Features of keeping a white cat: pros and cons

The color of cats is characterized by a wide variety of shades and patterns, but pure white cats are quite rare. To form such a color, the presence of a specific gene is required that hides all other colors in the genetic makeup of the animal.

White pets may belong to a specific breed or be a mixture of several. Their fur can be both long and short, and their eyes are colored predominantly in light colors.

If you decide to definitely get a white cat, below are 10 breeds among which these amazing animals are found.


There is a link between white cats with blue eyes and deafness, although not all pets with this combination are deaf. If you are the owner of a hard of hearing animal, help your furry friend - do not let him outside the apartment and teach him to use visual signals and vibrations in the process of communication.

American Shorthair

Representatives of this breed are relatives of domestic shorthair cats. They are distinguished by their friendliness and calm character. A cat's "fur coat" comes in a variety of colors and patterns, including plain white.

American Shorthairs easily adapt to different living conditions. They prefer to spend time with their beloved family members, but are also able to entertain themselves with interactive toys.

Breed overview

Height: 20-25.5 cm

Weight: 4.5-6.8 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • athletic build;
  • short thick fur.


Although people believe that a true Angora cat must be white and blue-eyed, felinologists have long been trying to breed Angoras of a wide variety of colors, and the color of their iris is distinguished by a wide variety of shades of each color spectrum.

The white angora, in addition to all sorts of shades of blue, can have eyes of gold or rich copper color. Odd-eyed Angora cats with one blue eye may have a second green or amber eye. Rich and deep shades of the iris are considered the most preferable.

Devon Rex

Large eyes and prominent cheekbones make the Devon Rex look like a cartoon character. This cat's short, wavy coat can be colored white or other colors.

Representatives of the breed are active and playful. They are friendly in nature, making them suitable pets for families with children and other pets.

Breed overview

Height: 25.4-30.5 cm

Weight: 3.6-4.5 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • big ears;
  • thin neck;
  • prominent eyes.


Albinos, like other cats, usually manage their own hygiene on their own. However, dust and dirt are much more noticeable on snow-white wool than on dyed wool. Not all albinos cope with maintaining their fur in proper form. In this case, owner intervention is required. It is not advisable to bathe cats frequently. Frequent exposure to water and detergents can cause the skin to dry out and become more prone to dermatitis. Dust from wool can be removed with a damp cloth.

Once every couple of months, the animal can be completely bathed. During the procedure, special shampoos should be used. Human cats are not suitable. They may have odors that are irritating to the animal. In addition, they contain components that can lead to irritation on the pet’s skin. It is worth noting that there are special shampoos for albino cats that help whiten their fur. After bathing, your pet should be protected from drafts. You can't let him go outside with wet fur.

You should also monitor the condition of the eyes, ears, fangs and claws. You can wipe your eyes with a cotton pad moistened with clean boiled water. Ears can be cleaned with cotton swabs, and claws can be cut with a nail clipper. Veterinarians also advise periodically brushing your pets' teeth. To do this, you need to use a special toothpaste and brush. A cat should be taught to brush its teeth from childhood.

We recommend the article: Why the cat’s eye is cloudy: causes, treatment methods

European Shorthair

This breed is one of the oldest and most widespread in Europe. In addition to white fur, cats can come in a variety of colors and patterns, and their eyes are most often amber, blue and green.

Representatives of the breed are affectionate, playful, intelligent and thrive in a variety of living conditions.

Breed overview

Height: 30.5-35.6 cm

Weight: 3.6-6.8 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • stocky, muscular body;
  • short and thick coat;
  • round muzzle.

Why is a cat born white?

Three genes are responsible for the purity of the snow cat color - albinism “c”, white color W and piebaldity S.

  • From a scientific point of view, an albino cat is completely colorless, since its genetic makeup contains the “ca” gene, which characterizes the complete absence of pigment in color. A pure albino with a red iris is very rare. Albino with blue eyes, not very bright, is more common in the cat world. The “c” gene is responsible for the coloring of such an animal.
  • If a female, a carrier of the dominant white W gene, is crossed with a representative of a different color, then the kittens in the litter will repeat the color of the mother. When two W carriers are combined, the offspring can be of any color. These animals have bright blue or blue eyes, but they are also found with topaz or green irises.
  • The S piebald gene is characterized by solid white spots in the color of the animal. Visually, the cat is perceived as a clean, even, snowy shade. If these spots do not merge, other colors are present in the color. Eye color blue, yellow, green.

