Which dog is better to have in an apartment with children and a cat: TOP-12 breeds and useful tips


1. Top 10 Friendliest Dogs 2. Golden Retriever 3. Bichon Frize 4. Labrador Retriever 5. Papillon 6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 7. Maltese 8. Pug 9. Basset Hound 10. Newfoundland 11. German boxer

“They live like a cat and a dog,” - who is not familiar with this expression? But many tailed people are offended to hear this, because cats and dogs in the same house are not uncommon, and they get along quite well together and are not even jealous of the owner. Are all breeds this friendly towards members of other species? And who to choose if there are both animals and small children in the house?

Sex question

There is not much difference between small dogs. But after six months, the characters of “boys” and “girls” will differ. It is always difficult for inexperienced owners to choose which puppy to get.

It is easier for male dogs to “explain” the norms of behavior, but if a bitch in heat appears nearby, your pet will simply go crazy. He can run after the “bride”, get into a fight with competitors, have sexual intercourse and pick up some kind of infection. There is no use telling him off.

In bitches, “sexual psychosis” occurs only twice a year. They are much more cunning than straightforward males, they act on the sly, slowly expanding the boundaries of what is permitted.

The “gender question” is indeed a problem. The big dog can break free and run away, the little bitch can gather a flock of evil aggressive “gentlemen” around her.

The best option is to have your pet spayed and neutered before puberty begins. A sterile dog is more obedient and less likely to conflict with other dogs.

If the dog will be walked by a child, sterilization is necessary. Male dogs fighting or mating are not the best for children's eyes, and it can also be quite dangerous.

Of course, this important issue will still have to be resolved if the goal is not to breed dogs. Males often mark, and females are not known for being clean during the period of heat.

Top 10 Friendliest Dogs

Surprisingly, but true: the kindest and most flexible dogs, according to experts, are not small, but large breeds. A toy terrier or a chihuahua, themselves the size of a cat, is quite distrustful of representatives of other species of animals, unless you take a kitten and a puppy at the same time and raise them together. But children's games will end sooner or later, and at best the animals will remain neutral towards each other.

And among the friendliest dogs were:

  • Golden retriever;
  • Bichon Frize;
  • Labrador Retriever;
  • papillon;
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel;
  • Maltese;
  • pug;
  • basset hound;
  • Newfoundland;
  • German boxer.

Which don't bark

There are few of these among indoor “types” of dogs, but there are still:

  • Basenji . These dogs don't actually bark, instead they... purr or howl if they're allowed to. True, this rumbling can also be very annoying. It is advisable to keep this pet in a relatively large apartment.
  • Bichon Frize
  • Or Chinese Shar Pei . His puppies are very attached to their owner. And it usually barks either during play, or when the owner is in real danger.
  • English bulldog. Despite the terrifying expression on their faces, these dogs are actually very cute. And, of course, they will not irritate their owners by barking.
  • Irish Setter.
  • Cane Corso.
  • Chinese Crested.
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
  • Other breeds are not particularly suitable for apartments. a Bullmastiff, St. Bernard, Mountain Dog, Afghan Hound, Akita Inu, Deerhound in a private house or in an apartment of a sufficiently large area.

Golden retriever

Representatives of this breed are not just royally beautiful - they are distinguished by sociability and devotion to their owner and all members of his family. Patient and kind dogs are generally not characterized by aggression; they get along well with adults and children, as well as with other animals.

The Golden Retriever does not perceive a cat as an enemy; on the contrary, if the animals grow up together, you can enjoy watching their fun games together. Well, it’s not for nothing that they say that retrievers are very smart - they understand that they cannot offend small ones!

Pomeranian Spitz

The weight of a Pomeranian Spitz rarely exceeds 3 kilograms. That is, the cat, if something happens, will be able to fight back against the “fur ball”. But it is unlikely that it will come to that. Spitz are very friendly, they treat other animals and children well. Of course, you shouldn’t expect animals to become friends right away. The cat needs time to get used to the new family member. When she gets used to the dog, they will be able to play together, chase each other around the house and give their owners positive emotions. But the cat should have its own place, preferably where the Spitz cannot reach it. If she gets tired of noise and games, she will rest and then chase her furry friend with renewed vigor. If the animals do not become friends, then a war between them will definitely not begin. They will simply ignore each other.

Bichon Frize

These snow-white miniature dogs resemble fluffy buns. Their docile nature is evidenced by the fact that representatives of the decorative breed were very fond of the European nobility. The dogs allowed themselves to be cut and curled, their fur decorated with ribbons and jewelry, and doused with perfume. And the dogs endured all this, while remaining optimistic.

