Rules and problems of breeding hairless cats at home



In this article we will talk about such a physiological phenomenon as estrus in sphinxes, its symptoms, duration and frequency. In other words, this period is also called “estrus”. The essence of this condition is that the female experiences a sexual need, which coincides with the maturation of the follicle in the ovaries.

When acquiring a Sphynx kitten, you need to be prepared for the natural processes that will occur as the cat reaches puberty and grows up.

Care and maintenance

Sphinxes are quite easy to maintain and care for.
There are some features that need to be taken into account. The peculiarity of their body is that their skin becomes dirty and they sweat, secreting a brownish wax-like coating. Too much release of this substance indicates that the cat has an unhealthy diet (for example, very fatty foods) or is not feeling well. In such situations, you should find out the cause and try to get rid of it. If this discharge is moderate, it is enough to wipe the cat with wet wipes if it is heavily soiled.

Ear cleaning. The black-brown substance quickly accumulates in the ears of these cats, but does not interfere with their existence at all, so their ears are cleaned occasionally, as they become dirty, with a cotton swab.

Sphinxes benefit from periodic sunbathing. When they tan, their colors become luxurious - bright and contrasting, but it is worth remembering that the Sphynx can also get sunburned. Therefore, it is better to gradually accustom your pet to the sun and not to walk them in the sun in extreme heat. But, nevertheless, the cat needs to be hardened so that it does not grow under glass like a flower. It is necessary to maintain proper nutrition, walk the cat in the fresh air, and give it some physical activity.

There is no need to wrap the sphinx in warm clothes, you just need to try to protect it from drafts and hypothermia. Sphinxes do not need special warmth while they are awake, but it is preferable for them to sleep under a blanket with their owner.

Of course, sphinxes have a healing gift. They feel all the pain points of your body and immediately lay on the painful place, warming it with their warmth.

Deviations from the norm

The owner needs to carefully monitor the seasonality, duration, and nature of estrus in order to record anomalies. A long absence of the active phase, its frequent occurrence, pain, sluggish response to treatment, yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor, bloody inclusions indicate endocrine disruption and more serious health problems. If the first rut does not occur for too long, when estrus lasts longer than two weeks, consultation with a veterinarian is required. Signs of ill health must be combated with means recommended by specialists.

Prolonged heat

In this state, the duration of the physiological phases of the process increases. The continuous rut ​​lasts more than two weeks, causing discomfort to the pet. A characteristic feature is the continued appearance of mucous discharge, accompanied by manifestations of aggression towards the male. Mating does not occur, fertilization does not occur, the mustachioed beauty remains excited. Prolonged stress makes the situation worse.


This is the name for the condition of a fluffy beauty who is of childbearing age, but does not show any signs of sexual desire. Anaphrodisia (acyclia) is a characteristic sign of delayed puberty. If the female is not intended for breeding purebred offspring, she may not need treatment. The veterinarian examines the animal to rule out hyperfunction of the thyroid gland or adenohypophysis. If pregnancy is necessary, combination therapy with follicle-stimulating hormones is carried out: choriogonadotropin, folliculin, estrone.

False pregnancy

Only a veterinarian can accurately diagnose this condition. It is characterized by the same symptoms as for normal pregnancy:

increased appetite; increased thirst; finding a secluded place; increased attention to small soft objects; swelling of the mammary glands; increase in abdominal size.

The problem is considered psychological and is seen as the result of prolonged stress. The sad result is purulent mastitis and similar diseases. Sphynx cats have an innate tendency to show signs of false pregnancy.

Empty heat

Lack of fertilization is not considered a normal condition. If your pet does not become pregnant, the body experiences unwanted hormonal stress. The situation is complicated by the substances that caring owners give to calm the cat at this time. In the future, there is a high probability of developing dangerous diseases: mastitis, hyperplasia, cancer, ovarian cysts, polycystic disease, endometritis, purulent inflammation, etc. If you do not plan to get offspring from a cat, timely sterilization will be a choice in favor of her health.

Frequent heats

The average norm is two to four rutting periods per year, although much depends on temperament, breed, and genetic characteristics. It happens that the re-rut occurs too often, literally every week or two. This dangerous condition cannot be ignored. If mating is not planned, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian. Perhaps this is a manifestation of a serious gynecological disease, for example, polycystic disease. Treatment with hormones can be effective. If the problem is not resolved, castration is the next appropriate step.

Bloody issues

The appearance of blood in mucous secretions indicates the presence of a serious pathology. It is impossible to determine the cause “by eye”; a serious examination by an experienced veterinarian is necessary: ​​standard tests, histology, cytology, ultrasound, studies, the decision of which is made by a specialist. Some diseases develop rapidly. If you have bloody discharge, the most sensible step is to visit the clinic immediately.

What is happening to Murka at this time?

Experts divide the rut into four main periods. It is difficult to see clear boundaries between them, but knowing how to understand when your pet is having sexual activity will be useful. The owners will better understand the feelings of the pet and will be able to choose the optimal time for mating. This will increase the cat's chances of starting pregnancy at the right time. The defining moment is the exact determination of the first day of the cycle.


