Nobivak vaccine line - reliable protection for your cat

Long-term protection from serious diseases for cats will be provided by regular vaccination using effective immunobiological preparations. These include the Nobivak series vaccines. They help to form specific immunity against different types of infections. Let's find out how to properly use Nobivak vaccines for cats and how they act on the body.

How to prepare a cat for vaccination

Vaccination is an unpleasant procedure, especially for animals. Therefore, before you start, you need to take care of how to minimize stress for your pet. Make sure your cat:

  • does not have lice and worms (prevention can be carried out a week before vaccination);
  • is not depressed;
  • does not have diseases against which prevention will be carried out.

Vaccination is prohibited if the animal:

  • infected with other diseases and taking antibiotics;
  • has lice and helminths;
  • came into contact with sick individuals, resulting in infection;
  • underwent surgery and is undergoing rehabilitation.

The vaccine is given subcutaneously ; you can learn how to properly administer injections to cats from our article.

Some vaccinations are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating cats (check instructions).

Complications after vaccination and side effects

Complications after vaccination in cats do not often occur. In any case, the animal owner must be aware of some of them in order to promptly notice and protect the animal. One of the dangerous complications after vaccination is the development of chronic renal failure.

In the course of research conducted by scientists, a direct connection was established between the development of chronic disease in cats and a complex vaccine against rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis and panleukopenia. This is due to the fact that the viral agents used to create the vaccine are grown in cell cultures.

Cat kidney cells are used to create a complex vaccine. As a result of an autoimmune failure, the body begins to attack not only foreign cells, but also its own.

Another complication after vaccination is an allergic reaction that occurs in response to the introduction of foreign agents into the body. The most serious manifestation of an allergy to a vaccine is anaphylactic shock. The development of the reaction occurs rapidly, affecting the respiratory system of the animal.

Allergic reactions that occur during vaccination include:

  • vasculitis;
  • hemolytic type anemia;
  • thrombocytopenia.

In order to avoid side effects, it is necessary to minimize the risk by adhering to the following rules:

  • do not immunize frequently (according to the schedule of vaccinations);
  • weigh all factors before immunization each time;
  • It is recommended to measure the antibody titer in the bloodstream before each vaccination in order to assess the need for vaccination against a particular disease.

What diseases will the vaccine protect against?

  1. Panleukopenia (feline distemper) is a highly contagious viral disease of cats, which primarily affects the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory organs. Without treatment, it is fatal in 90% of cases.
  2. Calicivirus is a contagious viral disease that affects the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity of cats, which is characterized by the appearance of ulcers in the mouth, watery eyes, and lameness.
  3. Rhinotracheid (feline herpes) is an acute viral respiratory disease characterized by damage to the eyes and respiratory system.

Nobivac Bb

The drug is intended for the prevention of bordetellosis, an infectious disease that causes dysfunction of the respiratory organs.

Release form

The drug consists of two components: the vaccine and the solvent. The vaccine is packaged in vacuum packaging of 1 dose, volume 0.6 ml, the solvent is in a glass vessel, which is sealed with rubber seals. Volume – 0.5 ml.

A cardboard box for transportation contains from 5 to 25 packs of the drug.


The drug is made from pathogenic organisms of type B-C2 Bordetella bronchiseptica.

Also includes:

  • hydrolyzed gelatin;
  • sorbitol;
  • dihydrogen phosphate and sodium chloride;
  • ammonia derivative (amine);
  • potassium salt.

Storage conditions

The drug can be used for 5 years from the date of manufacture, provided that the integrity of the sealed packaging is maintained. Storage temperature: minimum – 2°C, maximum – 8°C.

Instructions for use Nobivak Bb

The vaccine can be used one month after the kitten is born.

The dry contents of the vaccine must be poured into the solvent. Shake the container with the vaccine until completely dissolved, then warm it in the palm of your hand to room temperature. The drug is administered through the nose using a syringe, the needle of which is replaced by an applicator.

When vaccinating, the head must be kept elevated and the animal's mouth must be closed. Avoid contact with eyes. The syringe is inserted into the nose and injected 1 or 2 times.

This type of vaccination is not prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating cats.

Duration of treatment

The effect of the vaccine lasts 1 year. The procedure should be repeated annually.

