Pronature Original cat food: reviews and composition analysis

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Types of Pronature cat food
  2. Pros of Pronature food: Cons:
  • Which food should you choose for your pet?
  • Reviews of Pronature cat food
  • Price
  • Many people, when choosing food for a cat, rely on reviews from veterinarians or friends, but it would be more correct to observe the cat (its behavior, condition of fur, stool...) when changing professional food. For example, when switching from any budget cat food to Pronature cat food, you need to pay attention to its smell, composition and other nuances, taking into account the pet’s reaction.


    Manufacturer: PLB International Inc., a Canadian private family company. The plant is located in the suburbs of Montreal. Work on the production of dry animal feed began in 1969, and is currently supplied to more than 30 countries around the world.

    The HACCP certificate and cooperation with the Association of Canadian Veterinarians allows these foods to occupy a high place in the ranking of animal products.

    The manufacturer assures that all products used undergo strict quality control, not only at the initial stage, but also at all subsequent stages, and suppliers are subject to accreditation.

    What does the Pronature Life Cat Fit packaging tell us?

    The design of the package focuses on a healthy lifestyle: there is a photo of an athletic woman on a bicycle with a cat in the basket. The associative series suggests that the cat is somehow involved in the active life of its owner. However, of course, everyone knows that cats don’t ride bicycles on their own.

    The red maple leaf and the word Canada at the top of the bag indicate the country of origin of the food. The manufacturer emphasizes that the product does not contain corn, soy or wheat: the inscription No corn, soy or wheat tells us this.

    Feed class

    Pronature Original food belongs to the class of holistic food, which means compliance with certain rules, namely:

    • use of high-quality meat and offal;
    • lack of vegetable protein (it is poorly absorbed by predators);
    • absence of allergens: wheat, corn;
    • natural antioxidants, preservatives, dyes, flavors.

    By constantly eating ready-made dry food, the cat begins to drink more. Lack of moisture negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system and kidneys, so make sure that the animal has access to clean drinking water at a comfortable temperature.

    Pronature Original cat food - reviews

    Reviews about the Canadian food Pronature Original are not uncommon on the Russian Internet; many pet owners have written about their experience of purchasing it. Below we have collected some of the most recent reviews.

    Reviews from veterinarians

    Unfortunately, we were unable to find direct reviews from veterinarians. If these appear in the future, we will definitely supplement this review with them.

    Customer Reviews

    Maria writes:

    Hi all! Almost half a year has passed since we switched to Pronature Original food, we can already write a review. We buy formula 28 with chicken, which comes first in the composition. The food is super premium and contains no corn, wheat or soy. The price for a package weighing 2.72 kg is 1090 rubles in the Lenta hypermarket.

    The cat eats with pleasure, does not gain excess weight, and its appearance is pleasing to the eye. The stool is regular and stable. Our cat is sterilized, at first we were afraid that regular food would not be suitable, but Bengals are very active and we give portions slightly less than the feeding norm, which is probably why excess weight does not appear.

    The bottom line is this: we are happy with everything, the price/quality ratio of the food is excellent, and the cat is happy too. This means that there is no point in changing food to another)

    Dmitry writes:

    We have a 7-year-old cat who we have been feeding with Pronature Original “Meat Holiday” food for a long time, and recently someone dropped a small kitten into the entrance, which no one picked up for several days and we eventually picked him up in very poor condition. It turned out to be a small cat, about a month old, beautiful in color, but emaciated and, apparently from poor care and several days of living outside, with severe conjunctivitis on both eyes. We decided to treat her, raise her and give her into good hands.

    We immediately bought Pronature for kittens, feeding did not cause any problems. The food granules are small, the smell is not disgusting, the kitten ate the food with pleasure, and the adult cat had to be constantly driven away from the “little guest’s” bowl. Within 3 weeks, the kitten's coat improved significantly, conjunctivitis completely resolved, physical activity returned, and the kitten's appearance improved significantly.

    After 3 weeks, it was decided that it was time to find a new home for the kitten; a new owner was found within a day after posting an ad with a photo. I think that this food made a big contribution to the kitten’s quick recovery and good condition, and feeding cats with table waste is a big mistake.

