Farmina cat food: pros and cons of the composition. Review of the entire Farmina food line (price + reviews)

07/04/2018 Caring owners usually buy well-known brands of food for their pets. One of the most reputable brands of food for cats is Farmina: the product line includes diets for cats of all ages, with different health characteristics. If you want your pet to stay healthy and active for many years, think about what his diet consists of?

Farmina cat food is rich in beneficial microelements; each line offers several flavors. Experts also took into account the characteristics of the cat’s body - for example, the need to periodically get rid of fur accumulated in the stomach.

Advantages and features of the food

Farmina food has won consumer recognition, primarily due to its natural high-quality composition and flexible pricing policy.
The food lines are divided into: economy, medium and premium price segments. The company's specialists try to satisfy almost any purchasing power. Other advantages include:

  • availability of wet assortment;
  • wide choice of dietary food;
  • food is enriched with vitamins and healthy additives;
  • grain-free or low-grain composition;
  • natural preservation of the product due to special packaging.

At the feed packaging stage, the company’s specialists replace oxygen with nitrogen, which allows the natural properties of the product to be preserved.

The peculiarity of Farmina food is its low fiber content, but not in all food lines. This is due to the fact that the feed contains no grain crops or is contained in small quantities.

Some consumers note that the manufacturer does not always indicate the content of components in percentage terms.

Advantages and disadvantages

For the production of Farmina feed, they do not use by-products, but natural, environmentally friendly meat without chemicals. The composition of feed mixtures is balanced, they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is easy for the owner to choose food for any breed and age category of the dog. Food consumption is small, the dog quickly gets enough. Veterinarians note the hypoallergenic and medicinal qualities of many components. Such food does not contain antibiotics, an abundance of dyes and low-quality products.

But Farmina dog food is often more expensive than its analogues. It is difficult to buy in small towns, but you can make a purchase in an online store.


Farmina Natural&Delicious (Farmina ND) produces both dry and wet food. Main lines:

ANCESTRAL GRAIN. Complete nutrition for adults. There are several options: with chicken and pomegranate; with chicken, oats, pomegranate and spelled; with lamb, blueberries, oats and spelled. Low glycemic index prevents diabetes and obesity, natural antioxidants, rich in vitamins. No GMO.

OCEAN. Grain-free complete dry food. Ingredients: dehydrated and fresh herring (approximately 30% each), fish oil, potatoes, dried eggs, pumpkin, dried carrots, dried alfalfa, inulin, pea fiber, sweet orange, apples, pomegranate, spinach, plantain, blueberries, yeast extract, turmeric root, sodium chloride, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate.

Additives: aloe extract, green tea and rosemary, taurine, folic acid, beta-carotene, vitamins, natural antioxidants. Fish protein hydrolyzate (a highly processed product) is used as a flavoring agent. Flaxseed is a source of unsaturated fatty acids, while chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine support joints.

PUMPKIN. Options: with venison, pumpkin and apple; cantaloupe, pumpkin and duck; herring, pumpkin and orange; quail meat, pumpkin and pomegranate. Rosemary, green tea and aloe vera extract, natural antioxidants (a mixture of tocopherols) are used as special additives.

QUINOA. The line is designed for cats with digestive problems, but it can also be used as a preventive measure in the fight against urolithiasis, as well as for weight control. It contains cranberries and chamomile that have diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Natural nutraceuticals - fennel, artichoke, mint - are rich in natural antioxidants, reduce gas formation, and improve digestion.

Wet food duplicates the main lines of dry food.

Features of Monge food

The company that produces Monge food was founded in 1963 and continues to work to this day, delighting pets with high-quality food. From year to year, products are tested and improved so that there are no unpleasant surprises that could undermine the company's reputation.

She is still, after all these years, at her best. Thanks to positive customer reviews and a formulation that is a good example of exactly what your dog should be eating if you are going to prolong its life.


The composition of the food always depends on the size and age of the dog, so before purchasing this or that package, carefully read whether the food is suitable for your pet.

For adult large breed dogs, Monge food contains the following ingredients:

  • shredded chicken (flour) - 21%;
  • rice and corn - 14%;
  • wheat, vitamin C, animal fats – 1%;
  • flax seeds – 0.3%;
  • brewer's yeast, to maintain microflora balance – 0.12%;
  • whole egg (0.12%);
  • others. For adult dogs of medium breeds:
  • shredded chicken – at least 24%;
  • rice and corn – at least 15%;
  • animal fats and proteins;
  • wheat and citrus – 1%;
  • flax seed – 0.3%;
  • brewer's yeast – 0.12%;
  • other.

