The most affectionate cat breeds: flexible, non-vindictive, patient mustaches

The future owner chooses a kitten not only based on its exterior and pedigree level. Often the main criterion is the pet’s tenderness and devotion. The most affectionate cat breeds that are popular today are Ragdoll, Sacred Burmese, Burmese, Nibelung, Russian Blue.

Burmese cat

Watch a video about the most affectionate cat breeds on our Youtube channel Mr. Cat:

Exotic shorthair cat

Do you want a cat that will lie quietly and warm your lap on long winter evenings? An exotic shorthair cat will happily take on this care. This breed is famous for its affection towards its owners. Cats follow humans in circles and are happy to accept affection when given the chance.

These animals are wary of anything that is too active. Therefore, it often takes some time for an exotic shorthair cat to get used to children and guests in the house who try to cuddle it.

Very interesting, and most importantly useful!

In the process of choosing a kitten, each person puts forward certain requirements for it. Some people want to get a playful and active animal, while others are looking for a very gentle and affectionate kitten. This nuance is especially relevant for those families with small children. It is cute cats that can bring a feeling of real comfort to a family, as well as give love and joy. Let's look at the cat breeds that are the most gentle and affectionate.

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Shorthair exotic

A cat that has a slightly childish appearance is very popular all over the world. She is free from the slightest signs of aggression. It is the exotics that differ from other breeds in their friendliness, loyalty and quite playful character. This breed is capable of spending days on end next to a person, constantly sitting in his arms and walking on his heels. Exotics are very kind to children and love to play with them.

29. Nibelung

Cats of a breed such as the Nibelung have high rates of attachment to humans. They prefer to choose one owner with whom they will spend their whole life. They are also sweet and quite affectionate with other family members. Children are treated patronizingly, but at the same time they love to play with them. This breed does not know how to take offense and does not require special care. They do not like scandals, shouting and quarrels.

28. Ragdoll

An unusual breed of cat is the Ragdoll, which has a fairly low pain threshold and muscle tone. As soon as this breed falls into the hands of a person, it immediately relaxes and looks like a real doormat. Ragdolls' attachment to the family is quite high. They prefer to play with them, sleep and even eat. If they require attention, ragdolls cannot be denied this. They cannot stand the fact that they are not treated with care. Aggression and the hunter's instinct are completely absent in this breed. Therefore, it is very important that representatives of this cat breed do not accidentally end up on the street.


The Himalayan cat has an intelligent, kind, inquisitive and affectionate disposition. They love attention very much, but at the same time they are aware that their separation from their owners is always forced. The Himalayan breed loves children very much, communicates with them, and never offends them. With great pleasure he makes tactile contact and accepts care from a person. The animal is moderately active, but not too intrusive. For older people, this breed will be most suitable.

Burmese cat

It is quite easy to earn love from the presented breed, despite the fact that visually it looks charismatic and shows majestic grace. The cheerfulness and devotion of this animal amazes every person. In response to self-care, the Burmese cat is able to give all its tenderness to those with whom it lives. He prefers to sleep with his owners, as he loves physical contact. Instead of sleeping alone, she would rather choose to spend time with her owner. The Burmese cat loves to talk to its owners, while looking into their eyes. Even the most stressful day can be brightened up by her gentle purring.

25. Peterbald

The Peterbald is a type of Sphynx that is very similar in character to a dog. This is a talkative, intelligent and very loyal cat breed. They don’t like to leave their owner alone, and if I don’t have contact with him for a very long time, they jump with happiness when they meet him. They love to play with children and have a very positive attitude towards them. They are clean and love delicious food.


In relation to a person, one can never notice aggression on the part of an Oriental due to their sophistication and grace. They are very sweet, incapable of showing anger, and are always friendly and welcoming. They are extremely energetic, love to play with children and are especially talkative. This breed is not capable of sitting in one place for a very long time, so you should not be surprised if the cat is spotted on some closet. A completely common story for this breed is a broken flower pot.