The initial stage lasts from a day to four, often lasting two days. The pet eats less, there is slight discharge and swelling of the genitals. The cat becomes affectionate, reacts aggressively to the cat or remains indifferent. The process has just begun, the pet is not ready for mating. It is worth assessing what color the discharge is during the rut. They should be scanty, transparent, odorless.


This is the active phase, suitable for mating, and lasts five to ten days. Now it becomes clear what this process looks like in a cat. Now characterized by increased hormonal levels and heavy discharge. The cat's behavior acquires a pronounced desire to mate. She arches, rolls on the floor, wriggles, throws her tail, and makes unusual body movements. The pet does not purr, but rather screams.

The inability to release sexual energy during mating can cause mustachioed beauties extremely unpleasant physical sensations, which is why they scream. Any disciplinary measures will increase stress; neither persuasion nor punishment will change the endocrine background of the pet. If estrus is asymptomatic, behavior remains calm, and there is a high probability of problems in the gynecological area.


It is called post-estrus or metestrus. Depending on whether there was mating, here are the options for the development of events:

  • fertilization has occurred, pregnancy has occurred, kittens will appear in ten weeks;
  • after mating, fertilization did not occur, a false pregnancy occurred, lasting thirty to forty days, then the next rutting period will begin;
  • there was no mating, arousal will gradually decrease over a period of two days to two weeks.

In this phase, the manifestation of aggression towards the male is considered natural. New hormonal changes associated with a return to normal or the development of pregnancy again affect the animal's behavior. The pet begins to calm down and does not let the cat near.


The resting phase from metestrus to the next estrus. In cats that are regularly bred after pregnancy or childbirth, this period may be longer than in a pet that has gone through an empty heat. Aneestrus lasts several weeks or months. Felinologists note that numerous rutting periods that do not end with fertilization do not bring benefit to the cat. The likelihood of developing a number of diseases increases. It is necessary to decide now how to stop or interrupt the next hunt.

How does the reproductive cycle occur in cats?

The reproductive cycle is a complex of periodically repeating processes in the body of mammals, due to which the reproductive function is carried out. During it, significant structural and functional changes occur, affecting not only the reproductive system, but also other systems of the body. In a cat, like in many other animals, it consists of 4 alternating phases:

  1. Proestrus. The rapid growth of follicles in the ovaries begins, the blood supply to the tissues of the reproductive organs increases, the vulva turns red and swells. The duration of this stage preceding ovulation is 1–2 days.
  2. Estrus. The blood supply to the uterus and the secretion of mucus increase, the cervical canal relaxes, and discharge comes out (hence the name - estrus). The follicle reaches maturity and bursts, releasing the egg - ovulation occurs. When a male gamete is encountered, fertilization occurs. This phase, which lasts an average of 5–7 days, marks the peak of sexual arousal. The female allows the male to approach her for mating.
  3. Metaestrus. The desire to mate fades away, the blood supply to the genital organs decreases, discharge stops, and the inner layer of the uterus reaches its maximum thickness, preparing to receive embryos. This stage of the sexual cycle lasts about 8 days.
  4. Anestrus. The phase of sexual rest occurs if fertilization has not taken place.

British cat

Maine Coon cats

Puberty of this type of pet occurs at 9–16 months. As with any other breed, the frequency and duration of estrus in a Maine Coon cat depends on the personal development of the animal. In pets that live in comfortable conditions, estrus can occur throughout the year. During this period, the Maine Coon loses its appetite and drinks a lot, and its growth temporarily stops. When pregnancy occurs, the female immediately calms down, otherwise she continues to be nervous for another 7–11 days. In the future, Maine Coons come into heat after one and a half or two months, although a longer break between them is possible.

It is very dangerous if estrus recurs after two to three weeks or continues for two to three months. In the first case, it is necessary to urgently contact a veterinarian, and in the second, breed or sterilize the animal. You should never stop or delay estrus using hormonal drugs - this is dangerous for the health of the animal.

Duration and frequency of estrus

Some individuals with hereditary or hormonal characteristics walk for 14 days, which greatly exhausts not only themselves, but also their owners.

A successfully mated female calms down 1-2 days after meeting the cat - she ovulates and fertilization occurs. In this case, she reacts aggressively to the cat immediately after mating is completed and does not allow him near her anymore.

The cat's first heat after giving birth will occur 2.5-3 months later if the birth was successful and she nursed the kittens for 1.5-2 months. If the kittens died or were immediately taken away for some reason, then the female walks for the first time after giving birth 2-3 weeks later.


There are often cases when kittens are still suckling milk, but the mother is already walking and becomes pregnant again - this happens if the animal has free access to the street or constantly lives in the yard.

An important question that concerns many owners is how often do cats walk?

In the case of regular pregnancy and childbirth, the cat goes for walks 2-4 times a year, because she still needs time to bear and feed her offspring.