For adult small breed dogs:

  • dry chicken – no less than 24%;
  • corn and rice – at least 14%;
  • animal fats and proteins (dehydrated);
  • other.

For puppies:

  • chicken – no less than 24%;
  • rice – at least 18%;
  • wheat and citrus fruits – 1%;
  • flax seeds – 0.3%;
  • other.

Monge food has been doing its job for many years. The dogs remain healthy and cheerful, amenable to training and are less mischievous.

Feeding mode

In order for Farmina food to provide exceptionally beneficial properties for animals, it is necessary to feed the cat in accordance with the recommendations. So, in a kitten’s diet, depending on its age and weight, the daily diet should be limited to the following portions:

  • Up to 1 month – 23-40 g;
  • From 1 to 3 months – 23-72 g;
  • From 4 to 6 months – 18-68 g;
  • From 7 to 12 months – from 36 to 68 g.

The diet of a cat or cat with Farmina food differs from the diet of a kitten, and its daily norms look like this:

  • For a pet aged from 1 to 7 years, weighing 3-5 kg ​​– 45-80 g;
  • For a pet over 7 years old, weighing more than 5 kg – 65-110 g;
  • There are no restrictions for cats that are pregnant or nursing kittens.

It is also worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the character and breed of the animal.

Feed line

Based on reviews, you can find that Farmina's low-grain and grain-free diets are the best-selling. Let's take a closer look at the types of food from the Italian brand.

  1. Low grain food meets all your dog's preferences and more. It helps prevent excess weight and diabetes.
  2. Grain-free food consists of meat, fruits and vegetables. For example, the combination of chicken and pomegranate works well for puppies.
  3. Food for adult dogs, which for convenience is packaged in boxes of 200 and 800 grams, as well as in kilograms: 2.5, 12 and even 20.
  4. Cibau is a super premium food. The composition contains healthy foods, vitamins and elements that are useful for a dog at any age. The main protein source is chicken, lamb and fish. It also contains corn, rice and fats that are inflammatory and gentle on your pet's stomach.
  5. Farmina Ecopet Natural is a complete diet for adults and puppies, pregnant and lactating dogs. The food is so versatile thanks to the kibble that will be convenient for dogs of different sizes. In addition, the food helps with allergic reactions and difficult digestion.
  6. Vet Life - Dietary rations are often used in diets prescribed by a veterinarian to prevent a variety of ailments. Most of the food contains animal proteins.
  7. Fun Dog is an economy class food that contains 25% chicken, as well as 10% wheat and corn flour. Fishmeal, chicken fat and sodium chloride are also added to the composition.

Positive reviews


We spent a very long time looking for suitable food (the puppy had severe allergies). We tried a bunch of food from different manufacturers, but couldn’t find the right one. The allergic reaction sometimes even worsened. Until we were advised to try food from Farmina. The first thing that surprised and pleased me was the rich line of food. It didn't take long to choose. The manufacturer indicates the composition in great detail. We settled on N&D, quinoa. The dog eats this food with pleasure, the problems are gone.

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.


Before this, we tried many other foods, constantly switching from one food to another. The dog suffers from allergies and generally has very problematic and sensitive skin. We decided to try this one. And then changes began, the dog at least started eating, and the skin problems disappeared almost completely. The most important thing is that the dog eats it with pleasure and there is no allergy.

Dry cat food "Farmina"

More than fifty years ago, a company was opened that many years later became known as Farmina. A large company produces dry food for cats and dogs. Farmina is distinguished not only by the high quality of its products, but also by its love for animals.

The company never stops searching for the best solutions. Constant cooperation with veterinarians and leading experts allows us to create the best food that will not harm cats.

But not every cat owner can afford to buy expensive food. Therefore, Farmina has developed several lines of treats for your pets.

Opinion of owners and doctors

Veterinarians note that the basis of such nutrition is not cereals, but vegetables that replace them, for example, potatoes or pumpkin. This reduces the likelihood of allergies. Therefore, all brand diets are considered hypoallergenic or even dietary.

Many owners and breeders say that it was difficult for them to choose a dog’s food until they settled on Farmina brand food mixtures. Some talk about the high price of the product, but at the same time note that dogs switching to such a diet rarely get sick, are energetic, and do not have problems with hair and stool. Pets like the taste of the food offered, and the food eaten is well absorbed.

