The most affectionate cat breeds - which pet is better to have for a child in an apartment

Pets are the best educators; they easily teach a child order, adherence to routine, and caring for those who are smaller. They also give affection and love, especially cats, which are so convenient to keep at home. But not all cats are so friendly; some are ready to scratch their little owner even while stroking them. Therefore, when purchasing an animal, parents often think about affectionate cat breeds for children.

Criteria for choosing a cat breed for a family with children

When choosing a cat for a child, parents should take into account several criteria: the animal’s temperament, difficulty in grooming, sociability, “talkativeness,” activity, noise . If your child is allergic but really wants a furry friend, you should pay attention to hypoallergenic breeds.

Having a cat as a child's first animal has a number of advantages.:

  1. Teaches you to take responsibility for a living being . Children get used to the daily ritual of caring for a pet: changing the water in the bowl, measuring out the amount of dry food, cleaning the tray, caring for the fur.
  2. Instills skills in proper handling of animals , teaches love and respect.
  3. Helps cope with stress after a long school day.
  4. Teaches how to manage aggression .
  5. Makes children healthy . Scientists have proven that having a cat in the house inhibits the development of asthma. With constant contact with a cat, a protective immune response is developed, which reduces the risk of colds.

The cat does not have to be purebred; you can take a kitten from the street or from an already domesticated yard cat . Such animals are united by a kind and flexible disposition, lack of aggression and thirst for revenge. Of course, some outbred kittens have difficulties with toilet training, but a systematic approach and persistence will help overcome the problem.

It is important not to forget about examination by a veterinarian , timely vaccination and deworming of foundlings in order to prevent children from contracting infectious diseases.

American Curl

The main difference between the Curl and other representatives of the cat world are the ears that are turned outward. They are the ones who give the pets a joyful, but slightly wary appearance. The coat is soft and silky with minimal undercoat. It can be either short or long. Adult pets are of average size, weighing from 3 to 5 kg.

Newborn kittens are born with straight ears; only by 4 months are they fully formed. Various colors (bicolor, solid).

This is a curious, loyal, eccentric, loving friend. They adore children and are very attached to the breeder. They get along well with other animals.

With folded ears I like I don't like

Top cat breeds for children

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the breeds that are best suited for children.


Cats with an easy-going character and absolutely devoid of aggression will become the best companions for little naughty girls.


Abyssinians are active, curious and incredibly playful cats . They are ideal for the role of favorite friends for children. These animals are real fidgets; they cannot stay in one place for a long time. Sometimes it seems that they have batteries hidden inside them with an endless charge.

Abyssinian cats happily explore the apartment up and down with the baby, run races and come up with the next prank. Cats are famous for their limitless patience : they prefer not to respond to children’s attacks, but to sit out the attack of increased activity in a secluded corner.


Ragdoll - "rag doll". This is how the name of the breed is translated from English. This cat is the ideal companion for a child. Absolute patience and a complete lack of aggression makes her an ideal furry nanny. Kids can do whatever they want with her, except outright bullying, of course. In your hands, cats become limp and spread out like butter dough.

Ragdolls have one physiological feature - they do not know how to group, so children need to be explained that throwing a pet from a height is prohibited.

British Shorthair

The British cat is a popular breed among families with children. This English aristocrat is phlegmatic to the point of impossibility, has excellent self-control, reacts restrainedly to children's pranks and rarely lets out her claws . The “British” become more attached to children than to adults; they watch their movements with genuine interest, take part in games and share their dreams.

British Shorthair


The Turkish Angora is a long-haired breed that is often confused with the Persian. This is a lively, sociable and intelligent cat, with a calm and gentle disposition, and is highly adaptable to the environment. The breed is suitable for families with children and will become a cheerful companion for older people. The Angora is a self-confident and self-sufficient cat, but at the same time it needs human attention and does not like loneliness.

Turkish Angora


There are many rumors about the origin of the Persians. Felinologists suggest that Asian steppe and Asian desert cats participated in its breeding. Compared to other breeds, Persians show the greatest degree of domestication . They have long forgotten how to catch mice and live outside a human home. Persian cats are very affectionate and trusting, and their loyalty is compared to the loyalty of a dog.

