Maksidin for cats (drops and solution for injection): action, composition and correct dosage calculation

Every responsible and loving owner knows that he is obliged not only to carefully care for his pet, but also to monitor his health. Timely vaccination helps with this, but sometimes it remains powerless in the fight against various diseases. Unfortunately, any cat can get sick.

Veterinary medicine does not stand still and is constantly evolving. Research is ongoing and new developments are emerging. One of them was the drug Maxidin. It has already earned good reviews from veterinarians and pet owners.


Maxidin increases the production of early and late interferon, the activity of macrophages, T- and B-lymphocytes). Stimulates cellular immunity. Improves natural resistance to diseases.

It also has positive side effects on the cat’s health:

  • More beautiful
  • Silky wool,
  • Strong protected skin
  • Reducing the amount of hair falling out during shedding.

No negative side effects were identified. Perhaps only individual intolerance or allergic reactions. In this case, the drug is immediately canceled.

Interaction with other drugs

Like any other immunomodulator, Maxidin (both drops and injection solution) is effective in combination with other medications. Therefore, it is often prescribed in complex therapy with the following medications:

  • antibiotics (they will fight the virus on their own);
  • decongestants (for example, for allergic conjunctivitis);
  • healing medications (for example, ointments);
  • painkillers (Novocaine, etc.);
  • heart medications (for example, Sulfocamphocaine for tachycardia).

Maksidin is easily combined with most veterinary drugs

Veterinarians often prescribe Maxidin s. It is believed that these are analogues, although in fact immunomodulators act differently. In addition, two immunocorrective drugs have a double effect, so such recommendations should not be neglected.

Possible side effects and contraindications

The only contraindication to the use of Maxidin is individual intolerance to the components of the immunomodulator. A cat may not have such a feature, but sometimes there is hypersensitivity. Usually, owners know that their pet can be classified as such an animal (it is difficult for them to choose food, every pill makes them vomit, etc.).

Composition, type

The main active ingredient is the organometallic compound pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate.

  • It is dissolved in water. Color – transparent.
  • The liquid is sterilized and packaged in 5 ml bottles made of neutral glass.
  • The bottle is placed in a cardboard box.

Precipitates and impurities are unacceptable; such medicine, as well as medicine with damaged packaging or without a label, cannot be used.

Maksidin for cats can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacies or stores where there is a “Vetapteka” department.

Release forms:

  • Solution for subcutaneous injection 0.4%.
  • Drops for nose and eyes 0.15%.

According to GOST 12.1.007-76, the drug belongs to hazard class 4. These are low-hazard substances that can cause harm to living organisms and humans only in elevated concentrations.

The lethal dose when applied to human skin is more than 2500 mg per 1 kg. In the supplied concentration and when used correctly, Maxidin is completely safe for people, animals and the environment. Can be disposed of through normal sewerage.

Side effects

During clinical studies, it was found that the drug can cause the following side effects:

  • Decreased concentration, depression, anxiety, irritability;
  • Asthenia, sleep disturbances, cephalalgia, dizziness, skin sensitivity disorders, syncope;
  • Dry cornea, burning and itching in the eyes;
  • Ringing in the ears;
  • Signs of a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of the vascular walls, hypotension, Raynaud's syndrome, abnormalities in the peripheral circulation;
  • Dry mouth, constipation, nausea, dyspeptic disorders, anorexia, hepatitis, cholestasis;
  • Enuresis, ischuria, potency disorders, decreased libido, gynecomastia;
  • Rashes, itching, swelling, angioedema;
  • Pain in the neck and back;
  • Weaknesses of the lower extremities.

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Application area

Maxidin drops for cats are used to treat infections of the eyes and nose. These are rhinitis, viral rhinotracheitis, conjunctivitis (only the conjunctiva is inflamed), keratitis (only the cornea is inflamed), or eosinophilic keratoconjunctivitis.

The medicine Maxidin for cats is a broad-spectrum remedy that works well as part of complex therapy. Its task is narrow: to increase natural immunity. Therefore, to treat acute forms of diseases, additional antibiotics, antiviral or anthelmintic agents will be required.

In some cases, it is better to give preference to drugs that combine immunomodulation and direct effects on viruses (Gamapren, Fosprenil).

Maxidin is especially suitable for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with immunosuppressive or metabolic diseases, for example, demodicosis, which is safe for healthy, strong animals, but affects weakened ones.


  1. Prevention of immunodeficiency in weakened animals.
  2. Panleukopenia (parvovirus or infectious enteritis, feline distemper or fever, feline ataxia, contagious agranulocytosis). An infectious disease caused by a virus from the Parvovirus genus.
  3. Calicivirus (calicivirus infection). The disease is caused by a virus from the Picornavirus family.
  4. Demodecosis. A contagious skin disease caused by one of two types of demodectic mites.
  5. Chlamydia, helminthiases (cestodes, roundworms, nematodes).

Pharmacological possibilities

The active ingredient in the medication is moxonidine. The substance is a selective antagonist of imidazole-sensitive receptors. With the help of this receptor system, the tone and reflex reactions of the sympathetic part of the nervous system are regulated. The drug can suppress the effect of this part of the nervous system on the peripheral parts of the circulatory system, which is expressed in the narrowing of the vascular lumens and, as a result, blood pressure rising. The active component causes a decrease in vascular tone, which leads to a decrease in peripheral resistance and a drop in systolic and diastolic pressure. However, the medicine does not have a significant effect on the volume of blood ejected by the heart and the frequency of its contractions.

The effectiveness of Moxonidine-C3 is the same with single and continuous use.

The additional effect of a long course of treatment is expressed in the ability to positively influence the myocardium, reducing its hypertrophy in the left ventricle and relieving the signs of fibrotic cardiomyopathy, microaretriopathy, as well as improving the trophism of the heart through the capillary system.