Adverse reactions

Cough, runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing may occur. However, they go away after a certain amount of time, without additional treatment procedures.

special instructions

When performing procedures using the drug "Nobivak", some caution should be taken so as not to harm the cat's body. Be sure to adhere to the rules of asepsis to prevent infection and complications. It is also important to pay attention to other rules:

  • If the solution gets on the mucous membrane of the visual organs, you need to rinse them with plenty of running water.
  • After the manipulation, the person needs to wash their hands with soap.
  • If, through negligence, the medicine “Nobivak” was introduced into the human body, then you need to contact a medical facility as soon as possible.

Nobivac Ducat

The vaccination is intended to prevent and strengthen immunity to viral diseases such as herpes and calicivirus.

Release form

Nobivac Ducat consists of two components: grafting and solvent. They are packaged for one dose, in volumes of 0.5 ml and 1 ml, respectively. Both components are supplied in glass, hermetically sealed bottles with aluminum reinforcement.


Nobivac includes:

  1. FEF cell line infected with herpes and calicivirus viruses;
  2. Sucrose;
  3. Sodium dihydrogen phosphate;
  4. Hydrolyzed gelatin;

Storage conditions

The vaccine does not lose its properties for 2 years, the solvent does not lose its properties for 5 years, if the storage rules have not been violated. After opening and mixing, the drug should be used within half an hour. Storage temperature – 2-8°C.

Instructions for use Nobivac Ducat

Vaccination Nobivak Dukat can be carried out one and a half months after the birth of the animal. The procedure is repeated after 3 weeks.

Before use, you need to mix the two components until smooth and warm them in your hands to room temperature. The vaccine is administered using a syringe, intramuscularly or under the skin. The puncture site is treated with alcohol or other antiseptic.

Duration of treatment

Revaccination is carried out once a year.

Adverse reactions

There are no obvious side symptoms. In some cases, the animal's body temperature may rise and swelling may form around the puncture. However, symptoms disappear after 2 days without drug intervention.

An analogue of the Nobivac Ducat and Tricat trio vaccines is Globfel-4 serum, used for calicivirus, rhinotracheitis, plague and chlamydia.

Where should the vaccination be given - at a veterinary clinic or at home?

For the first few years of my cat's life, I gave him vaccinations at the veterinary clinic. And for three years now I have been doing vaccinations myself at home.

For myself, I can note the following advantages of vaccination in the clinic:

  • You don’t need to do anything yourself - you came with the animal, the doctor examined it and vaccinated it.
  • After vaccination, official vaccination data with the date and seal of the organization is entered into the animal’s passport. Vaccination in a clinical setting is necessary if you need to provide this information anywhere - for competitions, during international flights, and so on.
  • In case of allergies, the animal will receive immediate assistance.


  • Price. Since in a clinic setting we pay not only for the vaccination itself, but also for the vaccination service, on average the cost of vaccination will be twice as high as if we do it ourselves.
  • You need to spend time - getting with a nervous animal to the clinic, waiting for your turn, and going back.
  • While you are in the clinic, the animal comes into contact with others, including sick pets. Theoretically, your cat could become infected with some kind of airborne infection, although I think this is unlikely. Moreover, in good clinics, the premises are disinfected and quartzed every 2-3 hours.

Advantages of vaccination at home:

  • You don't need to go anywhere. In 10 minutes you can get all the vaccinations. And the animal does not behave so restlessly.
  • The cost is two times lower. We buy a vaccine at a veterinary pharmacy (make sure that the drug sold is in the refrigerator and not on the display) and vaccinate.


  • You need to learn how to give injections. In fact, this skill can be trained quite quickly.
  • After vaccination, there will be no official stamp in the passport. Although I always put a vaccination sticker on myself and put the date on it so I can remember when to get the next one. My cat does not need to carry official proof of vaccination anywhere, so for me this type of vaccination is preferable.

If you know that your cat does not tolerate vaccinations well, of course, you should not give them at home. However, reactions to these two vaccinations are rare and animals tolerate them well.

Nobivac Rabies

The drug is intended to prevent rabies infection.

Release form

The vaccine components are supplied in glass, hermetically sealed vials with aluminum reinforcement. The number of bottles in a package is 10 pieces.


The composition of the drug includes:

  • BHK-21 clone CT cell line infected with rabies virus;
  • Inactivator in combination with aluminum phosphate and glycine.

Storage conditions

The vaccine can be used for 4 years from the date of production.

