Inspector drops for cats: instructions for use

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A large number of cat sores that are terrible for human hearing, which sound frightening and do not look very good, can pass by your beloved pet. Any entomosis, demodicosis, otodectosis, sarcoptic mange, ixodid ticks, intestinal nematodosis - Inspector Total K drops have been developed for all these scourges.

Indications for use and mechanism of action of drops

Inspector Total K drops are a combined antiparasitic drug for cats and dogs. Indicated for use if your pet has fleas, ticks and helminths, as well as for the prevention of infection with ecto- and endoparasites.

The cat was tormented by fleas!

“Inspector” - drops for cats, they are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • entomosis - diseases caused by insects (fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, lice, lice);
  • Otodectosis is a disease caused by ear mites;
  • notoedrosis - damage to the upper layers of the skin by the parasite Notoedros Cati;
  • acarosis is a skin lesion caused by microscopic itch mites;
  • infection with ixodid and acariform ticks;
  • toxocariasis is a helminthic infestation caused by the helminth Toxocara cati;
  • toxascariasis - infestation by worms of the roundworm group;
  • uncinariasis - infestation by nematode worms;
  • anklystomosis - infestation by worms of the species Ancylostoma tubaeforme;
  • dirofilariasis is an infestation of heartworms that infect the heart chambers of their host.

Important! Even if the cat does not go outside, it still needs to be treated! People bring helminth and flea eggs on outdoor shoes.

The active ingredients of the drops - fipronil and moxidectin - paralyze the nerve receptors of parasites, which leads to their paralysis and death.

After applying the drug to the skin, fipronil is distributed over the surface of the cat's skin without being absorbed into the bloodstream. It remains on the skin and coat for a long time, providing protection against ectoparasites. Moxidectin is well absorbed into the bloodstream, kills endoparasites and provides long-term protection against them.

The drug is eliminated from the body on its own within 28-30 days.

Uninvited guests - fleas and ticks

In what cases is it used

This drug is effective in combating animal infestations with various parasites and insects:

  • lice eaters;
  • fleas;
  • lice;
  • microfilaria larvae parasitizing in the blood;
  • mites of various types (hypodermic, ixodid, scabies, sarcoptoid);
  • intestinal nematodes (roundworms);
  • helminths.

The inspector is used when the cat has fleas, ticks, lice

The inspector is prescribed to cats for the purpose of preventive measures and therapy for the following diseases:

  • demodicosis caused by subcutaneous mites;
  • sarcoptic mange (scabies);
  • entomosis associated with the appearance of fleas and lice;
  • otodecosis (ear scabies);
  • toxocariasis, damage to the gastrointestinal tract by helminths;
  • trichocephalosis (causative agent - nematode).

This drug is used as a preventative against heartworm disease, a parasitic disease caused by heart parasites. The inspector is effective only in the fight against larvae and is able to prevent the development of the disease, but is not suitable for its therapy.

Flea drops "Inspector" - instructions for use

Advocate drops for cats: instructions for use

The drug is produced as drops on the withers for cats, in a dosage based on the weight of the animal. For 1-4 kg of weight 0.4 ml; for 4-8 kg of mass 0.8 ml. The entire pipette must be used at once.

Inspector drops for cats come with detailed instructions for use.

There is also “Inspector” for kittens in a reduced dosage. This option is called “Inspector mini” and is suitable for small breed puppies and kittens weighing from 0.5 kg. “Inspector” for kittens is used according to instructions from three weeks of age.

Drops on the withers "Inspector"

Processing technique

Inspector drops for cats are applied to the skin of the withers, closer to the neck, after spreading the fur. The withers were not chosen by chance - this is a place where the cat cannot reach with its tongue. Dosage by weight. It is not recommended to use three days before and three days after washing the animal.

Note! The drug is applied to clean, dry skin. It is important that there are no wounds, redness or alopecia (bald patches) at the site where the drops are applied.

For otodectosis (ear mites), the “Inspector” is recommended to drop a drop of the drug into each ear, after thoroughly cleaning them. The remaining drops are poured onto the withers.

Correct application of drops to the withers

How often can you use the Inspector tool?

To prevent external and internal parasites, the drug is used once every 1-2 months.

To destroy external parasites (fleas, lice, ticks, lice) - twice, with an interval of 10-14 days.

For otodectosis, drops are instilled into the ears and on the withers 2-3 times, with an interval of 14-18 days.