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Which food to choose?

In order for your pet to be perfectly healthy, cheerful and energetic, it is very important to provide him with proper nutrition. Offer your animal several brands of food in different price categories, observe how much of each food your pet eats per day, and calculate how much it will cost you

You will be very surprised to find that the difference between holistic and premium feeding is not that great. And considering that you will have to regularly buy nutritional supplements in order to compensate for the lack of vitamins and microelements, this difference will be even less. If you are going to feed your pet budget food, add in the calculation the services of a veterinarian, which you, alas, cannot do without, and you will understand that, paradoxical as it may sound, the more expensive the food, the cheaper it costs.

Once you settle on a particular brand of food, try to stick with it for several months or even years. Each food line has different flavors, alternating which you will not let your pet get bored. At the same time, buy only the food that corresponds to the age, lifestyle and health status of the animal, and do not rush to immediately purchase a large package. This is, of course, cheaper, but if the new food is not suitable (this can be guessed by vomiting, loose stools and general depression, uncharacteristic of the animal), you will have to rack your brains over who to give the almost unfinished package to.

If your pet is an aristocrat of the bluest blood, most likely you discuss his diet with your veterinarian. Try to abstract yourself from the widely advertised brands imposed on you and direct the conversation in the direction you want: what exactly does your pet need - holistic food, a premium option or dietary food. And only after clarifying this issue, you can directly engage in the choice of food.

Dietary recommendations for cats

Find the food that is right for your pet and stick to it. Farmina has different flavors of the same food category, so your pet won’t get bored.

Don't skimp on vitamin supplements if you've opted for a medium or low-class diet - they will ensure your pet gets all the nutrients. It is better to feed sedentary cats frequently and in small portions, choosing high-protein, grain-free food so that the animal is satiated, but does not receive excess calories.

Check your cat's individual reaction to food, as some animals suffer from intolerance to certain components. This does not mean that the food is of poor quality, it just did not suit your fluffy.

Discuss your pet's diet with your veterinarian, without going into details about brands. They may insistently recommend you “Purina” or “Royal Canin”, but the only correct one will be to determine the category of nutrition - holistic, fortified premium or even a therapeutic diet.

General characteristics and features of the feed

Farmina is an Italian company that has been producing animal feed for more than half a century. It was formed as a result of the merger of British and Italian companies, which are now registered under a single trademark and produce food for pets.

Important! If you choose holistic food for your pet, he will not need any additional feeding with plant products or vitamin preparations. All other foods, even super-premium ones, need to be supplemented in the diet. A large assortment in different price categories is the key advantage of these food lines

They can satisfy the needs of animal owners with any financial capabilities, while Farmina’s premium products are of impeccable quality, and economical products do not harm animals, unlike advertised commercial analogues.

“Farmina” is distinguished by a line of medical nutrition developed for animals with various diseases. This diet will improve your pet’s health and will be a good addition to treatment.

A large assortment in different price categories is the key advantage of these food lines. They can satisfy the needs of animal owners with any financial capabilities, while Farmina’s premium products are of impeccable quality, and economical products do not harm animals, unlike advertised commercial analogues.

“Farmina” is distinguished by a line of medical nutrition developed for animals with various diseases. This diet will improve your pet’s health and will be a good addition to treatment.

What products does the FARMINA brand offer?

  1. Dry food. This is a series of grain-free and low-grain feeds. The category includes both super premium, premium and economy products. Buyers also have the opportunity to purchase a line of veterinary diet products.
  2. Vitamins and supplements. Products are manufactured to meet the physiological needs of pets for vitamins, as well as amino acids and other important substances. The line of vitamin supplements allows you to enrich the diet of animals with antioxidants and prebiotics of natural origin.
  3. Wet food. This line represents complete nutrition for pets. Products include both meat and vegetables. The food does not contain dyes or preservatives.

Line of dry and wet food. Description and composition

The Natural & Delicious line is a holistic food. This food is a complex composition based on natural ingredients and antioxidants and does not contain grains. Most of the ingredients in this food come from animals: duck, venison, lamb, chicken and turkey. About 30% are fruits and vegetables.