    The only negative we had was that the food was high in calories; the adult cat gained weight very quickly by eating the kitten’s food and was subsequently put on a diet.

    Leonid writes:

    A month ago we bathed the Pronature Original dryer. The food looks ordinary, brown granules without any strong odor. The bag has a zip fastener, which is not bad, but for some reason, after opening it a few times, it came off in some places, and now the bag is not completely sealed.

    Advantages: Large packaging of 2.72 kg allows you to save on the cost of feed (bought for 990 rubles). The food contains a guaranteed amount of vitamins and macroelements.

    Disadvantages: The cat does not eat the food well, he did not like it - I don’t know whether it depends on the quality of this food or on the fact that it contains fewer flavors, you just have to rely on the honesty of the manufacturer.


    The options are as follows:

    Chicken Recipe Kitten. A food with chicken (35%), cranberries and docosahexaenoic acid has been developed for kittens. In addition to these components, the composition contains chicken fat, oats, dried beet pulp, whole flax seeds, chicken liver hydrolysate, pea fiber, fish oil (from American herring), salt, potassium chloride, Schidinger yuca extract.

    Useful additives: sodium selenite, zinc amino acid hydrate chelate, zinc oxide, manganese amino acid hydrate chelate, manganese oxide, copper amino acid hydrate chelate, anhydrous calcium iodate, ferrous sulfate monohydrate, vitamins E, D3, A. Calcium in feed 1.3%, protein - 30%, fiber - 3%. The food is suitable for all breeds.

    Chicken Recipe Adult. For adult cats, food is available with chicken meal and a mixture of herbs (to remove hairballs from the stomach). The composition is almost completely the same as the above, the only difference is a lower percentage of chicken flour and a different amount of nutritional components.

    Chicken with Lamb Recipe Adult Sterilized Cat. For sterilized individuals, food containing lamb meal (4%), chicken (32%), and pearl barley is offered. Other additives: protein - 27%, fat - 12%, crude fiber - 3.5%, calcium - 7.5%. Individuals weighing 2-3 kg are allowed to give no more than 45 g of food per day.

    Features of the food

    The word Fit in the name of the food suggests that it is either intended for active pets, or, on the contrary, contains a moderate amount of fat and helps those cats who are prone to obesity. There is no clear information on this topic on the package. I had to turn to the official distributor's website for clarification. It turned out that the second version is correct - according to the distributor, this product helps maintain normal weight and is also suitable for pets with a low activity level, castrated cats and sterilized cats. The fat content in this diet is, indeed, relatively low and amounts to 14%, while in another product of the same line for cats, for example, it is 18% fat.

    In the “Nutrients” section on the package, we came across the concept of “inorganic matter” - this is the same as ash, which is familiar to most, this is just how the literal translation of inorganic matter from English sounds.


    Pronature Original contains the following components:

    • chicken meal, lamb meal, fish meal;
    • chicken and fish oil;
    • chicken liver hydrolysate;
    • brewer's rice, beet pulp, flax seed;
    • yeast culture;
    • thyme, rosemary, dried cranberries, yucca and chicory extract;
    • vitamins and minerals.

    All components are carefully selected. For example, Schrödinger's yucca makes the smell of excrement less pronounced and not so strong. Dried cranberries act as an antioxidant. Flax seeds are a source of fiber and unsaturated fatty acids. Liver hydrolysate is a safe and attractive flavor additive for cats.

    Pronature Life Cat Fit Foundation Analysis

    Let's move on to a description of the composition of Pronature Life Cat Fit Deboned Chicken food. The basis here is made up of two meat ingredients, legumes, cereals and an animal source of fat.

    Boneless chicken, advertised in the name of the food, is given only fourth place. It is indicated that its share is only 8.5%, and this makes this component only an additional protein supplement. You should not think that only chicken fillet was used to create the food: as an analysis of Pronature Life Cat Fit food shows, the No. 1 place in the composition belongs to chicken meal - Chicken Meal. In Russian, the word “meat” was added to its name, although the English term does not imply this: chicken meal can be made from any leftover chicken, for example, backs, skin, bones.

