by the piece, if you buy a whole jar, it’s expensive, about 1,000 rubles, but there are a lot of vitamins there, enough for a long time. Many people ask me whether animals will eat them, it depends on your pet, but in many cases (I asked the buyers themselves) cats did not refuse vitamins. Even if they don’t want to eat them, you can simply crumble them into food, there will be an effect.



The cat eats the vitamins himself, economical packaging.



Today I want to tell you about these wonderful vitamins for cats and dogs, Brevers 8 in 1. These vitamins were recommended to us by the breeder from whom we bought our cat. The cost of the vitamin is now 300 rubles, which lasts for a long time, despite the fact that our cat requires two tablets a day for his weight. The cat eats the tablets with pleasure on its own; there is no need to stuff anything into the animal. Brevers 8 in 1 is, first of all: a complex additive with brewer's yeast and garlic; with Omega 3 fatty acids and biotin (a water-soluble B vitamin, biotin plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism, interacting with the pancreatic hormone insulin), developed with the participation of veterinarians. The cat's fur and skin really look gorgeous. So if you want to please your little brothers, be sure to buy them Brevers.

Black Cat13


Quality, price, well eaten by animals


There is none of them

Good day to all readers of the Otzovik website! Today I want to talk about Brevers from the German company Excel. All my animals eat ready-made complete super premium and holistic food, so they don’t need additional vitamins (good diets already contain everything a dog or cat needs). But there is one exception - Animal Vitamins for Skin and Coat 8 in 1 Excel Brewers, they are given to furry dogs during the show season (I give them these vitamins in courses). I have been familiar with the Excel brand for a long time and have a very high opinion of their products. This is what the packaging of these vitamins looks like. It is very convenient that these vitamins are suitable for both cats and dogs. The owner will not have to keep several packages for each animal. In general, under the Excel 8 in 1 brand, they produce not only vitamins for cats and dogs, but also for other animals (however, you can’t find these in our city, for the most part they only sell dog vitamins and occasionally cat) Vitamins help maintain healthy skin and improve the condition of the animal’s coat, developed together with veterinarians Country of origin - Germany, the Germans are famous for the quality of their vitamins and supplements for animals. At the bottom of the jar you will find the expiration date of the vitamins. Be sure to check it out! There are cases when unscrupulous sellers sell expired goods or erase the expiration date. I have 260 chewable tablets in the package, but there are packages of 140,780 and 1430 vitamins. On the back of the package you will find instructions for using the drug, as well as information about the raw materials from which they are prepared Brevers and what vitamins they contain. When you open the jar, you will find foil that protects the vitamins from external influences (I no longer have it in the photo, and there are few vitamins left) And here is a photo of the vitamins themselves (in my photo they turned out a little lighter, than it is in reality). They smell like brewer's yeast and are well eaten by dogs. Excel vitamins are given to the animal depending on its weight (one vitamin per 4 kg of the animal's weight). I give vitamins in courses 2-3 times a year. The manufacturer recommends courses lasting from 14 to 30 days; for my dogs, the optimal course is 21 days (3 weeks). Vitamins can be mixed with the animal's food, but my dogs eat them just like a treat, they love them very much. Here is my first vitamin lover - Chihuahua Lina And this is the second - Caucasian Shepherd Lada


Thanks to Brevers vitamins for fur, our child always looks great. And the dosage is convenient: we give two tablets a day.







Good day, dear friends!

Almost every family has pets, my family is no exception. I have two pets, a cat and a dog. They require a certain amount of personal care, and we, as their owners, must take care of them. My dog, due to a winter lack of vitamins, began to lose hair on his knees, and our veterinarian recommended an excellent remedy for maintaining vitamins in the animal’s body. Pet vitamins for skin and coat 8 in 1 Excel Brewers. They are sold at any pet store or directly from a veterinarian. Their price is about 150 hryvnia. The jar contains 260 tasty, chewable tablets.

The jar is standard, the smell is a little strong, but the dog really likes it. Since my dog ​​is small, and more specifically a Toy Terrier breed, we cannot give her pills so that she can chew them on her own. One tablet per day is required, we crush it to a powdery mass and add it to the meat, the dog really likes it. It needs to be added to food for 1-2 months until its fur is restored. The composition includes yeast, B vitamins, biotin, zinc and proteins that help keep the coat shiny and shiny, and also contribute to less shedding. We purchased this product not too long ago, but we are very pleased with the result and the dog is also delighted. We will be happy to continue taking care of our pet’s health with these tablets if necessary. I can confidently recommend this product to my friends.