The Natural & Delicious line is represented by the following series:

  1. “Chicken and Pomegranate” is a food for adult cats and kittens based on protein, chicken meat, chicken fat, vegetables (potatoes, carrots), as well as fish oil, apples, oranges, etc. The composition of this food is enriched with vitamins A, E, C , D3, PP, folic acid and aloe vera extract.
  2. Lamb and Blueberry is a low grain food for adult cats. The composition contains boneless lamb and lamb meat, about 10% oats, eggs, fish and animal fat, as well as beets, carrots, and peas. Vitamins A, E, B2, PP, D3 are present.

The composition of the N&D line of food improves the functioning of the digestive system, the color and structure of the coat, and also prevents obesity or the onset of diabetes.


The food contains the highest percentage of fiber compared to other lines. The food contains fish, eggs, carbohydrates, corn meal and fresh meat. The diet is designed for kittens, sterilized, pregnant and lactating cats.

Veterinary hypoallergenic food Vet Life UltraHypo

The main ingredients of the food: hydrolyzed fish protein, rice starch, fish oil, vitamins, pantothenic and folic acids.

These foods are designed to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

VL line

Presented in the following series:

  • food for diet for diabetes – “Diabetic”;
  • to relieve renal failure - "Renal";
  • in case of digestive system disorders, use Farmina Gastro Intestinal food;
  • for liver diseases, Hepatik is prescribed;
  • for weight loss – “Obesity”.

If your pet suffers from an allergy or intolerance to any component, Ultrahypo is prescribed. The Herbal series will help remove lumps from the digestive tract.

Matisse Salmon & Tuna – premium food

The Matisse S&T series is designed to support the activity and vital functions of adult cats. The main ingredients of the food: dried fish, salmon and tuna, dried chicken meat, chicken and fish oil, corn, protein, vitamin composition (B2, B6, A, E, C) and brewer's yeast.

Fun Cat Meat – economy series

The food is designed for the diet of adult cats. A quarter of the feed is chicken meal, about ten percent is meat, wheat and fish meal. The composition contains fats and oils, protein hydrolysate, vitamins and food coloring. This food only satisfies your pet’s hunger. Does not contain fortified additives or components.

Matisse wet food

The line of wet food is presented in the form of mousses, which are produced in cans. You can pamper your pet with the following flavors from this line: chicken, salmon, rabbit, sardine or lamb. Such food contains more meat than dry food and a lot of moisture. The balanced composition includes protein, crude fats, oils, and crude fiber.

Main granule ingredients

The manufacturer uses meat from Italy to create mixtures for dogs. It is purchased not frozen, but fresh. Norwegian herring and cod are used to make a number of mixtures. The main ingredients are chicken and fish oil, saturated with fatty acids.

Feed mixtures contain a lot of natural organic substances, for example, chicory extract. The brand's products include potatoes, sugar beets, and peas. These ingredients are rich in fiber and provide minimal calories. From these components, the dog receives maximum energy, and the functioning of internal organs improves. Great importance is given not only to the taste, composition, but also to the appearance of the product. There is practically no stock of components for processing in warehouses to avoid their spoilage. The manufacturer does not use genetically modified products.

Composition: what is the benefit of the food?

The country in which the feed is produced is Italy. The medicinal product is produced by Farmina Pet Foods. The line includes grain-free or low-grain delicacies, canned food and dry food. Depending on the brand, food differs into holistic, super-premium, premium and economy classes, as well as specialized medicinal food for sick animals. The composition of the feed is shown in the table:

QuinoaCereal containing fiber has a general strengthening property
Beneficial for cats with arthritis, diabetes and heart disease
PomegranateHas anthelmintic effect
Participates in hematopoietic processes
InulinImproves pancreas function
FructooligosaccharidesStimulates the development of bifidobacteria
Black currantStrengthens immunity
Prevents hair loss and improves its structure
Chondroitin and glucosamineIndispensable for the restoration and strengthening of cartilage structures
Pantothenic acidNormalizes adrenal function
Prevents dermatitis
BiotinNormalizes blood flow to organs and tissues
PotatoContains vitamins, enzymes and mineral salts
Regulates water-salt balance
Helps eliminate bad cholesterol
TaurineHelps in the formation of bile acids
Folic acidFacilitates protein metabolism
Participates in the formation of red blood cells
Vitamin CStrengthens immunity
Has regenerating properties
B vitaminsImproves the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, skin
Vitamin AStrengthens vision
Heals wounds
Microelements (iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium)Essential substances for the normal functioning of the whole body

Brand history

Farmina has been around for more than half a century. In 1965, the company had a different name - “Russo Feed” and produced agricultural feed. The founder of the company, Italian Francesco Russo, subsequently transferred the business to his son, and already under Russo Jr. the company changed its specialization, starting to produce food for pets.

