Nobivak Triquet Trio for cats - what is the vaccine for and how to use it?

One of the important vaccines is Nobivak for cats, which is recommended to be injected into the withers of pets to prevent the development of panleukopenia, calcivirosis, and rhinotracheitis. The drug is of high quality, produced by a Dutch company, and therefore rarely causes adverse reactions or other unpleasant consequences. Vaccination of kittens and adults using the Nobivak vaccine is performed in a veterinary clinic by an experienced specialist.

Components and features of the action

Nobivac Tricat Trio is a comprehensive vaccination that is prescribed for kittens and adult pets. Thanks to its unique composition, it is possible to prevent the progression of many infectious diseases. The medicine for cats contains the following components:

  • 5.2 lg plaque forming units (PFU) of feline rhinotracheitis virus;
  • 4.6 lg PFU of calicivirus infection;
  • 4.3 lg TCD50 of panleukopenia virus.

For better action, Nobivak contains hydrolyzed collagen, as well as pancreatic hydrolyzate casien glucite and potassium hydrogen orthophosphate buffer. The action of the drug is aimed at suppressing the activity of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the development of panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis and calcivirosis. After using Nobivak by kittens and cats, the body begins to produce specific antibodies after 10 days. Nobivac is effective against some diseases for 3 years; against others, for example, calcivirus, the immune system protects cats for about 12 months.


> Vet. drugs > Vaccines for animals > Triquet

Veterinary doctor virologist Elena Georgievna Kostina conducts a comprehensive vaccination of cats with the Nobivak triket vaccination at home . Thereby protecting cats from contact with sick animals in the veterinary clinic and not exposing the animal to stress. We travel to any district of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Tricat , Nobivac tricat trio - live lyophilized vaccine against viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus infection and feline viral panleukopenia. Each dose of the vaccine contains at least 4.5 log 10 CPE 50 of feline rhinotracheitis virus strain G 2620 A, 4.5 log 10 PFU of feline calicivirus strain F 9 and 4.5 1 od 10 CPE 50 of Bristol strain of feline panleukopenia virus. All 3 vaccine viruses were grown in cell culture. The lyophilized vaccine contains stabilizers and trace amounts of antibiotics.

Indications for use

The vaccine is intended for active immunization of cats against viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus infection and viral panleukopenia.

Recommended vaccination schedule

When carrying out primary vaccination, the drug is administered at intervals of 3 - 4 weeks. Subsequently, cats are revaccinated annually. The optimal age for kittens when the vaccine is first administered is 12 weeks, and when repeated vaccination is 15-16 weeks. However, in cases where earlier protection of kittens is necessary, the vaccine is administered for the first time at 9 weeks of age, and revaccination is carried out 3 weeks later. It is recommended to revaccinate cats annually.

Combination with rabies vaccine Nobivak Rabies

Already during the primary vaccination of kittens who have reached 12 weeks of age, the Nobivak Triquet vaccine can be used simultaneously with the Nobivak Rabies anti-rabies vaccine, using the latter as a solvent for the lyophilized Nobivak Triquet vaccine. When revaccinating kittens at 15-16 weeks of age, the Nobivac Triquet vaccine is diluted with its solvent. In the case when kittens begin to be vaccinated at the age of 9 weeks, the Nobivak Triquet vaccine is diluted with the Nobivak Rabies vaccine both during primary vaccination and during revaccination carried out 3 weeks later.

Dosage and route of administration

The vaccine is dissolved immediately before vaccinating cats with the contents of 1 bottle of solvent, Nobivak Rabies vaccine. The dissolved vaccine must be used within a period of time not exceeding 30 minutes. The contents of 1 bottle of dissolved vaccine are designed to immunize 1 animal. The drug is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

special instructions

Only healthy animals are vaccinated with the vaccine. Before the vaccine is administered, cats are subjected to appropriate clinical examination. When carrying out vaccination, clean instruments are used, but contamination of the vaccine is avoided even with minimal amounts of disinfectants or alcohol. Avoid contact of vaccinated cats with potential sources of respiratory infection until 7 days after revaccination. It is not recommended to vaccinate pregnant animals.