This is a family-type breed - Bichons enjoy playing with children and other pets, maintaining mobility and activity even in old age. They are sincerely friendly not only with cats, but also with dogs much larger than themselves - there is no aggression or swagger in Bichons at all.

Labrador Retriever

The dog is ready to be friends with the whole world! If she opened her own account on social networks, her friends would include not only the owner and all family members, young and old, but also neighbors, the postman who brought the telegram, and even cats and rabbits! Moreover, not only their own, but also neighbors, street dogs, and even those who ended up in the same line with a Labrador at the veterinary clinic.

Labrador will make even the saddest pessimist look at life with a positive outlook. If there is a Labrador Retriever in the house, there are no quarrels. A dog brings an atmosphere of comfort and warmth into the house. And a cat lying in an embrace with a dog is not nonsense, this is sincere friendship between animals.


The miniature decorative dog has a playful character. The Papillon feels “universal love” both for people of any age and for pets. Are there other dogs? Shall we play? Cat? Why not a playmate?

Once upon a time, this breed of dog was bred specifically for members of the nobility. She is always happy, easily tolerates changes in surroundings, and sees cats not as enemies, but only as friends.

Which wool is “more invisible” in an apartment?

The coat of any pet should be well-groomed and healthy. Experienced breeders know that soft undercoat is collected from carpet and upholstered furniture much more easily than thin “needles” of hair from a pug or dachshund.

To ensure that the apartment is always clean, it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning twice a week. A healthy dog ​​has less hair loss.

Laikas, Caucasian Shepherds, and Huskies shed constantly. For a small apartment this will be a real disaster, so it is best to avoid these breeds.

Small dogs are preferable in this regard. They are easier to care for - bathing and brushing a lapdog is much easier than combing a St. Bernard. The pet should be accustomed to a comb, as well as to water, from a very early age.

Absolutely non-shedding breeds include

  • Yorkies;
  • bichons;
  • Chinese Crested Powder Powder.

If such a dog gets sick or is fed the wrong food, he may have problems with hair loss.

Wire-haired dogs have hair that needs to be plucked. The procedure is called trimming. It is carried out regularly, as hair loss does not occur on its own. To pluck hair correctly and painlessly, you will have to gain considerable experience. Some owners prefer constant trimming rather than paring or combing out mats.

Hairless, short-haired, smooth-haired breeds are better suited for a family with a child who suffers from allergic reactions and often suffers from respiratory diseases.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Do you want to have a super-perfect dog at home? Then get a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. A reliable companion, loyal to his owners to the point of puppy squeals - this is exactly him, the owner of a long, proud name. King Charles gets along well with children and animals; he will never offend a cat, even if it encroaches on the most sacred things - his bowl and bed.

A companion dog, a cheerful fidget with the kindest soul and expressive appearance, he will become an idol for both children and adults. Even the laziest cat will open one eye slightly if the dog walks past with a playful gait.


Character - Nordic... No, clearly not Nordic. You will not find a kinder soul, there is no kinder dog in the whole world. Are you afraid that you won't make friends with your cat? Well, if only the cat himself bullies the dog. And the lapdogs themselves have a gentle and soft character, which is why they are considered one of the best family breeds.

Small dogs with snow-white fur enjoy every day; they are born optimists and faithful companions. Since ancient times, dogs of this breed have been considered good rat catchers. Can you imagine what will happen if, together with a cat, they start hunting small rodents?

Japanese Chin

They also make excellent companions for humans. They have an easy-going character. They are affectionate, calm, and quickly adapt to unfamiliar surroundings. The dog can easily find a common language with the cat and loves to play. They are small in size, their maximum weight does not exceed 7 kilograms. A dog will definitely make friends with a cat, thanks to its character. They are often compared to each other; they are said to be very similar. They like to climb as high as possible and wash their faces with their paws. And the most important advantage that cats will definitely appreciate is that these dogs do not bark very often. A Japanese Chin and a cat will become best friends.

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Have you tried to seriously look at this cute face? How long did you last without smiling? But pugs are loved not only for their charming appearance.

Dogs have a friendly disposition and don’t mind sharing their favorite bed with someone else. Does the owner have his own bed? Well, then he’ll move and make room for the cat. However, not for free. Pugs are prone to obesity, and owners have to make sure that the pet does not overeat. But there is a rich treat - a cat's bowl. He doesn't mind sharing, does he?

List of breeds

Yorkshire Terrier

A small dog that feels comfortable even in a small typical building. The Yorkie's coat does not shed, making the breed suitable for allergy sufferers, but the constantly growing, non-shedding coat requires regular care.

