Savarra cat food: reviews, where to buy, composition

Dry pet food is a subject of eternal debate between veterinarians and owners. Some argue that this method of feeding is very useful, others are sure that it is harmful. Still others say that the use of dry food can only be justified if the manufacturer uses high-quality ingredients, that is, you can buy only premium food for your pets. Today we will talk about Savara food for cats, discuss its pros and cons.


As already mentioned, in most literature the Savara brand positions cat food as holistic. Let's dwell a little on this definition. To be labeled "holistic", a manufacturer must completely eliminate the use of unidentified meat ingredients (which often hide skins and feathers, beaks and innards). The formula should contain only those components that the owner and the animal can safely eat. The use of products containing high levels of gluten is excluded. The use of dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers in this class of food is prohibited. Analyzing all of the above, we come to the conclusion that “Savara” (cat food) does not fit the definition of “holistic”. This is a high-quality, super-premium product, but all diets contain grain components, and rice takes up a significant part of the feed. That is, despite the good amount of protein in the composition, rice spoils everything.

The manufacturer has his own view on the composition, claiming that only brown rice is included in the food, which is very different from white. However, knowing the marketing policy, you can’t be too deluded; most likely, this is the most ordinary refined rice.

Safety Basics for Owner and Pet

To avoid injury from your pet's teeth and claws, the cat should be immobilized. You can wrap it in a thick baby blanket. It is recommended to wear gloves made of coarse fabric, which will not be easy for the cat to tear during an attack.

Since taking medication often becomes stressful for an animal, you need to calm it down. If a cat feels safe, it will behave calmer and be less likely to try to harm its owner.

You should prepare hydrogen peroxide or another antiseptic and a cotton pad in advance to treat the wounds. Even a calm pet can bite or scratch its owner when it resists the administration of medication, so you should not neglect the preparation of disinfectants.

For a kitten, forced action is stressful. To reduce the level of nervous tension for the animal, the procedure should be completed as quickly as possible. It is better to study the instructions and remove the tablets from the package when the cat is in another room.

This way the animal will not start to worry in advance and will not hide from the owner. There is no need to worry or make noise: the animal will understand that the owner is nervous and will also begin to worry.

You must first check with your veterinarian whether the medicine can be crushed or mixed with food or water. Unless a doctor's permission has been obtained, adding medications to food or liquid is prohibited.

To make the drug pass through the esophagus more easily, you should give the cat some water immediately after taking the tablet.

It is necessary to give your pet only those medications prescribed by the veterinarian. How often to give them should also be decided with your doctor. Replacing the drug with a cheaper analogue is not recommended, since there is a high risk of purchasing a low-quality product. This medicine may not be effective against the disease. In some cases, cheap tablets harm cats and worsen their health.

Ruler for kittens

The very first foods are the most important, since at this age all the foundations for your pet’s health are laid. Savara cat food is ideal for feeding babies. We will analyze the composition in more detail so that you have no doubt about its benefits. Turkey meat is considered optimal for children. This is what manufacturers were guided by when they produced food for kittens with turkey and rice. It consists of 77% meat ingredients, which ensures the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves digestion and metabolism, and intestinal microflora. But that's not all. The food ensures healthy skin and coat, strengthens ligaments and joints, and also promotes normal muscle development.

For adult cats

Savara cat food types are primarily designed to provide an optimal balance of essential nutrients for the normal functioning of your pet’s body. For adult animals, the manufacturer offers “lamb with rice” food. Lamb meat is perfectly digestible, it is light and very nutritious. This is an ideal diet for cats aged one to seven years. The food contains 71% meat ingredients and is designed taking into account the needs of the animal. To ensure that the food does not spoil, only natural antioxidants are used, no chemicals.

So that you have no doubts, we will give you the composition. First comes fresh lamb, then dry-dried lamb, brown rice and elk, oats, turkey fat and peas, dehydrated eggs, brewer's yeast and flax seeds, vitamins and antioxidants, apples and carrots, tomatoes and seaweed, cranberries and blueberries.