Norwegian Forest Cats are white

Maine Coon

Known for their thick, long hair, cats come in a variety of colors, including tortoiseshell and striped. Traditionally, the Maine Coon's coat is brown-striped.

These cats are friendly to everyone and get along well not only with family members, but also with strangers, as well as with other pets.

Breed overview

Height: 25.4-40.6 cm

Weight: 4.5-11.3 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • stocky, muscular body;
  • thick and heavy wool.


It is not advisable to feed albino cats natural food. They have much more sensitive digestion, and therefore some foods may be poorly digested and cause a negative reaction. Finding the optimal diet for such animals is much more difficult. In addition, some foods can cause the animal's fur to change color - a snow-white cat can easily turn yellow.

Dry and canned food is good for albinos. It is advisable to buy food labeled “for sensitive digestion.” Preference should be given to premium and super-premium class. Economy class food not only will not bring any benefit, but can, on the contrary, lead to digestive disorders.


Slender and athletic, Orientals can come in a variety of colors, including plain white. These animals are active, talkative, attractive and love attention. Some pets become so accustomed to people that it can be difficult for them to accept being separated from any family members.

Breed overview

Height: 20.3-25.4 cm

Weight: 2.7-5.4 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • smooth body;
  • angular head shape;
  • big ears;
  • almond-shaped eyes.

Kitten in the house

Regardless of what breed the cat is, pets with a white coat require increased attention. It also manifests itself in the name given to the baby who comes into the house.

What to name a white kitten?

It is generally accepted that a cat's name must contain the sounds “s” or “k”. Of course, it will be much easier for the kitten to get used to such a nickname. But with the right intonation, pets can be accustomed to almost any name.

Names for boys:

  • serious: Alex, Max, Baron, Bruce, Zeus, Felix, Caesar;
  • “edible”: Cupcake, Muffin, Wasabi, Mojito, Fresh, Slush, Cream, Marshmallow, Cheesecake;
  • to match the coat: Snowball, Fluff, Vanish, Santa, Squirrel, Belyash, Pearl;
  • by nature: Thunder, Noise, Scratch, Kipish, Fierce, Focus, Shoot;
  • status: Zippo, Joker, Dollar, Ronaldo, Jaguar.

Observe your kitten's reactions to different names and choose the one that resonates

The list of options can go on for a very long time, but the best name for a kitten will be the one he chooses. To do this, just name a few nicknames when addressing the baby and observe his reaction.

Names for girls:

  • famous: Angelina, Marilyn, Sofia, Alice, Sharon, Eva, Jacqueline, Monica, Jasmine;
  • to match the coat: Snezhka, Pushinka, Blanka, Powder, Bella, Belyanka, Tuchka, Marshmallow, Chamomile, Blondie, Cream, Pushilda;
  • for the naughty: Bullet, Avalanche, Thunderstorm, Hustle, Crazy;
  • “delicious” names: Latte, Bianka, Milky, Manka, Bulka.


The color white is often associated with Persian cats, although they come in a variety of colors and patterns. Their long, flowing coat requires careful grooming, which includes daily brushing and removing matted areas.

Persians are sweet and easy-going pets who prefer to be in a calm and predictable environment.

Breed overview

Height: 20.3-25.4 cm

Weight: 3.2-5.4 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • long wool;
  • short and strong legs;
  • Round eyes.

White cats

Many cat breeds are white. But there are also those for whom this color is a distinctive feature.


This breed came to the world from Thailand. Translated from Thai as “white gem”. In English-speaking countries it is often called "Diamond Eye". Snowy fur and heterochromia are the distinguishing features of these cats.

This ancient variety is mentioned in the manuscript "Book of Poems about Cats." For many centuries, she could only be a pet of the royal house.

Kittens are often born with a dark spot on their head, which usually disappears with age. But sometimes there are individuals that are not pure white, spotted. Eyes can be of different colors - amber, green, blue. Heterochromia is rare. Approximately half of animals suffer from hearing loss in one or both ears.

By nature, these are active, cheerful and energetic pets, they love to “talk”. They are very trusting and good-natured, strongly attached to their owner. The price for a kitten is very high - 600-900 pounds sterling. These animals are very rare.

Read more in the article about Kao-mani.

Foreign white

These pure white cats are the result of genetic selection and inbreeding of common Siamese. The peculiarity of this breed is that with snow color and blue eyes, kittens are never born deaf.