Although the dog is small, it is a real terrier that can show character if training is left to its own devices. The Yorkshire Terrier is suitable for a family with children; they love to play and tinker with children, but they will not allow themselves to be offended. It is important that the child understands that a dog is not a toy and treats the pet with care. Among other things, puppies are inexpensive compared to other breeds, which is also a plus.


A little energizer that won’t let you get bored and will be happy to keep you company on any walk - a dachshund. Grooming for a short-haired dachshund is minimal, but a long-haired one will need to be brushed regularly to prevent the hair from becoming tangled.

The dachshund is an active dog and, thanks to its body shape, will fit even into a narrow hole or gap; it is an intelligent but curious animal. Does not get along well with other animals due to its developed hunting instincts.

The dachshund is a brave, kind, friendly dog. The breed is suitable for children - it will not only keep company in a fun game, but will also be able to protect or, at least, raise the alarm.


The pug is ideal for urban environments. This is a phlegmatic dog, it will happily not only keep company on a walk, or lie down with its owner in an armchair, or lie on the sofa.

Caring for a small dog is minimal, the pug is not demanding of long walks, rather leisurely exercise twice a day, but pugs are prone to obesity, so the owner needs to carefully monitor the compliance of physical activity with nutrition. Caring for pugs is also not difficult - the hair is short, but, like all brachycephals, there may be problems with the eyes. Frequent colds, especially in autumn or winter - your pet must be protected from the cold with clothing.

Pomeranian Spitz

A small dog with a toy appearance. The Pomeranian is one of the most photogenic breeds with the appearance of an eternal puppy. The character of the Spitz is the same - capricious, like that of a child. But the Pomeranian is a smart, although small dog, easy to train. He happily follows commands from both adults and children.

The Spitz is an active animal that prefers a fun game to lying on the sofa. With proper upbringing, this compact dog will not only become a wonderful, faithful companion, but will also be able to protect the child in case of danger or scare away with his ringing voice.

The main feature of the Spitz is its thick arctic coat, which requires care, daily combing or regular visits to the grooming salon.


One of the most popular dog breeds for urban environments. Small, even tiny, funny pets are ideal companions for the apartment, for walks or shopping trips.

A small dog that is attached to its owner is ready to endure traveling in a bag or in the arms. The Chihuahua is an easy-to-groom dog; it doesn’t even require walking outside; it’s enough to teach it to go to the toilet using a diaper or tray.

Despite its unpretentiousness, its tiny size is not the only advantage of this breed. Extremely gentle, fragile creatures, Chihuahuas are not suitable for small children - babies require careful attention.

Bichon Frize

An exotic snow-white companion with a beautiful coat that requires careful care. An energetic dog bred to hunt rodents, it has a strong hunting instinct. Bichons love children, happily take part in any game, are friendly, and good-natured. The best breed suitable for apartments, living together with a child.

Girls will especially enjoy caring for their fur, braiding their hair, tying ponytails - Bichons are very patient.

In addition to caring for the coat, the breed is fastidious in its diet - if the diet is incorrect, the coat may deteriorate and unattractive marks will appear around the eyes - tear ducts.


A versatile, intelligent breed, it can be either miniature or large (from 30 to 55 centimeters at the withers). But regardless of size, a poodle is suitable for an apartment - a smart dog that adapts to the owner’s everyday life and will gladly share the owner’s hobbies.

The poodle's coat does not shed, so constant combing and trimming is required. Show dogs should visit the groomer regularly.

It’s not for nothing that the poodle is called a circus dog; the breed’s intelligence allows it to learn complex tricks. The poodle loves to learn, follow commands, and please its owner.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

A funny English dog, compact but smart. He has remarkable intelligence, is easy to learn, and will happily perform new commands or tricks.

Corgi is lively, funny-looking, good-natured and friendly to everyone, especially children. This dog, understanding and patient, is suitable for sharing with a child. Corgi doesn’t mind lying next to its owner, but as soon as you hint about a walk, the pet is already ready.

Caring for a corgi is small - just wash the paws and thick coat after a walk, and also brush the dog regularly.

West Highland White Terrier

A dog with an explosive character, a companion in fun games and long walks - the West Highland White Terrier. A curious and brave little dog, he is able to protect his owner, despite his modest size.

A sweet, beautiful snow-white dog attracts attention on walks, and its courageous disposition and developed intelligence make you fall in love with this breed from the first meeting.

The Westie requires careful coat care - regular grooming, washing the coat: the snow-white coat often becomes not so beautiful after a walk with an exciting, inquisitive dog.

