Who is better, a cat or a dog? Who is better to have: pros and cons

Cat or dog: pros and cons

The problem cannot be solved in one plane. Animals are as different as one can imagine. It is comparable to making a decision about the need to live nearby a living creature, which will either be loved with all its shortcomings, or will poison the life of the owners with its daring antics. Only by answering internally whether we are ready to patiently improve next to them (in fact, endure all the negative aspects of their lives), can we decide on the animal itself.

In fairness, it must be said that internally the future owner has decided who he sees next to him: either the devoted eyes of a dog, or a cozy purr on his lap. This inner urge determines the further attitude towards considering the advantages and disadvantages of living together. And then the question no longer arises: “Who is better, a cat or a dog?”

International study

Scientists from different countries conducted a joint study. They counted the number of neurons per 1 mm2 of the cerebral cortex in cats and dogs.

The cerebral cortex is responsible for thinking, association and memory. The total number and concentration of neurons determine intellectual ability. The more nerve cells there are in the cerebral cortex, the more opportunities an animal has to solve complex mental problems.

Previous studies have shown that the total number of neurons in large dogs is about 600 million, and in small breeds it is about 400 million. About 400 million nerve cells have been found in cats.

But this time scientists decided to evaluate the concentration of nerve cells. It turned out that in cats there are about 300 million neurons per 1 mm2 of the cerebral cortex, and in dogs - only 160 million.

Who are they living next to us?

Every person at least once in his life has encountered cats and dogs.

A black cat crossing the road only evokes negative emotions in us, and drivers strive to slow down and wait for someone to cross the road first. But a purring creature on its knees is a picture of quiet family happiness and well-being in the house, and then the answer to the question why cats are better than dogs is clear.

A dirty dog, restlessly running back and forth, scouring garbage dumps in search of food - this can only be seen in a nightmare. But a trained, silent dog that immaculately obeys its owner, whose devoted eyes constantly watch him, almost always gives reason to dream about his own.

This is probably why we cannot immediately decide: a cat or a dog.

You can talk a lot about who is better - a cat or a dog, but the decision will come spontaneously, although after serious thought.


A dog is a more faithful and devoted friend to its owner than a cat. Even feature films are made about friendship and mutual understanding between a person and a dog. These are films such as “Hachiko” or “White Bim-Black Ear”.

A large or small dog needs family and communication in the same way as people do. The pet doesn’t care where to go, where to spend the night, as long as it is with the person: to guard, protect, work. These qualities are inherent in nature. After all, the wild dog lived and lives in a pack, which makes it easier to get food and survive.

And cats are independent predators. Their sense of herd is not developed. Although, pet cats know, love and willingly communicate with the owner. But kisuli are most attached to the house in which they live. This is probably why cats are endowed with a magical gift. Popular beliefs say that cats not only absorb negative energy, but also protect the apartment and residents from evil spirits. To do this, the cat is the first to be brought into the new home.

Problems of mutual existence with cats

A small kitten (it is best to adopt it at the age of one and a half to two months - then it will grow up and meet the owner’s requirements) is not accustomed to anything. He can eat, drink, jump, run, climb. The discharge of natural needs occurs almost spontaneously - where I wanted, it happened there. It will take two, or even three, months to potty train a kitten (tray with filler). No one will do this for the owners, although if you have enough money, you can take a purebred kitten that has already been trained in everything at 4-5 months of age. And if you're lucky, then an ordinary one - not a thoroughbred. But this will already be a creature with a pronounced character and not completely the master’s - he was raised by others, he will remember them all his life.

What if the content requirements are different? Maybe he was climbing the curtains, but you don’t allow it. He grew up with a cat mother, she taught him to eat properly, but he cannot lick himself, and washing a kitten (to remove fleas) is already a problem.

Relationships with others like you (relationships in a pack)

The wolf pack is a society with complex relationships.

In a pack of wolves, a strict hierarchy has been established. Each of the wolves has a certain rank in the pack, which determines the tasks it performs. Wolves are terribly attached to each other. The mating season takes two to three weeks in the life of wolves, usually in March. Females begin to mate after crossing the threshold of two years of age. Wolves are strictly monogamous (unlike dogs), hence wolves have a strong social structure. Wolves have highly territorial behavior. It manifests itself mainly in marking territory, so families of wolves rarely collide, because they clearly know the boundaries of their possessions. The number of wolves in a pack can range from four to forty.

What you need to know about cats and cats?

