Bobtail dog. Description, features, care and price of bobtail

Breed standard and description

Male height at the withers: from 61 cm;

Bitch's height at the withers: from 56 cm;

Weight: 45-46 kg

Color: all shades of gray, blue, graying, marbled blue with white markings. The body and rump are plain with white “socks”. Markings in the area of ​​solid color are undesirable. The head, neck, chest and belly should be white. Brownish or beige coloration lowers points.

Additional characteristics: large dogs with a strong build, they stand out from others with their long and dense hair. The eyes are dark, a black rim around the eyes is desirable. Blue color of both eyes is allowed. Eyes of different colors are a disqualifying factor.

History of the Bobtail Breed

It is known that this breed originated in the counties of Devon and Somerset in western England.

Most dog experts are confident that the dog in Gainsborough's painting, painted in 1771, belongs to the ancestors of the bobtail. It is very likely that their ancestors included bearded collies and South Russian Shepherd dogs.

The breed was valued by shepherds for its incredible skills in herding sheep flocks. The bobtail has a deep guttural bark, which helped him cope with his charges.

In 1873, the first specimens were exhibited in England under the name “cattle dog”. They immediately attracted attention due to their unusual appearance.

In 1880, dogs were brought to the United States, and within 5 years, half of the ten richest families in America had these pets. The cream of society constantly held exhibitions and competitions of their favorites.

The name itself means "short tail" . The fact is that the tax on dogs was collected based on their tails, the tails of working dogs were docked, and the tax was not paid. Today, many countries have banned tail docking, so, for example, in America, a long tail is not a reason for disqualification at an exhibition.

Possible diseases

Usually, with proper care and nutrition, a bobtail lives about 10-12 years. But even in these cases, the dog may develop health problems. Each breed is characterized by certain diseases to a greater or lesser extent. These include:

  • Dilated stomach and volvulus.
  • Cataract.
  • Ataxia.
  • Cerebellar abiotrophy.
  • Congenital deafness.
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
  • Thrombocytopenia.
  • Congenital dislocation of the elbow.
  • Keratoacanthoma.
  • Cancer in the nasopharynx.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy.
  • Hip dysplasia.

In addition, your dog may experience various allergic reactions to certain medications. After use, chills, ataxia, coma, or even death may occur.

Bobtails after grooming

But these diseases do not at all mean that every bobtail should exhibit one or more diseases. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the dog’s body.

Character and temperament

Even the standard states that a bobtail cannot be aggressive or nervous. This is a calm dog that loves to sleep and lie on the couch.

Easily adapt to any environment, neat and smart. One of the advantages is the lack of stubbornness ; they are ready to agree with the owner in everything.

You don't have to be afraid to leave your children with him. Sometimes the bobtail pushes people under the knees with its head: this is an echo of its herding past.

An attentive guard of the house, he is sensitive to the boundaries of his territory, therefore, when these boundaries are violated, he barks loudly, attracting attention.

How to buy an Old English Sheepdog puppy

A purebred puppy can only be purchased from a good nursery. Dogs are more expensive there, but there is no risk of buying a mixed breed or a sick dog. In Moscow, the cost of bobtails ranges from 40 to 80 thousand rubles. Prices may be lower on the market or from private breeders, but there is no guarantee that the dog is purebred.

Before purchasing, you need to study the living conditions of the animals, all documents, and veterinary certificates. It is recommended to get to know the mother, since many character traits are inherited. When choosing, you need to pay attention to cheerful, not cowardly, curious kids. A healthy puppy should be well-fed and active. He has shiny fur, a wet nose, clean eyes and ears.

The photo shows what the puppies look like:

The video complements the description of the breed:

Video: Bobtail.

Video: Bobtail or Old English Sheepdog. Pros and cons, price, how to choose, facts, care, history

Video: Bobtail - a dog with a short tail: description of the Old English Sheepdog

The Bobtail is a kind and intelligent family dog. She is calm and obedient, loves children and is easy to train. Not aggressive at all, but will become a good defender. Despite their funny appearance and seemingly clumsy gait, these dogs are distinguished by great strength, endurance, and agility. They can perform in the circus and act in films. And if you give your bobtail enough attention, it will become a faithful and loving companion.

Dog and man

It will be difficult for this breed to settle into a family where people are often away from home. But in a family with children, he will become a nanny and playmate.

A bobtail is adopted as a first dog , as its docile nature will make training easier.

Interesting Facts:

The breed has appeared in the following cartoons:

  • "101 Dalmatians"
  • "Mermaid",
  • "Lady and the Tramp"
  • "Raccoons"
  • "Cats vs dogs."

