How to grow oats at home for cats?

Oats for a cat: how to grow, plant, care

Fertile soil and seeds can be bought at a flower shop.

Green oat stalks are rich in vitamins

Any universal primer will do. It is enough to pour a layer of 3-5 cm into a small plastic container. It is recommended to germinate the grains before planting. They are wrapped in a damp cloth, placed in a disposable container with a lid and placed in a warm place in the light.

Many people successfully replace the soil with sawdust, and grass grows on them just as well. Before planting the grains, the soil is watered generously with water at room temperature. A certain amount of seeds is taken: 1 piece should account for 1 cm of planting area. The grains are laid out and sprinkled with a 1 cm thick layer of earth (sawdust).

The container is covered with film. It creates greenhouse conditions that accelerate germination. Sprouts appear in approximately 6 days. Cats eat greens grown in a container for 3 weeks. Planting a new portion should be done every 7-10 days so that the cat enjoys the grass without interruption.

The seedlings will have to be looked after, otherwise they will die. Care comes down to watering. Always check the soil moisture and water if it is dry. The soil needs to be compacted periodically because cats loosen it when they bite off the stems.

What grass to plant at home for a cat

Place it in a flower pot (wide, low) and water it. The grass grows, all kinds of it! :080: What a pleasure it is to rummage through a pot and choose! And, most importantly, no one swears! :073:

13.04.2009, 18:42

Now I make it easier! From the dacha we bring a small layer of soil from a clean lawn. Place it in a flower pot (wide, low) and water it. The grass grows, all kinds of it! :080: What a pleasure it is to rummage through a pot and choose! And, most importantly, no one swears! :073:

Super idea: support: Any animal should like this: 019:

I like it, I like it! And completely free! :))

Benefits of sprouted oats for cats

The coat of domestic cats whose diet includes young oats is shiny and thick. This is because green cereals contain B vitamins: B1, B6. Amino acids and trace elements (magnesium, calcium) make muscles and skeleton stronger.

Veterinarians call oat greens cat health. It is especially useful for animals with digestive problems. Greens contain a high percentage of fiber. It improves the peristalsis of the cat's intestines and promotes better digestion of food.

It's not just the nutrients that benefit your cat's body. Once in the stomach of an animal, hard oat stalks cause a gag reflex.

The wool accumulated in the stomach comes out together with oat leaves and gastric juice. The owner of the family will also feel the benefits of oats: the cat will stop eating her favorite indoor plants.

Cases when growing oats is simply necessary:

  • your pet has constipation or diarrhea;
  • the cat is expecting kittens (the body needs natural vitamins);
  • The pet's hair is long and accumulates in the stomach.

Benefits of greens for cats

Fresh greens must be present in every cat’s diet; oats have the following positive characteristics:

  1. The menu supplement contains carotene, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon and folic acid. Therefore, the herb is indicated for pregnant fluffies.
  2. By introducing at least a little greenery into your daily menu, you will immediately notice how a cat with a problem stomach has improved digestion. Do not be alarmed if the animal vomits food along with hairballs - this process is normal and natural; with the help of the gag reflex, the “fluffy” stomach is cleared of foreign objects. Veterinarians prescribe sprouted greens to loosen stools; if you suffer from constipation, you need to choose greens with wide and dense stems. It is necessary to secure the feces - lush grass with narrow leaves will do an excellent job with this task.
  3. Cats are unusual animals with extraordinary taste. Remember how greedily they swallow pieces of newspapers and plastic. But if such experiments are dangerous for a pet, then the grass only has a beneficial effect on the cat’s body. All that remains is to sprout oats for the cat and see with what pleasure the “fluffy” one gnaws on the greens. Also be prepared for the fact that the beast will not be interested in the grass; respecting the taste of the green-eyed beauty, finely chop the oats and mix them into food.

Useful properties of quail egg shells.

Quail egg shells are an ideal source of calcium, which is easily absorbed by the body. The healing properties of the shell: studies have shown that the shell of quail eggs, consisting of 90% calcium carbonate, is easily absorbed by the body, and in addition contains all the microelements necessary for the body, including copper, fluorine, sulfur, silicon, zinc and others (27 in total elements). The composition of quail eggshells amazingly matches the composition of bones and teeth, and moreover, stimulates the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow. Quail eggs contain a large number of microelements that are beneficial for brain development, have a positive effect on brittle whiskers, faded fur in cats, and also promote rapid healing of bones in case of fractures.

Quail egg shells are useful even for human children, especially during periods of intensive growth, when the need for calcium increases significantly for the formation of bone tissue. It has a beneficial effect on osteoporosis (softening of bones), rickets, and anemia. When including quail egg shells in baby food, you must not forget that calcium is absorbed by the body only in the presence of vitamin D. This vitamin is found in large quantities in fish oil, cod liver, halibut and other marine fish.

Infusions made from quail egg shells have high therapeutic activity. To prepare a calcium solution, take 1 teaspoon of powder per 1 liter of water. Water infused for 5-6 hours is used for drinking, making tea and coffee. The more the powder is crushed, the faster the infusion occurs. The process can be accelerated in an acidic environment; calcium ions and other trace elements are washed out of the shell faster. Calcium is involved in blood clotting processes, so an infusion of quail egg shells helps with pulmonary and gastric bleeding. Shell therapy is indicated for people with irritability, insomnia, brittle nails and hair, bleeding from the gums, and constipation. It is recommended to do it twice a year to prevent spinal diseases, dental caries and osteoporosis. This prevention is especially effective during the winter months. Drinking such water is recommended for pregnant women to enrich the body with calcium ions and other microelements. Calcium-enriched water is used externally to wash bleeding wounds, in the form of compresses (mixed with vegetable oil 1:1) for rapid healing of wounds.