The vaccine should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of + 2 to + 8 ° C. Do not freeze. Avoid long-term storage, as well as repeated exposure of the vaccine to higher temperatures than those recommended for storing the drug. The same precautions should be taken during the period from the moment the vaccine is removed from the refrigerator until it is administered to the animal; during the hot summer season, the quality of the vaccine can significantly decrease within a few hours after being removed from the refrigerator. The vaccine must be administered to animals no later than 30 minutes after its dissolution. The solvent can be stored at room temperature.

  • Nobivac Tricat Nobivac Tricat
  • Nobivac DHPPI Nobivac
  • Nobivac R Nobivac
  • Nobivac RL Nobivac
  • Eurican Eurican
  • Vacderm-F
  • Vanguard 7 Vanguard 7
  • Vanguard 5 Vanguard 5
  • Defensor-3
  • Purevax Purevax RCP
  • Rabisin Rabisin-R
  • Vaccine for rabbits GBK-M
  • Biovac DPAL
  • Multifel-4
  • Multikan 4-8
  • Hexakanivac


  • Microchipping of animals
  • Veterinary passport for dogs and cats
  • Veterinary certificate form 1

> Vet. drugs > Vaccines for animals > Triquet

What is it for?

The schedule and dose are selected individually by a specialist.
A vaccination regimen using Nobivak is prescribed by a veterinarian and the drug helps protect cats and small felines from the following dangerous diseases:

  • Panleukopenia. In veterinary medicine, this pathology is also known as feline distemper, which is highly contagious. The disease disrupts the functioning of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. If the Nobivak Triket Trio vaccine was not administered on time, then there is a high probability of getting sick.
  • Calcivirosis. The deviation is caused by viruses that affect the upper respiratory organs, as well as the oral cavity of cats. In advanced cases, lameness develops.
  • Rhinotracheitis or feline herpes. Refers to acute viral respiratory diseases, which affects the visual and respiratory organs.

If a kitten and an adult are not vaccinated in time using the drug “Nobivak”, then in case of infection with panleukopenia, the probability of immediate death is 90%.

What types are there?

There are a number of Nobivac products with different effects.
You should not choose vaccinations against rabies and other serious pathologies in cats on your own, since there are many varieties, which only an experienced veterinarian can help you understand. There are these types of drugs that have different actions:

  • "Nobivak Tricket Trio" for cats;
  • Nobivac BB;
  • Rabies;
  • Forcat;
  • solvent "Diluent";
  • "Nobivak Dukat".

Instructions for use

It is possible to get the Nobivak Forket vaccination and its other types at a veterinary clinic. Before immunizing pets, it is necessary to mix the vaccine powder with Nobivak Diluent or saline solution in an amount of 1 ml. The diluted medicine is injected under the skin, usually at the cat's withers. There is the following vaccination schedule for pets:

  • at 8-9 weeks of age;
  • a month after the vaccination performed for the first time.

It is recommended to administer Nobivac Forcat serum annually.
Instructions for use of the drug "Nobivak" inform owners that an annual revaccination of 1 dose of the medication is required. The solution must be administered no later than 30 minutes after the dry mass of the Nobivak drug has dissolved. Before vaccination, it is important to treat the animal’s skin with 70% ethyl alcohol. Before injecting your kitten, you should make sure that the disinfectant has dried.

Description of the drug Nobivak

Nobivac is a vaccine for animals against many infectious diseases. The vaccine formula was developed by the Dutch pharmaceutical company (Intervet International BV). There are several types of this drug that are popular not only among veterinarians, but also among cat lovers.

In veterinary pharmacies you can find vaccines for domestic and farm animals, as well as for birds.

The first was created in 1969 in the Netherlands (Boxmeer). In just a few years, the organization has become one of the best in the world for creating medicines. In 2007, the Intervet/Schering-Plough corporation was created as a result of the merger of the Dutch manufacturer and the American company Schering-Plough. After 2 years, the large consolidated corporation changed its name to Merck and Co. Now popular pharmaceuticals are produced under the MSD Animal Health brand, although in Russia this manufacturer is still called “Intervet”.

