What vaccinations do Maine Coons need and when should they be given?

Animals, like people, are susceptible to diseases, and some of them can lead to the death of a pet. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, Maine Coons need vaccinations. It is generally accepted that if a cat does not leave the house and does not come into contact with other people’s animals and people, vaccinations can even be harmful. But such a statement is unfounded. Even if the pet does not leave the walls of the house, the owner does, and there is a huge chance that he will be the one who will bring bacteria into the house - on clothes, shoes or skin.

The importance of performing the manipulation

All cats are susceptible to diseases. Therefore, annual vaccination is necessary. Many owners of representatives of this breed are wondering whether to vaccinate Maine Coons?

Experts say that the mustachioed friend needs vaccination . To protect the pet from diseases, the owner is obliged to follow the recommendations of doctors. If a person still has questions, he can seek advice from a veterinary clinic.

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The set of necessary vaccines that need to be given to a cat depends on a number of reasons:

  • the conditions in which the purchased kitten was kept;
  • there was a pet bought from the street;
  • state of health.

It is better to purchase a kitten from a nursery. He will be vaccinated and healthy. An individual vaccination schedule for Maine Coon kittens should be prepared by a veterinarian.

What vaccinations do pets need?

Vaccination is the only and reliable way to protect your furry friend from diseases, and the owner from unnecessary stress and material costs. In addition to pets, there are categories of four-legged animals that are subject to mandatory vaccination:

  • Individuals that come into contact with other animals, perhaps even homeless ones, leave their home.
  • Animals that are preparing for mating.
  • Representatives of nurseries taking part in exhibitions.
  • Pets whose owners hand them over to animal hotels for foster care.
  • Those who are preparing to be sent abroad.

Vaccination dates

Maine Coons should be vaccinated for the first time at 2 months. This is a complex vaccine against:

  • tracheitis;
  • viral infection;
  • chlamydia;
  • pailenkopenia.

You should not overload the kitten’s body by vaccinating against all diseases at once. This can undermine the immune system. Maine Coon cat vaccinations are scheduled according to a specific schedule.

The first vaccinations are given to Maine Coons up to one year old. The action must be performed before 3 months or after 8.

The rule must be observed because during the period of teeth change, which will take place from 4 to 7-8 months, the immunity of the breed representative is weakened.

It is necessary to vaccinate your pet if it is completely healthy. Before the upcoming vaccine administration, animals are given anthelmintic medication in advance. It is necessary to treat your pet against fleas and ticks 7-10 days before the procedure. The second vaccination is given at 3 months along with the introduction of the rabies vaccine.

The veterinarian examines and measures the pet's temperature before Maine Coons are vaccinated. In case of pathology or presence of diseases, the manipulation is postponed . At the clinic you can get a reminder about the approximate vaccination schedule.

It is not advisable to administer the drug at home. Improper storage or packaging of the vaccine may alter the medication and cause harm to the breed. To administer the vaccine, you need to contact a veterinary clinic specialist.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Since there are many positive factors of vaccination, breeders rarely pay attention to the negative ones. But only by comparing them for himself, the owner can decide whether to vaccinate or not. The first factor is age. If the kitten feeds on mother's milk, due to its composition, the little Maine Coon is provided with immunity. But by switching to a different type of food, the pet becomes more vulnerable to infections, and having been vaccinated before 16 weeks, the antibodies in the milk prevent the formation of its own immunity. The risk of infection should also be taken into account. How much time does the baby spend outside and in contact with other animals, what is the percentage of infection in a particular region. An important factor is the severity of the disease, while herpes does not pose any serious threat, rabies can become fatal.

Thanks to vaccination, it was possible to reduce the spread of the feline and canine distemper virus and the number of cases of rabies. In the 60s of the last century, the development of an epidemic of viral rhinotracheitis in cats was stopped.

Maine Coons are vaccinated several times, and vaccinations can be difficult to tolerate.
Some vaccines are not very effective in producing immunity and may also increase the risk of developing sarcoma. Vaccination is not carried out once and for life, so it is worth carrying out several times. Vaccinations differ from each other not only in price, but also in quality. They can be tolerated differently by animals; after some, the pet may walk lethargic and sleepy for 3 days, and some will not provide protection to the kitten at all and it may get sick.

Next vaccination

When the first part of the schedule is completed, the breed representative is again protected from disease at the age of 1 year. Then the manipulation must be repeated annually. Regular Maine Coon vaccinations are necessary to maintain health and protect the body. An owner who refuses to follow doctors’ recommendations does not provide the pet with proper care.

Vaccinations for Maine Coons are mandatory in the following cases:

  • the owner plans to send the cat to an exhibition;
  • trips to nature;
  • mating.