The product does not contain corn and wheat, by-products and chicken, chicken fat, flavors and dyes, and GMOs. This is why Savara dry food for cats is so popular today. Reviews from owners confirm that regular use gives the pet health and energy, and what else does a loving owner need.

Mr. Cat recommends: advantages and disadvantages

Before purchasing Savarra food for your pet, you should find out how it compares favorably with other foods:

  • Uniqueness. Each type of mixture is mono-meat; you can choose the food that is most suitable for your cat depending on its food preferences.
  • High meat content - from 67 to 77%.
  • The absence of allergens in the feed - chicken and chicken fat, gluten, soy, wheat, corn; artificial additives (attractants and preservatives, flavorings).
  • Use of natural tocopherols, vitamin and mineral complex.
  • Incorporation of high-quality salmon oil and turkey fat into mixtures that help reduce cholesterol.
  • Prevention. Without exception, all types of mixtures can serve as a product for the prevention of urolithiasis, as they contain methionine. Savarra food is also suitable for cats with a chronic form of the disease.
  • Availability of a line of food for different ages and preferences of cats.
  • Convenient packaging with a zipper allows you to store the opened package without the smell escaping.

An independent conclusion from the laboratory of Roskachestvo of the Russian Federation, drawn up after a thorough study of the product, confirmed that Savarra food is safe, has a balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, contains a large amount of vitamins and amino acids, and no impurities or pests were found in them.

The disadvantages of Savarra mixtures include:

  • presence of dehydrated meat;
  • low prevalence, not available for sale in all pet stores;
  • relative high cost.

In addition, the Roskachestvo laboratory found traces of the pesticide cypermethrin in these feeds and noted an excess of calcium and phosphorus. Experts believe that closer to the end of the shelf life of mixtures, their taste becomes rancid.

For domestic cats

It is no secret that if an animal lives in an apartment, its diet should be very varied, since it does not have the opportunity to go outside and find useful plants. An ideal option for a city cat is a special diet with duck and rice “Sawara”. Cat food, a review of which highlights the clear improvement in the pet’s health since switching to this diet, is becoming increasingly popular. Rich in protein, minerals and fiber, a balanced diet based on duck meat strengthens the immune system and normalizes digestion in a mustachioed pet. Nutritional value: proteins 30%, fats 20%, fiber 1.5%. Additionally, the composition includes omega-3 and -6, essential amino acids, vitamins A, D3, E, methionine and taurine. Rosemary extract acts as natural antioxidants.


The variety of Savarra products is described in the table:

NamePeculiaritiesIngredients (+rice)Properties
SensitiveFor cats over 1 year old with a sensitive digestive systemLambReduces the burden on digestion
Helps strengthen immunity
Normalizes the functionality of the thyroid and pancreas
Light/SterilizedFor sterilized cats and individuals with increased body weightTurkeyLow-calorie product that helps improve metabolic processes
IndoorFood for adult pets who live indoorsDuckProvides a balance of all necessary elements in animals with low activity living at home
KittenKittens age 6-12 monthsTurkeyIncludes vitamins, minerals and other valuable components for normal growth and development of small pets
Hairball ControlProducts for individuals over 1 year of age that prevent the accumulation of hairballs in the gastrointestinal tractDuckStrengthens the coat
Helps give it shine
AdultFor introduction into the complete diet of adult animalsLambFor daily nutrition of cats of all breeds

For furry beauties

Long-haired breeds require a more balanced diet, since the slightest deviations immediately affect their coat. It quickly loses color and fade, becomes dull and brittle. Special hypoallergenic compositions with duck and rice allow the cat not only to look luxurious, but also to get rid of hairballs in the stomach. This type of food consists of 69% natural meat. Duck meat is an excellent source of protein. The remaining ingredients are vegetables, berries and cereals, that is, sources of fiber. It is this that prevents fur from rolling into lumps directly in the animal’s gastrointestinal tract. Fiber is mixed with wool and leaves the body without being digested.

general information

Dry food "Savarra" is created by the Golden Acres company by order of a private entrepreneur from Russia. In part, these products can be called domestic, since both the development of the formula and the sale mostly take place on the territory of the Russian Federation. Representatives of the company classify the food as a super-premium class, but due to its balanced composition, many incorrectly classify ready-made diets as a holistic category.