Shih Tzu

An imperial dog with an attractive appearance and luxurious coat. The Shih Tzu's movements are smooth, graceful, and thanks to its long hair, it seems as if this dog is flying above the surface.

The difficult origin leaves an imprint on the character - the dog behaves with dignity, requires royal attention, and careful care for its incredibly beautiful fur. At the same time, this is a friendly, friendly little dog who will happily entertain or distract a child with play. Shih Tzus are created to live in apartments, lie on pillows, and delight their owners with their beauty - this is the purpose of the breed. Detailed description of the Shih Tzu breed.

miniature pinscher

A small copy of the Doberman, the miniature pinscher, thanks to its compact size, fits perfectly into urban living conditions. Zwerg is a faithful friend and companion for games and walks in the park.

Despite its small stature and size, the miniature is a serious dog, capable of quickly remembering commands and carrying them out with the same enthusiasm as large pets.

Caring for a miniature pinscher is not difficult, but you definitely need to train the dog. Miniatures are bold, courageous companions, capable of showing aggression towards other animals.

Due to the delicate physique, you need to carefully ensure that the child does not injure himself or break the dog’s fragile bones while playing with the dog.

French Bulldog

A small dog with a funny appearance and phenomenal stubbornness. The French Bulldog is strong and cheerful, despite its apparent heaviness. The Frenchie is a curious dog with a complex character, not suitable for beginners. Ideal for living in an apartment - does not like to bark, is not demanding in grooming. After every walk and meal, the bulldog needs to wipe the folds on its face so that bacteria do not multiply there, and also regularly clean its huge ears.

The French Bulldog is a fun dog that loves to play, but requires training, and the Frenchie is not so easy to train due to its stubborn nature. The breed is suitable for a family with already grown-up children; it will happily keep company in children's romp.

Chinese Crested Dog

This unusual looking dog attracts the attention of passersby on a walk. The pet's appearance is unique, but in addition to its funny appearance, it is a loyal friend. The Chinese Crested does not tolerate loneliness well and is always ready to accompany the owner wherever he goes.

The Chinese Crested has an easy-going character and will not bark in vain. In addition, this dog is easy to train and quickly follows commands to please the owner.


A unique breed of dogs, they cannot bark, they are cheerful, playful, graceful creatures. Basenjis are ideal, because even neighbors will be able to understand that a dog lives in the house only by bumping into him on the staircase. They do not smell like dogs, have no undercoat (practically do not shed) - the best option for a typical building.

Basenjis are thin and neat dogs, curious and cheerful, ready to keep company with their owner, they love children and fun games. The Basenji is an African breed that does not tolerate frost well; the dog needs to be insulated in winter.


An energetic hunting dog with a funny cartoon character appearance. Beagles are an attractive breed, kind, curious, and good-natured animals. This dog is medium in size, but suitable even for a child - it is light and obedient, and will keep company in fun games. Because of the Beagle's love of movement, it is not necessary to wear warm clothes in winter.

The breed requires training; without obedience, the dog is prone to getting carried away by smells - it risks getting lost, this must be remembered when letting the beagle off the leash. Description of the breed.

Pit bull terrier

Despite its damaged reputation, the pit bull terrier is one of the best companions for both adults and children. Pit bulls are often used as therapy dogs (in the USA) and are loving, caring dogs. In addition to the incredible devotion and good-naturedness of the pit bull, this is an active dog that requires a lot of physical activity. But, despite this, the pet will happily lie calmly at the feet of the owner.

The pit bull is easy to care for; its short coat does not require close care - just washing and periodic combing. The breed requires mandatory training and remembers commands quickly if given the right motivation. Commands or tricks that a pet learns once stay with him for the rest of his life. The dog has terrier stubbornness, but developed memory and intelligence, devotion, and love for people.


The only drawback of the spaniel is grooming. Decorative spaniels require regular grooming - combing, washing the coat, and long ears require special attention - when eating or in rainy weather, the spaniel's ears must be protected with special bandages.

Requires energetic walks, especially hunting subspecies - Russian or English spaniels. A daily walk will bring pleasure to both the dog and the owner.

Border Collie

The border collie is rightfully the smartest breed in the world. This is the smartest dog, quickly and easily remembers new commands and complex tricks. The intellectual level of an adult dog corresponds to the level of development of a 3-5 year old child.

Border Collies are friendly, sensitive companions. Patient, have a balanced character. The main purpose is to serve a person - it doesn’t matter whether it’s herding sheep or guarding a house or looking after children.