Persians resemble a toy thanks to the funny expression of their muzzle. Their fur is soft and fluffy, like that of a teddy bear. Cats easily get along with children, do not scratch or bite, and love to play with them .


Burma is a charming, fluffy, blue-eyed beauty with a soft, pliable character. She is affectionate and playful, loves to sit on laps, but will not get underfoot if the owner is busy.

Burma is ideal for families with children due to its calm and balanced character . Fluffy fur is easy to care for; it does not fly around the apartment in clumps if you comb it out with a brush once a week.


There is an opinion that there are cats in the world that do not cause allergies, but this is not true . The Fel D1 protein (Laden allergen), contained in the physiological secretions of cats: saliva, sweat, urine, sebum, is responsible for the development of an allergic reaction.

Some felines produce less protein . These include animals without a plush undercoat, hairless breeds and cats with curly hair. The latter are less likely to lose hair.

Hairless cats also secrete Fel D1, but the physiological secretions are more easily removed from the skin.

Hypoallergenic cats include cats with snow-white fur . They emit fewer allergens compared to dark ones. In addition, females are less allergenic.


The Bengal cat is strong, athletic, muscular and flexible , has large oval eyes and fleshy paws, short, silky fur of marbled or leopard color, gray, red and white.

Cats are suitable for families with children due to their relative hypoallergenicity - their fur hardly sheds. They are active, intelligent and quick-witted, love to bask in attention, are friendly towards children and know how to establish relationships with all household members.

Reference. Bengals love to bathe in water, and their favorite pastime is watching water flow from the tap.

Neva Masquerade

The Neva Masquerade is a breed that was bred artificially, but the cats were not crossed with other breeds. A distinctive feature is bright blue eyes, light fur and a bushy tail . Due to its light coat and minimal levels of Fel D1 in saliva, urine and sweat, the breed is considered hypoallergenic. Cats get along well with children and can become affectionate nannies for them.

They love to communicate and be the center of attention, and always support the child’s initiative to play a fun game. The Neva Masquerade is not afraid of water, can swim, climb trees and catch mice. Therefore, the best toy for them will be a wind-up mouse.

Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex was named so for its similarity in color to the Rex rabbit. These are delightful cats with a playful and affectionate disposition, unusually dexterous, active, and strong . Despite their graceful physique, they have powerful muscles.

Distinctive features of the breed are a wide head, curly hair and curly mustache. Cats are extremely intelligent, have canine-like habits, learn tricks quickly and can be great company for children in fun games.


The Elf is a breed with a unique appearance, but in many ways similar to other hairless felines . Breeder Karen Nelson suffered from an allergy to cats, but with the advent of the elf, she noticed that the unpleasant symptoms disappeared.

Elves are crossed with Canadian Sphynxes, but crossing two elves is considered more valuable in order to maintain the breed standard. Elves have a soft and affectionate disposition. They are friendly towards children, love to be cuddled, cuddled and kissed .


There are silent cats, for example, the Scottish Fold. Instead of meowing, they quietly make funny sounds when they want to communicate with their owner. But there are others, vocal and sociable, who like to chat and argue with people.

The most famous talkers are the Maine Coon, Oriental and Siamese cats . In addition, these breeds are suitable for families with small children.

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are known for their impressive size and desire for dominance. However, these animals treat children with special reverence. Maine Coons carefully guard children, and love to play outdoor games with older children .

The stern look of the Maine Coon reveals that he is a self-confident cat. A distinctive feature of the breed is its long and bushy tail , which cats wrap around their bodies to keep warm in cold weather.

These graceful beauties become strongly attached to their owners, but at the same time remain neutral . They do not need constant attention, but love to lie close and participate in household chores.

Oriental cat

Exotic appearance and wonderful character have made the Oriental cat a favorite of children. Representatives of this breed are hyperactive, so they will tirelessly play their favorite children's games . Animals rarely use their claws, which is why parents need not fear for their babies.