Vaccine release form

The following types of Nobivac are used for cats:

  • Nobivac Tricat Trio;
  • Nobivac Bb;
  • Nobivac Forcat;
  • Nobivac Rabies;
  • Nobivac Ducat.

Nobivac Triquet Trio

Triquet Trio is used to vaccinate cats against calcivirus infection, distemper and rhinotracheitis. The drug is available in the form of a dry mixture (lyophilisate) of a pinkish color. The live vaccine is packaged in glass vials with a sealed lid. Each vial contains only 1 vaccination dose. It comes with a solvent solution (Nobivak Diluent), which is also dispensed into glass containers. Triquet Trio (vaccine + solvent) are packed in cardboard, polyethylene or paper boxes (10 or 25 pairs each) along with an annotation.

Vials with dry vaccine are equipped with green caps, and containers with solvent are equipped with red caps

Nobivac Bb

Nobivac Bb is used to vaccinate cats against bordetellosis. Release form: white dry mixture and clear water for injection. Both the vaccine and the solvent are packaged in glass vials (0.6 and 0.5 ml, respectively). They are packed in polyethylene or cardboard boxes of 5 pairs.

While almost every cat breeder has heard about rhinotracheitis and distemper in cats, not everyone knows about bordetellosis. Bordetellosis is a disease caused by the bacterium bordetella. At first, the disease manifests itself as a simple cough, because the bacterium primarily affects the upper respiratory tract. But the disease can develop into pneumonia and lead to the death of the animal. And the biggest danger is that bordetellosis can be transmitted to people. Timely vaccination will help protect not only your pet, but the entire family.

Since the vaccination powder becomes a suspension when dissolved, the kit includes a special tool for administering the drug. This is a small funnel made of polymer material with which the vaccine is administered intranasally.

International nonproprietary name Nobivak Bb: vaccine against feline bordetellosis, live dry with solvent

Nobivak Forcat

Nobivac Forket is a drug for vaccinating cats against distemper, rhinotracheitis and chlamydia. This vaccine is sometimes supplied with Diluent, but in some cases the diluent must be purchased separately. The vaccine itself is a white tablet, and the solvent is a clear, colorless liquid. Unlike some types of Nobivac, the Forket vaccine is sometimes sold in small (5, 10 or 25 pairs each) and large (50 pairs each) packages.

I asked the nearest veterinary pharmacy about the size of the package. The pharmacist told me that it is not necessary to buy the whole box, you can buy the required number of doses (3 cats - 3 pairs). However, only 1 instruction for use fits into 1 box, so you won’t be able to read it “at your leisure.”

International nonproprietary name Nobivac Forket: vaccine against calicivirosis, viral rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and chlamydia in cats, live dry, with solvent

Nobivac Rabies

Nobivac Rabies is an inactivated rabies vaccine. The dosage form is a suspension, colored yellow or pink. Like any suspension, Rabies tends to separate during storage (the sediment disappears when shaken). The drug is packaged in glass bottles of 1 ml. 1 package of vaccine includes 10 vials and an annotation.

Inactivation is the process of “neutralizing” the microbes that are part of the vaccine. As a rule, such microbes are grown in laboratory conditions and are not capable of causing disease. But they help develop immunity against a specific disease.

Cardboard boxes with vials have a curved cut line (for ease of removing doses from the polyethylene cell backing).

International nonproprietary name Rabies: inactivated animal rabies vaccine

Nobivac Dukat

Nobivac Ducat is used to vaccinate cats against calcivirus infection and rhinotracheitis. The vaccine is sold as a lyophilisate with a solvent in bottles of 1 and 0.5 ml, respectively. Pairs of bottles with a sealed cap are packed in boxes of 10 pieces.

International nonproprietary name Dukat: vaccine against viral rhinotracheitis and feline calicivirus, live, dry, with solvent

Vaccine composition

The composition of the drug depends on the type of vaccine. Thus, Tricat Trio includes the following components:

  • cells infected with rhinotracheitis viruses (strain G 2620A), calicivirus (strain F9) and panleukopenia (strain MW-1);
  • hydrolyzed gelatin;
  • sorbitol;
  • pancreatic casein hydrolysate;
  • sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate.