The kitten chooses the place where it will sleep; it cannot be forced to do so.

He himself will determine the food - food from sachets, unfortunately, will be swallowed instantly, but also quickly eliminated from the body. And the creature, always hungry, plaintively screaming, scratching the legs of its owners, will force them to feed it real food. And then you will rush to the store to buy him fresh meat (chicken, fish) - what will your pet want?

The cat will inevitably ask for a walk. Estrus (estrus) is a natural physiological process; no one has yet managed to cancel it. These will be tense times in the apartment: guttural meowing (even at night), tearing wallpaper or grabbing the owners’ heels (out of great tenderness) and looking inward. Moreover, it is categorically impossible to scold a cat during estrus - you can leave her as a psychopath for the rest of her life. Of course, you can use special sedative tablets and drops. Immediately after the first heat, owners should decide whether to sterilize their cat. Then transfer her to a special diet so that she does not gain weight.

The cat will definitely try to mark the territory. And it will do this if appropriate measures are not taken - there are special means. He will have to be punished. At the age of eight months, a cat (if it is not adopted as a purebred for the purpose of reproduction) must be castrated, otherwise it will simply be a disgusting creature, provided that the pet lives only in an apartment and does not go for walks outside.

Unsterilized cats and cats are completely predictable, natural creatures in their impulses. They scurry around basements, catch mice and birds, and sometimes hunt in garbage containers (even well-fed ones). But in a big city, they bring a lot of worries to the owners - they can disappear for several days, and after that they come and either, if it is a cat, they need to wait for the offspring, or, if it is a cat, they need to wash it and fatten it. In any case, annual vaccinations and examinations by a veterinarian for diseases contagious to people (and this is important for children) are mandatory.

If these problems do not seem insurmountable, then, without hesitation, you can adopt a feline. And then there is no point in considering the question of who is smarter, a cat or a dog.

Dogs are pack animals

In the wild, dogs form in packs, where everyone becomes part of a common cause to find food and provide protection, Veterinarians.com reports. A pack usually has an alpha dog, who is perceived by other pack members as the leader. This instinct is also present in domestic animals - it generally makes the dog sociable, friendly and determines its desire to be part of a family or belong to one person who will provide it with food and guide its actions. Animals instinctively follow their pack, so they perceive events such as traveling or moving with great joy. This same pack mentality makes it difficult for dogs to be left alone, especially for long periods of time. They need closeness and attention. Getting a puppy can be compared to giving birth to a small child.

How do owners feel around cats?

If the problems of growing up are overcome, the pet is toilet trained, and has decided on food, then, quite naturally, good times begin in the apartment.

The owners live in a cat's rhythm, adapting to their pet. He wakes them up at night: cats are nocturnal animals. Their great-great-great-grandparents behaved exactly the same way. And it’s good if, after waking up, the pet finds its favorite toy and starts fiddling with it. But most often he will demand to feed him, and once caught in this, the owners will be forced to get up before dawn, and then it will be very difficult to fall asleep. It doesn’t even help if the cat is kicked out to another room. He jumps alone for about ten minutes, then starts yelling under the door. You have to go out, pick him up, talk - this lasts for two hours. And it’s already morning there. And the cat falls asleep and doesn’t even move his ears when the door closes behind the owners. He can sleep for a long time, gets up, eats, and then goes back to the side. He wakes up and meets his owners. Yes, that's the kind of creature he is.

Children love to play with kittens, carry them in their arms, cuddle them, getting great pleasure from this. Sometimes, if you squeeze your pet too much, he may hiss first and then scratch. Conclusion - children should be limited in playing with cats.

Cats choose their owner themselves; they only tolerate other pets. There is no reasonable explanation for this. A cat can purr on anyone's lap, but the caresses end immediately when the owner of her choice enters. And for a long time now, he (or she) no longer needs to solve the problem of who is better, a cat or a dog.

Consider the space

Think about your living conditions before getting a pet. Although dogs can be perfectly happy living in a small apartment, they still need exercise in the fresh air. If you lead an active lifestyle and can take your dog for walks or let him run around in the backyard, a dog will be a great fit for you. However, if you live in a small apartment, a cat can be an excellent companion. Cats typically get the physical activity they need through play (a great opportunity for bonding between you and your pet) and their hunting nature, such as chasing prey (in this case toys) and jumping into trees (in your case for cat furniture and trees for cats). Therefore, cats usually do not need a lot of space. In fact, in a large house, you may even lose sight of the cat for a while, as they are excellent at hiding.