York chocolate

This breed is reserved and courteous. Due to its own tactfulness and trainability, the Yorkie Chocolate is able to easily adapt to any human rhythm. It can be bought by families with children, as it is not at all aggressive. This breed needs constant tactile contact and attention, so it always enjoys human company. Not overly intrusive. Such a cute cat is capable of following on the heels of its owner until it receives care and affection from him.

22. Burmilla

Burmilla cats are simple and easy to communicate with. Considering the main character traits, intelligence and kindness, tenderness and excessive attentiveness predominate among them. Due to the fact that this breed loves crowds of people, it is suitable for fairly large families. The Burmilla will always need games, entertainment, and contact with people. If you don't pay attention to her, she will remind you of herself with an annoying purr.

21. Poodlecat

A rare breed that is very affectionate and sociable. This cat is ready to spend all its free time with its owners. These are loyal cuties who do not show excessive persistence, and are also not at all aggressive. They are able to purr affectionately next to their owner, as they are sensitive. Those moments when a person wants to be alone, they feel great. This breed loves children very much.

20. Devon Rex

He has an absolutely conflict-free and calm character and true devotion. This breed is capable of constantly reminding itself of itself by purring, following on the heels of its owners, and also monitoring every movement of a person. Such animals love to hang on the owner’s shoulders or simply sleep on their laps. The character of this breed can deteriorate only when it does not have contact with humans for a long time.

19. Manx

A tailless cat with an unusual appearance. He is loyal and friendly, playful and highly mobile. They prefer to constantly play with children, as they love them very much.

Masquerade Neva

This is a loyal, friendly and affectionate breed, which is an ideal option for those families with children. Such a cat is capable of making friends not only with people, but also with other animals that are in the same house with them. Neva Masquerade has a golden character. She is able to evoke truly positive emotions due to her complaisance and calmness. This breed is suitable for those people who appreciate affectionate and truly cute animals. Due to their attachment to their owners, they simply ignore strangers and do not pay attention to them.

17. Laperm

Despite the proud appearance, the Laperm's character is ideal. Their main features are gentleness and kindness, charm and excessive love. A cat is not capable of causing irritation to itself, but at the same time it is constantly close to its owner. In the morning, this breed can wake you up with its gentle purring. Such a cat will not refuse tactile contact with a person. Once on their knees, they are able to sleep for hours. If the owner is indifferent to the laperm, then he endures it very painfully. Requires loyalty and devotion from the owner. He loves to kiss and expects reciprocal attention from the person in his direction.

Abyssinian cat

Due to its flexibility, tenderness and kindness, this breed is able to win the heart of every person. They are gentle and kind, and are also incapable of showing aggression. This breed does not like to be left alone, so it always follows a person. This breed is always balanced and incapable of getting angry. He is curious, attentive, and also prefers to play with children.

Selkirk Rex

A breed that looks like a teddy bear. Good-natured, quite playful and moderately active. They are friends with all members of the household, but show special devotion to the owner. These are ideal companions for playing with children, get along well with other animals, and also make tactile contact.

Persian cat

Persian cats are true couch potatoes. They do not tend to run out into the street, as they prefer the comfort of home. They need constant communication, but are not intrusive. They do not show aggression towards loved ones, and treat strangers with the utmost caution. They treat children with tenderness and kindness.

Siberian cat

This breed has a fairly unobtrusive character, but at the same time it is capable of becoming very attached to a specific person. They get along well with children, and are also balanced and patient. This breed has its own distinctive feature, since it loves to lie on its back in the most simple poses. The Siberian cat has intelligence and an amazing sense of tact, but is not too talkative.

Burmese cat

This affectionate and playful breed becomes very attached to its owner. She will demand special attention to her person, while she herself is not overly intrusive. Children love her very much for her participation in games and for her kindness, and they also prefer to sleep with their owners, but only under a blanket.

11. Munchkin

This breed is friendly, affectionate and sociable. The best pastime for them is games, as well as excessive attention from their owner. They are not able to scratch a child, and also never show anger towards them. Their characteristic feature is that they live well with other animals, especially dogs. They become real pets due to their good nature and patience. In their entertainment and games, they always know when to stop, and are also able to sense a person’s mood.