Bobtail is one of Sir Paul McCartney's .


Only sexually mature healthy individuals who do not have hereditary diseases are allowed to reproduce. When the best sire is found, the dogs are introduced so that they get used to each other. Favorable days for conception are from 11 to 15 from the start of estrus. Bobtails are usually knitted freestyle. After 24-48 hours, control mating is carried out.

Pregnancy lasts from 56 to 72 days. 2-3 days before the birth, it is advisable to agree with the veterinarian about a possible call, but most often the animals cope on their own. The Bobtail dog breed is prolific – 10 puppies are often born in a litter.

Maintenance and care

The best place to live would be a country house , where the dog can walk around the yard when he needs it.

You need to walk your dog twice a day every day. This can be an ordinary walk; the breed's activity level is such that it does not need exhausting and long walks . But, if you live in the city, then you need to provide your dog with exercise.

The fur is often a special source of pride for owners . Oddly enough, it does not require any super complex care. The dog needs to be thoroughly combed once a week and washed when the coat becomes dirty. Periodically, the animal is trimmed in the abdominal area.

Show-class pets receive a special haircut that maintains length and allows them to demonstrate the beauty of their fur. It is better if the animal becomes familiar with these procedures at an early age. If the dog is not exhibited, then many prefer to cut it short.

You will also need to trim your nails regularly and check the cleanliness of your ears.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Bobtails have a funny and cute appearance, flexible and friendly character.
  2. The pet will become an excellent watchman and companion.
  3. Bobtail care must be thorough, otherwise there is a risk of all kinds of diseases.
  4. The decision to get a bobtail should be made carefully. The dog requires a lot of attention in terms of care, even though it is independent.

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Feed manufacturers produce products specifically for large breeds. It is best to choose premium food that already contains all the nutrients your dog needs in the right proportions.

They are not prone to overeating, so they will not eat too much. The dog should always have fresh water.


Characteristic diseases

Kurilian Bobtails are an unusually healthy breed of cat.

Centuries of natural selection have eliminated genetic and congenital diseases in these cats.

These are healthy and cheerful animals, but they can, however, contract diseases when kept at home.

The coat of the Kuril Bobtail is unique; it does not tangle or form tangles, and has no undercoat. This type of wool does not require burdensome care.

The main enemies of bobtails can be helminthiasis, in particular opisthorchiasis.

In order to avoid the development of parasitic diseases, it is recommended not only to regularly deworm the animal, but also to feed it with high-quality food and heat treat meat and fish.

This article will tell you more about how to treat cats for worms.


The first vaccinations for Kuril Bobtail kittens are given at 8-12 weeks of life, vaccination is repeated after two to three months, then the procedure is carried out annually.

It is not recommended to vaccinate kittens at the age of 4-7 months (the period of teeth change). Before vaccination, a medical examination is carried out.

Kurilian Bobtails are an unusually healthy breed of cat. Centuries of natural selection have eliminated genetic and congenital diseases in these cats.


It is better to start training a bobtail as early as possible. The animal is growing rapidly, in a matter of months it grows from 6 kg to 35-40 kg.

Particular attention should be paid to herding instincts : it strives to “herd” everything that surrounds it. And we're not just talking about people and animals: cyclists and moving cars can also become the object of your pet's attention. We need to teach him obedience and fight such characteristics.

The approach to teaching should be friendly but firm. Bobtails are smart and quick-witted dogs, they can easily understand what is required of them.

Choosing a nickname

Your imagination will help you choose a name for your pet. To give your dog a unique name, instead of the hackneyed “Charlie”, “Rex”, “Dina”, etc., use your imagination. Maybe the dog strikingly reminds you of a celebrity?

General recommendations. It is better to choose a name that is unique and not too long, from 4 to 7 letters. The ones that sound softer are better.

If you can't decide on a name for your bobtail, choose from the list below:

For boy:Colin, Wilson, Sherlock, Elton, Felix, Teddy
For girl:Dolly, Shannon, Casey, Lucy, Scully, Abby, Lola, Ellie, Dixie

The breed is English, the nicknames are chosen accordingly.

You can come up with any funny, cute or witty nickname that you will associate only with your pet. Be careful when choosing a nickname, because it will last a lifetime!

Breed photo

A selection of photos of cheerful bobtails.


It is important to socialize the dog from an early age: it is good if this is carried out by an experienced dog handler. The owner should be demanding and quite strict, but at the same time fair, so that the bobtail becomes a really good guide, companion and assistant.

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