Orientals are affectionate cats that need a lot of attention . They love to talk and make a whole range of sounds that children will love.


Siamese cats are real talkers, distinguished by their recognizable shrill, loud and squeaky voice. Cats love to move a lot, chase the mouse, catch candy wrappers on a string. Siamese cats are very trusting and loving, they become very attached to all family members and do not like to sit alone.

Rumors about the evil and vengeful nature of these animals are highly exaggerated. Much depends on human behavior. In a loving family, cats feel needed and are ready to give their warmth to others. Siamese behave calmly and friendly with children and are ready to support any children's pranks .

The nature

The breed of a cat does not guarantee that the pet will have the desired character traits. However, cases of “undesirable” nature in purebred cats are an exception to the rule.

Sociable and talkative

Communicating with your cat is a pleasant activity that talkative pets will happily share with their owner. If you want to discuss the weather with your cat every day, the following breeds are suitable:

A purr that's fun to talk to

Kitchen Talk Lover

Warm and smooth myavlik

Fan of philosophical conversations

Accompanies every action with his “meow”

Thai cat

Loves to talk even to herself

Sociable cat breeds enjoy philosophical conversations with their owners. Do not choose this breed if you value silence in your home.

Meowing can also irritate a cat's owner. If you prefer not to hear unnecessary sounds, choose from these breeds:

A cat who is too lazy to meow

Able to communicate with the owner without making sounds

Northern wisdom and silence

Doesn't meow while being fed

Turkish Angora

The Snow Queen

Exotic cat

Doesn't waste energy talking

Silent cats won't bother you and you'll keep your home calm

Representatives of these breeds will only meow for important reasons.

Active and energetic

It’s interesting to watch active cats: today the pet wanted to explore the closet, and tomorrow he will become an astronaut! These are the cats that love activity:

Astronaut cat with fiery color

Curious entertainer

Energetic and smart

Jumper with a short tail

Comes up with problems and solves them

Turkish van

Lover of games and swimming

Owners of energetic cat breeds will have to constantly come up with something to keep their pet occupied. But it's worth it! They will be happy to solve your puzzles and wait for the next ones.

Lazy cats

There are cats that don't like to run around their owners' shelves. You can eat well and then sleep well! The following breeds are true sloths:

Loves to eat and sleep

A cat who is interested in lying with his owner

Real cat pillow

Always resting to be ready for the hunt

Moves only to find a comfortable position

Exotic cat

Sloth cat with a cute face

Lazy cat breeds are a good choice for phlegmatic people. Slothful cats can be so inconspicuous that only a regularly empty bowl hints at the existence of a cat in the house.

Affectionate and kind

People get cats to pet them and love them! Affectionate breeds themselves come to hug and kiss, so they are suitable for loving owners:

They follow their owner like a tail

A cat who will live on your shoulder

Ball with love for affection

Will be happy to come pet you

Always remain affectionate kittens


Tame cat with a submissive character

Such breeds are reluctant to get off their owner: they don’t like to part with their beloved friend! Choose an affectionate cat breed if you are willing to give it enough attention.

Smart cat breeds

It is interesting to communicate with intelligent pets: they understand speech, easily learn commands and become a true friend. Smart cat breeds include:

Easy to learn commands and rules

Trainable and intelligent cat

High intelligence and innovative thinking

A lively mind and good learning ability

A cat that acts like a dog

Turkish Angora

Know the wisdom of human life

Such cats can be trained: they learn to fetch a ball, perform actions, dance and walk on a leash. Cats with high intelligence are the choice of people who do not want to get a dog.

What breeds should you avoid?

Felinologists do not recommend having breeds similar to predatory cats : Chausie, Caraquet, Savannah. They have a developed wild side, so cats use their fangs and claws to protect themselves.

For example, representatives of the interracial Savannah breed are labeled F1-F7. The lower the number, the more wild blood the animal has. Such animals are suitable exclusively for aviary keeping.

The Chausie breed is also classified into 4 stages F1-F4. Cats marked F4 differ little in size from domestic cats and have the maximum level of socialization, but still are not suitable for families with children.

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