Canadian Sfinsk

These hairless cats have an obedient and quite flexible character. They are fully capable of obeying their masters, as they consider them authorities. This breed is quite sociable and very clean. When communicating with a person, they like to look directly into the eyes. For an infant, the Sfinsk can become a real nanny. As soon as this breed hears the slightest baby cry, it immediately sends a signal to its mother. Sfinskis completely lack aggression and anger.

Blue Russian

A true dream for every family is a blue Russian cat. She has a gentle character and incredible kindness. She is very capable of becoming attached to her owners, but at the same time she does not show too much persistence when she wants to get attention. With children, such a cat will always be affectionate, sweet, and will not refuse to have fun.

8. Dwelf

Despite the fact that the appearance of this breed is quite extraordinary, it is very friendly and affectionate. Such animals always require increased attention and also prefer to be in fairly cheerful company. This breed is capable of aggression only if it is systematically offended. She is not capable of showing feelings of jealousy towards other pets and children. Due to its rather small size, such a breed can crawl into even the smallest crevice.

7. Ragamuffin

A sweeter and friendlier breed than the Ragamuffin would be hard to find anywhere in the world. It is this animal that allows you to do with it whatever your heart desires. You can not only pet such a cat, but also cuddle it. She will never refuse such a process. At the same time, she will never show anger, even if she gets tired of all this. He becomes very attached to his own household, so he prefers to always be close. Ragamuffin has a special relationship with children. They can not only play with them, but even sleep in a crib.

6. Pixie bob

This breed of cat is very similar visually to a lynx, but at the same time has a shortened tail. And her character is completely conflict-free. This breed loves every person with whom it lives in the same home. She is considered quite smart and loyal, especially to children. Doesn't show disobedience. He loves to walk along the street with his owner on a leash, which is considered a rarity for cats.

5. Snow Shoo

This cat breed gets its cuteness and tenderness from the white socks on its paws. This breed combines the traits of several cats, including the American Shorthair and the Siamese. She is easy to learn, intelligent, and even-tempered. Shows quite a lot of love for its owner, but not too intrusive. She is able to make contact with any person who enters the house in which she lives. This is due to her communication skills. Able to warn its owner about possible danger. This breed is ready to take part in games with children at any time of the day or night.

4. Cornish Rex

This is an elegant and quite highly intelligent breed that has an artistic, but at the same time kind and affectionate character. Anyone can have such a cat, regardless of age, since throughout its life this breed shows good activity.

Minuet (Napoleon)

Due to its flexibility and obedience, the breed is very similar to the Persians. On the part of a person, he loves attention to himself, as well as excessive affection. Such a cat can adapt to absolutely any circumstances, as it has a good sense of the mood of the owner. He does not like to spend time without his owner, but at the same time he always behaves quite quietly.

2. Bambino

This is a special breed of Sfinsky that shows great affection for people. They are not able to spend their time without their owner, they are quite persistent in terms of receiving attention to themselves and are sociable. This breed is capable of entertaining itself, but will never mind if the owner decides to play with it a little. This cat shows excellent discipline and intelligence. Incapable of displaying hooliganism. It always requires communication and attention from a person.

Scottish fold cat

In its youth, this breed is particularly active, but as it matures, it becomes more passive. Possesses stability and calmness. As for patience, this breed has it at its best. For many hours they are able to monitor what their owner is doing. This breed is not particularly tender, so you won’t be able to cuddle the animal much. She is able to choose one owner for herself, become completely attached to him and show true devotion. This way she shows all her care and love. This breed does not really like jesters, but at the same time it has high levels of patience. When faced with strangers, she will never make contact with them, but on the contrary, she will pointedly ignore them.

Therefore, if you want to buy a cat, first of all you need to decide what character should prevail in your pet. Cute and gentle breeds are suitable for those people who prefer constant tactile contact with animals. With this breed you can lie down, sleep, cuddle and pet it. Moreover, the animal will not be against such actions on the part of humans. Therefore, when buying a cat, you must first choose the most suitable breed.