It is categorically not recommended to breed an animal every time it comes into heat if the owners value the health of the pet, because she needs to be given rest and time to recuperate - it is best to skip one or two heats.

A cat that does not have access to a male cat goes for walks every 2-3 months, but often this cycle is greatly shortened, and a new heat occurs 2-3 weeks after the previous one.

Possible problems

  • After a cat is in heat, a false pregnancy may occur. This sometimes happens if there has been contact with a cat or a pregnant female lives nearby. Then the pet begins to experience all the symptoms of pregnancy, with the only difference being that she does not have kittens in her belly. Gradually, this condition goes away on its own, but if it recurs regularly, it is worth taking the animal to the veterinarian.
  • Heat occurs too often. If pregnancy does not occur, this state of affairs will most likely lead to inflammatory processes in the uterus, mammary glands, or even a cancerous tumor.
  • Estrus has stopped or has been absent for a long time. There may be several reasons for this. The most obvious one is that the pet is expecting kittens. But there is a possibility of some pathologies that should be excluded by contacting a veterinarian.
  • Prolonged heat, which lasts more than 2-3 weeks, may also indicate that something is wrong with your health. These can be both hormonal disorders and disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries.

Ready for mating

The first mating of a Canadian Sphynx should only occur when your four-legged friend is at least one and a half years old. The cat will be completely ready for mating after she has gone through 2-3 heats. For cats, the ideal age for mating is one and a half to two years, because only at this stage the animal is already fully formed. It is definitely worth noting that by this time both cats and female cats need to have all the necessary vaccinations.

Remember that two weeks before mating occurs, animals are strictly prohibited from being vaccinated.

Stages of estrus in cats

Estrus is divided into 4 phases. Even an experienced owner will find it difficult to distinguish one period of estrus from another. However, knowing the physiological characteristics of the mustachioed tabby, it will be possible to calculate a favorable date for mating, as well as avoid unpleasant incidents.

  • Proestrus. This is the preparatory phase. It lasts from 1 to 4 days. You may notice changes in your cat's behavior. The pet rolls around on the floor, caresses its owner, and the first scanty discharge appears. At this stage, the female will not allow the cat to approach her, since she is not yet ready for fertilization.
  • Estrus. The second stage is called the same as the entire cycle. The estrus itself lasts from 5 to 10 days, which largely depends on the breed. Under the increasing influence of hormones, it is already difficult for the cat to control its behavior - it screams day and night, and when stroked it takes a position characteristic of mating. Transparent discharge becomes noticeable. Planned mating or spontaneous mating occurs precisely during this phase.
  • Interestrus, metestrus or post-estrus. The third period can take place according to several scenarios, depending on how the previous stage ended. If the cat had mating, during which fertilization occurred, then pregnancy occurs during metestrus, and after 60-70 days kittens will be born. There are cases when conception does not occur during sexual contact, and the pet develops a false pregnancy. This condition resembles a normal pregnancy in its symptoms, but does not end with childbirth and goes away after 30-45 days. If the cat has not had contact with a male, then over the next 2-15 days the attraction fades, interest in the opposite sex gives way to aggression.
  • Anestrus. The final phase is called the rest period. The pet behaves in its usual way. The duration of anestrus can range from 3 weeks to several months. A cat that has given birth will have a longer period of calm than a cat that has not found a mate.


In fact, everything is not clear here either. The period of estrus in cats can vary depending on the breed, age, and individual characteristics. This can also be said about the nature of its course. But we will try to summarize all the features so that the owner understands what we are talking about.

  • By analogy with dogs, everyone expects bloody discharge. But cats don’t have them. Lubricant comes out of the vagina, swelling of the genitals is observed, and the cat actively licks them.
  • Mood changes. Here, too, not everything is clear. The animal may show aggression or become very affectionate, rubbing against its legs, purring.
  • Try stroking the sacral area. No matter how often cats go into heat, they react to it in much the same way. Namely, they raise their tail and move their paws.
  • There is frequent urination. Some cats even mark their territory.
  • The animal actively begins to look for a way out of the house. Therefore, carefully close the vents, windows and doors. She is driven by the instinct of reproduction, but it is you who are responsible for her life and health.
  • Appetite often disappears. The animal may not eat until the end of estrus.
  • Makes unusual sounds, from purring to howling. They are needed to summon cats from all over the area and cause major discomfort.


The breeding animal was purchased for breeding. In this case, it is necessary to act depending on what kind of heat it is. If the first, then it is better to skip it, allowing the pet to adapt to this condition. During the second and subsequent heats, it is necessary to find a healthy cat and breed, thus allowing the cat to calm down.

Attention! When buying a cat for breeding, you should avoid regular insemination. After the birth of kittens, it is recommended to take a break of six months or a year to avoid the appearance of various diseases and complete moral and physical exhaustion.

Features of estrus in a Scottish cat

This is a cute breed, whose representatives are distinguished by their silky coat, flattened ears and child-like eyes. The first discharge in cats can be seen at 9-12 months of life. But do not rush to mate your pet with a male.

