Perfect Fit cat food: reviews and composition analysis


Perfect Fit food is produced by Mars. Its founder, France Mars, founded the company in 1911 and initially was engaged in the manufacture and sale of confectionery and chocolate bars. The success was enormous and Frank began to wonder: isn’t it time to do something else? The first animal products were produced in 1935; Whiskas food appeared on the markets in 1958. Russian consumers saw cat food in 1991. In 2007, the first feed production factory appeared in the Ulyanovsk region.

In addition to Perfect Fit food, the company produces Sheba, Royal Canin, Kitekat, and Pedigree food lines.

Feed class

Perfect Fit conditionally belongs to the economy group, i.e. in the conditional list he ranks last and is not considered the best of all.

The basis of economy feeds is most often corn and cereals (and most packages do not specify what these components are). The source of protein is plant ingredients: corn gluten, various “vegetable protein extracts”. And under the vague wording “meat ingredients” are meat derivatives. These include both animal meal and poultry meal (obtained from processing the remaining parts of living creatures).

Video “Cat – I can, but I don’t want to”

Do you want to smile? Then this Perfect Fit commercial will make you smile. And perhaps many will recognize this cat as their favorite.

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The manufacturing company produces several product lines that are suitable for children and adults, for lazy and active animals, cats with sensitive digestion.

For sterilized cats and neutered cats (of any age), the manufacturer offers Sterile dry and wet food with chicken and beef flavors. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamin B, as well as: retinol, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, calcium, biotin, riboflavin, thiamine, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, cholecalciferol.

Dry food for older pets - Senior. Vitamins that support activity are not needed at this age: older cats have other problems. These include joint pathologies, heart and kidney diseases, and deterioration of the coat. First of all, such cats need the amino acid taurine (it supports cardiac activity), glucosamine and Omega-3 acids (which help joints).

Lazy animals that lead a sedentary lifestyle quickly gain excess weight and often suffer from obesity. And obesity, as everyone knows, leads to a huge number of problems. Therefore, if your cat likes to sleep a lot and prefers to sit rather than run, do not overfeed him under any circumstances, and keep in mind that the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be different than for nimble and fast cats.

For such beds, 2 food options have been developed: “Indoor” and “Inform”. In the first, the percentage of elements is as follows: 38% - proteins, 12% - fats, 3.9% - fiber. The latter gives a boost to the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up metabolism, and prevents hair from accumulating in the stomach. Omega acids and biotin support metabolism, and evergreen yucca extract makes the smell of cat feces less harsh and less unpleasant.

The second option is suitable for animals that have already exceeded their weight limit. The food contains levocarnitine, which promotes the breakdown of fats in the body.

For individuals with sensitive digestion, pathologies of the kidneys, liver, and food allergies, the Sensitive food was created. It does not contain soy, wheat, or chicken, but contains turkey and natural plant ingredients. The food is available both in dry form and in the form of wet canned food. Prebiotics are added to canned food (to maintain the natural intestinal microflora). The percentage of protein in the feed is 8%, fat is 5.6%, fiber is 0.5%.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

This type of food should not be given independently without first consulting a veterinarian. The brand and type of food should be selected only by a doctor after examining the animal and studying its tests.

The growing body of kittens requires more nutrients, vitamins and minerals. For babies up to 6 months of age, the Junior series was developed.

It contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, taurine, tocopherol, levocarnitine and other elements so necessary for building musculoskeletal tissue, improving metabolism and other important processes. The calorie content of the feed is 41%, fat content is 18%.

For adult cats that move a lot, Active is perfect - a food with a lot of protein and vitamins A and E, iron, and riboflavin. It replenishes the deficiency of useful micro- and macroelements. There are 2 types of food: dry and canned. There are also 2 flavors: beef and chicken flavored food. It contains 41% protein, 2.5% fiber.