Problems of mutual existence next to a dog

A small creature, always poking at your feet, so inquisitive that it always knocks over everything in its path - this will be the case with a newly delivered puppy. And of any breed.

To make him an obedient, and most importantly, smart dog, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. At this stage one often gives up, sometimes the thought flashes through whether the choice is right, so who is better in an apartment, a cat or a dog?

You will have to start, oddly enough, with yourself. A dog will grow up healthy (with properly formed bones and joints) only if it exercises enough for the breed. Even a mongrel needs active walks. Therefore, in any weather or bad weather, first four or five times for ten to twenty minutes, and then twice a day for at least half an hour, the owner must walk his pet. And you can’t put it off until later, it needs to be done every day: most dogs cannot send their natural needs in litter trays, like cats. And in the first months, even frequent walks will not be able to protect the carpets from wet spots (they are usually removed when the baby is brought in).

With the selection of food, everything is much simpler - what you decide to feed is what your pet will eat. With inexperienced owners, puppies can become very fat (they are always hungry), and obesity, unfortunately, is harmful not only to people.

Free time

Dogs need to be walked, and not for 15-20 minutes, but from one to three hours a day. Sports, service, and hunting dog breeds must receive sufficient physical activity, otherwise the animals will become a threat to apartment furniture, shoes and household items.

It is better to keep large breed pets in a private home and in a large enclosure, and not in a cramped cage, as some animal owners do.

Cats in a private house roam free on their own. In the apartment for kitties there are scratching posts, houses, educational toys, and rustling tunnels. Murki do well without outdoor walking.

Alas, during a vacation or a long business trip, you have to ask someone to feed, water, and walk your pets.

How do people feel around a dog?

When the period of growing up is overcome, a period of mutual agreement begins.

The pet understands the owner, he feels his mood, and raising his voice at the slightest offense makes the dog worry. It becomes difficult for owners not to humanize the dogs' actions - the response is often unexpectedly warmer than just friendly.

During this period, a person becomes not just the owner of the dog, but its friend. If such contact is established, then mutual existence is completely unburdensome.

The natural background is that dogs are in heat with the inevitable spots and the desire to run away in search of a partner.

Even the constant urges of male dogs to linger next to a delicately smelling friend are not annoying, and if you don’t put them on a leash in time, they will even run away.

The dog lives with the problems of its owners, but they do not burden him with theirs, having long ago decided the question of who is better to have, a cat or a dog. For them, the answer is always clear - of course, a dog, but only of the breed that suits their hearts (maybe a mongrel), of a size that will not infringe on the interests of the household.


  1. When choosing a particular animal, you should understand how active you will be with it. Every pet needs energy to live a full life. For example, dogs, especially large breeds, require long and frequent walks with sufficient physical activity.
  2. Therefore, elderly people and individuals who suffer from serious illnesses should not own such an active animal. Although, if you need long walks to improve your health, you can choose a small breed of dog.
  3. If you have plenty of time and lead an active lifestyle, an energetic large breed female dog is perfect for you. On the other hand, if no, you leave home early and return late, you shouldn’t start such an ignoramus.
  4. In this case, it is better to consider another pet. Yes, a miniature breed of dog may be suitable, which can be trained to a tray without any problems. However, such animals cannot tolerate prolonged loneliness. As an alternative, 2 dogs are allowed.
  5. On the other hand, when having a cat at home, your lover will not require walking. Moreover, such an individual, in the full sense of the word, can become completely domestic and not even go outside. This option would be ideal for older people and those who are constantly missing at work. It is enough to leave the animal enough water and food.

Who is better, a cat or a dog: pros and cons

If we consider the issue of the psychological state of the owners after adopting a pet, then it is completely indifferent who becomes the furry friend.

The inevitable accompanying struggle with dirt (in one form or another) will almost always be present throughout the pet’s life, with cats a little smaller, with dogs a little more.

The benefits of keeping a cat in an apartment include virtually unspoiled relationships with neighbors. In the case of a dog that still needs to be trained so that it does not howl when its owners are absent and does not yap when someone passes by the apartment, relations with neighbors can even lead to scandals. There are many examples of this; the result can be a move - you cannot give your pet to anyone (although there are many negative cases).