The substance causes a decrease in the activity of a number of hormones, including adrenaline, norepinephrine, angiotensinogenase, angiotensin-II, ANP (during exercise) and aldosterone.

Unlike other drugs in this pharmacological group, moxonidine is less related to alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, which reduces the risk of signs of sedation and dry mouth.

The drug does not affect the metabolism of glucose and lipids, but reduces tissue resistance to the effects of insulin.

When taken orally from the gastrointestinal tract, regardless of food intake, 90% of the substance is absorbed, and about 88% of the dose reaches the site of exposure. The maximum amount of the active ingredient is fixed in the bloodstream within 30-180 minutes from the moment of administration.

About 7% of the product forms interactions with plasma proteins. Experiments showed the ability of the active substance to overcome the blood-brain barrier and the absence of accumulation.

Moxonidine is biotransformed in the liver to a dihydrate state. The effectiveness of the main metabolite compared to the unchanged drug is about 10%.

The period of elimination of half of the active component and metabolites takes 150 and 300 minutes, respectively. Over a daily period of time, up to 90% of the substance is excreted through the urinary system in the form of:

  • 78% - unchanged elements;
  • 13% - main metabolite;
  • 8% - other metabolic products.

Up to 1% of the drug is excreted by the intestines.

The pharmacokinetics of the drug in elderly patients does not differ significantly from those in young patients, which is associated with age-related changes in metabolism and increased bioavailability.


Instructions for maxidin for cats depend on the form of the drug.

Solution for injection 0.4 is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Frequency: twice a day. The course of treatment is 2-5 days. The specific dose depends on the weight: up to 5 kg - 0.5 ml, up to 10 kg - 1 ml, up to 20 kg - 2 ml.

Rules for using the solution for injection:

  1. Do not miss the next dose. If the order is disturbed, the missed dose should be administered as quickly as possible, and the next dose at the usual time.
  2. Can be used in kittens from 2 months.
  3. Suitable for use in pregnant and lactating cats.
  4. During treatment with Maxidin, it is possible to use other medications or dietary supplements. Does not conflict with other medications. Combine with other immunomodulators with caution.

Maxidin 0.15 drops are dripped 1-2 drops into the eyes or nasal passages. Frequency – up to 3 times a day. The course is until the symptoms disappear, but not longer than 14 days.

If you need to rinse your nose deeply, in case of severe rhinitis, it is better to swaddle the cat before instillation. It is convenient to use a catheter nozzle.

Since the package is not equipped with a tip for instillation, and you need to dive into the bottle with a pipette, it is better to have several pipettes (for each eye separately) and sterilize them in time so that infectious agents do not get into the medicine.

special instructions

If mold or impurities are found inside the medicine bottle, it should not be used. All bottles must be hermetically sealed. If the bottle was not closed tightly or cracked, it means it is spoiled. A change in the color or consistency of the solution indicates a spoiled medicine. The cloudy solution should also be thrown away.

Important! Maxidin eye drops are necessary for rhinotracheitis. Because of this virus, the eyes often rot and have to be surgically removed. These eye drops will preserve your cat's vision and save her from blindness.

Consumer Opinions

Reviews of Maxidin for cats are on average positive. Buyers note the speed of action and effectiveness.

  • Maxidin eye drops show themselves to be more effective than their analogues.
  • After 2-3 days, kittens and adult cats have practically clear eyes; it is great for preventing runny noses, especially in animals undergoing rehabilitation.
  • A course of drops will prevent coughing and sneezing from developing into severe forms.

It works well for viral rhinotracheitis in combination with local antibiotics (for example, Tsiprovet).

  • Pros: Versatility, drops are suitable for both the nose and eyes, well tolerated by animals, does not sting, low price. A package of 5 bottles of 5 ml costs 200-400 rubles, 1 bottle, which is usually enough for 1 animal - 50-60 rubles.
  • The drug is indispensable for Persian or exotic cats. These animals, due to the structure of their muzzle, often suffer from brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome and constant lacrimation. Treatment in courses of 2 weeks can provide the animal with a month of complete comfort with the eyes and nose.
  • The downside is that the packaging is not very convenient - there is no pipette.
  • Occasionally, allergic reactions occur: swelling, even more profuse lacrimation from the eyes.

In very rare reviews, the product is described as having no effect.

In any case, you should carefully monitor the condition of your own pet in order to adjust treatment in time. It is advisable to select medications together with a veterinarian.

How does the “cat three” work?

Maxidin is an antiviral, organometallic immunomodulatory drug. Stimulates the body's natural resistance. It has a pronounced antiviral effect against the herpes virus, the causative agent of RTI. Increases the activity of macrophages.

Fosprenil - contains polyprenols of fir needles - a natural product. The drug has an antiviral effect against a wide range of enveloped viruses, including the herpes virus. It is a membrane protector, that is, it promotes more active transport of substances through biological membranes, and a hepatoprotector - it restores liver cells. Stimulates the release of stem cells, which are then converted into cells necessary for immune defense.

Gamavit forte - contains a balanced solution of salts, amino acids and vitamins in physiological concentrations, which are correctly perceived by the cell. The main active ingredients are denatured placenta extract, sodium nucleinate and 3 new (compared to Gamavit) components that expand the spectrum of action of the drug: interferon-alpha (antiviral effect), succinic acid (powerful antioxidant) and pyruvic acid (anti-inflammatory effect).

So, when used in combination with drugs, they have a triple blow to the virus! Triple the immunomodulatory, detoxifying, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects. Stimulates the body's resistance. It is in the complex that the viral infectious process does not become chronic, which is observed when using only Maxidin. When using the “cat three” treatment becomes much more effective!

Photo of the medicine Maksidin for cats

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