Moving abroad obliges the owner to take with him the animal’s passport indicating all vaccinations. Otherwise, departure will not be possible.

Consequences of vaccinations

Possible consequences after vaccination also occur. These include a state of apathy, vomiting, diarrhea, and rarely possible inflammation of the skin.

There are situations when it was not possible to vaccinate your pet on time, what to do in this case?

There is no need to worry about this; you can vaccinate until your Maine Coon is six months old, when his body is a little stronger. In this case, revaccination is no longer required, which is very convenient.

Vaccinations are very important in the life of a Maine Coon/Yandex Collections

Vaccination: protection against diseases

What vaccinations do Maine Coons need? It is mandatory to get a rabies vaccination. Contact with the street and other animals does not affect the need to perform it. The disease is deadly for both the pet and its owners. Therefore, vaccination against rabies is mandatory .

Vaccination is carried out no earlier than the pet reaches the age of 3 months. Maine Coons are vaccinated every year.

There are other vaccinations that must be given to your cat. The pet must be vaccinated against:

  • Plagues, infections. It is carried out after the kitten stops feeding on its mother’s milk.
  • Viral diseases. The drug is administered to the animal annually.
  • Leukemia. Protection against the disease must be carried out when the Maine Cund reaches the age of 1 year. Administration of the vaccine does not guarantee 100% protection. Therefore, the manipulation must be performed when the owner is sure that the cat is no longer sick.

When performing vaccinations, you must strictly adhere to the schedule.

What should you observe after vaccination?

The first vaccination is the most important, so after it the pet should be quarantined, where it should refrain from walking outdoors and contact with other animals.

Precautionary measures are needed so that the Maine Coon’s body has time to develop antibodies.

Since the vaccination is complex, it will take more time for adaptation to develop antibodies.

Therefore, its duration is individual for each pet, but on average it ranges from seven to fourteen days.


Any medicine has restrictions on its use, and rabies vaccines for humans are no exception.

The main ones include the following:

  • Individual intolerance to individual components of the product;
  • Any infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • Severe chronic diseases, especially in the stage of decompensation;
  • The presence of severe forms of allergic reactions or pronounced manifestations of allergies during previous vaccinations with anti-rabies serum;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

In emergency cases of vaccination, contraindications are not taken into account.

Side effects:

The administration of serum can be accompanied by both local manifestations and have a negative effect on the entire body.

Local reactions appear:

  • Local redness;
  • Itching;
  • Local edema and hyperthermia;
  • In rare cases, enlargement of regional lymph nodes is observed.

General manifestations:

  • Symptoms of intoxication (dizziness and headache, weakness);
  • Temperature increase;
  • Dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting);
  • Neurological manifestations are rarely observed.

special instructions

The rabies vaccine must be administered in a medical institution by qualified medical personnel. After the injection is given, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor or nurse for at least 30 minutes. If any of the above-mentioned side effects occur, you must immediately take antihistamines and antisensitizing medications. If a neurological symptom complex manifests itself, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

In any medical office where the procedure is carried out, there must be an anti-shock first aid kit to provide first aid in case of shock. All vaccinated people are given a special certificate indicating the type and serial number of the vaccine and the course of use of the drug.

When undergoing a course of treatment with an anti-rabies vaccine, it is necessary to completely avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for six months. Try to avoid hypothermia, overwork, prolonged exposure to the sun, and stress factors.


In most cat breeds, pregnancy ends no later than 65 days after mating, however, in Maine Coons, labor can begin 68-70 days after conception.

Signs of pregnancy usually appear on the first 21 days after conception. The cat's nipples swell and her eyes become calmer and sleepier. Ingoda females may experience toxicosis, but usually it does not cause much concern.

As the kittens grow, the cat begins to gain weight, her appetite increases and she becomes more affectionate. Throughout pregnancy, the cat must be given special vitamins and ensure that its diet is balanced.

A few days after labor begins, the cat begins to show anxiety. She constantly licks her belly and looks for a secluded corner where she can later give birth in peace. Therefore, it is very important to prepare the place for birth in advance and prepare the necessary items (clean linen rags, sterile solution, scissors).

When labor begins, it is necessary to be present next to the cat and monitor its condition. Usually, veterinarians do not recommend interfering with the birth process since the cat’s instincts themselves will tell the cat what to do. The only thing the owner can do is to monitor whether all the kittens were born alive, and whether the animal is bleeding.

Infectious diseases of Maine Coons

Cats of this breed are susceptible to several serious viral diseases that can greatly compromise their health. Therefore, it is very important to detect the disease in time and begin its treatment.