When and how to knit a Scottish cat:

  • It is best for mating to be carried out during the period of 2 or 3 heats
  • Make sure that the process of copulation occurs on the 2-3rd day of the start of estrus. This is the time when you have the highest chance of getting pregnant.
  • Do not breed a female with flattened ears with a male cat exactly like her. The male should have straight ears. If the shape of the partners' ears is the same, kittens will be born with spinal problems and fragile limbs
  • Estrus in the Scottish breed is repeated 3-4 times a year for 4-6 days
  • The more often mating is carried out, the fewer estruses per year.
  • Females that mate regularly with males breed twice a year

Scottish cat

Nursery services

There are several “closed cats” in the nursery, which are used exclusively for mating with local cats. In order to use the services of one of these representatives, a mating agreement is concluded and it is quite expensive. The peculiarity of using nurseries is a 100% guarantee of obtaining healthy and purebred offspring , but for this you need to pass a check, pass all the necessary tests and give the cat a manicure. Only after that the cat is invited to her.

Saving on mating can turn into a real disaster, which is not recommended. So, after saving on dates, you can get motherless offspring in the form of sick kittens that will have to be treated.

Daily procedures will cost a lot and will not guarantee the animals’ complete recovery. Such experiments can harm the cat itself, because untested cats can have a number of diseases that will be passed on to their offspring. Age will not play a role here, as well as many other features and characteristics.

Where to find a mate for your pet:

  • according to the white list in nurseries;
  • according to numerous advertisements on the Internet;
  • at exhibitions that are held several times a year;
  • in special clubs for cats, where this is stated in the rules.

Mating will depend on the title and breeding value of the cat. All necessary documents must be with the owner, who can provide them upon request.

How to calm a cat during heat

Every owner who is faced with a cat in heat thinks about how to help their pet and alleviate her condition. Although, unlike illness, estrus is a normal physiological process, the furry beauty experiences severe stress. These days, be affectionate with your pet and give it enough attention. Try to pick her up, stroke her, and talk to her more often. These actions will not eliminate the symptoms of estrus, but the cat will feel calmer.

Outdoor games will help to sublimate energy. Buy your cat a new toy that will distract her from sexual hunting. Even the simplest items will do - toy mice, tassels and bows. Plus, an exhausted cat is more likely to sleep at night rather than meow. For the same reason, do not let your pet sleep for a long time during the day.

Since appetite decreases during heat, reduce food portions but increase the frequency of feedings. Nutrition should be balanced.

During estrus, some owners are willing to give the cat the opportunity to mate with a male cat. When letting your pet out of the house to hunt, you need to be prepared for the appearance of kittens. If breeding is not part of your plans, a neutered cat will do, and 2 weeks after the heat, sterilize the animal.


On the advice of a veterinarian, you can buy special medications to calm your cat (Cat Bayun, Anti-Stress, Stop-Stress, Fitex). These should be sedatives, not hormones. Herbal preparations relieve emotional stress, and estrus goes easier. The medicines are gentle and non-addictive. The choice of a specific brand and dosage is made by a veterinarian after consultation with a description of all symptoms. Each cat reacts to sedative drops in its own way, as is the case with valerian.

Hormonal drugs

It is possible to interrupt estrus by giving the cat hormonal drugs, but this is an extreme measure, which can be used a maximum of 2 times a year. Moreover, experts generally do not recommend using drugs with an “anti-sex” effect due to a number of side effects. Hormonal disruptions caused by drops can provoke inflammatory processes in the genital organs, cysts, malignant tumors, diabetes and dysfunction of the adrenal glands. Don't resort to heavy artillery without good reason.

In 70% of cases, regular and long-term use of hormonal drugs that interrupt estrus leads to castration of the cat for medical reasons in adulthood. Even if the cat has excellent health, you should not risk it.

What not to do

  • Do not scold or punish the animal for unwanted behavior - meowing, intrusiveness and leaving marks. The cat does all this not out of harm, so nature takes its toll. The fluffy purr herself would be happy to curl up and sleep.
  • Some sources advise bathing your cat or dousing it with water, but in reality these actions will only cause additional stress for your pet. The next half hour of licking isn't worth it.
  • Another stereotype is that if you lock a purr in a dark room, the heat will pass faster. This is due to the effect that the sun's rays have on the hormonal system. But we must not forget that being in a dark, enclosed space will make the cat nervous, even to the point of developing mental disorders.


Getting healthy offspring is a responsible matter. It requires time and effort from the owner. The unusual nature of the breed is an additional factor influencing the seriousness of the approach. Preparatory activities include:

  • Vaccination of the animal according to the calendar, deworming, testing to confirm health. Mating no earlier than 2 weeks after the last vaccination.
  • If your pet is receiving hormones to suppress sexual desire, they must be discontinued in advance.
  • Searching for a partner in advance.
  • Hygienic conditions - trim nails to avoid injury and avoid bathing before mating to preserve natural scents.
  • The lack of thick fur in sphinxes makes it necessary to take care of a warm room without drafts (especially important for Don sphinxes).

