Tai dong cat. description, features, care and price of a Tai Dong cat

Origin of the breed

The Scythian Tai Don is an almost exact copy of the Siamese cat, only smaller.
The breed is very young: the first kitten was born in the late 80s of the 20th century, in Rostov-on-Don. Breeder Elena Krasnichenko brought together a short-tailed cat and a Thai cat found on the street. The kitten that was born was unusually small in stature, and its tail was very short. The cause was a mutation, but the breeder thought this strange baby was funny. The cat received the name Kutsy, but despite his diminutive size, he was cheerful and cheerful, and early began to be interested in the opposite sex. Some of his kittens were just as small, and the breeder decided that this was a chance to try to establish a new breed.

A new breed appeared on the territory of the former USSR

In 1994, the breed received the name Skif Tai Toy Don, standards and registration in the WCF system. This unusual name combines the name of the territory (Skif) and the river (Don) on which Kutsy grew up, and also indicates the presence of foreign blood (Thai cats) and the similarity with a toy (that).

At the World Cat Show, Skif Tai Don made a splash. The couple - Pashka and Mickey - went to the United States of America, where work began on breeding the breed. In 2009, the breed was included in the TICA International Feline System under the name “Toy Bob”. Unfortunately, in Russia by this time things were very sad - the breed almost became extinct. The cats were rescued by enthusiasts from Yekaterinburg. The minimum number of livestock has been restored.

How much does it cost and where to buy

Kittens of the Scythian-Toy-Bob breed can be purchased both in the Russian Federation and abroad. However, the price of a kitten of one of the tiniest cats will stun many. Babies in a good nursery will cost about 70-250 thousand rubles. The price directly depends on the pedigree, external data, weight and gender of the animal.

The oldest Scythian kennel belongs to the creator of the breed, Elena Krasnichenko. It is located in Rostov-on-Don and is called “KUTS”. On its basis, since 2016, another organization “Cats - Planet of Trust” has been operating, whose specialists work with special children with the participation of these miniature cats.

You should not purchase a kitten through an advertisement or at a bird market. In this case, there is a high probability that the kitten will not belong to this exotic breed, but will grow to the size of an ordinary cat. The possibility of purchasing a sick animal is also very high.

The purchase of a purebred animal will be guaranteed by a new type of breed certificate, which states the name, registration date, authorship, code and all signatures and seals.


A distinctive feature of the Scythian Tay Don breed is its miniature appearance. Despite this, the entire body of a cat is proportional, beautifully built and muscular. The weight of one adult pet can be from 1-2.5 kilograms. Next we will give a slightly more detailed description of the appearance.

The head is small in size and has a rounded shape, all features and transitions are smooth. Towards the nose it tapers slightly into a wedge shape. The medium-sized ears are set wide apart on the top of the head. They stand up straight and have a small tuft of fur at the edges.

Mini size and a very short tail are a feature of the Scythian Tai Don

The eyes are large, large, located at an angle to the nose and not widely spaced. Their shape is almond-oval. The color is blue, although any shade is acceptable for this breed.

The paws are medium in size, the hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones. The tail is small, up to 7 cm, consists of 2 vertebrae. Its shape can be different: spiral, short bob, pompom or tassel.

The coat of the Scythian Tay Don breed can be medium length or short, they are not bald. The undercoat is thick in any case.

Expensive dwarf breeds

For exotic lovers, breeders have created some amazing breeds. The selection includes several options. Sometimes the high price does not stop breeders. If opportunities allow, the desire to surprise friends and make an interesting friend wins.


The ancestors of Dwelfs were the Canadian Sphynx, the American Curl and the Munchkin . These hairless animals weigh from 1.8 to 3 kg. The experimentally bred breed is distinguished by its miniature size and unique exterior.

Cats are very sociable, they require the owner's attention and constant care. Pets do not like loneliness and suffer when separated from their owner Average price - from 140 to 180 thousand rubles


Hairless miniature specimens were bred by US breeders. Progenitors are munchkins and Canadian sphinxes, Burmese cats and Devon rexes. The average height is only 19 cm, they weigh from 1.8 to 2.8 kilograms.

A long tail, short front legs, partial or complete absence of hair are characteristic features of the species. Cats have a lot of energy. They are mobile, at the same time very affectionate to their owners and people around them, and trusting.


  • hypoallergenic;
  • sociable;
  • not subject to shedding;
  • clean.


  • heat-loving;
  • not sold in Russia.


Lambkin or lambkin translated from English means lamb. The variety appeared in the mid-eighties of the last century in the USA through the selection of Munchkins and Selkirk Rex. Cats can have curly coats of any color. Features: beautiful round eyes, wedge-shaped head, long fluffy tail with a rounded end. Average weight from 1.8 to 3.5 kg. Animals require regular exercise as they are very energetic. They are distinguished by good obedience. They are not inclined to smoke. Friendly and good-natured animals show interest in everything around them. Pets get along well with dogs and other animals, thanks to their gentle and patient nature. Care comes down to regular combing and trimming of nails as they grow.


