What is malt paste for cats and how to use it

Cats are considered very clean animals, because they take care of their coats on their own. But as a result of frequent licking, wool accumulates in their stomachs, which is compressed into lumps (trichobezoars) and leads to disruption of the digestive processes. To get rid of them, you need to use a special product - malt paste.

Let's find out what is included in such drugs and how to use them correctly.

What is malt paste

This product is a paste-like mass containing small solid particles. It is packaged in metal or polymer tubes and sold in specialized pet stores.

Malt paste for cats usually includes:

  • malt extract;
  • vegetable oils;
  • animal fats;
  • cellulose;
  • yeast;
  • bran;
  • prebiotics;
  • probiotics;
  • vitamins;
  • micro- and macroelements.

The hair removal product also contains thickeners, emulsifiers and antioxidants. To give malt paste a pleasant taste and aroma, manufacturers use harmless flavorings and fragrances.

To improve the condition of the coat and skin, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are added to the product. And in order to normalize the functioning of the intestines, dietary supplements are mixed into the paste for cats.

What components are usually included?

Manufacturers of pet products offer a wide selection of malt pastes that differ in composition. But the components found in most are:

  • Malt. This is the base of malt paste. It is a source of fiber and also a natural sweetener, which makes the taste of the paste attractive to cats.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Prebiotics and probiotics.

Associated bonuses from consuming malt paste are: improving the external characteristics of the animal’s fur and strengthening it.

Malt paste is available in tubes. Before giving the cat paste , you need to read the instructions. The drug should be stored in the refrigerator. But to make it easier to squeeze out the thick mixture, it can be warmed to room temperature shortly before use.

Indications for use

The formation of trichobezoars is a natural process for representatives of the cat family. They usually move down the esophagus and are eliminated from the gastrointestinal tract through regurgitation or feces. In short-haired cats, this process occurs slowly and does not cause serious problems. But representatives of furry breeds have negative consequences in the form of intestinal blockage.

You can reduce the risk of complications by using malt paste for removing hair from cats. It should be given during the molting period and when the following symptoms appear:

  • weight loss;
  • nausea;
  • regular vomiting with hairs;
  • loss of appetite;
  • constipation;
  • changes in behavior.

In what cases should you give the paste?

Cats cleanse their bodies of hairballs naturally up to 3-4 times a month. Not only adults, but also kittens are susceptible to the formation of trichobezoars. If something “went wrong” and you notice the symptoms described below in your pet, then you should immediately show the animal to a veterinarian. The veterinarian will examine the animal and make a diagnosis. And, if the problem is related to the presence of an accumulation of hairballs in the stomach, he will tell you how to give the cat paste, help you choose the composition of the drug, and give recommendations on nutrition and care for your pet.

Symptoms that indicate the presence of excessive accumulation of hairballs in the cat's stomach:

  • Bloating. On palpation there are pronounced pain sensations.
  • Refusal of food.
  • Dry cough.
  • Profuse salivation.
  • Constipation.
  • Very hard stools with some hair present.
  • Regular vomiting with the presence of hairs, blood and mucus.
  • Temperature.

Delay can have very serious consequences for the health and life of your pet.

If you experience the symptoms above, contact your veterinarian immediately

Operating principle

Malt pastes for cats do not dissolve clumps of hair, but help remove it from the body. The active ingredients of the drugs soften the trichobezoars, which later gradually come out. The pasty mass envelops hairballs and promotes their movement through the digestive tract. As a result, wool clots pass unhindered through the intestines and are eliminated during bowel movements. As a result, the cat’s constipation, nausea and vomiting disappear, and the microflora is normalized.

Malt pastes for cats also perform a preventive function. They prevent hair that has entered the cat's stomach from forming into large clumps and prevents it from growing into the intestinal walls.

Can cat hairballs come out on their own?