Cat in heat

You should always pay attention to the very first signs of estrus in cats. Often the first heat prompts owners to study this issue on the Internet or somewhere else, but this needs to be done much earlier

Owners of cats should definitely know how this period goes for pets of this breed, which represents the beginning of estrus. For example, females begin to purr unusually and playfully. During heat, the cat requires increased attention, affectionately rubbing against legs and other objects; and if you, while stroking the cat’s back, get close to the tail, she will roll it to the side, the tail will tremble, and the cat will stamp her hind paws.

During estrus, cats may also experience discharge - usually light and clear - but if you clearly see blood, immediately take the animal to the veterinarian!

Just because a cat goes into heat doesn't mean she needs to be paired with a male cat right away! Premature mating leads to a high probability of difficult labor and the birth of stillborn kittens. That is why it is recommended to wait until the cat is one year old to mate, in order to avoid all sorts of negative consequences (especially if the cat is of a rather graceful constitution).

If your cat has stopped estrus for a long time (more than a year) or, conversely, has a long, protracted estrus (more than 15 days), this is a serious problem and you should contact your veterinarian. Sometimes the absence of estrus is explained by the so-called. “erased heat”, not externally manifested. Cycle disturbances are usually associated with improper feeding and care, with serious hormonal imbalances, but there are factors that significantly increase a cat’s predisposition to anestrus:

  • isolation - if a cat grew up without other cats, then she may not want a cat, which makes owners wonder if something like this happens without pathologies.
  • little light – cats’ heats are seasonal, therefore, how much light an animal receives, especially one living in an apartment, matters.
  • underdevelopment or absence of ovaries - if you picked up a cat from the street, it may also be sterilized. In a sterilized cat, the uterus and ovaries are removed, which consequently results in the absence of estrus.
  • hypothyroidism – low levels of thyroid hormones.

Prolonged estrus also occurs with ovarian pathologies (cystic process and tumors).

So, if the cycle is disrupted, it is necessary to show the cat to a veterinarian, do proper vaginal cytological examinations, determine the levels of estradiols in the blood and ultrasound.

Many people pacify the violent temper of cats during “time X” using various drugs, drops and injections. Of course, all these methods, especially drops for cats, significantly reduce the suffering of the animal. But, nevertheless, since you know how the painful process manifests itself and how to determine estrus and its first signs, then you should not rush and immediately “stuff” your pet with all sorts of suppressive drugs. When estrus begins, you need to clearly understand the consequences of suppressing the phenomenon discussed in this article and take into account in every possible way all possible individual and physiological characteristics of the cat. The drugs can simply stop it in a timely manner, which will be extremely harmful for the animal. So, it is better to decide the issue of easing estrus with a veterinarian, because he is the one who can tell you what to do: by sending the cat for an injection or prescribing another sedative, indicating exactly how many times the medicine will need to be taken and when to come for the appointment.

Be patient and do not scream or hit your cat under any circumstances, even if she has angered you with her annoying pestering during her heat. After all, you can injure a cat, and the animal is simply not able to control what happens to it during heat. There can be no question of obedience. However, the scolded cat experiences a feeling of guilt, and psychological problems are mixed in with the physiological problems, which will make the cat suffer. Take this into account, think in advance how to make the cat’s heat as easy as possible, how to endure the problem period. Well, if you are definitely not able to do this, then it’s better not to get a cat.

The period of “sexual heat” of all female mammals is accompanied by estrus. Puberty of the body is a delicate and highly individual process; the timing is influenced by size, general health, gene pool, living conditions and the environment. Cats have won the hearts of 50% of the planet's inhabitants, and every responsible owner wants to know all the intricacies of keeping their pets. The desire to get offspring or to protect themselves from the latter obliges owners to know how long estrus lasts in cats and what are the features of its course from a physiological point of view.

Search for a partner

Before mating, the Sphynx must be taken to the veterinarian to make sure that the cat does not have any diseases. Also, about two weeks before mating occurs, the cat needs to undergo preventive deworming, with the help of which your pet will get rid of worms, if she has any.

Before the mating process itself, both the male and female cat must have their claws trimmed, otherwise the animals may injure each other during the mating process. And remember that cats should never be washed before mating. All this is due to the fact that bathing destroys the natural smell of cats, which attracts cats, as a result of which mating may be unsuccessful.

Before mating, animals must be prepared

What to do?

If a Sphynx cat was purchased for breeding, it is important for the owner to remember that he will need to wait until the right age. It is believed that the first pregnancy should occur at the age of 1-1.5 years

In this case, it is necessary for three heats to pass. This is due to the fact that just by this period the reproductive system of the pet is fully formed. For example, if the estrus period begins at seven months of age, this does not indicate the cat’s readiness to bear offspring. Pregnancy at this moment can cause the development of serious complications for the entire body.