To prevent dirofilariasis, which is carried by mosquitoes, it should be treated every 20-22 days.

general information

The drug is produced in our country. Drops are intended for external use only and are sold in the form of a solution. The appearance of the liquid is light yellow or colorless. The consistency is oily. Release form: pipettes from 0.4 to 4 ml. Packaging: polymer blisters in boxes with instructions.

It is recommended to store the drug in a dry, dark place where there is no feed or food products. The optimal storage temperature is from 0 to 30 degrees Celsius. After opening the package, the product should be used immediately. Do not leave the pipette open. The shelf life of the Inspector product is 3 years from the date of release.

Precautionary measures

Bars drops for cats against fleas and ticks: instructions

It is best to handle drops while wearing gloves. After treatment, the cat should not be touched by the withers for 3-4 days. If contact occurs, wash hands with warm water and soap. If drops get on the nasal mucosa, in the eyes or in the mouth, immediately wash the affected areas under running water. Children should not be allowed near the cat.

If the animal nevertheless reaches out and licks drops from the withers, it is necessary to immediately see a veterinarian, without waiting for clinical signs of poisoning - vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea.

Security measures

Despite the fact that “Inspector” is considered a relatively safe drug, do not forget that it contains insecticides, which can still cause harm if the drops are stored and used incorrectly or carelessly.

In order to avoid possible negative consequences, it is recommended to adhere to the following safety rules:

  1. Treat the cat only in a well-ventilated room or one equipped with high-quality ventilation; the procedure is not allowed in the kitchen.
  2. When applying drops to the fur, hands should be protected with disposable rubber gloves; it is recommended to wear a respiratory mask to protect the respiratory tract from strong odors.
  3. During the procedure, it is prohibited to consume any food or drinks, as well as smoke, as this creates a risk of the substance entering the digestive system and subsequent poisoning.
  4. After completing the procedure, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and warm water.
  5. For 3-4 days after treatment, exclude contact between the pet and children. During the same period, it is not allowed to stroke or otherwise touch the treated areas on the cat’s body.
  6. For 4-5 days, do not subject your pet to water procedures , and also make sure that the cat does not get wet anywhere accidentally.
  7. Keep the cat in quarantine for a week , completely eliminating contact with other animals that might lick drops from its fur.
  8. When processing , make sure that drops do not accidentally fall on the mucous membranes of the cat or person performing the procedure.
  9. In case of accidental contact with skin or mucous membranes , the area will need to be rinsed with a large volume of clean water.
  10. Do not use drops more than once a month , as this may cause an overdose.
  11. The drops must be stored in a dark and cool place , which is inaccessible to small children and pets.

Side effects and contraindications

When used according to the instructions, Inspector Total K is as safe as possible for cats.

Blokhnet for cats: drops, instructions

Side effects include:

  • lethargy and decreased appetite within 24 hours after using the drug;
  • redness of the skin and itching at the site of application of the drops;
  • individual intolerance - vomiting, diarrhea.

The drug is contraindicated:

  • kittens less than seven weeks old;
  • animals in the acute or chronic stage of an infectious disease;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the drug.

Important! With severe helminthic infestation, dead helminths begin to secrete decay products directly into the cat’s intestines. If your health suddenly deteriorates, you should contact a veterinary clinic!

Visit to the veterinarian

Release form


The drug is available in the form of drops, the package contains one dropper pipette, packed in a blister with inserted cardboard. Instructions for using the drops are also included.


The Inspector is also available in the form of a spray, which is called Inspector Spray. The active ingredients are the same, plus pyriproxyfen, which is an insecticide with contact and intestinal action, an analogue of juvenile hormone. Spray “inspector” is available in bottles with a volume of 100 to 200 ml (for many pets this quantity is not enough for the summer season). The manufacturer promises duration of action from 1 to 3 months. The nuance of use, according to buyers, is joint use with a collar of the same brand. Application is extremely simple, spread the fur and apply the product, hold the pet in your arms for a while, then release it. It is better to feed your pet before applying.


“Inspector mini” for cats - this name indicates that the drug is intended for use on small and light animals (kittens, toy dogs) - those that do not weigh even 2 kg.


When used in accordance with the instructions, “Inspector” does its job really well - fleas and ticks die within 3-4 hours after treatment, worms within 5-6 hours. Sometimes repeated treatment is required in order to “finish off” new individuals hatched from eggs.