  • learning ability;
  • exoticism;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • sociability;
  • unpretentiousness in food.


  • high price;
  • Difficulty in grooming
  • weak skeleton.

Character and behavior at home

The Scythian Tai Don cat is distinguished by its activity and love of outdoor games, but at the same time, if the owner wants to pick him up and stroke him, he will be ready to accept affection as much as necessary - the baby Scythian will happily sit on his lap for all that is allocated for him time.

Skif Tai Don loves when people pay attention to him and will make every effort to achieve his cat's goal. Despite its miniature size, this animal is not timid; on the contrary, the pet will happily greet guests at the door and immediately allow everyone to caress it.

Cats of this breed are friendly to new people who appear on their territory. Many breeders note that the Scythian Toy Boba is somewhat similar in behavior to dogs. First of all, this is shown by their readiness for training and the ease with which these cats are able to learn several commands at once. In addition, they love to run after thrown objects and bring them back in their teeth.

Friendly and playful cats are adored by children

Skif Tai Don will make friends with every family member, but he especially likes children. This fluffy pet will happily play with the kids and will calmly endure all their cuddles. He will allow you to carry him in your arms, allow you to stroke him for a long time, wrap him up, swaddle him, etc.

These cats also do not conflict with other animals. The active skiff is ready to accept anyone with whom he can play at least something. However, it is advisable to control the increased activity of such a pet, since its fun can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the wallpaper, curtains and furniture. And in order to protect property, you should take care in advance about the availability of special manholes and ropes.

Moving to a new home is quite easy for Scythian toy beans. They almost instantly join the rhythm of life and immediately begin to look for adventures for themselves. Such a baby will definitely sniff every centimeter of the new house and will have time to make friends with each of its inhabitants.

Features of the breed and character of the Tai Dong cat

The Tai-Don is a dwarf breed; a grown-up cat looks like a six-month-old kitten of an ordinary whiskered kitten. The average weight of an adult pet reaches two kilograms, but in especially rare and expensive species they do not exceed one kilogram.

They come with short and long fur and a thick undercoat. Their peculiarity is that the tai-dong cat is quite silent, and if it makes any sound, it is more reminiscent of a dog barking. Also, few kittens are born to them.

By nature, cats of the Tai-Dong breed are quite active, playful, courageous, and friendly to their owners. It's hard to scare them with anything. When purchasing such a pet, be sure to equip your home with slides, ropeways, and scratching posts.

Otherwise, the cat will happily use the furniture and curtains for entertainment. Also buy them a couple of toys that they will carry in their mouths all day long, no matter how big the object is.

These cunning creatures are very tame, therefore, in order to climb into the arms of the owner, they will lie on their backs under their feet until they are picked up. And having already settled down in your arms, they are ready to spend the whole day like this. They love to kiss.

They are also smart and easy to train. You can even, if desired, teach to fetch small objects, like dogs. It is very important that they do not have the habit of marking their territory.

Care and maintenance

Skif Tai Don does not require complex care. The cat of this breed is clean and knows how to clean itself up. Her short coat does not tangle and always looks neat.

The pet does not need to be brushed frequently. It is enough to walk over your body with a rubberized brush once a week to collect lost hairs.

The cleanliness of the Skif Tai Don makes it easier to care for

The pet's ears are examined 2 times a month and, if a lot of wax has accumulated during this time, they are cleaned. For sink hygiene, use cotton pads and a special veterinary lotion. The claws are trimmed with a nail clipper after 2-3 weeks, only the sharp tip is cut off. It is important not to touch the living tissue in which the blood vessels are located. The eyes are wiped with a sponge soaked in saline solution.

It is advisable to take care of your pet's teeth. Teeth brushing is carried out weekly using a children's brush and animal paste. To prevent the formation of tartar, solid granular feed is introduced into the diet.


Nutrition for dwarf cats and cats must be balanced. Small size always requires more energy. When eating a natural diet, it is recommended to monitor the required amount of minerals and vitamins that enter the body. If necessary, add the necessary elements to the diet.

Despite its small size, tai dong requires good nutrition

From ready-made feeds, it is advisable to choose holistic class feeds. They are made from high quality products and contain sufficient amounts of meat, vegetables and vitamins.

It is necessary to ensure that your cat always has clean and fresh water in his drinking bowl. You cannot give your pet water from the tap: tap water contains too much chlorine and salts. It is better to pass the liquid through a household filter or settle it in the old “old-fashioned” way: in a jar without a lid.