This is usually what happens. The cat's body gets rid of hairballs on its own through regurgitation. The pet jumps up, begins to worry, twitches convulsively and regurgitates a clump of undigested hair. The trichobezoar rejected by the cat's body is an elongated, moist, dense formation like a sausage, the color of which matches the color of the animal. Its hue slightly changes the color of food and various gastric secretions. Typically, bezoars regurgitated by a cat have an unpleasant, but not foul, odor.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Malt paste is equally suitable for kittens, adult animals and older, weakened individuals. It has no other contraindications, except for serious pathologies of the digestive system and liver problems. Also, paste for cats is not prescribed in case of the formation of a large hairball that causes intestinal obstruction.

The drug has virtually no side effects. But the components present in its composition in rare cases cause allergies. Therefore, when using the wool dissolving paste for the first time, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug and look at the animal’s reaction. If the cat becomes restless and begins to itch, then this malt paste is not suitable for him.

The most popular hair removal pastes

Hair removal products are produced by many major players in the medicinal and nutritional supplements market:

  1. The Beaphar brand produces Duo Malt Paste or Malt Paste, which is popular among cat owners. The line includes special food for hair removal and crunchy treats with paste.
  2. The GimCat brand is the undisputed leader in the production of pastes. Including fortified ones. For hair removal, the owners chose Malt-Soft Paste Extra.

Pastes for cats are available in the following lines:

  • Hartz;
  • Gimborn;
  • Nutri-Vet;
  • Karlie-Flamingo;
  • Sentry;
  • Clini.

Instructions for use

Malt pastes for cats can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. In modern veterinary medicine, there are 2 schemes for using drugs to remove hairballs:

  • 3 cm of paste daily;
  • for 1 week a month, 5 cm of product per day.

The required amount of paste is squeezed out of the tube and given to the cat by hand or mixed into food. The cat should not be fed 1-1.5 hours before administering the drug. The animal also needs to be provided with constant access to clean drinking water.


The most popular products are:

  • Malt paste from Beaphar (Netherlands). Produced in several versions. It comes in regular and two-component types. The second option contains taurine, Omega 6 fatty acid and a probiotic complex that helps normalize intestinal microflora. The cost of a 25-gram tube will cost 230-250 rubles, 100 g of regular paste costs about 600 rubles.

  • Malt paste from GimGat (Germany). The manufacturer produces the medicine in different packaging with different flavors for adult pets and especially for kittens. There are options with minerals and vitamins and other additives. The price of Malt paste for cats from a German manufacturer varies from 380 to 700 rubles, depending on the type and size of the package.

  • Malt paste from Sanal (Netherlands). A paste with a pleasant taste and vitamin E copes well with the main task, but is cheaper than products from branded manufacturers. A small 20 g tube costs about 190 rubles, a 100 gram package costs 550 rubles.

  • Malt paste from Cliny (Russia). Compared to imported products, domestic products are cheaper. A 30-gram tube can be bought for 140-150 rubles.

You can purchase any type of hair removal paste at any veterinary pharmacy or pet store. Medicines of this type are also sold in online stores.

You can now see the current price of Malt paste and buy it right here:

The best malt pastes for cats

Specialized pet stores and veterinary pharmacies offer a wide range of hair removal products.

Beaphar Malt Paste

The Dutch-made product is made on an oil-fat basis and contains malt extract, yeast, Omega-3 and Omega-6. It effectively removes hairballs from the cat's stomach and serves as a prevention of vomiting, constipation and intestinal obstruction. It normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract and is recommended for use during the molting period.

The drug has no age restrictions and is given 3 cm daily. During the molting period, long-haired cats are given 6-12 cm of product, while short-haired cats need 4-8 cm. Beaphar Malt Paste costs 610-640 rubles. per 100 gram tube.


Russian-made malt paste for cats contains malt extract, corn oil, wheat bran, milk powder, lactose, soy protein and silver benzoate. It effectively removes hairballs, regulates appetite and helps prevent constipation and vomiting. The silver ions contained in it have a pronounced disinfecting effect.