Genetics believe that this trait is due to the long isolation of the Siamese from other species, the purity of its line, because hearing loss first appeared, most likely, from the Angora.

In English, "foreign white" means "white foreigner". The breed was registered in 1966 in Great Britain. By nature, these snow pets are true Siamese. The cost of kittens from the nursery is 35 – 50 thousand rubles.


This long-haired Siamese is the result of a natural mutation. At first, such kittens were discarded, then breeders decided to consolidate the “rejection” factor and separate these animals into a separate breed, registered for the first time in 1965.

Color point balinese

They have a characteristic color-point color - a light main background (usually white) and dark points. Although there are also completely white ones. The cost of kittens starts from 15 thousand rubles for a pet class.

All white balinese

Read more in the article about Balinese.

Turkish Angora

The oldest breed almost completely died during the Second World War. It was restored in the middle of the last century from a pair preserved in the Ankara Zoo.

Did you know that the incredibly beautiful white Angora can often be aggressive if mishandled, and also willful? Read about this, as well as other “evil” cat breeds, on our portal Mister Cat.

Semi-long, dry and thin, crumbly wool comes in different shades, but it is generally accepted that the original color was white. Such animals are most often found in nurseries. Their eyes are blue or heterochromic.

These pets have an easy-going and good-natured character, are curious and active. They easily and quickly become attached to all household members, including other animals. The cost of kittens is 350-600 dollars.

More about Angora cats.

Russian white

By crossing a Russian Blue and a snow-colored Siberian cat, we got a short-haired white cat with green eyes. This is a quiet, gentle and affectionate animal, very attached to its owner.

Currently, this breed is recognized in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and is registered as experimental in Europe and the USA. There are no such cats in Russia.

Turkish van

This long-haired individual has a snow-colored main body, rare colored spots on the tail, paws, and head. Eye color blue, amber, green. The cost of a kitten is from four hundred to a thousand dollars, depending on the class.

Read more in the article about Turkish Vans.

Anatolian cat

This is a naturally occurring animal. Most likely a type of Turkish Van, but with short hair. The colors are numerous, pure snow-white and white with spots of red and other colors are found. Albino type is not allowed. Heterochromia is inherent. The price for a kitten from nurseries starts from one and a half thousand dollars.

More about the Anatolian cat.

Persian cat

The snow-white representatives of this long-haired line with a soft undercoat also have a typical eye color; preference is given to animals with different eyes. The cost of kittens is from five hundred to one and a half thousand dollars, it depends on the class.

Also read the article about the Persians.


White Britons are no different from their counterparts, except for the color of their coat and eyes, which are either blue or heterochromic. These pets are calm and somewhat phlegmatic. The cost of pet-class kittens is from 15 thousand rubles.

Also read articles about British shorthair and longhair cats.

Scottish lop-eared

Among the Scottish Folds, which differ from the British mainly by having folded ears, there is also a solid white color, blue eyes or heterochromia.

Himalayan cat

This is a color-point Persian, the main color is white, the mask is usually cream. The cost of a kitten is from five hundred to one and a half thousand dollars, depending on the class - pet, breed or show.

Also read the article about Himalayan cats.

Devon Rex and Cornish Rex

Funny kids resemble a shorn lamb with slightly curly hair. Snow-white, blue-eyed pets are rare. The cost of such kittens is from five hundred to a thousand US dollars.

Read more in the articles Devon Rex and Cornish Rex.


Absolute snow without yellowness with green, topaz or blue eyes is considered a special color. There are different-eyed individuals. Such unusual kittens can be purchased for prices ranging from four hundred to a thousand dollars.

Also read the article about the Oriental cat.

Snow Bengal

Bengals, even snow-colored ones, still have spots or streaks on their short, shiny coat. There are three types of snow:

  • Lynx is the snowiest shade, even the spots are almost invisible. The eyes are bright blue. Heterochromia and deafness never occur.

  • Mink - the main background is almost white, the tabby pattern is bright, contrasting, the eyes are gray-blue, with a little green.

  • Sepia - the background is light, but warm, honey-colored, tabby is dark. Head with yellow or aquamarine.

The cost of snow bengals is always higher than that of other colors. Pet class kittens - from 40 thousand rubles.

Maine Coon

This large, long-haired cat comes in a wide variety of colors. Snowy, although rare, does occur. Heterochromia and deafness are possible. Kittens of this color are usually more expensive than their relatives, from 50 thousand rubles for a pet class.

Read more in the article about Maine Coons.