The turning point was the collaboration and then the merger with the British company Farmina Pet Foods, which conducted research on nutritional needs and created formulas for a complete diet for pets.

Today, the brand maintains an expert approach to the creation of cat food: Farmina Pet Foods works closely with the Federico Veterinary University and the Italian Veterinary Association (SCIVAC). Farmina nutritionists and experts from SCIVAC conduct extensive research, the results of which can be found in congress proceedings and specialized journals, for example, the British Journal of Nutrition.


Products under the Farmina brand are cat food represented by two professional lines and four commercial ones.

Professional diets include the Vet Life category of veterinary diets, which includes 12 types of specialized nutrition. Diets in this series help animals overcome various diseases or support the functioning of organs during certain chronic ailments.

Among them there are formulas aimed at kidney health (Renal), liver (Hepatic), diabetes (Diabetic), heart failure (Cardiac) or urolithiasis (Struvite). Such diets are recommended to be used only as prescribed by a veterinarian. Farmina Vet Life cat food receives positive reviews from veterinarians. This series also includes a special menu for spayed/neutered animals and a Hairball recipe for removing hairballs.

The second category of food from the professional line is called Team Breeder, it is aimed at nursery owners. It features 14 menu options, which are available in 10 kg packs. The presence of a special program for working with nurseries indicates the serious approach of the Farmina company to cat food, and reviews from grateful breeders are confirmation of this.

The commercial diet segment includes the Natural & Delicious (N&D), CIMiAO, Matisse and Fun Cat lines. All of them are products of different classes, differ in composition and price.

The Natural & Delicious (N&D) line includes two types of diets: grain-free (with a green leaf on the package) and low-grain (yellow leaf).

The manufacturer claims that grain-free diets consist of 70% animal products and contain potatoes instead of grains. Available in six variations: for kittens, for adults with chicken and pomegranate, with fish and orange, with boar meat and apple, with lamb and blueberries, and for sterilized pets also chicken with pomegranate. Available in packs of 0.3 kg, 1.5 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg.

Natural & Delicious (N&D) low grain formulas include spelled and oats, which are considered more palatable to cats than corn. But spelled (or spelt) is essentially the same wheat, but wild. It has a number of advantages over regular wheat and is considered more beneficial. The entire assortment consists of four menus: chicken with pomegranate, cod with orange, lamb with blueberries and a formula for castrated people, also chicken and pomegranate. Available in 0.3 kg, 1.5 kg and 10 kg packs.

The CIMiAO diet line is Farmina's super premium cat food, which contains not only chicken and fish, but also corn and rice. The entire category consists of ten types of diets, differing according to age criteria and the individual needs inherent in mustachios. They come in packages of 0.4 kg, 2 kg and 15 kg.

If all previous categories were exclusively Farmina dry food for cats, then the Matisse line of premium diets offers 5 types of dry menus, plus a whole list of wet food. The Matisse range of dry food consists of a formula for kittens, for adult cats (over one year old) in three flavors: chicken-turkey, tuna-salmon and chicken-rice, as well as diets for spayed/sterilized cats and female cats.

Matisse wet food comes in the form of mousse in 85 gram jars, and their choice of flavors is quite extensive:

  • With veal;
  • With sardine;
  • With salmon;
  • With a rabbit;
  • With lamb;
  • With cod;
  • With beef;
  • With Chiken;

There is also canned food in 400 gram cans, divided into pates of four flavors (veal, salmon, chicken and rabbit), and pieces in gravy, of which there are also four varieties - chicken, beef, beef-chicken mix, and beef with turkey and vegetables.

The Fun Cat Farmina line is cat food, the price of which is the lowest among the entire range of formulations of this brand. It belongs to economy class and offers a choice of only two types of food: meat-flavored and fish-flavored. Available in 2.4 kg and 20 kg packaging.

Advantages and disadvantages

Farmina, like other cat foods, has a lot of advantages, but it is not without some disadvantages. To make the right choice, you need to know about both.

  • Advantages

Among the impressive list of advantages of Farmina food, I would like to highlight the following:

Natural – you will not find artificial ingredients or GMOs in the diets of this brand, so you can safely give this food even to those pets who are allergic to certain types of foods.