Next: Toys for Maine Coon Cats

Littleone 2009-2012 > Hobbies and interests > About pets > When should a kitten be given oats?

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09.04.2009, 12:13

Tell me, from what age? I started nibbling on houseplants! ; ))))


09.04.2009, 12:28

My opinion - always! (I mean, as soon as the teeth appeared) :)) However, this still didn’t save my indoor plants...


09.04.2009, 13:09

Can it be given if the kitten is not on a natural diet, but on drying?


09.04.2009, 13:13

Can it be given if the kitten is not on a natural diet, but on drying? It’s necessary... it doesn’t affect anything... for cleansing, so to speak..:008:

but mine didn’t eat (((for cleansing, she got used to carrying sanitary pads, she’s a gourmet, damn it... and she doesn’t disdain polyethylene... in general, we’ve passed the stage of oats.. “I don’t eat that, I’m not a goat” ((

09.04.2009, 13:26

Our kitty herself started with all the other plants, roses are especially tasty, until the slow-witted owners brought oats. True, this no longer saved the house plants, and the habit of gnawing bouquets remained: flower:, they taste better :004:

My opinion - always! (I mean, as soon as the teeth appeared) :)) True, it still didn’t save my indoor plants... mine too *)


09.04.2009, 14:47

Thanks a lot. And then they told us that only from 4 months. And we are 2.

IMHO - never. You need to give vitamins and pay attention to the kitten more often. And oats - well, a cat is not a horse... I saw how they grow this hydroponics - there is SO MUCH fertilizer in the solution, it will light up at night. No one washes it before selling it.


10.04.2009, 01:59

A very interesting opinion. By the way, I didn’t think about fertilizers. Can't you wash it at home?

What should you give if the poor guy doesn’t eat oats, but does eat indoor flowers? (if the flowers were mine, I wouldn’t worry) :009:

10.04.2009, 17:44

Our experience shows that giving something does not help. Helps NOT to give indoor flowers. Try to remove flowers from the reach zone (fantasy in life), although our kitty has grown to 4-5 months, so all kinds of inaccessible zones have ended. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to distract a persistent animal.


11.04.2009, 00:29

What should you give if the poor guy doesn’t eat oats, but does eat indoor flowers? (if the flowers were mine, I wouldn’t worry) :009:

If this is a question for me, then try to remove the flowers so that they don’t get them. But how realistic is this:005:

IMHO - never. You need to give vitamins and pay attention to the kitten more often. And oats - well, a cat is not a horse... I saw how they grow this hydroponics - there is SO MUCH fertilizer in the solution, it will light up at night. No one washes it before selling it. why buy ready-made. if you can grow it yourself.. here I grow a grove and nothing for parrots and cats..:) but cats need grass - they cleanse their stomachs. they themselves eat sedge outside in the summer..:)


12.04.2009, 01:37

How do you grow it, where do you get the seeds? Can it be planted in regular soil?

12.04.2009, 15:56

my cat can’t stand oats, and she bought them and sprouted them herself, but the flowers……… once got poisoned so that her legs gave out, she just crawled on her front legs, and her hind legs dragged. I brought out almost all the flowers, except for some. doesn't seem to be poisonous, eats and everything is fine

Quiet evening

12.04.2009, 21:00

Tell me, from what age? I started nibbling on houseplants! ; ))))

We are also gnawing. But I'm not worried. Eats only the same flower.

How do you grow it, where do you get the seeds? Can it be planted in regular soil? sold in any pet store in packs of oats. I plant them in ordinary soil for flowers. :) in just a week this is... (https://radikal .ru/F/

13.04.2009, 17:51

Yesterday I bought my oats after reading this topic - at first he was curious, he gnawed a couple of blades of grass... now he doesn’t even look! does it need to be watered?

At one time I sprouted oats myself! The seeds were bought at a flower shop or a pet store. But oats are delicious the first time! And then... :0099: Now I make it easier! From the dacha we bring a small layer of soil from a clean lawn.

Features of growing oats for cats

Veterinarians tell us how to germinate oats for a cat at home. The first thing you need to do is buy a mixture of grains at the pet store, and then sow the mixture and expect the first shoots within a week. There are several ways to grow greens at home:

  1. The traditional option is in the ground. The container should be wide and shallow. In order for oats to sprout quickly, place the first layer of sawdust or soil on the bottom; the thickness should not exceed 1-2 cm. Before planting the seeds, it is advisable to place the mixture in a sock in water for a couple of hours and then rinse thoroughly. Cover the seeds located in the ground with another layer of soil. Cover the pot with plastic and wait for the sprouts to move. The soil can be replaced with vermiculite.
  2. In gauze. Take a plastic plate and make 4-5 indentations so that excess water can drain out of the pot. After soaking the grains, place cheesecloth on a plate and place the swollen seeds. Place cling film on top and place the container towards the window. After 3 days, when the first shoots appear, water the oats and cover again. After a week, the cat can already be offered green treats.

It is important that the roots do not dry out - rinse them daily with cool tap water. Here are the reviews that cat lovers leave about the gauze option for growing oats: “I germinate greens without soil, because the animal really likes to dig in the soil, this way I can avoid dirt in the house.”

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