Purina One cat food: reviews and composition analysis


The manufacturer of Purina One is the American company Nestle Purina PetCare Company. The history of this brand dates back to 1829: the company’s founder, Joel Spiller, first traded grain, then built the second steam mill in the UK, and a little later, having organized the first joint-stock company, began producing specialized food for animals. Initially food was produced exclusively for dogs, but in the 1950s. a version of soft canned food for cats was developed. The Spillers Nutrition Center and a unit to study feeding and behavior in domestic animals were created.

A lot of specialists are involved in the work: veterinarians, zoopsychologists, nutritionists. All products undergo strict veterinary control and are safe for consumption not only by animals, but also by humans.


Now let's look at the Purina One range (Purina Van). It's wide enough.

2 options for kittens: with chicken and carrots (wet), and with chicken and whole grains (dry). Fiber in the composition improves the health of the digestive system, protein promotes the development of muscles and skeletal bones. The composition contains amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Babies aged 6 to 12 weeks can be fed 1-4 bags of wet food per day, older kittens (up to 52 weeks) - up to 6 bags.

For adults (up to 11 years of age), the following options are offered:

Canned food: with beef and carrots; with chicken and carrots (for sensitive digestion and for animals that are not allowed outside the house); with chicken and green beans (for spayed and neutered individuals).


  • high in chicken content;
  • with a high beef content (for castrated and sterilized);
  • high in chicken and whole grains;
  • high in beef and whole grains;
  • with turkey and rice (for gentle digestion);
  • with turkey and grains;
  • with salmon and wheat (for a capricious stomach);
  • with beef and wheat (for cats that have undergone sterilization);
  • with chicken meat and whole grains (to remove excess hair from the stomach and maintain a beautiful coat);
  • with Actilea formula (on three components: prebiotics, yeast and antioxidants to improve immunity).

Do not give cold or hot food to animals. Canned food from the refrigerator must be heated, but the food should not burn the cat’s mouth. Keep an eye on that. so that the drinking bowl is always filled with clean, fresh water (purified using a household filter or distilled).

For cats over 11 years of age, only one option is offered: dry granules with a high Omega-6 content, a double immune protection formula, and an optimal balance of proteins and fats.

Purina food for cats

Purina Van dry food from an American company is known to many.
It is quite common and can be easily purchased at any store. Another advantage of Purina is its low price, which allows you to please your cat with a treat without damaging your wallet. The food is sold both in canned and dry granule form. We will analyze the composition using the example of dry food for sterilized adult cats.

Feed composition

Typically, in economy-class food, vegetable carbohydrates occupy the largest part of the composition and are in first place on the list. In the case of Purina, salmon comes first, with 15% in the feed. The specific type of meat used - offal or fillet - is not indicated, which means that waste products were most likely used. Additional sources of protein in food include dry protein from poultry and fish.

In second place is wheat, which also accounts for 15%. It is the main source of carbohydrates. The food also contains wheat and corn gluten, dried beet root and chicory root. The food contains mineral supplements and vitamins. Among them are vitamin A, C, D3, E, and taurine. The food is enriched with the iodine that cats need. It also contains antioxidants and a flavoring agent.

Energy value

In order for a ready-made diet to satisfy all the needs of a growing cat’s body, the food must contain a certain ratio of nutrients. For economy class food, Purina contains quite a lot of protein - 37%. There is very little fat in the feed - only 13%. The food also contains 7.5% ash and 4% fiber. Everything else is carbohydrates. This is a pretty good ratio for feed. Unfortunately, the calorie content is not indicated on the packaging.

Line of flavors

Like all modern foods, Purina has a wide range of different flavors. Thanks to this, you can choose the option that your cat will like. Some examples from the line:

  • wet food for kittens with carrots and chicken;
  • canned food for adult cats with beef and carrots;
  • dry food for kittens with chicken and whole grains;
  • dry food for cats with sensitive digestion with rice and turkey;
  • dry cat food with salmon and wheat.

Thanks to this variety, you can choose a diet even for a cat with unusual nutritional needs. The line includes food for both kittens and very old cats that need special nutrition. You can also choose food for sterilized cats, for cats with digestive problems, or just for a harmful pet that doesn’t like chicken.

Feeding standards

The more expensive the food, the fewer grams a cat needs to eat. The feeding rate depends on the cat's weight and how active it is. In the case of Purina One, manufacturers suggest choosing servings as follows:

  • for a cat weighing from 2 to 4 kg, 30-70 g of food per day is needed;
  • if the animal weighs from 4 to 6 kg, the norm increases to 70-100 g;
  • for cats weighing more than 6 kg, the norm is 100-135 g.

Of course, these figures are approximate. A cat's appetite can depend on its health, activity and even mood.

Feed storage

Purina is sold in fairly large packages, which allows owners not to waste time on frequent trips to the store. In order for the food to be stored for a long time and remain as tasty and healthy, you need to follow simple rules: you need to store the food in a dark and slightly cool place. The packaging should be closed so that the smell does not dissipate. Do not allow moisture to enter. With this storage, the food will attract your pet for a long time.