Cliny malt paste has a pleasant taste of cheese, salmon or chicken. The dosage of the product depends on the weight of the animal: kittens and cats weighing up to 2 kg are given 2 cm of paste daily, individuals weighing more than 2 kg are given 5 cm. If necessary, the dosage is doubled. Cliny malt paste is not recommended for cats with gastrointestinal diseases. The cost of a 75 ml package varies between 330-380 rubles.

Gimpet Malt-Soft Paste Extra

German-made malt paste is made on the basis of natural vegetable oils and fibers. The malt extract present in its composition effectively dissolves hairballs and facilitates their removal from the body along with the remains of undigested food. And beta-glucan prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug is given daily at 6-12 cm in pure form or along with food. It does not contain sugar and has no contraindications. The only downside is the high cost. For a 200-gram tube you will have to pay 730-800 rubles.

Ecoprom “Stop the problem”

Russian-made malt paste is made on the basis of malt extract and contains refined corn oil, wheat bran, lactulose concentrate, soy protein isolate, whole milk powder, sorbic acid and distilled water. Designed to remove trichobezoars and prevent their formation.

The drug is recommended for daily use, and its dosage depends on the weight of the animal. Kittens and cats weighing up to 2 kg are given 2 cm of paste, individuals weighing more than 2 kg are given 5 cm. Malt paste “Stop Problem” is packaged in 60 ml tubes and costs about 213-249 rubles.

Sanal Malt Paste

Malt paste for cats produced in the Netherlands contains malt extract, ash and vitamin E. The latter is a powerful antioxidant and is completely absorbed by the body due to fat. Vitamin E helps improve immunity, participates in the synthesis of hormones, improves cell nutrition, and the condition of the coat and skin.

Malt paste has a distinct meaty taste and is easily eaten by pets. The drug lubricates swallowed fluff, preventing the formation of large lumps, facilitates the process of defecation, increases appetite and normalizes intestinal microflora. It is given daily in a dosage of 6 cm of paste. Packaged in 20-gram tubes costing 220-280 rubles. and 100-gram tubes costing about 550 rubles.

What, besides paste, will help cleanse your pet’s stomach of hairballs?

Paste is just one of many remedies that can cope with this problem. Special dry food perfectly removes hair from a cat's stomach and prevents the formation of large trichobezoars. In appearance and smell, it is indistinguishable from conventional finished products for cats. It copes with the task due to the content of prebiotics, flaxseed, fiber and plantain.

To solve the problem, you can also use special food additives called phytomins. In their production, extracts of medicinal herbs, vitamins, minerals, lecithin, and taurine are used. They come in tablet form and are given to the pet along with food. The duration of use of phytomins is determined individually. Unlike pastes, such additives remove hair gradually.

Pet Naturals of Vermont vitamin supplements containing psyllium and fatty acids are another way to gently remove ingested hair from your cat's stomach. Among the available components, Vaseline oil has proven itself well. It is given to pets once before feeding. For kittens, 1 tsp is enough. products, adult animals – 2 tsp. Sprouted grass, such as oats or wheat, can also solve this problem.

The paste is produced not only in the form of a paste-like substance, but also in the form of pads. In addition to the usual ingredients, they contain mint. Almost all pets enjoy using them. You can also pay attention to the “Nurti Vet” mixture.

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Is it possible to replace malt paste with something?

As an alternative means to combat trichobezoars, the following are often used:

  1. Bran. They serve as a source of fiber and help normalize the digestive system. Bran can be mixed into minced meat or fermented milk. They enter the stomach, retain water, move into the intestines, enhance peristalsis and eliminate constipation.
  2. Special grass. Its seeds are sold in pet stores and sown in ordinary soil. The grass contains a lot of fiber, necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system, and a number of useful amino acids. It helps remove hairballs from the stomach of cats and, when consumed regularly, improves the overall well-being of animals. But if grass is enough for representatives of short-haired breeds, then those with a fluffy coat in any case need malt paste.

Malt paste for cats is an effective remedy for removing hair from the gastrointestinal tract. It is absolutely safe for the animal’s body, has no cumulative effect and is not addictive.

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