  • Calicivirus is a respiratory infection that affects the respiratory system and watery eyes. The animal often sneezes, ulcers appear on its tongue and palate, its eyes water, and snot appears. In advanced cases, the pet may develop bronchitis, pneumonia and catarrhal tracheitis.

Treatment of kilicyvirus infection involves taking antibiotics and desensitizing therapy. The animal's mouth is irrigated with antiseptics. If necessary, your veterinarian may prescribe eye drops. A sick Maine Coon needs to be provided with comfortable living conditions, a complete diet of soft foods and vitamins.

  • Herpesvirus is a disease similar in nature to calicivirus, but accompanied by much more severe symptoms. With herpes virus and Maine Coon, the respiratory system is also affected, the eyes are affected and profuse serous-mucous discharge from the nose appears.

In severe cases, the development of the disease can cause damage to the cat's digestive tract, which may result in loose stools and vomiting. Premature births often occur in pregnant individuals.

Treatment of herpesvirus is based on the use of immunomodulators and antibiotics. Also, the sick animal is given vitamins and medications are instilled into the eyes and nose.

The pet's diet should be based on dietary dishes: boiled fish, meat broth, porridge, warm milk, raw eggs and pureed vegetables.

  • Parvovirus - affects the gastrointestinal tract. During this disease, the cat experiences loose stools, severe vomiting, depression and fever. In later stages of the disease, the stool may be watery and contain traces of blood.

There is no specific treatment for parvovirus, but you can significantly alleviate the condition of a sick Maine Coon by creating a secluded, warm place for him and providing a balanced diet and liquid diet.

The best prevention against all viral infections is vaccinations. In addition, the animal must be regularly given vitamins and monitor the state of its immunity. If your pet sneezes frequently, refuses to eat, and shows restlessness, it should be taken to the vet immediately, as timely treatment will help avoid possible complications.

Types of vaccines and diseases

Opponents of vaccination insist that vaccinations are harmful because they weaken the immunity of animals that are supposedly not threatened by any external infection . Experience shows that this opinion is wrong: viruses easily penetrate from the street into an enclosed space, clinging to clothes and shoes. Maine Coons are vaccinated against the most “popular” feline diseases, including panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, leukemia, calcivirus, chlamydia, herpes and rabies.


The list of in-demand biological products includes:

  • Nobivas Tricat Trio (live) – herpes viral rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, calcivirosis (Intervet, Holland);
  • Nobivac Forcat (live) – panleukopenia, calcevirus infection, chlamydia, viral rhinotracheitis (Intervet, Holland);
  • Leucorifelin (combined) – infectious rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, calcivirosis (Merial, France);
  • Fel-O-Vax 4 (inactivated) – panleukopenia, herpes viral rhinotracheitis, chlamydia, calcivirosis (Fort Dodge, USA);
  • Quadricate (combined) – panleukopenia, calcivirosis, herpes viral rhinotracheitis, rabies (Merial, France);
  • Purevax RCP/RCPCh (combined) – panleukopenia, infectious rhinotracheitis, chlamydia, calcivirosis (Merial, France);
  • Multifel 4 (inactivated) – rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, calcivirosis and chlamydia (Narvak, Russia);
  • Polivak-TM/Microderm/Vakderm F – dermatomycosis (Russia);
  • Nobivas Rabies (Holland)/Rabisin (France) – inactivated rabies vaccines;
  • Purevax FeLV – leukemia (Merial, France); Primucell FIP (live) – viral peritonitis (Merial, France).

Viruses mutate, and some drugs are quickly replaced by others: biologists have to create vaccines that can fight new strains.

Vaccine selection

The owner of the Maine Coon is usually determined not so much by the type of vaccine (live, combined or inactivated), but by the country of origin. The veterinary clinic will always ask whether a domestic or imported drug should be administered to the pet. If you are short on funds, opt for the Russian vaccine; if you are not going to save money, opt for an imported one.

Important! You will also need a foreign drug if you intend to travel with your Maine Coon outside the country. Most countries recognize vaccination carried out exclusively with European drugs. The names of the vaccines, as well as the dates of their administration, must be indicated in the international veterinary passport.

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Intrabreed diseases

The most serious diseases of Maine Coons are hereditary, so the selection of breeding animals must be very careful. The most dangerous hereditary diseases among representatives of this breed are:

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The cause of this disease is hardening of the heart muscle, which can lead to embolism or complete cardiac arrest. The disease is caused by a disorder in the genes that produce a protein that helps stimulate heart contraction.
  • Spinal muscular atrophy is a severe hereditary disorder in which spinal cord neurons die and muscle tissue is destroyed.
  • Hip dysplasia. This disease is not life-threatening for the animal, but it turns the pet into a disabled person and is accompanied by lameness, pain and frequent dislocations.
  • Polycystic kidney disease. This disease is congenital in nature, in which the kitten is born with cysts in the kidneys. As they grow, they can lead to disruption of the functioning of organs, and then to their complete failure.

