Fitex for cats: what are the advantages of drops and how to use them

Pets often experience stress. The most ordinary, in a person’s opinion, situations can cause them: the appearance of strangers in the house or the first trip to the country. At the veterinary pharmacy you can purchase special medications for such cases - they will help the pet calm down and quickly adapt to new conditions.

Let's find out what the advantages of Fitex drops are and what effect they have on cats.

Indications for use

Fitex calming drops are used for fear, phobias, agitation, aggression, excessive vocal activity (incessant barking, whining, loud meowing), leaving odorous marks in the apartment, as well as for correcting unwanted behavior in dogs and cats during training. Drops alleviate unwanted symptoms of estrus in cats (loud meowing, restlessness), as well as manifestations of hypersexuality in cats. Taking the drug in advance allows you to prevent the development of stressful phenomena in highly excitable animals during transportation in a car or other form of transport, before the arrival of guests, before an exhibition, visiting a veterinary clinic, pet salons and pet hotels, to suppress separation syndrome from the owner. Having a moderate sedative effect without a hypnotic effect, Fitex calming drops make it easier to train overly excitable animals. Taking the drug can alleviate the symptoms of a physical disease that requires contact with a veterinarian.

Fitex's analogs

The closest analogues of Fitex are the following sedatives:

  • Relaxivet;
  • Cat Baiyun;
  • Stop-stress drops;
  • Sanal RELAX.

Photo gallery: Fitex analogues according to indications for use

Relaxivet has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps relieve nervous tension and anxiety in animals, especially with fear of loud noises and explosions

Cat Bayun ensures that the body receives the most important micronutrients with adaptogenic properties necessary for balanced behavior, which contributes to the correction of behavior in normal environments and under stress conditions

Stop-stress is prescribed to reduce arousal and correct psychogenic behavior disorders in cats with stress, phobias, aggression and increased sexual arousal

The action of the drug Sanal Relax is aimed at the release of serotonin - the natural hormone of happiness

Table: Relaxivet, Cat Bayun, Stop Stress and Sanal Relax

NameActive ingredientsDosage formContraindicationsSide effectsPrice
RelaxivetEssential oils and extracts of medicinal plants
  • spot-on drops,
  • drinking solution,
  • collar,
  • spray
From 164 rubles (4 pipettes)
cat BaiyunPhytocomplex (medicinal plants)
  • infusion,
  • pills
  • allergy to components,
  • age under 10 months
From 100 rubles (10 ml)
Stop stressPhenibut, phytocomplexOral drops
  • allergy to components,
  • diseases of the genitourinary system,
  • oncological diseases,
  • diabetes,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation
  • drowsiness,
  • lowering blood pressure,
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
From 130 rubles (15 tablets)
Sanal RelaxL-tryptophan, vitaminsPills
  • liver and gastrointestinal diseases,
  • encephalopathy
From 440 rubles (packaging)

Pharmacological properties

Fitex soothing drops in 1 ml contain as active ingredients a thick extract of valerian rhizomes - 25 mg, dry extract of motherwort - 25 mg, dry extract of common hop - 25 mg, dry extract of skullcap Baikal - 25 mg. Fitex soothing drops belong to the group of sedative herbal medicines. The plant components contained in Fitex sedative drops normalize the activity of the central nervous system, stabilize the cardiovascular system and blood pressure, and have a mild sedative, antispasmodic and anxiolytic (weakening the feeling of fear) effect. The complex of biologically active substances of valerian officinalis, motherwort and common hops has a calming effect on the central nervous system, Scutellaria Baikal has a hypotensive, anticonvulsant and vasodilator effect.

Description of the drug Fitex

Fitex is a calming drop for cats. This product is produced by Russia, a leading manufacturer of veterinary drugs. The drug can be found in almost any pharmacy, and the price of the drops is low - from 143 rubles for a 10 ml bottle.

Most of the pet products on the Russian market are produced by AVZ

"Agrovetzaschita" produces various products for pets (more than 300 items - medicines, feed additives, protective equipment, etc.). The company was founded in 1993, and now the organization employs more than 700 specialists. Some AVZ products are especially popular. For example, the antiparasitic drug “Bars” became the product of the year for 6 years in a row.

In pet pharmacies you can also find drops produced by the group. The composition of the drugs does not differ from different manufacturers (only the types of packaging will be different).