“Inspector” is an effective flea and tick drug for cats and does not pose a serious danger to the health of people and animals.

For more effective treatment against worms, veterinarians advise giving the cat a tablet 10-14 days after treatment with drops. Since “Inspector” drops for cats do not always work against worms.

Note! Since parasites do not live on cats, but only feed, if a flea or helminthic infestation is detected, the apartment must also be treated. It is better to throw away the pet's beds and pillows or wash them in a Delcid solution with bleach.

Description of the product

“Inspector” is a colorless liquid without sediment with a slight odor of alcohol. The drops are packaged in containers. The latter are also a pipette with which liquid is applied. The solution contains two active ingredients: moxidectin and fipronil.

Both of them are low-toxic and completely harmless to the health of humans and their pets, but are deadly to fleas and other arthropod insects. Fipronil can interfere with the absorption of chlorine.

This process inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses, simultaneously building a blockade of all body systems of the flea, which entails its rapid death. The liquid contains 2.5% moxidectin plus 10% fipronil. This is quite enough to destroy blood-sucking parasites.

“Inspector” was developed with the aim of ridding domestic animals, in particular cats, of blood-sucking parasites. It is successfully used against many types of ticks, lice and fleas, as well as against various types of helminths.

Benefits of drops

  1. "Inspector" is an effective remedy compared to other similar drugs. You can treat your cat with it completely independently, without turning to specialists for help. The procedure will only last a few minutes.
  2. When using liquid, your pet will not need to be bathed or combed. In general, the bathing procedure does not give cats much pleasure. It is so natural that they do not like water. Although there are exceptions.
  3. The solution will not require additional funds to purchase an anti-flea collar. For the same money, it will effectively rid the animal of parasites. In addition, collars carry a certain danger for your pet. When walking through grass and thickets, as well as when climbing trees, it can accidentally catch on a branch and even cause suffocation.
  4. In comparison with folk remedies that only repel pests and are used as preventatives, drops completely destroy insects.
  5. Liquid is preferable to spray.
      Firstly, the spray is weaker.
  6. Secondly, they will have to treat the pet entirely. He will start licking himself, and this is certainly undesirable.
  7. The liquid is safe for humans. You won't need a mask or gauze bandage. It is enough to wear gloves on your hands.


Of course, all insecticidal preparations that affect the well-being of animals are dangerous. Drops also have their disadvantages, but there are very few of them.

Manifestation of side effects. This rarely happens, only if the animal’s body is particularly sensitive.

The drug does not kill flea larvae. It is clear why: the larvae live separately from the adults. They can only die if they come into contact with treated cat fur.

To prevent this from happening, flea control should be carried out throughout the entire house, paying special attention to the place where the cat prefers to sleep.

Attention! If several cats are being processed at the same time, it is necessary to exclude contact between them by separating them into different rooms. It will take no more than an hour for the drug to be absorbed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the drug "Inspector Total K" are the following:

  • high efficiency against external parasites;
  • ease of use;
  • no strong odor from the drops;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • the company has drops for both cats and kittens, and for dogs and puppies;
  • adequate price tag.

The disadvantages of the drug "Inspector" are as follows:

  • poor effectiveness against internal parasites, sometimes additional treatment for worms in the form of a tablet is necessary;
  • individual allergic reactions;
  • the drug does not kill flea and helminth eggs;
  • From the drops, the pet's fur becomes oily 3-5 days after treatment.

Description of the product

“Inspector” is a colorless liquid without sediment with a slight odor of alcohol.
The drops are packaged in containers. The latter are also a pipette with which liquid is applied. The solution contains two active ingredients: moxidectin and fipronil. Both of them are low-toxic and completely harmless to the health of humans and their pets, but are deadly to fleas and other arthropod insects. Fipronil can interfere with the absorption of chlorine.

This process inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses, simultaneously building a blockade of all body systems of the flea, which entails its rapid death. The liquid contains 2.5% moxidectin plus 10% fipronil. This is quite enough to destroy blood-sucking parasites.

“Inspector” was developed with the aim of ridding domestic animals, in particular cats, of blood-sucking parasites. It is successfully used against many types of ticks, lice and fleas, as well as against various types of helminths.