Large assortment - the Farmina Pet Food company has taken care to provide food for all our pets, from babies who have yet to taste “real” food, to older cats who have experienced life. Among the products of this brand there is food for diabetic cats, obese sedate Britons and furry Persians, who often vomit due to hairballs that are inevitably swallowed when licking. But that is not all! Even if your pet is a big picky eater, he certainly won’t refuse such dishes as lamb with blueberries, boar with apple or chicken with pomegranate.

Vitamins and minerals - all categories of Farmina cat food, with the exception of economy class, contain a full range of nutrients necessary for the health of the cat. Thanks to vitamins and minerals, food digestion and absorption are significantly improved.

Healing herbs - if your cat rarely goes outdoors, does not have the opportunity to breathe clean country air and eat fresh grass, this supplement will come in handy for him.

  • Flaws

Farmina cat food has virtually no disadvantages, except for the increased ash content, which negatively affects the taste of the product, and high cost.

Overall, this is one of the best cat foods - healthy, tasty and high quality.

What other products for cats does it produce?

Under the VIT-ACTIVE brand, the company produces a number of vitamin complexes to maintain the health of pets. This series includes:

  1. “Cat Health Formula” is a vitamin and mineral complex that fully meets the needs of healthy and active pets;
  2. vitamins for neutered cats and female cats - contain substances aimed at preventing urolithiasis;
  3. complex for cats over seven years old;
  4. vitamins for kittens;
  5. vitamins for pregnant and lactating cats;
  6. the “Cat Hair Health” complex not only helps improve the condition of the skin and coat, but also ensures that physiological needs for vitamins and minerals are met.

If you feed your pet natural food, then it is necessary to add vitamins to the diet. In ready-made food, vitamins are already included in the composition and can be included separately in a cat’s diet only on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

Vitamin complexes should be given to your pet only after consultation with a veterinarian

So which class should you prefer?

But there is no need to despair. It is important to remember that veterinarians and manufacturers in reviews of Farmina cat food note that this is a complete diet food. If your cat switches only to professional food, then there is no need to worry, she will still receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

But owners should not buy food without prior preparation. Breeders agree on Farmina food and other brands: it is better to overpay for food than to later treat your pet for urolithiasis.

The most advertised foods are economy-class food, which negatively affects the health of the pet. Therefore, if you have decided to switch to dry food, then it is better to purchase premium food and higher.

If you purchased high-quality food for your cat, then you should not add third-party vitamins produced by various companies to it. The food already contains all the necessary additives.

Also, when purchasing, you should pay attention not only to owner reviews of Farmina cat food. An important criterion is the cat itself and its needs. Specialized lines of food have been developed for many breeds. For castrated and sterilized male cats, it is also necessary to purchase certain types of food.


The food is rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats and dietary fiber, and contains a complex of minerals and vitamins. Sources of animal protein: meat, both fresh and dehydrated (venison, chicken, quail, duck, lamb, wild boar, fish). Sources of carbohydrates: pea starch, potatoes. Sources of fatty acids: fish and chicken fat. Sources of fiber: alfalfa, dried apples and berries, pea fiber. There are preservatives, antioxidants (natural), minerals and vitamins.

In wet food, meat, offal or fish - from 30% to 60%. There are also vegetables, a vitamin and mineral complex. Externally, the contents of the jars look like mousse.

The heterogeneous color of the granule is further confirmation that there are no dyes in the product. The fraction depends on the protein content: if there is a lot of it, the pieces will be dense, if there is little, they will be more airy.

Manufacturers claim that vitamins are added at the very end of the production process (after extrusion and drying). Thanks to the developed technology for preserving Long Life Vitamins, the maximum nutritional value and usefulness of the components is preserved.

Economical basis "Farmina Ecopet"

When studying the first five ingredients, it is immediately clear that the basis of the food is cereals with the addition of dehydrated (dry) meat. Ingredient #1 is rice and #2 is corn. Next come two types of dehydrates - chicken and lamb. The latter contains only 10%.

Regarding the name of the diet - the manufacturer writes the words Lamb Meat on the label (an obvious marketing ploy) and positions the food as a product “with lamb”, which is quite legal, but it should be understood that lamb here is not the only source of protein, and its dosage varies Farmina Ecopet Natural is relatively small.