Norwegian forest

A large, long-haired animal, there are any colors, snow-white is rare and valuable. The cost of a Norwegian kitten ranges from two hundred to a thousand dollars.

White Norwegian Forest with two additional colors

We recommend reading the article about the Norwegian forest cat.


These amazing tailless cats are often white with occasional and small spots of red and black. The cost of kittens is from five hundred to four thousand dollars.

Read a separate article about the Manx cat breed.

Neva Masquerade

Usually a combination of snow on the main body and a dark mask, paws, and tail. Large long-haired animals. The cost of show-class kittens starts from one and a half thousand dollars, pets are much cheaper - about 25 thousand rubles.

Read more in the article about the Neva Masquerade.


The Persian is for the lazy, the hair is shorter. The snow color is rare and valuable. The cost of a pet-class kitten starts from a thousand dollars; a breeding or exhibition specimen is much more expensive.

More about the exotic shorthair cat.

Japanese Bobtail

It can be short-haired or long-haired. Bicolor is widespread - the body is snow-white, spots are black and red at the base of the short tail, on the head. The price for a kitten is five hundred to seven hundred dollars.

Also read the article about Japanese bobtails on our portal.


Siamese cats, which are called "foreign whites", do not have the usual dark spots on the body of the ears, face, paws and tail. Moreover, all representatives of this breed are born completely white, receiving the traditional color as they grow up.

Siamese love their family members and prefer to be the center of attention. They are overly “talkative” and enjoy using their voice to tell their owner about their needs.

Breed overview

Height: 20.4-25.5 cm

Weight: 3.6-4.5 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • smooth body;
  • almond-shaped eyes;
  • wedge-shaped head.


Strong and agile, Siberian cats have a 3-layer thick coat that can come in a variety of colors and patterns. Their thick coat needs regular brushing (twice a week and more often during molting).

These pets love adventure. They can often be seen climbing onto all sorts of surfaces, which pets conquer during play or for research purposes.

Breed overview

Height: 23-28 cm

Weight: 4.5-9 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • stocky build;
  • thick coat.

Health Features

In addition to the congenital health problems that often accompany albinism, individuals with this mutation have rather fragile health. They are more prone to colds and are afraid of cold weather and drafts. Areas of the skin that are devoid of pigment and not covered with fur are very vulnerable to the sun. Albinos often suffer from sunburn.

Albinos have a very fragile immune system, and therefore they are more vulnerable to various infections. That is why such cats must be vaccinated without fail. In addition, it is not advisable to keep them with painted animals, which can easily transmit various diseases to their unpainted counterparts.

The albinism gene directly affects the functioning of some internal organs. For this reason, albino kittens are often born deaf and blind. This is due to genetic characteristics, and therefore it is impossible to cure such an animal.

To check that an albino kitten is completely healthy, you need to play with it. The baby should respond to sharp sounds - such as cotton or the rustling of a toy. If the kitten carefully follows the movements of the toy with its eyes, we can conclude that everything is fine with its vision. If a kitten has a hearing or vision problem, you need to understand that such an animal will need special care and increased attention from the owner.

The albinism gene may affect musculoskeletal health. The genetic characteristics of albinos are often associated with impaired formation of cartilage tissue, which is why the animal may suffer from problems with joints, claws and teeth. Some diseases can develop with age, so the health of an albino cat must be monitored very closely and periodically taken to the veterinarian for examinations.

Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora is a natural breed that existed in Turkey several hundred years ago. These cats are often depicted in white, although their colors can be black, blue, red, etc.

Turkish Angoras are energetic, assertive, and require stimulating play to maintain a positive emotional state.

Breed overview

Height: 17.8-25.4 cm

Weight: 3.2-6.4 kg

Physical characteristics:

  • muscular body;
  • long paws;
  • thick “fur coat”;
  • almond-shaped eyes.


Large, powerful British cats, with a somewhat stubborn, independent disposition, are incredibly popular in Russia and Europe. There is a theory that the prototype of the famous Cheshire cat in the famous fairy tale by Lewis Carroll was a cat of the British breed. By the way, according to the standard, white wool should not give off a yellowish tint - white British dogs should be dazzlingly white, without compromise. But the color of the eyes can vary - be sapphire, gold or copper.

In fact, white cats of this breed are very rare. The combination of color and yellow eyes in the appearance of the British creates a strict and even a little tense impression. Multi-colored eyes (sapphire and gold) are not common among representatives of this breed, but are possible.

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