How to give vitamins to a cat

The immediate procedure depends on the form of the vitamin complex and the manufacturer’s recommendations. You can add:

  • mix with food (usually a dry product is chosen);
  • give separately by hand;
  • put on the tongue.

Important! Be sure to follow the dosage and monitor your pet’s condition in the first weeks of use - some even the highest quality and most expensive drugs cause an allergic reaction.

Do not ignore vitamin complexes for cats by forming their diet with expensive food.
Pets are unable to absorb many beneficial substances from food, while others simply cannot receive the required amount from the usual daily dose of food pellets. Therefore, do not neglect vitamins and carefully select them in accordance with the current state of health of the animal. The best vitamins for cats and kittens video


The composition and quality characteristics of the ingredients included in the Excel Brewers Yeast 8 in 1 formula are beyond doubt. These are truly the best vitamins, with narrowly targeted action. Some consumers and veterinarians consider them the best product for healthy skin and coat. Its effectiveness has been proven, it contains no dyes or preservatives, and the flavor formula is adapted to the preferences of cats.

The only reason you may refuse to purchase this drug is if your pet is allergic to brewer's yeast or garlic.

Causes of vitamin deficiency

Poor nutrition.

Cats are small predators. The ancestors of our mustachioed pets ate mouse-like rodents, birds, even insects, and if they could catch them, then fish. Small bones, feathers, fur, and internal organs of the prey fell into the cat's stomach. Since cats hunted small game, they did not bury the remains of their prey, like dogs, for example, and ate it fresh, just killed. Therefore, you should not feed your cat food high in carbohydrates, spoiled foods or table scraps! It is also undesirable to use only clean meat, especially boiled meat, without vegetables and other additives. The kitten's diet must be balanced!


. Any stressful situation is an active consumption of the body’s reserves and associated problems. The kitten may “worry” about being separated from its mother cat, being handed over to new people, or not receiving enough attention.

Changing teeth

. A kitten's teeth usually change between 3 and 5 months of age. This process is gradual and requires the owners to pay attention to the baby’s health. First of all, you need to pay attention to nutrition. The food given to the kitten should be rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Their deficiency can lead to improper formation of the tissues of new teeth and subsequent rapid destruction. There is also a risk that new teeth may grow unevenly, which will affect the quality of chewing food. You should pay attention to the presence of safe toys on which the baby can “scratch his teeth” without the risk of swallowing a piece.

Artificial feeding

. Kittens that consume mother cat's milk receive from it all the vitamins and minerals the body needs. If for some reason babies are left without a mother and are fed with special formulas, then special attention should be paid to their “post-milk” diet and include additional vitamins in it.


. Parasitic worms that are in the kitten’s body take away many nutrients and bioactive substances from it. The body's strength is depleted. In this case, you need to not only take care of nutrition and introduce vitamin-mineral complexes, but first of all get rid of helminths.


. Various diseases also undermine the body's strength. During treatment, you should be sure to provide your baby with adequate nutrition and introduce supplements recommended by your doctor into your diet.

Fast growth

. Increased growth in kittens is an additional burden on the body and requires diet correction.

Radostin® for kittens

Radostin® is a vitamin and mineral complex in which the substances are in a balanced, physiologically based ratio. To ensure the best bioavailability of active substances and prevent their antagonistic effects, microelements are enclosed in chelate form, and vitamins are in microcapsule form.

Radostin® contains the following active ingredients:

  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, provitamin B5, B6, B12, C, D3, E, H;
  • iron, potassium, calcium glycerophosphate, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc;
  • "Bio-Mos" (mannanoligosaccharides);
  • raspberry leaf, mussel hydrolysate, chitosan succinate, spirulina, taurine (according to the recipe);
  • auxiliary components.

This vitamin and mineral complex has a synergistic effect on the health of kittens, helps normalize metabolism, prevent vitamin and mineral deficiency, as well as diseases that develop against their background. Radostin® increases the pet's vitality and the body's resistance to disease. The multicomponent composition of the drug makes it possible to solve many problems of deficiency of bioactive substances.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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