Recommendations regarding castration or sterilization

If the owner is not interested in breeding, it is recommended to spay or neuter the pet after the first heat. Carrying out these manipulations, as noted by veterinarians from, will have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the pet. In addition, the procedures reduce the likelihood of malignant tumors of the reproductive organs.

Games and entertainment

In order for your cat to better cope with the period of heat, it is recommended to play more often and give her the maximum amount of attention, love and care. This will help distract the cat from the discomfort that accompanies the period. However, you should not stroke the female on the back of her body, as this will only increase sexual desire. Breeders recommend purchasing new toys that will keep the animal occupied for a while and provide an opportunity to release energy.

Variety of menu

The owner of the Sphinx will also need to monitor his diet. With the help of a properly selected diet, you can avoid digestive disorders and improve the general condition of your pet. The menu should include natural foods that are rich in vitamins and microelements. During the period of heat, the cat will benefit from lean meat; chicken, veal, rabbit and turkey are excellent. Vegetables, quail and chicken eggs, as well as cereals will provide a supply of vitamins. Once a week it is allowed to give boiled fish and fermented milk products. You can diversify your diet with the help of premium or super-premium industrial complementary foods.

Help with medication

When a cat is very restless, it is recommended to give her medications that have a calming effect. Drops called “Feliway” will come to the rescue. With their help, it will be possible to eliminate the inappropriate behavior of your pet. Medicines containing medicinal herbs are also effective. “Stop Stress” and “Cat Bayun” are often used. Some unscrupulous veterinarians advise Sphynx owners to resort to hormonal injections during the period of heat. It is strictly not recommended to do this, especially in a situation where it is planned to obtain offspring in the future. Hormonal medications have a number of side effects and can cause serious harm to the cat’s body. The possibility of inflammatory processes of the uterus, cysts, breast tumors and other disorders in the functioning of the reproductive organs cannot be excluded.

What to do if a cat yells when it wants a cat?

A cat that wants a cat makes everyone in the house nervous. She screams so loudly that it is impossible to ignore her screams. Often the owners do not even manage to fall asleep. What to do in this case? There are several ways to solve the problem:

  • castration;
  • use of special drugs;
  • mating with a cat.

The choice of method depends on the breeder's plans. If the animal is not intended to reproduce, castration is the best solution. Otherwise, unwanted symptoms can be combated with sedatives or hormonal drugs, if mating is not planned during this period.

Sedatives for cats

The safest for cats' health are sedatives. They help reduce the female's arousal and reduce the intensity of estrus symptoms. To correct your pet’s behavior, the following medications are used:

  • "Cat Baiyun". Available in tablets and liquid form. It is used in cases where cats are stressed, as well as to suppress sexual heat.
  • "Fitex". A sedative in drops. The medicine is based on extracts of various plants that have an anti-stress effect.
  • Cat mint. The smell of this herb calms cats. It can be placed in places where the animal spends most of its time. Catnip is also available in spray form.
  • "Stop stress." A powerful sedative for cats. Available in tablets and drops. The medicine quickly suppresses sexual desire and reduces the cat's activity.

Hormonal drugs: pros and cons

To eliminate the symptoms of estrus, many breeders buy hormonal medications for cats. The most popular in this group are the following:

  • "Covinan";
  • "Sex Barrier";
  • "CounterSex Neo";
  • "Stop sex."

The drugs quickly suppress natural instincts, as they change the hormonal levels in the pets’ body, but they cannot be given for a long time. According to some veterinarians, as a result of abuse of these drugs, animals develop malignant tumors in the uterus, ovaries, and mammary glands. Some cats are diagnosed with pyometra after using hormonal medications.

Castration of a cat

During castration, a female's ovaries and uterus are removed. It is no longer possible to restore reproductive function after surgery. Such cats cannot become pregnant. However, if castration was carried out during the period of estrus, then sexual desire may persist for some time after the procedure. This is due to the action of hormones that remain in the blood.

Veterinarians recommend castrating cats before their first estrus. The surgery not only prevents cat behavior, but also prevents cancer of the reproductive organs. In addition, spayed females live longer than cats that give birth.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Modern materials allow you to apply sutures that do not need to be removed later. For 3–5 days, the pet must be carefully monitored, its jumping and movements must be controlled so that the seams do not come apart. When the animal recovers, its behavior will be the same. The cat will never suffer from hormonal surges again.

The character of the Canadian Sphynx

Sphynxes are peaceful animals: they get along with other pets

Representatives of this breed are intelligent and peaceful. They quickly become attached to family members. Canadians are good companions, but sometimes they can be intrusive. The owner of such a cat must get used to the constant curiosity of his pet. The animal can constantly walk near the owner, climb on the lap or jump onto the bed at night. At the same time, sphinxes are talkative and tailed.

The hairless pet has a hard time with loneliness and needs constant communication with the residents of the house. If the owner of the animal goes on a long business trip, the tailed animal may become sad. Canadians are not recommended for people who do not have time to care for a cat.