Release form

The drug Fitex is a brown water-oil solution for oral use. It is produced bottled in plastic bottles of 7 or 10 ml. Each bottle (AVZ) is equipped with a cap with a dropper and packed in a cardboard box along with an annotation. The EXPA bottles are closed with threaded caps made of polymer material.

The boxes from “Agrovetzaschita” depict a cat and a dog, and also have the inscription “For cats and dogs.” The packaging from EXPA states that the drops are intended for cats.

Fitex packaging from different manufacturers may vary slightly

Composition of the drug

Fitex drops consist of dry and thick extracts of medicinal plants:

  • valerian (valeriana officinalis);
  • motherwort (leonurus quinquelobatus gilib);
  • common hop (humulus lupulus);
  • Baikal skullcap (scutellaria baicalensis georgi).

Important: the product does not contain alcohol or sugar. Therefore, this medicine can be used even by cats prone to diabetes.

It is important for me that there are no alcohol components in the medicines at all. Due to an allergy to alcohol fumes, I can begin to choke. When treating cats, this is especially important, since you cannot simply give the cat drops and have her drink them herself.

Plants, the extracts of which are included in the medicine, have a powerful sedative effect. They are also used in the production of sedatives for people. And valerian also has an intoxicating effect. It is also called cat root, meow or cat grass.

1 ml of Fitex contains 100 mg of the sum of dry and thick extracts

Under what conditions should Fitex be stored?

The instructions for use of Fitex say that the drug should be stored under the following conditions:

  • in sealed manufacturer's packaging;
  • in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight;
  • separately from food and feed;
  • at temperatures from 5°C to 30°C;
  • within 18 months from the date of production.

Spoiled, unused or expired medication should be discarded. It is not recommended to use empty containers for household purposes.

Zantac for dogs

Not only cats suffer from diseases of the digestive system. Dogs are also susceptible to stomach and duodenal ulcers, stomach upsets and indigestion. These diseases develop due to poor nutrition, stress, poisoning and the use of aggressive medications.

The dosage of the drug for treating dogs is the same as for cats: 1-2 mg per 1 kg of pet’s weight or 0.1 ml of injection solution per 1 kg of weight. One tablet is designed for a dog weighing from 50 to 75 kilograms.

The medicine should not be used to treat small puppies or pregnant or lactating females. Side effects include diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting, heart rhythm disturbances and decreased blood pressure, drowsiness and lethargy, general irritability and aggression of the animal during the treatment period.

Methods of administration of the drug for dogs: intravenously, intramuscularly and orally. The dosage, frequency of use and total duration of treatment are prescribed only by a veterinarian. Most often, the drug is administered intravenously, twice a day. Moreover, intravenous administration requires a long time - at least two minutes per ampoule. You should not self-medicate, as there is a high risk of allergic reactions and side effects.

Features of use

To achieve the required therapeutic effect, a sedative is instilled onto the root of the tongue. If necessary, it can be added to the feed. It is important to ensure that your pet does not spit out the solution. This can be achieved by gently stroking the cat's neck from top to bottom, which causes a swallowing reflex.

The drops should be taken an hour before meals three times a day. The duration of therapy is 2 weeks. The veterinarian, if indicated, can continue taking the medication for up to a month. Adult cats are given 5 drops of solution at a time, babies - 3. The drug can be combined with any means except sedatives.

Fitex has virtually no contraindications . They are allowed to give water even to pregnant and lactating cats. The composition of the drug is completely safe for this category of animals. The remedy has a particularly beneficial effect on kittens, which are characterized by excessive hyperactivity, timidity and playfulness. The only limitation to its use should be individual intolerance to the components, which in some cases can cause allergies and low blood pressure.

If a stressful situation for a cat is planned in advance (a visit to the veterinarian, a change of place of residence), it is worth worrying about the psychological comfort of the animal in advance. It is recommended to start giving the medicine to your pet a week before the event, because it is easier to prevent stress than to deal with its consequences in the future.

When working with medication, you must take some precautions. They can be combined into several rules:

  • Be careful not to get the solution into the animal’s eyes, as it can cause irritation of the organ;
  • Avoid spilling the product on the skin, and in case of contact with the solution, rinse it thoroughly under running water to prevent the development of possible allergic reactions;
  • use personal protective equipment in case of intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • when working with a pet, carefully wrap it in a soft blanket or towel so that it does not injure the owner with its claws;
  • Before handling, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Side effects

Fitex is well tolerated, without causing lethargy or lethargy. However, sometimes side effects are possible. With individual intolerance, the cat may vomit or become drowsy. Increased sensitivity can manifest as nervousness, irritability and skin allergies. If such signs are present, you should stop using the product.