Health and life expectancy

Considering the fact that the breed is experimental, you can pay attention to the fact that toy beans have good health and excellent immunity. If you maintain a balanced diet and pay due attention to the safety of your pet, you can spend many happy years with him.

In general, the health of this breed is excellent, but not without hereditary nuances

However, hereditary pathologies can still be found in these cats. Thus, the Scythians suffer from alopecia, or partial, sometimes complete baldness,

stretching of the esophagus, intestinal cancer, diabetes, tumors of the uterus and mammary glands. Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and respiratory diseases cause inconvenience to Scythian cats under the age of one year.

Scythian Tay-Dons live like all other cat breeds - 15-18 years.


Scythian Tai Dons should not be confused with Mekong Miniature Bobtails, which have a slightly different body and body shape. Although the breed is registered, there is no official standard yet.

For this, it is not enough to have livestock with distinctive characteristics characteristic of the new breed. Therefore, today only a preliminary standard for WCF has been established.

there aren't many in the world. In Russia, they are bred only in two or three cities. Consequently, the cost of Scythian Tay Don kittens is considerable.

Breeding Scythian Taydons is difficult, the breed is being restored gradually

Over the past 20 years, the breed has been almost lost, and is now being restored based on the few original representatives of the toy bean. The blood of miniature Thai cats, which have the most suitable phenotype, is mixed.

To continue the breed, clubs need to keep stud books, register kittens, and hold exhibitions. Registration of new litters is necessary to identify their relationship to the original descendants of the Rostov Scythian Tai Toi Dons.

For this purpose, experts are now being trained to provide qualified advice.

Description of Toy Bean

The main distinguishing feature of Toy Bob will always be his childish appearance. Looking at the blue eyes, small body and short tail, one gets the impression that before one’s eyes is a kitten that has not yet reached the age of six months. The toy bean is smaller than average in size, short and robust in build, with a broad chest and short neck. The muscles are well developed. The back is straight. The limbs are quite strong. The tail is shortened. The maximum body weight of a bob is 2 kilograms. Minimum – 1400 grams. Females are slightly smaller than males, although the sexual dimorphism of the breed is not clearly expressed.

They have medium, strong limbs, oval paws with elongated toes on the hind limbs. The hind limbs are slightly higher than the forelimbs. The toy bob tail is a separate issue. Its length according to the standard should not exceed 1/3 of the body. In some cases, it generally looks like a neat pompom or tassel. The tail can be either straight or with various bends.

The head shape is short trapezoid with softly rounded contours. The chin is strong, the cheekbones are medium and rounded. The nose is of medium length, the bridge of the nose is slightly convex. The ears are medium in size with rounded tips. Standing tall, slightly bent forward.

This is interesting! The animal's coat is short, dense, elastic, semi-adjacent, with a fairly pronounced undercoat. The outer coat is almost the same length as the undercoat.

The most common color is seal point, although there are other variations , but for now this is an experimental version.

Breed standards

A real toy bob should not weigh more than 2 kilograms. The cat's body should be strong and physiologically developed with good pectoral muscles. The head is short trapezoid with softly rounded contours. The eyes are large, wide open, round, very expressive, almost straight set. The color is intense blue.

Toy Bean Character

Little bob tails are brave cats. Kittens of this breed have a pleasant playful disposition. They are funny and kind. They can boast of extreme curiosity, a desire to communicate, while they know how to be calm and show signs of balance. They easily get along with any pets. Children have especially fun with them; who wouldn’t like a kitten who will obediently bring a toy in his teeth? They can be trained.

The Toy Bob is not a useless “miniature cat”, he can be a good hunter. He may not be able to defeat a rat, but he can handle a butterfly, a small mouse or flies with a bang. At the same time, Toy Bob cats do not show signs of aggression. They are extremely socialized. Bob's cat, like a dog, will follow its owner everywhere, he does not have a developed desire to live a detached life, his regime is human-oriented.

Toy Bob coat colors

The most popular Toy Bob coat color is seal point. With this arrangement of shades, the predominant part of the body is painted in a light color, and the ears, paws, tail and muzzle are painted in a darker shade. The colors are combined in a smooth transition.


Toy beans live, if properly maintained, within 18-20 years.

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Advantages and disadvantages

The Scythian Tay Dong cat breed deserves attention, because it has many more advantages than disadvantages. Owners of miniature pets speak of them with love and tenderness and consider them the best cats in the world.

The advantages of the breed include:

  • elegant appearance;
  • light weight;
  • flexible and friendly character;
  • cleanliness;
  • ease of care;
  • patient attitude towards children;
  • good learning ability.

After weighing the pros and cons, make a choice in favor of this kitten

The breed also has disadvantages:

  • no fear of obstacles and larger animals;
  • the activity of cats can be very tiring;
  • few animals in the litter;
  • high price of kittens;
  • low prevalence.
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