Sphynxes can easily get along with other animals: cats, dogs and even rabbits. They are friendly, so they can be left with children. In addition, tailed animals do not get scared at the sight of strangers and do not hide from guests.

These felines are obedient and amenable to training. They are easy to train to the litter tray and scratching post.

They remember some commands and pay attention to the intonation of the owner. But cats are sensitive and vulnerable, so they can easily be offended if a person behaves rudely

Pregnancy and childbirth

If you have a Sphynx cat, then it will not be difficult for you to determine when she is pregnant, since the behavior of females of this breed gives a very clear idea of ​​this condition. Being pregnant, a Sphynx cat becomes much more affectionate; she begins to literally cling to her owners, demanding more affection and care from them. In addition, some cats, while pregnant and right up to the birth, become extremely picky and selective in their gastronomic preferences. It also happens that a female Sphynx during pregnancy seeks privacy with her favorite toy.

Canadian Sphynx kitten

Please note that not all females behave in this way, becoming a source of tenderness and affection. Along with such behavior, there may also be manifestations of aggression.

However, owners should not worry about manifestations of aggression on the part of the Canadian Sphynx. This reaction on the part of the sphinx is explained by the fact that they are not yet accustomed to the new state for them (especially if this is the cat’s first pregnancy). After some time, they will get used to pregnancy and the aggressiveness will pass.

In most cases, the Sphynx pregnancy lasts sixty-three days, ending with childbirth. But sometimes it happens that childbirth occurs three to five days later or earlier than a certain date. There is no point in worrying about this, since such deviations are considered absolutely normal. In most cases, births in Canadian Sphynx cats occur without any complications.

Cat with litter

In some cases, childbirth can be quite difficult. For this reason, during childbirth, the owner must be close to his cat in order to provide all possible assistance if necessary.

The duration of labor depends mainly on how many kittens the cat will give birth to. The Canadian Sphynx is capable of bearing and giving birth to up to 12 kittens.

It is very important to draw the attention of owners to the fact that Sphynx kittens are born in the amniotic sac. When the birth is over, the mother cat will chew the bubble and lick the kitten's face. In addition, she will clear his nose and mouth to ensure his ability to breathe on his own.

Please note that if your kittens are quiet, this is not a cause for concern: newborn Sphynx cats squeak extremely rarely. Check: after birth, the kittens' body temperature should be the same as their mother's.

In addition, she will clear his nose and mouth to ensure his ability to breathe on his own. Please note that if your kittens are quiet, this is not a cause for concern: newborn Sphynx cats squeak extremely rarely. Check: after birth, the kittens' body temperature should be the same as their mother's.

Sphynx babies are funny and playful

In most cases, kittens of this breed are born with wavy “Rex” hair and a small bald patch on the forehead. But after about two months, kittens begin to lose their fur very quickly, and already at the age of three months they become completely hairless.

Kittens open their eyes much earlier than kittens of other breeds. This usually occurs on the first to fifth day of life. The color of the iris can vary within a very narrow range from blue to light blue.

Many people note the fact that Sphynx kittens are extremely playful and active. It is for this reason that kittens, within twelve to fifteen days after birth, will begin to pester their owners with demands for affection and care.

Sphynx cats are distinguished from other cats by their high intelligence.

Owners should give their kittens nicknames immediately after birth, since Sphynx cats get used to their names very quickly. Don't forget that Sphynx kittens are highly intelligent!

And if the owner or novice breeder of Canadian Sphynx cats follows all the rules for mating representatives of this breed, which were listed above, then mating, gestation and the birth itself will take place without complications, and he will be able to see healthy, smart and strong kittens.

Main differences between breeds

To breed Sphynxes, lovers of this breed need to have a basic understanding of each of them. Before choosing a partner for mating, you need to decide on the characteristics that you would like to see in the kittens. Some people prefer to cooperate with specialized nurseries, but you can also contact private individuals. It is worth noting that the level of hairlessness can be divided into the presence of small stubble, velvety hair and a complete absence of hair from the very birth of the kitten.

Main differences:

  • skull shape;
  • eye color;
  • length and shape of ears;
  • hairline

Don sphinxes. This breed was developed in Russia and is based solely on a natural mutation. The main differences lie not only in the genotype, but also in the phenotype.

They have broken or curly mustaches and a wedge-shaped head. The muzzle has a slight pinch, while the forehead is flat and the cheekbones protrude slightly. The tips of the ears are slightly rounded, and they themselves are set high and quite large.

Cats of this breed are the most caring fathers who take an active part in raising their offspring. Their eyes are almond-shaped and slanted. They have characteristic folds above the eyebrows. Eye color can be any, but green is preferable. Canadian Sphynxes. Among them, completely naked cats are rarely found. Small growths can be found on the tail, paws and muzzle of the sphinx. This species has no whiskers completely . Their body is muscular. The chest is quite wide.

The bones are thinner, the cheekbones are wide, and the head is shorter than that of the Don. Their ears are large and straight, set lower, but wider at the base. Their eyes are always wide open, round and slanted.