    In second place in the list of ingredients are peas, followed by oatmeal - Oatmeal, which was translated into Russian as “oats”. Chicken fat closes the top five ingredients.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    • Laboratory tests were carried out, which revealed the absence of dangerous intestinal bacteria such as salmonella, as well as toxin-forming anaerobes, mitotoxins and E. coli. The food contains no GMOs, antibiotics, pesticides, radionuclides, N-nitrosamines or heavy metals. No traces of foreign impurities (sawdust, including metal) or pest residues were also found. Benzoic acid (an approved preservative) is within normal limits.
    • Manufacturers do not add soy, wheat and corn - the most stupid and allergenic components.
    • Crude fiber, protein, fat, protein, carbohydrates and crude fat exactly as stated on the package.
    • The food contains vitamins: A, E, B2, B3, B6, D.
    • There are macro- and microelements: selenium, manganese, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc), unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, amino acids.
    • Manufacturers do not add dyes to their products.
    • The composition contains plant components.
    • This line of food can be easily purchased at any pet store or ordered online.
    • The calcium percentage is too high. And an excess of it leads to irreversible nutritional hyperparathyroidism - a hormonal disorder reminiscent of rickets.
    • There is no corn, but it does contain corn gluten meal. It is poorly absorbed and has no benefit (it is added to create volume and reduce the cost of the product).
    • The price tag for food is not small, so not every animal owner can afford to buy this brand regularly.
    • The choice is small.

    Get acquainted with interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: Dwelf, American Curl, Skif Tai Don.

    Features and composition of Pronature

    This food belongs to the category of super-premium products. Produced in Canada and only in dry form. Pronature for cats is represented by two product lines:

    1. Pronature Original. This is a relatively budget-friendly option for dry food, the composition of which is balanced and represents a complete cat diet.

    The basis of the product is meat flour (not less than 34%). The remaining ingredients include some grains (brewer's rice, barley), vegetables and fruits, herbs and natural spices (rosemary, anise).

    1. Pronature Holistic. Compared to the first products, this option has a richer and completely natural composition. So natural that even a person could use food components as food. This is a real delicacy for cats. It has the highest category among all dry food.

    Pronature Holistic consists half of natural meat and fish (55%), chicken fat and fish meal. In addition, it contains a large number of medicinal plants (aloe vera, chamomile), herbs and vegetables (spinach, beets, carrots, broccoli). It is noteworthy that soy and grain crops are completely absent from the composition.

    Both lines are presented with ready-made food for small kittens, adults and older animals. There is also a medical line.

    Important! If your cat's diet consists of dry food, there must be drinking water in his bowl.

    Our verdict

    What can you say about these foods? Let's start with the good stuff:

    • attractive packaging design;
    • the food is suitable for cats at any stage of life;
    • Contains no soy, wheat, or corn;
    • sufficiently high-quality sources of animal protein and animal fats.

    Now let's talk about the disadvantages:

    • the percentage of components is not indicated;
    • a large amount of carbohydrates against the background of a modest content of meat products;
    • Some meat components (chicken and boneless salmon), contrary to the manufacturer’s statement on the official website about their freshness, are not fresh, since the term fresh is not included in the composition. Most likely, these are just raw ingredients that have been thawed and/or treated with preservatives.

    On the one hand, this is not the worst product that we reviewed on our website, on the other hand, the composition is completely unimpressive. We would recommend purchasing this food only if there is no better alternative.

    Pronature Holistic dog food reviews

    Review of Pronature Holistic food, written by Oksana from Kyiv. I have been feeding my Yorkies with this food for more than two years now, and as the owner of the nursery, I... the representative gives a good discount. We tried different options, settled on “turkey with cranberries” - the dogs liked it the most (at least it seems so to me).

    In some litters there are puppies for whom the food is not suitable (causes diarrhea or allergies), and they have to take a different brand. In general, everyone is happy with the food, so I recommend it to others.

    Pronature Holistic food

    Diana writes from Moscow. Hi all. We have a German boxer and have been feeding him Pronature since puppyhood. At first we took Pronature Original, but we still couldn’t gain normal weight. We tried Pronature Holistic, and soon the dog began to look more dense and prettier. Eats food with pleasure and does not complain

    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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