There are several versions of the logo, but in one form or another it is available on all packaging of Savarra food.

Savarra is a relatively young brand. The first batches of food arrived in stores in 2014. First of all, the sales coverage was small, thanks to this, the products reached many megacities later: after 1–2 years. Despite this, the Savarra brand is trustworthy, because ready-made rations are subject to strict control by European organizations.

For breeds prone to overweight

If your pet really likes to graze near a bowl, then he needs proper nutrition, which, on the one hand, will provide his body with everything he needs, and on the other hand, with the right dosage, will prevent him from gaining excess weight. For this, “Savara” is a lightweight formula for adult cats, based on turkey meat. This is the lowest calorie type of meat. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which has a very beneficial effect on metabolism and the general condition of the body.

Feeding recommendations

Due to the high meat content, excess food can be difficult for a cat to tolerate and negatively affect its condition. Therefore, before feeding, you should carefully study the manufacturer’s recommendations indicated on the packaging.

The required amount of Savara feed per day is calculated based on the weight of the animal. For kittens the norms are as follows:

  • 0.35-0.7 kg – 27-45 g per day;
  • 0.7-1.8 kg – 45-68 g per day;
  • 1.8-2.8 kg – 68-76 g per day;
  • 2.8-5 kg ​​– 76-100 g per day;
  • 5 kg and more – from 100 g per day.

Standard for adult cats:

  • 1-2.5 kg – 30-45g per day;
  • 2.5-3.5 kg – 45-50 g per day;
  • 3.5-5 kg ​​– 50-55 g per day;
  • 5 kg and more – from 55 g per day.

- Yummy.

It should be remembered that for adult animals two feedings per day are sufficient. Kittens need to be fed 3-4 times.

Cost of feed

Compared to the popular Kitikat and other economy-class foods, it is, of course, a little expensive. However, a quality product cannot be cheap. A package weighing 0.4 kg will cost an average of 400 rubles. An adult cat will need 50-60 g of food per day, so this amount will last you about a week. That’s 1,600 rubles a month, which is not so much considering that the length and quality of life of your pet depends on nutrition. Therefore, if you are planning to switch your cat to dry food, then this is an ideal choice. Finally, I would like to note that you cannot feed animals dry food and natural products at the same time, so first make the final choice, and only then accustom your pet to a new diet. Leading veterinarians recommend feeding their pets only high-quality food, which guarantees their health and longevity. An excellent option would be Savara cat food. The composition is optimal for furry pets; it not only does not cause harm, but can help improve the functioning of internal organs.


Now let's listen to what cat owners themselves have to say about Savar's food:

Antonina: “My kitten is only 4 months old, but despite this we have already tried 3 types of food. Complementary feeding, as expected, began with dry food. First we tried Royal Canin and Hills, which the baby did not like. He didn’t even try, although she suggested it more than once. After surfing the forums on the Internet, I decided to order a small bag of Savara food. I really liked its composition, it is transparent. The manufacturer clearly states what ingredients it contains. The kitten did not immediately, but gradually began to eat. The pieces themselves are small and can be easily chewed. I recommend".

Alice: “At first we fed our cat inexpensive, well-known food. After some time, we began to notice that our pet was not very active. We went to the vet and found out that he has a weak digestive system. We underwent treatment and the veterinarian advised us to switch to holistic medicine. I ordered Savara food. A month later the cat became more active and playful. The wool sheds less and looks more attractive. I give this food 10 out of 10. The only thing that confuses me is the price. A bit expensive."

Oksana: “Savara is probably the best food I’ve ever bought. The composition alone is worth it! More than half is pure meat. I only buy this product for my cats, especially since they are both sterilized and their health should be monitored especially carefully.”

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