Sphinxes of St. Petersburg. In fact, this is a crossed breed of Don Sphynx with Siamese species. In this case, to breed Sphynxes, it is necessary to use a purebred Siamese cat. The kittens' body becomes more elongated. The ears are set significantly apart and will be wide at the base. Their cheeks are flat and their heads are wedge-shaped. The eyes are narrow and deep-set.

Deviations from the norm

Prolonged heat

It happens that a pet is in heat for more than 2 weeks. This is called prolonged heat. This means an increase in the stages of estrus. There is a protracted proestrus, a protracted estrus and a protracted diestrus.

Symptoms of prolonged proestrus:

  • The cat won't let the cat near.
  • Discharge from the genitals continues for more than two weeks.

Symptoms of prolonged estrus:

Estrus lasts more than 2-3 weeks, but fertilization does not occur.

Symptoms of prolonged diestrus:

Mucous discharge from the female genitals does not stop for 21 days.


Another deviation is the complete absence of estrus symptoms (anaphrodisia).


  • Lengthening of the intervals between estrus in a mature cat or its complete absence.
  • Delayed puberty in a young individual.

False pregnancy

It happens that fertilization does not occur. The female develops a so-called false pregnancy. This is a psychological condition during which the cat experiences all the signs of a non-existent pregnancy. The cause of the disease may lie in stressful situations, mating with an unproductive male, or a breed predisposition, for example, in sphinxes.

This condition lasts for 1-3 weeks. It is difficult to distinguish it from ordinary pregnancy.

Symptoms of false pregnancy:

  • abdominal enlargement;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • secretion of milk;
  • increased appetite;
  • constant thirst.

The pet's behavior also changes. She is looking for a secluded dark place, trying to arrange a bed for herself.

Also, your pet may begin to carry various soft toys in her teeth, mistaking them for her offspring.

Only a veterinarian can confirm whether it is a false pregnancy or a real one after examination. He will prescribe sedatives to stop lactation.

Empty heat

This is an estrus that did not result in the pet becoming pregnant. It can lead to many complications: ovarian cysts, inflammation and even cancer. Therefore, if you do not plan to mate your cat, it is best to have her spayed. You can read about all the nuances of this operation in our article on sterilization of cats.

Bloody issues

It is worth remembering that cats, unlike dogs, do not have bloody discharge. If you notice bloody discharge in a female, then this is a serious cause for concern and an urgent visit to the veterinary clinic.

Sphynx cats

In a Sphynx cat, sexual maturity occurs at six to seven months. At this time, she begins her first heat. The animal begins to scream loudly and roll on the floor. Her gait becomes completely different, her character changes. Some become affectionate and kind, while others become angry and aggressive. The duration of estrus in a Sphynx cat lasts on average 5–8 days, and sometimes up to two weeks. The frequency of estrus is strictly individual, as is its duration. For some it occurs once a month, for others – twice. The irregularity of estrus is associated with the lack of fertilization of the female.

The greatest sexual activity among sphinxes occurs at the end of winter and beginning of spring. The first pregnancy can occur at reproductive age from one to one and a half years, not earlier than the third heat. If the owner does not plan the birth of offspring, then after the end of the estrus period, sterilization is carried out.

What to pay attention to during heat?

Cat owners need to pay attention to the fact that estrus in Sphynx cats is accompanied by vaginal discharge; this is a natural physiological process. However, they should be transparent, sometimes with a small amount of blood

However, there are cases when the secretion is red, brown and green, and there are also admixtures of pus. Discharges of this nature indicate the occurrence of pathological processes in the body. We can talk about infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, blood clotting disorders

Therefore, it is important for the owner to monitor the course of the estrus period with special vigilance and, if unwanted symptoms occur, immediately contact a veterinary clinic

Basic rule of knitting

First of all, every breeder must know that it is impossible to abuse various drugs that suppress or stop estrus in cats. After all, excessive use of these drugs can lead not only to hormonal disruption in the body of cats, but also cause very serious diseases. And that is why every owner must decide whether he needs to breed a male cat, and if so, then it is necessary to prepare for it in advance and according to all the rules.

Estrus after sterilization

This phenomenon occurs infrequently. The main reasons are:

  • Reminent ovarian syndrome is a pathology in which ovarian cells settle in the wrong place during the intrauterine formation of the fetus. During surgery, the tissue may not be noticed: it is difficult to detect.
  • A tumor of internal organs (adrenal glands, breast, cyst on the uterus) that produces hormones.
  • The adrenal glands have taken over the tasks of the gonads.
  • Activity of pituitary hormones.
  • Long-term attenuation of hormonal levels, especially if sterilization was carried out during the period of estrus.
  • Preserved ovarian tissue, or ovarioreminant syndrome, which develops if not all cells of these reproductive organs are removed from the body.

If your cat is in heat after sterilization, you should contact your veterinarian. He will diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. In some cases, repeated surgery is indicated.

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