The sterile solvent consists of the following substances:

  • sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate;
  • potassium dihydrogen phosphate;
  • water for injections.

Phosphate buffer (sodium phosphate buffer) is a solution enriched with phosphates (potassium and sodium salts). This combination of elements allows you to maintain the ionization that is characteristic of the body. This way the vaccine is better accepted.

The Nobivak vaccine has a complex composition, but only strain cultures are indicated on the packaging

Nobivac Bb consists of the following substances:

  • live culture of strain B-C2 (Bordetella bronchiseptica);
  • hydrolyzed gelatin;
  • NZ amine;
  • sorbitol;
  • phosphate buffer components.

NZ AMINE is a medium used for culturing microorganisms. In other words, it is a component that allows you to keep the strain of bronchoseptic bacteria active.

The Forcat vaccine contains the following components:

  • strains G 2620A (rhinotracheitis virus), F9 (calcivirosis virus), causative agent of plague MW-1 and chlamydia (Baker);
  • gelatin;
  • sucrose;
  • sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate.

Preservatives and food additives are mandatory in only “reusable” vaccines, but most manufacturers prefer to produce vaccines with a complete composition even in “single-dose” packaging

Nobivac Rabies suspension contains the following components:

  • rabies virus (strain Pasteur RIV), inactivated by B-propiolactone;
  • adjuvant (2% aluminum phosphate);
  • buffer component (1.2M glycine).

Adjuvants are commonly called chemical compounds that enhance the effect of vaccination in a healthy body. For example, aluminum salts are able to “detain” the grafted strains in the body. In addition, the adjuvant enhances the T-lymphocyte production mechanism. Thus, after vaccination, more stable immunity to a specific disease is developed.

Nobivac Dukat contains the same components as Forcat, except for the strains:

  • G 2620A (rhinotracheitis virus);
  • F9 (live calcivirosis virus).

How to properly store the vaccine

The manufacturer recommends storing and transporting Nobivak under the following conditions:

  • in a dry, dark place (vaccine at a temperature of 2°C to 8°C, diluent - from 2°C to 25°C);
  • in places inaccessible to children;
  • bottles with vaccine and solvent without labels, with an expired expiration date, with a changed color/consistency, with the presence of foreign impurities must be disposed of;
  • vaccine not used within 30 minutes after dissolution must be discarded.

Nobivac should be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Probably every refrigerator has a special compartment with a transparent door. My refrigerator has two such compartments. In one I store human medicines that require cold and cosmetics. And the second one stores veterinary drugs. The point is not only that household members can confuse something. Most medicines for animals are recommended to be stored separately from human medicines.

Vaccine expiration dates:

  • Tricket Trio and Forcat - 2 years 9 months;
  • Nobivak Bb - 5 years;
  • Rabies - 4 years;
  • Dukat – 2 years
  • solvent - 5 years.


Since the medicine is prophylactic, there are no cases in which its use is prohibited. But still, to prevent side effects and other unpleasant consequences, veterinarians do not recommend vaccination with Nobivak in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy in cats;
  • simultaneous use of other vaccines;
  • weakened immune system or untreated disease;
  • lack of an antiparasitic program;
  • Kittens are less than 9 weeks old.

General rules for vaccination

The manufacturer claims that Nobivak is a harmless vaccine, but there are some rules that should not be forgotten:

  • before use, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications;
  • you need to take into account the age of the animal;
  • You cannot violate the vaccination schedule (otherwise the effect of the vaccine may “disappear”);
  • if the next vaccination is missed, it should be done as soon as possible;
  • animals living in the same room must be treated at the same time;
  • before vaccination, the cat must be treated for worms;
  • Only healthy cats can be vaccinated;
  • the compatibility of the vaccine with other drugs must be taken into account;
  • You should remember about personal safety measures (it is recommended to use personal protective equipment - gloves, masks, etc.).

Can Nobivak be used in pregnant cats and kittens?