Abyssinian cat
Unlike exotic shorthairs, Abyssinian cats are very active. They are very smart and playful. And it doesn’t matter who keeps the company in the game, they equally quickly find a language with people of different ages, family members and even strangers.

These qualities make the Abyssinian cat a good choice for parents who want to have a pet for the joy of their children.

Kurilian Bobtail

A miniature little lynx: strong and compact, with tassels on the ears, and a short tail. Kuril Bobtails come in short-haired and long-haired varieties; the thick undercoat is brushed daily. Long-livers in good health, if there are no congenital spinal defects.

Despite their harsh appearance, this is a friendly breed - affectionate cats are considered patient nannies, and silly cats are happy to play actively with children until old age. They tolerate careless treatment to the last, in peak cases “educating” the offender with a soft paw. They remain calmly alone and have a reinforced concrete psyche.

Russian blue cat

Russian blue cats are real aristocrats. Their gracefulness and intelligence have allowed them to become one of the most popular breeds in the world.

These cats love to play and be a part of everything that the owner does, and even share his bed. Once a cat of this breed feels your warm attitude towards her, she will not leave you a single step. By nature, Russian Blue cats are very cautious and are in no hurry to become objects of attention at “social events” in the house. But once they get used to the surroundings, they go out and happily accept the affection of those around them.

Rex Cornish and Devon

Light and graceful cats with curly hair are distinguished by the shape of their heads. For the Devons it is a horizontally directed oval, for the Cornish it is an egg or a vertical oval. The curly fur coat hardly sheds. Both breeds are easy to care for, but are prone to skin diseases. Both come from England - the neighboring counties of Devonshire and Cornwall.

Rexes are energetic, intelligent, friendly and affectionate cat breeds. They tend to analyze and draw conclusions, not always in favor of a rude owner or a sloppy child. But if you treat them with respect, they are a loyal companion, affectionate and open. They are not vindictive, they quickly learn tricks and rules of behavior.

Burmese cat

The Burmese cat, like no other, depends on the attention of others and quickly receives it thanks to its charm. Cats of this breed are grateful listeners: they can lie on your lap for hours and calmly listen to everything you tell them.

Their dependence on attention is so great that they are ready to accept it from absolutely anyone who offers it (even from other pets). For this reason, experts strongly recommend getting another animal to keep your Burmese cat company if the owner is away from home for a long time.


  • Weight: 2.8-6.4 kg
  • Life expectancy: 16-18 years
  • Breed type: shorthair

If you are looking for a friendly and curious pet, you will love the Burmese. Burmese cats love to sit by the window , watching the world around them, and they will never refuse to communicate with their owners. Burmese love to hug and cuddle with the people they love.

The expressive yellowish eyes of Burmese shorthair cats have a unique quality - they change color depending on the light!

For those who want privacy, Burmese is clearly not suitable. She loves people so much that she will most likely get in your way. Burmese cats are affectionate and playful. Their clear advantage is their tolerance for coexistence with other cats and even dogs.

Siamese cat

Siamese cats are very similar in character to Burmese cats (they also crave communication), but they also have a distinctive feature - increased curiosity. Siamese cats not only demand their owner's attention, but also want to be a part of everything that the owner does. They are happy to share chores, meals and watching television.

Due to their wide range of interests, these cats easily find a common language with others and often resemble dogs in their behavior. By the way, cats of this breed are often walked on a leash.

British shorthair breed

Photo Credit: marttiratilainen Flickr via Compfight
The breed was finally formed towards the end of the 18th century. The breed is distinguished by its calmness and friendliness, making it perfect for a novice cat owner. This breed is easily recognized by its characteristic rounded muzzle, and their fur feels plush to the touch. If you cannot devote a lot of time to your pet, then this breed will be the ideal choice for you. Thanks to their independence, the British do not require much attention from their owner, and their peaceful nature allows them to get along well in a family where they also have children and other pets. By the way, an interesting feature of this breed is that male cats grow quite slowly; they reach their full size by about 3 years of age.

Lifespan: on average 12.5 years.

Weight and size: 30-35 cm in height, the average weight of a cat is 4-8 kg, a cat is 3-5 kg.