As the analysis shows, the food composition (in 6th place) also contains unknown dehydrated fish, but rather, it acts as a protein supplement, including to enrich the taste.

Chicken fat closes the top five - it is a high-quality source of fat. In addition, the list includes fish oil and vegetable oil - what served as the raw material for them is unknown.

Types of food from Farmin and their descriptions

The range of cat food is varied. They differ in composition and effect on the body. When choosing, it is recommended to take into account the needs of the pet.

Team Breeder

This is a professional line for cats. Farmina Team Breeder offers complete and balanced food for champions. These foods are more often chosen by breeders than by ordinary animal owners. There are premium and super premium products to choose from. You can choose a product with low grain content or no grain at all. The line includes:

  • TB Grain Free Boar & Apple - for adult cats with boar meat and apple;
  • TB Grain Free Chicken & Pomegranate - for adult cats with pomegranate and chicken;
  • Farmina Team Breeder Kitten 1-12 months - this Farmina is suitable for kittens, as well as for pregnant and lactating females;
  • TB Grain Free Fish & Orange - food for adult animals with fish and orange;
  • TB Grain Free Lamb & Blueberry - grain-free cat food with lamb meat and blueberries;
  • Team Breeder Light is a complete, balanced hypoallergenic product for adult cats prone to obesity;
  • Team Breeder Senior - complete food for pets over 10 years old;
  • Team Breeder Delicious - complete and balanced food for adult picky cats and for animals with digestive problems;
  • Team Breeder Persian is a complete and balanced product for adult Persian cats.

Farmina's professional line for cats allows breeders to keep their pets healthy and raise them into true champions.

Vet Life

The medicinal series of cat food from this line is intended for animals with certain diseases. Products are included in the diet; the minimum duration of such nutrition is at least 7 weeks. Veterinarians recommend the use of such food during the treatment of any ailments, as well as for preventive purposes during remission of pathologies.

For your information! Vet Life products contain no chemical compounds or GMOs. The main part consists of natural products with a low glycemic index. Therefore, the food is well suited for dietary nutrition during the period of recovery from illness.

The line includes food for sterilized cats and kittens, for animals with problems with the digestive system, pathologies of the urinary and cardiac systems. Some products are suitable for overweight pets.

Farmina Vet Life is designed for pets suffering from ailments

Farmina Natural & Delicious

This is Farmina's highest quality and most popular line of food. More than 70% of the total volume is animal protein. Additionally, there are fruits and vegetables, as well as useful substances and vitamins.

For cats, under the Farmina ND brand, they produce both dry and wet food, although the latter appeared relatively recently, so it is difficult to find it on sale.

ND cat food comes in grain-free and low-grain varieties. The former are excellent for animals with problems in the digestive processes. Both types are completely devoid of rice and corn.

Some types of Farmina ND cat food are recommended for overweight animals with high cholesterol. They are well suited for cats with pathological processes in the cardiac system.

Note! Farmina Urinari is recommended for cats with urinary problems


Despite the fact that the food is super premium, it does not contain meat, but does contain corn gluten. In addition, the composition contains useful substances and many vitamins.

Veterinarians often recommend Kimiao for cats who are transitioning from an unhealthy diet, and for those animals that cannot normally digest food with a high protein content.

The advantage is that the food is designed to meet the needs of cats in any condition: for breeds with sensitive digestion, adult and elderly pets, for animals after sterilization.

Farmina Kimicao is prescribed to sterilized pets


The group belongs to premium feeds. The composition contains less animal proteins, but there are also no artificial elements or GMO products. The line includes many types that are suitable for different categories of pets: for pregnant and lactating cats, kittens, sterilized, elderly animals.

For your information! Under the Farmina Metis brand they produce canned food for cats and dry varieties.

Features of the production process

The production process uses twin-screw extruders to achieve high-quality gelatinization of starch.
Thanks to this, denaturation of nutrients is reduced and the usefulness of the raw materials is preserved to the maximum. In contrast to the use of a single-screw feed production system, the feed is easily digestible. FARMINA factories also use a vacuum system for introducing components into the granules and the “Just in Time” production technology. The final product retains vitamins, minerals and other important ingredients for a long period of time.

All production stages are strictly controlled - from the receipt of raw materials to the release of the finished feed. It should be noted that the raw materials are of Italian origin and are always tested to ensure compliance with modern standards. The use of advanced technologies allows us to preserve natural raw materials and protect all components from production stress.

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