Regardless of the type of vaccine, Nobivak cannot be used by pregnant or lactating cats (except for Bb, it is safe for mother cats). Kittens can be vaccinated, but from a specific age:

  • Tricat - from 2 months;
  • Bb - from 1 month;
  • Forcat - 2–2.5 months (in rare cases, animals are vaccinated at 1.5 months, but in this case the kitten must also be vaccinated at 2 months, and then at 3 months);
  • Rabies - from 3 months (if there is a risk of an epidemic, the vaccination can be repeated after a month);
  • Ducat - from 2 months (if the kitten’s mother is not vaccinated) or from 3 months (if the nursing cat is vaccinated).

One-month-old kittens can only use Nobivac Bb

Table: compatibility of vaccines with each other and with other drugs

Type of vaccineOther vaccinesOther drugs
Tricat trioCompatible with Rabies (cannot be mixed in the same syringe)Compatible
BbDoes not combine with nasal drops or antibiotics
ForcatCompatible with Rabies (cannot be mixed in the same syringe)Compatible
RabiesCombines with Tricat trio (as solvent)
DucatCombines with Tricat trio

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of the Nobivak vaccine include the following factors:

  • weakened state;
  • exhaustion;
  • parasitic diseases (helminthiasis, etc.);
  • infectious diseases.

If I'm not sure that my cat is healthy, I always contact the veterinarian. Our veterinarian not only examines my animals, but also monitors whether I comply with the vaccination schedule. If I miss another vaccination, the doctor himself calls and reminds me about it. And so that I can call the clinic at any time, the veterinarian’s business card with the phone number hangs on my refrigerator. By the way, since this business card was in a prominent place, I have become less likely to miss important cat events.

When vaccinated in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, no side effects occur. Sometimes short-term pathologies appear:

  • slight swelling at the injection site (with subcutaneous injection);
  • slight increase in temperature that resolves within 48 hours;
  • sneezing, coughing, slight and short-term discharge from the nose and eyes (for Bb).

special instructions

When performing procedures using the drug "Nobivak", some caution should be taken so as not to harm the cat's body. Be sure to adhere to the rules of asepsis to prevent infection and complications. It is also important to pay attention to other rules:

  • If the solution gets on the mucous membrane of the visual organs, you need to rinse them with plenty of running water.
  • After the manipulation, the person needs to wash their hands with soap.
  • If, through negligence, the medicine “Nobivak” was introduced into the human body, then you need to contact a medical facility as soon as possible.

Precautions for vaccination

Before vaccinating cats, it is necessary to take the following measures::

  • Wear protective clothing, mask, gloves;
  • Immobilize the cat as much as possible;
  • Disinfect the injection site;
  • Make sure that the drug does not come into contact with human skin or mucous membranes.

If the vaccine does get on exposed skin, wash it with plenty of warm water and then wash thoroughly with soap. If the drug has been administered to a person, immediately contact the clinic for timely help.

How and for how long to store?

The substance must be stored in its original packaging at a constant temperature.
Equally important are the storage conditions of the drug “Nobivak” so that its preventive properties are preserved as much as possible. The room should be cool and dry, since the medicine is available in powder form. Children should not have access to the drug Nobivak, which is used to prevent serious pathologies in cats. The optimal temperature for storage is from 2 to 8 degrees Celsius.

If three years have passed since the release of the medicine, it is not allowed to be used.

Storage conditions, price and analogues

The medicine can only be stored in a dark, cool and dry place. You also need to make sure that small children and pets cannot get close to the drug. Diluted, unused medication must be disposed of, and the bottles must be treated with boiling water beforehand. The maximum shelf life is 2 years and 9 months.

The cost of Nobivac Tricat Trio may vary depending on the region of purchase, as well as the specific retail outlet. The average price in Russia is 500−550 rubles.

There are also well-proven vaccine analogues:

  1. MERIAL Quadricate.
  2. NARVAK Multifel-4.

Pets should be treated like family members, so you need to take care of their health. Timely diagnosis, comprehensive treatment and preventive vaccinations will protect your cat from serious diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any veterinary drug, Nobivak has positive and negative properties, which must be taken into account by owners before carrying out manipulations on cats. The main ones are presented in the table:

High performanceHigh cost, which is why the drug is not available to every pet owner
Convenient use
Development of long-term immune protection against many infectious diseases in cats
High quality - made in the Netherlands
Minimal likelihood of adverse reactions
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