Care: periodic combing and wiping with a damp cloth to remove dead hair.

Somali cat

Somali cats are very active. They love to play and will do so with anyone who shows interest. The high level of energy and alertness makes this breed ideal for training.

Although Somali cats love attention from others, they are not happy to receive it from other pets. The ideal conditions for this cat are when she is the only animal in the house and only she gets all the attention.


A miniature breed of affectionate cats, weighing about 2.5 kg, with short shimmering hair and large green eyes. Care is minimal, health is good - a number of genetic diseases are excluded by testing the livestock. Low-fertility kittens take a long time to develop due to their extremely miniature size.

An adult Singapura cat is friendly, active, and wants to take part in all household chores. Kitten-level playfulness lasts for many years - it is a great friend to children. But they should not be left unattended with children, as the child may accidentally injure the miniature pet. Trusting, open, sociable.

Ragdoll means “rag doll”. The breed was given this name because its representatives tend to relax into the state of a rag doll, when it takes any poses that you choose for it. In this state, the cat can be stroked, squeezed, and it will not resist.

These cats are strongly attached to their owner, do not tolerate loneliness and are smart enough to understand intonation and become toilet trained.


The ideal embodiment of a truly Russian pet is a good-natured character, a strong physique and a warm fur coat. The very name of the breed evokes associations with a broad soul and incredible, wild beauty. Siberians are strongly attached to the house and owner, although they can go for a walk. They patiently endure the cuddles of children and are not vindictive at all, since even adult cats always remain kittens at heart. Despite their playful disposition, Siberians are smart. They instantly understand the essence of prohibitions and never repeat dangerous mistakes, respecting the authority of the owner. They quickly understand what is wanted from them, so there are never any problems in raising the breed.


Burmese cat
Burmese cats are playful in nature and at the same time very loyal to their owner. They quickly adapt to new conditions, love to play with children, hug and caress. They find a common language with guests very easily.

It is worth noting that cats of this breed do not like to lie on their owner’s lap for a long time, but they enjoy being stroked on the head.


This breed was not specially bred. Munchkins owe their short legs to a sudden chromosome mutation that occurred as a result of crossing two ordinary European cats in Germany. The breed does not have a single standard; the only thing that unites the genus is the fact that the paws of these cats are 1/3 shorter than those of any others. Munchkins are incredibly obedient. They get used to the tray the first time. These are intelligent, sensible and affectionate pets. They are amenable to basic training techniques if you regularly exercise them and treat them with tasty treats.



These hairless cats are ready to flirt with everyone just to get affection and attention. This makes them one of the friendliest breeds.

Sphinxes do not like to spend time alone, so they strive to “help” their owner in everything he does. Hungry for love, cats of this breed are famous for their stupid actions, committed only in order to receive attention and affection from their owner.


The Bombay's black fur coat seems to be strewn with diamond chips, and its yellow eyes shine with gold. But spectacular appearance is not the only advantage of the breed. Affectionate cats are known for their almost perfect personalities. They are sociable without intrusiveness, learn quickly, love the company of children, and calmly remain alone during the day.

A well-mannered Bombay will become a faithful companion for both a homebody pensioner and an active person who takes a friendly cat for walks. They rarely get sick, their build is natural. The ancestors of Bombays were European Burmese - a breed that consistently tops the list of the most affectionate, intelligent, and easy to train.

Norwegian forest

Representatives of the breed do not require much attention. After all, they used to live in the wild. Despite this, Norwegian forest cats are loyal, affectionate and friendly animals.

And they are good at entertaining themselves.

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American Curl

They come with short and long hair, both options have a thick undercoat - they need regular brushing, especially during the molting period. Curls are recognizable by their curled ears, which give the breed a playful appearance. Genetically pure, although there is some tendency to gain weight.

A sociable, open, friendly breed of cat, always ready to make contact. Curls are energetic, never tire of being amazed by the world around them and inventing new things to do. They are compared to preschool children - restless, slightly clumsy, positive little laughs. They get along easily with children, strangers, dogs and even small animals.

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