The Border Collie's coat is medium length and requires little care - washing 3-4 times a year, brushing 1-2 times a week.


Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are large but excellent family dogs. Despite their size, Labradors feel comfortable in urban environments and do not require a lot of space or time.

Labrador is an ideal companion for children, a patient and caring nanny. This dog is able to withstand the annoying pranks of even a small child.

A retriever can please not only a child, an adult with a Labrador will also not be bored - this dog will keep company on a relaxing holiday or jogging in the park. They love to swim and have fun running after the ball.

Doberman Pinscher

A large, strong, but affectionate animal. A service dog whose main purpose is to serve a person and protect property. The Doberman is a patient, balanced dog. Like most large dogs, the Doberman matures late - up to 3 years. An adult is kind and sedate and does not pay attention to the fuss around him if there is no danger.

The Doberman is not demanding either in grooming or in a specially equipped space. But a large, strong dog needs to be raised properly. Training a Doberman is not difficult - the dog easily remembers commands and happily carries them out.


Graceful, kind animals of incredible beauty are setters. An intelligent, devoted hunting dog, its vocation is hunting, but it also feels comfortable in the city, provided it gets regular physical exercise.

The setter is an extremely affectionate dog; without the attention of its owner it can even get sick, so it is not recommended to leave this dog for a long time. The setter is easy to train and train, loves children, and will patiently tolerate children's obsession.

Despite many advantages, the setter's coat will have to be carefully looked after - its long, silky coat requires regular combing and washing.

Giant Schnauzer

Despite its serious appearance and professional specialization, the Giant Schnauzer is suitable for living in a city apartment. A loyal, strong dog does not require much space.

Risen is distinguished by his developed intelligence and is easy to train. He will become not only an affectionate companion, but also a guard. With such a well-trained dog, you can let your child go and be sure that nothing will happen to the children.

Caring for a Giant Schnauzer is not so difficult - trimming and grooming are required twice a year.

Airedale Terrier

Nowadays the Airedale Terrier is not a popular breed. But this is completely unfair, because... This dog is ideal for urban conditions. Despite its size, keeping an Airedale is not difficult - the dog does not shed, but the coat needs to be trimmed 2 times a year and combed regularly.

Airedale Terriers are good companions. Non-aggressive, cheerful friends, respectful of family members, in particular children, but will not give offense. Erdel is an intellectually developed pet, easily learns new commands, and remembers for a long time.

German boxer

Another breed of large dogs that do well at home. The Boxer is a tireless guard and a cheerful pet. For the rest of his life he remains with the character of a puppy - just as good-natured and funny.

This large dog is always eager to play and loves active walks. An obedient, intelligent dog that, from the first word of its owner, will carry out the command like a soldier.

Caring for a good-natured animal is not difficult - just wash your pet and periodically comb out its short hair. The Boxer is a brachycephalic, you need to monitor the condition of the eyes and folds on the face so that pathogenic bacteria do not appear there.


A funny cartoon Dalmatian is a companion dog in its most beautiful expression. This friendly, cheerful dog leaves no one indifferent and will evoke only positive emotions.

Dalmatian grooming is required minimally - short hair is not demanding, except for washing and periodic combing to remove dead hairs.

The Dalmatian is an energetic dog who enjoys playing or walking outdoors the most. An affectionate pet with a perky disposition, he will happily join in the game with older children who can cope with a dog weighing 25 kilograms.


Basset Hound

Like any cat, the basset loves the comfort of home. But this is not a cat, but a dog, especially a hound. For some reason, dogs of this breed are considered lazy - probably the appearance of the animal is misleading. But basset dogs are very affectionate and loyal, they love communication. They are full of energy, and all this, coupled with sad eyes on an overly important face, makes even the most stern and serious person smile.

However, the reputation of a lazy dog ​​needs to be justified, so Bassets... are simply too lazy to walk, much less run after cats. But - “Cats are not a hindrance to happiness!”


An elephant and a pug, a big dog and a domestic cat. The big plush dog's favorite pastime is making friends. The breed was bred to guard livestock, and that’s what it got used to – guarding. For example, domestic cats. And you never know - cats, they love to walk by themselves, to go wherever they please. And here such a great friend will not offend anyone.

Looking at this dog, it seems that he is woven from patience and kindness. Aggression is absolutely not typical for this breed. But it is characterized by absolute devotion - and not only to the owner, but to all family members. Including the cat. But the dog is not so simple - he will not obey if he has his own opinion about it - but does he need it? And if there is a need to stand up for someone, the dog will not bite; he will simply knock him down: “Don’t touch my master and my cat!”

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