Perfect Fit food includes the following components:

  • poultry meat and bone meal (source of protein),
  • wheat,
  • corn,
  • soy protein concentrate,
  • animal fat,
  • dried sugar beet pulp and yucca extract (reduces the smell of cat feces),
  • yeast (B vitamins),
  • sunflower oil (omega-3 fatty acids),
  • minerals,
  • vitamins.

Negative reviews


I have a purebred cat, which I always feed with premium food. About 4-5 months ago we decided to change our usual Brit to Perfect. Fearing problems with a sudden change of food, and you never know if you won’t like it, I bought a trial pack of food (about 200 grams) and slowly switched the cat over. Everything seemed fine and then I took the risk of buying a large pack. After about 2-3 days, the cat began vomiting food. At first I thought I had overeaten or ate something wrong. But when this continued for 3-4 days after each meal, I ran to the hospital. Result: the cat has severe pain in the abdominal area, poisoning, and now has a very sensitive stomach. The food is to blame, according to the doctor.

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.


I bought several bags of this food for a small kitten (1.5 months). He usually eats natural food (I cook it specially for him). I took it to pamper and just in case there was nothing to eat. When he felt bad the first time, I thought it was from other food. The kitten started vomiting at night and had loose, loose stools. Then it seemed to stop. The next day I drank only broth. After some time, I, being sure that the consequences were not from this food, again gave him (just a little, less than a teaspoon) this food. And again history repeated itself. Our cat will never see this food again!

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Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing food, objectively evaluate both its advantages and disadvantages. The positive qualities of Perfect Fit food include:

  • Availability. Firstly, the food is widely available and you can buy it not only in a specialized pet supply store, but also in a regular supermarket, where there is at least a small stand for pets. You can also order food via the Internet.
  • The presence of a vitamin-mineral complex that provides the cat’s body with a minimum need for microelements and vitamin supplements.
  • Low cost of feed, which will not seem burdensome to most of the population.
  • Wide range of food options: There are both dry and wet options to suit all ages and health conditions.
  • The granules are packed in a convenient bag with a zip system. Tight packaging and a convenient latch prevent air from getting inside and save the food from premature spoilage.
  • The most significant disadvantage is replacing meat with chicken flour or chicken protein. These components are made from the remains of chicken production - beaks, paws, feathers, etc. - and cannot be a complete replacement for meat and offal.
  • It also contains vegetable protein, and in significant quantities. But, since cats are carnivorous creatures, they need protein not of plant origin, but of animal origin. This is due to the structure of their internal organs (intestines, stomach), and the enzyme system, and the shape of the teeth. Vegetable protein contains few amino acids necessary for animals and your pet, eating such food, will experience a constant deficiency of them. For example, corn is a strong allergen and has no nutritional value, and yeast causes intestinal flatulence. The same applies to soybeans.
  • The amount of animal protein is not specified.
  • The antioxidants and preservatives used in the feed are also not specified. Are they natural or synthetic? Synthetic ones cause a number of diseases, ranging from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract to urolithiasis.

Get to know interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: Havana Brown, Peterbald, Australian Mist.

Benefits of Perfect Fit

Reviews from veterinarians indicate that the PerfectFit line of food is able to compensate for the energy expended during the day in cats, maintain the health of animals so that they remain playful, cheerful, and active throughout the day.

Pros of food:

  • the manufacturer uses animal proteins for preparation;
  • good value for money, the product can be purchased by every consumer, regardless of family income;
  • wide selection of liquid or dry food;
  • There is a division by age category, there is food for both small kittens, adults, and older animals;
  • Available for retail sale at any veterinary store and supermarkets.

The price of dry food varies from 60 rubles. for 190 g up to 700 rub. for a three-kilogram package.

Of the minuses, only a few points can be noted that do not significantly affect the quality and value:

  • the composition includes corn, which creates volume;
  • preservative not specified;
  • natural animal meat is not used, replaced by offal.

However, Perfect Fit food is becoming increasingly popular among consumers who look after their pets and want to make their lives more active and fulfilling.

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