Instructions for use Nobivac Rabies

Vaccination is carried out three months after the birth of the animal.

This type of grafting is used without a solvent. The contents of the bottle with the drug should be shaken off until the sediment completely disappears. The product is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously using a syringe.

Duration of treatment

It is recommended to revaccinate the animal annually.

Adverse reactions

Slight swelling around the puncture, disappearing after 7-14 days.

Nobivak Tricat Trio

Vaccination is used to prevent viral diseases such as panleukopenia, herpes and calicivirosis.

Release form

The vaccine is light pink in color. It looks like a homogeneous, porous mass. Supplied in glass, hermetically sealed bottles with aluminum reinforcement. The number of bottles per package for transportation is 10 pieces.


The prophylactic agent is obtained from the following components:

  • infected FEF cells;
  • glucite;
  • potassium dihydrogen phosphate;
  • protein base;
  • gelatin hydrolyzate.

Storage conditions

The vaccine can be used for 3 years from the date of manufacture. Store below room temperature, out of direct sunlight. From the moment of opening, the drug must be used within half an hour. Open, unused vials must be rendered harmless by boiling in water.

Instructions for use Triket Trio

Vaccination is acceptable for animals two months of age. The procedure must be repeated after a month.

Before use, you need to mix the two components until completely homogeneous and warm them in your hands to room temperature. The vaccine is administered using a syringe, intramuscularly or under the skin. The puncture site is treated with alcohol or other antiseptic.

Duration of treatment

The prophylactic agent must be used once a year.

Adverse reactions

There may be an increase in temperature and swelling around the puncture, which disappears after two days.


Of course, in order to develop stable immunity, the pet must be absolutely healthy. Contraindications to immunization are:

  • temperature increase;
  • dehydration, exhaustion of the body;
  • state of immunodeficiency;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • recent injuries, serious illnesses, surgery.

According to indications, vaccination is possible during the period of gestation of kittens and feeding them with milk

Nobivak Forcat

The vaccine is used as a prophylactic against panleukopenia, herpes, calicivirus and chlamydia.

Release form

The drug consists of two components: a graft in the form of a dry porous tablet and a solvent. Both components are supplied in glass, hermetically sealed bottles with metal reinforcement. Packaging for transportation can contain from 5 to 50 sets of the drug with instructions.


Nobivac Forcat includes:

  • cells infected with herpes, panleukopenia, calicivirus and chlamydia;
  • sucrose;
  • sodium dihydrogen phosphate;
  • gelatin hydrolyzate.

Storage conditions

The vaccine does not lose its effect for 3 years, Nobivac Diluent - 5 years. Storage temperature – from 2°C to 8°C.

Instructions for use Nobivak Forcat

Vaccination is permissible 2 months after the birth of the animal. A repeat procedure is required, which must be carried out after 1 month.

Introduce 1 cubic meter into the container with the vaccine. cm solvent. Shake the components until the dry tablet is completely dissolved. Administer the vaccine intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The puncture site is treated with alcohol or other antiseptic.

Duration of treatment

The effect of the drug lasts 12 months. Revaccination should be carried out annually.

Adverse reactions

Possible increase in temperature and swelling of the skin around the puncture, which disappears after two days.

What the owners say (Review)

“I have always loved cats, but I was able to have my own pet only when I started living separately from my parents (my mother has allergies). They scared me with various cat diseases. For some reason, I was most afraid of rabies. But she still decided on a new family member, although she rushed straight to the clinic for a full examination and consultation. The doctor vaccinated the kitten with Nobivak and calmed all my fears. Adaptation to the pussy's new home was painless. And the vaccination, apparently, did not bring any consequences. The new tenant happily ran around the apartment, did not lose his appetite, slept well and did not try to touch or lick the injection site. Two weeks later, we applied the same Nobivak, only with a different vaccine, to the nose to exclude several more serious diseases. And this time, too, everything went fine. True, the kitten sneezed so funny for some time. I’ll have a baby soon, but I’m not at all worried that my furry hero will be somehow dangerous for him.” Tatyana, Sverdlovsk.

Solvent Nobivac Diluent

Release form

The drug is supplied with the vaccine or purchased separately. Volume – 1 ml. Packaged in boxes of 5 to 60 units. The solvent is in a sealed glass bottle.


Nobivac Diluent consists of:

  1. sodium and potassium dihydrogen phosphate;
  2. water for injections.
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