You can leave your cat on vacation by entrusting its care to relatives or neighbors (this is an economical option, a more expensive option is in a special foster home). The dog is having a very hard time with the absence of its owner; its relatives cannot cope with it, let alone its neighbors. All that remains is an expensive nursery specializing in foster care.

From the point of view of routine and rhythm of life, a dog binds its owners to itself much more tightly than a cat. A dog is a lifestyle, but a cat, in fact, does not change anything.

From a scientific point of view

Science has proven that cats have better vision. And the sense of smell is a dog’s trump card. Both have excellent hearing. Much better than a human.

There are 12 laboratories around the world studying the intelligence and physiology of dogs. Nobody deals with cats to such an extent. Therefore, they remain mysterious creatures.

The life expectancy of both animals is the same. Unfortunately, only 12-17 years old. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s Murka or Sharik, loss is always difficult.

New Scientist magazine tried to find out who has more advantages in keeping a dog at home - a dog or a cat - from the point of view of scientists involved in the study of animal behavior - behaviorists and animal psychologists.

Brain volume and number of neurons.25 g/760,000,00064 g/2 253 000 000
Both in terms of brain weight and the number of neurons, dogs are far ahead.

Plus in favor of the dog.

Who was domesticated first?9.5 thousand years ago.16 thousand years ago.
Although these numbers vary greatly among many sources, dogs are undeniably domesticated earlier.

Plus in favor of the dog.

Attachment to a personSelects place of residence or relatives.The person always comes first.
Dogs also win on this point, although the criteria for assessing this parameter are not entirely clear, and there is no data on the statistics of experiments.

3:0 in favor of the dog.

Popularity (number of individuals in families)204 million173 million
The assessment was made based on the total number of individuals living with humans in the countries of the European Union.

The score is 3:1 in favor of the dogs.

Intelligence (number of commands learned)No more than 20About 200
Although an important factor in assessing this parameter was the desire of the pets to perceive and carry out commands. The cat simply does not have such a need.

We give a point to the dogs. The score is 4:1.

Selection of an algorithm for solving assigned problems, ability to make decisionsDo not know how.They can do it with a stretch.
Scientists gave primacy to dogs only on the basis that they serve as guides for the blind and, therefore, are able to make decisions. All the experiments proposed by animal psychologists (eating pieces of food in the right order, opening doors one at a time) failed miserably - neither the dogs nor the cats completed the task.

Dogs get another plus. The score is 5:1.

Sounds madeMeow. Feature: purring. Barking.
All pets are divided into “silent” and “talkative”; some simply bark, while others meow. But cats became the winners in this round because of their purring, so beloved by all people.

Cats get a well-deserved plus. The score is 5:2.

Education, trainingThere is no exact data.Training abilities.
Of course the dogs win. But there are simply no schools for cats, not counting the Kuklachev Theater, the only one in the world. Nobody really tried to train them.

Dogs practically tear out their plus point with their teeth. The score is 6:2.

Sense organs:

  • vision;
  • sense of smell;
  • hearing.
  • 5;
  • 3;
  • 5.
  • 3;
  • 5;
  • 3.
Despite the fact that the dog’s senses have been used by humans for many centuries and have been actively developing, cats are the leaders here, they see better in the dark and have perfect hearing.

Plus cats. The score is 6:3.

Ecological impact: average land area required per individual0.15 ha0.82 ha
Both pets are hunters, exterminating certain types of zoomass for many centuries. But the assessment of the degree of land contamination with biowaste was considered by scientists to be more important.

Cats get their well-deserved plus. The score is 6:4 in favor of the dogs.

Benefits for humansThey destroy rodents.Hunting, security, police work, guides and guides for blind people, etc.
According to this parameter, dogs win, but the power of influence of love for a pet on a person was clearly not assessed here.

The dogs turned out to be more useful, for which they receive their final plus. The score is 7:4.

As a result, dogs scored 7 points, and cats – 4. It turns out that according to certain criteria, it is better for a person to choose a dog as a pet.

According to scientists, dogs are better than cats, although it is difficult to agree with such biased criteria, due to the obvious controversy of their assessment. In addition, dogs are more difficult to keep than cats, at least from the point of view of the need for daily walking.

Rather, a global survey of the owners of these pets living in all corners of the planet would help here. But there are no such statistics.

Living together with dogs and cats

In many families, dogs and cats live together, having acquired loving owners either at the same time, or appearing in the apartment in turn. The owners immediately and forever decided the question of who is better - a cat or a dog.