Benefits of drops

  1. "Inspector" is an effective remedy compared to other similar drugs. You can treat your cat with it completely independently, without turning to specialists for help. The procedure will only last a few minutes.
  2. When using liquid, your pet will not need to be bathed or combed. In general, the bathing procedure does not give cats much pleasure. It is so natural that they do not like water. Although there are exceptions.
  3. The solution will not require additional funds to purchase an anti-flea collar. For the same money, it will effectively rid the animal of parasites. In addition, collars carry a certain danger for your pet. When walking through grass and thickets, as well as when climbing trees, it can accidentally catch on a branch and even cause suffocation.
  4. In comparison with folk remedies that only repel pests and are used as preventatives, drops completely destroy insects.
  5. Liquid is preferable to spray.
      Firstly, the spray is weaker.
  6. Secondly, they will have to treat the pet entirely. He will start licking himself, and this is certainly undesirable.
  7. The liquid is safe for humans. You won't need a mask or gauze bandage. It is enough to wear gloves on your hands.


Of course, all insecticidal preparations that affect the well-being of animals are dangerous. Drops also have their disadvantages, but there are very few of them.

Manifestation of side effects. This rarely happens, only if the animal’s body is particularly sensitive.

The drug does not kill flea larvae. It is clear why: the larvae live separately from the adults. They can only die if they come into contact with treated cat fur.

To prevent this from happening, flea control should be carried out throughout the entire house, paying special attention to the place where the cat prefers to sleep. Attention! If several cats are being processed at the same time, it is necessary to exclude contact between them by separating them into different rooms

It will take no more than an hour for the drug to be absorbed.

Attention! If several cats are being processed at the same time, it is necessary to exclude contact between them by separating them into different rooms. It will take no more than an hour for the drug to be absorbed.

Effective analogues

If you have an individual intolerance to the drug “Inspector”, the following analogues are suitable:

Effective analogues

  • "Stronghold" for cats, the active ingredient is selamectin. Does not help against ixodid ticks.
  • “Prazicide”, the active ingredients are praziquantel, levamisole and ivermectin.
  • "Advantage", active ingredients - permethrin and imidacloprid.
  • "Advocate", the active ingredients are imidacloprid and moxidectin.

Important! You cannot use several antiparasitic drugs at once. This can cause severe intoxication of the body.

Don't forget how important protection against parasites is for animals. Parasitic diseases are a serious problem, and only the owner can protect their animal.

general characteristics

Inspector drops are a colorless liquid with a light oily structure.
The container in which they are sold is also a pipette, ensuring ease of use and ease of application. The drug contains the following components:

  1. Fipronil is the main active ingredient; it is a well-known type of insecticide. This component was chosen for a reason, since it retained all the positive aspects of the substances of the permethrin group, but at the same time is much safer for cats due to its low level of toxicity. The content is about 10%.
  2. Moxidectin is another insecticidal substance that is absorbed into the skin and enters the bloodstream, after which it has a detrimental effect on parasites. This component, like fipronil, was chosen because it is safe for cats, which usually do not tolerate permethrin and its analogues well. The content of the composition is about 2.5%.
  3. Isopropanol is one of the simplest alcohol compounds and functions as an auxiliary component.
  4. Dimethyl sulfoxide is a solvent substance that is included in many medicines intended for both humans and animals.
  5. Polyethylene glycol is one of the polymers responsible for the structure of the drug and is included in the composition in a minimal amount.


Let's look at the reviews about using the product. Owners write:

  • From Ekaterina: “My elderly cat tolerated the inspector’s treatment well; among the advantages, I note that there are no ticks, no fleas, no helminths. Disadvantage: the cat refused to eat. But the good thing about the drops is that you don’t have to force the animal to eat the pills (my Motya regurgitates them).
  • Elena writes: “I liked the drug. My pet had an intolerance to helminthic drugs, we tried to give suspensions and tablets, but the result was vomiting foam at the mouth and grumbling of the pet. Attempts to give any drugs turned out to be nothing. The seller of the veterinary pharmacy advised me to use the “inspector”; according to the instructions, I determined the procedure, most importantly, I weighed the cat. He weighed 3.7 kg - he could safely apply the product. The effect is long lasting!”
  • Review of the “mini inspector”: Finally, a remedy was found for my lightweight cat, otherwise the adults were disinfected, but the product was not suitable for the baby due to its low weight. Before use, I caught several fleas from the face, but now they are really gone. Take note, the drug will also help against ticks and worms!”
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