No treatment for hereditary diseases can completely restore a cat’s health, so it is very important to identify animals carrying the disease and exclude them from breeding.

When to avoid vaccinations

Immunization is contraindicated for the following categories of Maine Coons:

  • under 2 months of age;
  • those who have recently undergone surgery;
  • patients (including those undergoing treatment);
  • have not undergone deworming procedure;
  • experiencing prolonged stress;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • being in a state of estrus.

These cats cannot be vaccinated, as the vaccine can not only cause negative consequences, but also cause the death of the animal . Helminths are included in the list of contraindications due to their ability to clog the body with toxins that suppress the immune system's response to vaccination.

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Useful information » Everything for Maine Coon kittens » Frequently asked questions and their answers

How much does a Maine Coon eat?
Maine Coon cats eat as much as other cat breeds. Kittens eat more than adult cats. And this is understandable. Maine Coon kittens grow rapidly, move a lot, they need energy for strength and growth.

What do Maine Coons eat? Maine Coon cats can be fed super premium dry balanced food, wet food, and natural products.

What is better to feed a Maine Coon cat: dry food or natural food? It depends on your desire, capabilities and individual characteristics of the particular kitten’s body. In any case, the food must be of high quality. If dry food, then super premium. If the food is natural, then not leftover food from your table, but a prepared meat mix, fresh dairy products, etc.

Is it possible to give a Maine Coon kitten dry food and natural products together?

Experts allow combining dry food and natural food. As a rule, dry food is freely available, and natural products are given in portions once or twice a day separately from the food.

How to feed a Maine Coon kitten: according to the norm several times a day or leave the food freely available?

In our nursery, dry food is freely available. This is done to prevent kittens and adult cats from overeating. If you feed Maine Coons by the hour, they will try to eat everything you give, regardless of whether they are full or not, because they are afraid that next time they may not be fed, so they need to eat in reserve. As a result, when cats drink water, the food in their stomach swells, and they vomit the excess food they eat. If dry food is freely available, cats eat as much as they want and do not overeat.

What can you feed a Maine Coon besides dry food?

In addition to dry food, your Maine Coon kitten can be given lean meat (veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit), fermented milk products except kefir (unfilled yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese), boiled boneless fish (preferably salmon, salmon and other fatty fish), but not more than once a week, chicken and quail eggs, boiled squid.

Can an adult Maine Coon be given milk?

According to recent studies, milk is digested in cats up to the age of 4 months. Older cats often have digestive problems after drinking milk (diarrhea). Therefore, veterinarians do not recommend giving milk to adult cats. It is better to replace it with fermented milk products.

Why is it better not to give cats kefir?

It is recommended not to give kefir to cats, since you cannot always control its acidity. If kefir is sour, cats may experience digestive upset. Therefore, it is better to replace kefir with fermented baked milk, sour cream or yogurt without filler.

The Maine Coon moves its paws as if kneading dough, while extending and retracting its claws. This is fine?

Yes, it is normal. When kittens are very young, they feed on their mother's milk. To ensure a good flow of milk, kittens massage the mammary glands of the mother cat with their paws. Later, when the kittens grow up, they periodically repeat these movements at a moment of pleasure and good mood. If your Maine Coon decides to give you a massage with his paws, you should know that he feels good and calm with you.

My cat is regurgitating hair sausages, what should I do?

Since cats are very clean animals, they groom themselves regularly. During this grooming process, hair gets into the cat's stomach. When it accumulates, the cat begins to vomit it. To avoid this, it is recommended to give either a paste with malta or a special food with malta to remove hairballs. Their effect is that the hairs in the cat’s stomach dissolve, and their remains are eliminated from the body naturally.

When should Maine Coon cats be vaccinated?

The first vaccination for kittens is given at the age of 2 months. This vaccination is against viral diseases. It is imperative to give kittens an anti-helminth drug 10 days before vaccination. The second vaccination against viral diseases, or rather its revaccination, is done 3-4 weeks after the first vaccination. At 3 months a rabies vaccination is given. After this, veterinarians recommend vaccinating cats at 1 year of age and then once every year. Do not forget to treat your cat for helminths 10 days before vaccination.

Why do Maine Coons scratch their paws, dig near a bowl of water, or wet their paws before drinking?