If these creatures appear at the same time, the owners spend almost a year in a tense rhythm raising them, training them, accustoming them to their household and life routine.

Cats, if they are still young, perceive puppies with caution. But then they begin to take care of them, probably perceiving them as their own children.

Unfortunately, not all dogs can show tolerance towards representatives of the cat family, but if this happens, a strong and cohesive union is born. Sometimes it brings greater joy to the animals themselves than to the owners.

Children and animals

  1. It often happens, for some unknown reason, that the reason for choosing an animal is the desire of a child in the family. In this case, the circumstances are a little simpler. Your child most likely already knows who he wants more. However, experts recommend for a child who already has an animal.
  2. When a child grows up with a four-legged friend, this will have a positive impact on the development and health of the baby. The bottom line is that the growing offspring will not encounter the problem of developing asthma or allergies. Turning this off, the child will be interested in the animal.
  3. The baby develops points of contact faster, and he also learns not to hurt his four-legged friend. As for cats, not all breeds can obey with the freedom of a child. In this case, it would be better to get no other dog. Sometimes cats can respond quite harshly to a child.
  4. After all, the dog needs to be raised properly so that it doesn’t show aggression if necessary. Remember that in any case, all responsibility falls on you. Therefore, take care of raising your child and animal. If everything is not done correctly, two inseparable friends will grow up.
  5. You need to be confident that the dog will clearly understand the parameters of what is permitted. In this case, the friendship between the baby and the dog will be remembered for the rest of his life. A child will have many feelings from an early age.

In general, it is impossible to advise you exactly which animal is best to get. In this case, you will have to think about everything yourself

There are too many different nuances that need to be paid attention to. Weigh the pros and cons of different animals

Imagine who you like best. After this, draw conclusions.

Character and behavior

The cat and the dog differ in character and manners. Temperaments can be very different from stereotypes.

Cats have a calm character, prefer a sedentary lifestyle and do not require much attention.
Kitties are lazier animals, they love to lie in the sun or on the radiator, purr and enjoy life. Their steps are quiet, silent. These animals are very clean. They constantly lick their fur, which means they wash themselves this way. Cats are independent animals and do not require as much attention as dogs.

Dogs are sociable and social animals. They cannot spend much time alone. They need to constantly run, play, bark loudly and click their claws. If they are left alone for a long time, they can become sad, which subsequently leads to various disorders of the nervous system. Dogs love to be the center of attention. If they didn’t receive enough attention, they may chew off their owner’s favorite slippers as a sign of protest. These are very loyal creatures that quickly become attached to their owner.

Loud or quiet?

Even the biggest dog lovers have to admit that no matter the reason for barking, it can be very annoying. Of course, cats are also capable of making noise: at night, during periods of activity, or when they drop something from the closet. But all these sounds cannot be compared with loud barking. By the way, owners can and should learn to distinguish between the intonations of a dog and a cat’s “conversation.” “I’m hungry” sounds completely different than “Hug me!” and certainly not at all like “AHHH, a squirrel climbed up our tree!!!”

Cheerful or sleepy?

Dogs force us to lead an active lifestyle. At a minimum, because you have to go out with them. In addition to meeting their natural needs, dogs need to exercise a lot. And the great thing is that we can combine business with pleasure.

Most dogs love to run with their owners (some can even be trained to run next to a bicycle). Further - more: dogs, together with their owners, can engage in dog sports: agility, flyball and others. All this allows you to live a long, happy life and avoid problems with excess weight (this applies to both dogs and their owners).

You can’t go against nature: cats are supposed to sleep 12-16 hours a day. Therefore, they prefer the sofa to walks and outdoor games. This is convenient for the owners, but there is one “but”. Cats are nocturnal animals and many of them love to run around at night. However, most often pets eventually adapt to the “human” daily routine.

Different and the same

With all the variety of breeds, cats do not differ much from each other in body structure and size. With dogs it's different. It's hard to believe that the tiny Yorkie belongs to the same biological species as the huge Great Dane. Therefore, those who decide to get a dog have a very large choice. Different sizes and colors, roles and characters – it’s easy to get confused.

Do you want a giant dog, a small lap dog, or something in between? Do you want a shepherd with boundless energy or a cute Pomeranian who will get tired faster than you on a walk? By the way, you should not lose sight of mestizos (in other words, mongrels) - you can often find a unique combination of genes (this, by the way, also applies to cats). In a word, anyone can find a pet that suits their character.

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