Components of Purina One (Purina Van):

  • meat and meat ingredients (chicken, beef, poultry);
  • fish and processed fish products;
  • wheat, soy flour, corn, wheat and corn gluten;
  • animal, fish and chicken fat;
  • vegetable protein extracts;
  • dried chicory root, dried beet pulp, carrots, beans;
  • natural flavoring additive;
  • yeast;
  • antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, preservatives.

Conclusions about Purina Van food

There are both positive and negative reviews about Purina One cat food. The composition raises fewer questions than many economy class foods, but still remains relatively poor. The PetObzor website does not recommend this food as the main diet for your cats.

However, we note: if it is not possible to keep your pet on a natural diet, and better food is not affordable, then “Purina Van” is perhaps the best that you can choose from the economy class.

Verdict: not recommended (?)

  • Purina
  • Economy class food for cats

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Purina One food (Purina Van) is popular and is sold not only in specialized stores with goods for cats, but also in many supermarkets.
  • This food is inexpensive and can be purchased on an ongoing basis by many members of the middle class.
  • It contains meat and fish products, vegetables, and a vitamin and mineral complex.
  • Sugar is found in wet canned food: not only in packages for adults, but also for children. This is not just an undesirable, but a harmful component: it contains a lot of calories, but no minerals or vitamins. Added to enhance taste.
  • Components not specified. For example, wet kitten food uses a thickener, but what kind is unknown. There is no information not only on the package, but also on the website. Also, the fats, oils, processed plant products, and antioxidants used are not indicated. The official website says that the flavors and antioxidants used comply with the requirements of Russian legislation and are safe for animals, but why there are no names on the packages is a mystery.
  • The proportions are not specified: the packs only list the components, and how much of this or that ingredient is added is a closely guarded secret.
  • It contains vegetable protein, which is much less digestible than animal protein, as well as corn and wheat (and they are not good for animals).
  • There is meat and fish, but there is little of it, firstly, and secondly, the quality of the raw materials is low. Vague formulations like “processed products” and “dry protein” do not inspire confidence.
  • There are very few minerals and vitamins.

Purina One food contains a certain amount of dyes: small, as the manufacturer assures, and is approved for use not only in the Russian Federation, but also in EU countries.

Get acquainted with interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: Scottish Straight, Balinese, LaPerm.

Purina One cat food reviews

At the moment, there are many reviews about dry food of this brand on cat owner forums and specialized review sites. Below, for completeness of the review, we have collected several of them.

Reviews from veterinarians

Unfortunately, we were unable to find veterinarian reviews on the Internet about Purina Van food. If you are a veterinarian, do not hesitate to share your opinion about this food in the comments.

Customer Reviews

Nastya writes:

Hello to all owners of four-legged furry cats. Today I want to share a review about One food, which I recently came across. Usually they tried Brit Premium, and before that Royal Canin and Perfect Fit, but these are separate stories. So, one day I forgot to buy a new package of the usual food on time, and in the morning it turned out that there was nothing to feed the cat. Delivery from the online store is carried out only the next day after ordering, so I ran to the nearest supermarket to choose something temporary from what was available there.

The best thing was Purina's One food, it's certainly worse than Brit, but at least it's not Whiskas. The food has a pleasant aroma, small triangular granules, the price is very low (90 rubles per 200 g). Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to highlight the quality of raw materials and composition. Also, after this food, the smell from the cat’s toilet is more unpleasant than usual.

As for the cat’s reaction, he didn’t turn up his nose and ate no worse than usual. In general, I would not feed this food, except in unforeseen situations. I recommend that everyone who loves their pets buy premium food, and I recommend One food only to those who do not have the opportunity to buy more expensive professional food.

Irina writes:

About a month ago we started thinking about feeding our pet dry food; before that, we fed her “from the table” for almost 10 years. Recently, the stool has become a little thinner, so we added dry food to the diet. The most attractive composition turned out to be in Purina One, unlike Whiskas, meat and more vitamins come first here.

The cat eats the food with pleasure and drinks a lot of water after it. The stool has become more formed, no other problems are observed. True, we have not completely switched to dry food, in addition to it we give chicken breast, beef, liver, and fermented baked milk.

Many people write that dry food should not be mixed with natural food, but we have excellent results from such mixing. The cat's fur is soft and silky, and despite its age it is quite active. Therefore, we recommend this diet.

Elena writes:

Do not under any circumstances feed your pets this food, now I’ll tell you why. My cat only eats beef and fish from homemade food, so I have to feed her dry food. I always took Leonardo Adult 32/16, but due to financial problems I had to save even on a cat. So I bought Purina One.

The cat liked this food, she ate well, but trouble happened - after a week I noticed that the cat was going to the toilet less and less. I thought maybe it was because of the change in food that everything would soon return to normal, but the constipation only got worse, the cat basically only walked once every couple of days!

As a treatment, I fed her some raw meat, and when the constipation went away, she went back to her previous food. Now everything is normal. I recommend Leonardo food and do not recommend Purina One food.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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