The simplest option is to calm the animal using special tablets. Modern veterinary medicine can offer a choice of two types of drugs:

  • calming;
  • hormonal.

Let's look at these types in more detail below.


Sedative drugs are made on a herbal basis. Such tablets must be given to the cat several times a day so that the animal remains calm and behaves appropriately. The composition of calming tablets for cats includes the following herbs:

  • mint;
  • plantain;
  • cottonweed;
  • motherwort, etc.

Please note that the effect of sedative tablets is always temporary, and a 100% positive result in this case cannot be guaranteed. The most famous and most often used are sedative tablets such as:

  • Cat Baiyun;
  • Stop Stress.


These party remedies are much more potent and have many more side effects. These tablets contain special antihistamines, as well as hormones that significantly change the natural “course of events” in the cat’s body.

The effect of hormonal pills is aimed at reducing the production of testosterone: it is this hormone in cats (and in humans) that is responsible for aggression and sexual activity. Note that usually taking hormonal pills causes, along with a decrease in libido, drowsiness and lethargy in a cat. The most commonly used tablets in this category are:

  • AntiSex;
  • Sex barrier.

The tablets are used as follows: either placed under the root of the cat’s tongue, or crushed and added to food.

Video on how to give a cat a pill:



Tatyana, 42 years old, Moscow:

“I have a very shy cat, afraid of any rustle. He always hides from guests under the bed or sofa. One day he got sick, which is why he had to go to the veterinarian every day for injections. My pet started throwing tantrums. The vet recommended Fitex. The drug helped, the pet began to behave calmer. I gave him drops during renovations, when there were always workers in the apartment. The pet walked calmly around the house, not paying attention to strangers.”

Evgeniy, 35 years old, Voronezh: “Before sterilization, the period of estrus became a real torment. First, the pharmacist advised me to buy Relaxivet. However, the cat's behavior did not change for the better. Fitex helped in 2 days. She no longer constantly meowed for cats. The main advantages of the drops are their affordable price and safety for the animal.”


Yuri, 51 years old, veterinarian, Krasnodar:

“The drug is quite effective, but it is not suitable for all animals. It doesn't work on some people. In other cases the effect is weak. There will definitely be no harm from the product.”

Olga, 39 years old, veterinarian, St. Petersburg: “Fitex is a good drug for cats and dogs. The product contains valerian. Some pets do not tolerate it well, which is advisable to take into account. More often I prescribe Fospasim, a homeopathic remedy for the prevention and treatment of stress. However, I can’t say anything bad about Fitex.”

Is it possible to give?

The product is produced by Russian. She is a leader in the production of medicines for animals. The sedative is intended for cats. It is used to prevent and combat stress conditions. Drops are suitable for pets of all ages and breeds.

The product consists of natural ingredients. It contains extracts of valerian, motherwort, Baikal skullcap and hops. Fitex contains no artificial additives, preservatives or alcohol. Therefore, it does not provoke burning and disgust in cats. The medicine will be an excellent alternative to hormonal drugs, because There are practically no contraindications.

The main advantage of the product is its mild effect on the nervous system. Fitex corrects the behavior of pets experiencing stress, which can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Thanks to plant extracts, the drug has a combined effect. Each component has special properties. What they have in common is a pronounced calming effect:

  1. Valerian eliminates depression and aggression, and also normalizes sleep.
  2. Motherwort fights increased nervous excitability. The plant improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and other systems of the body, and has a hypotensive effect.
  3. Baikal skullcap facilitates adaptation to stressful situations. Has an anticonvulsant effect and reduces blood pressure. The plant suppresses fear in pets, which is a unique property.
  4. Hops help with aggression and anxiety. It reduces sexual activity.

The complex effect of the drops is manifested in the normalization of the cat’s behavior and the suppression of sexual desire. The medicine has a slight antispasmodic effect.

The indication for using Fitex is unwanted behavior of the pet. This includes:

  • increased activity;
  • aggression;
  • constant or night meowing;
  • a feeling of fear in an animal;
  • the appearance of “marks” on furniture, floors, etc.;
  • moving;
  • anxiety during estrus;
  • longing for the owner or other household members.

Drops can be given in case of conflicts with other animals, before the arrival of a new pet and a visit to the veterinarian or hairdresser. Sedative medications may reduce the effectiveness of other medications. It is recommended to consult a doctor.

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