There is a legend that when Maine Coons lived in the forests of America, before drinking from a stream, they used their paws to push away the leaves that had fallen into the stream. And only after that they drank. Legend is legend, but many coons actually paddle before drinking. And the kittens learn this from their mother, watching her drink, and copy her.

Is it true that Maine Coons are angry and aggressive cats? What is the character of Maine Coons?

No that's not true. Maine Coon cats are very affectionate, gentle, and sociable. They are closer in character to dogs - companions of their owner. Extremely smart. Always near. They like to climb higher and watch what is happening. They are quite difficult to unbalance. They get along well with children and other pets. It is difficult to get along only with birds. Coons hunt them. Perhaps the erroneous opinion about their evil character is associated with the signature Kuhn look from under their brows. But anyone who has a Maine Coon will tell you that these are cats with a menacing look and a “creamy” character. Maine Coon cats are the most gentle creatures. They'll love you, they'll kiss you.

A Maine Coon kitten has grown a new fang, but the old one has not yet fallen out. That's why he has two fangs next to each other. Is it necessary to remove the old fang?

Starting from 4 months, kittens' teeth change. The baby ones fall out and the permanent ones grow. Sometimes a situation arises when the old tooth has not yet fallen out, but a new one has grown nearby. It's okay, it happens. The old tooth will fall out on its own.

The kitten started scratching behind its ears a lot. No fleas. What could it be?

If something worries you about your kitten's health, it is better to show it to a veterinarian. In this case, one of the reasons may be allergies, including food allergies. Remember if the kitten ate something new to him. Or they started giving him new food. Typically, an allergic reaction to a new food manifests itself quite quickly within a day. To check whether the allergy is truly caused by the food, it is recommended to remove the new food. Give the kitten antiallergic drops prescribed by the doctor. If the kitten stops itching, then it really was an allergy to the food. It should be remembered that it takes time to remove allergens from the kitten’s body. This may take a week or more.

The kitten tried the leaves of indoor flowers. Is it dangerous?

Maine Coon kittens, like all kittens, are very curious at this age. They try to climb everywhere, look and try everything. It is no exception that they taste homemade flowers. Cat owners should be aware that some houseplants are poisonous to cats. For example: geranium, azalea, cyclamen, caladium, aloe, begonia, hydrangea, ivy, philodendron, lily, mother-in-law's tongue and others. Therefore, it is necessary to isolate such flowers from the kitten. Place them out of his reach. If the kitten does try a poisonous plant, take it to the vet immediately.

Is it true that an adult Maine Coon weighs 20 kg? How much does an adult Maine Coon weigh?

The Maine Coon is the largest domestic cat. And this is expressed not only in size, but also in weight. The weight of cats of any breed is less than that of males, and is individual for each animal. As a rule, Maine Coon cats weigh 5 – 7 kg, males 6 – 12 kg. Neutered cats weigh more than unneutered ones. I have never met or heard of a Maine Coon cat weighing 20 kg. Most likely these are fairy tales, the same as fishermen's tales about their catch.

What kind of bowl does a Maine Coon need?

When choosing a bowl for a Maine Coon cat, you should be guided by the following. The bowl should be heavy and made of food material: glass, ceramics, metal. It is better to take the diameter of the food bowl 10-12 cm or more. The water bowl should have a larger diameter of 15 cm. This is due to the fact that Maine Coons love to wash their paws in a bowl before drinking. If the bowl is small and light, the kitten will turn it over and the water will spill.

What should you do if your Maine Coon kitten spills water from its water bowl?

Maine Coons love to wash their paws in a bowl of water before drinking. Naturally, water from the bowl spills onto the floor. You won’t be able to remake a kitten) But you can take a small plastic tray for cats with 4-5 cm sides and put a bowl of water in it. Water will flow into the tray and your floor will be dry.

Which scratching post to choose for a Maine Coon?

You can choose either a post-claw scratching post on a stand, or a whole complex. The main condition is that the diameter of the column is at least 10 cm, and its height is at least 1 meter. The height of the post itself is very important, since cats need to not only sharpen their claws, but also stretch their back. If they can't do it on a scratching post, they will find somewhere to do it in your house. I think that this will not be interesting to you.

Which scratching post is better: sisal, jute or with a cotton cord?

Based on practice, I can say that the most durable scratching post is wrapped in cotton rope. The sisal scratching post is slightly less durable. But here it should be taken into account that sisal is quite prickly. I had a case where a small kitten pricked his eye on the protruding fibers of the sisal cord on the scratching post. And the most short-lived scratching post is made of jute. Jute is soft and inexpensive, but it gets shaggy and torn very quickly. Such scratching posts often have to be repaired by changing the rope.

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