Mating a Bengal cat: how to get healthy offspring

It’s great when your favorite activity brings profit. After all, then, it turns out that the person is happy, firstly, because he does what he likes, and secondly, he also makes money from it. Well, if the object of his hobby is living beings, without which he cannot imagine his life, then one can only be happy for him. After all, today you can make decent money from this hobby. Therefore, further, we will tell you how to turn an idea, for example, breeding Bengal cats as a business into a successful project.

Characteristics of the Bengal breed

In size and weight, Bengal cats are superior to almost all representatives of their species: by the age of two they have a body length of up to 90 cm and a weight of 7–9 kg. Their exterior shows a certain resemblance to leopards:

  • The body is strong, lean, with long muscular legs;
  • The tail is of medium length, dense and mobile;
  • The head is elongated, with a wide muzzle;
  • Ears are medium in size, tilted forward;
  • The eyes are large, mostly green or golden;
  • The coat is short, glossy, and feels like mink;
  • Color: cream, with brown spots and stripes.

The character, behavior and characteristics of Bengal cats and their wild ancestors are extremely similar: both are active, tireless hunters. Therefore, the owner must pay maximum attention to them and accustom them to handling. Otherwise, kittens can turn into aggressive predators.

Breed standards in the WCF system

WeightFrom 4 to 8 kg. Cats weigh less than cats.
AppearanceMedium to large size, muscular and strong elongated body.
TemperamentAffectionate character, lack of aggression.
TorsoPowerful and elongated.
HeadRelatively small, slightly elongated. The skull has a convex shape behind the ears. The transition of the head to the neck is smooth.
MuzzleFull and wide. The whisker pads are large and convex.
ChinStrong, in line with the tip of the nose.
EyesOval, almost round, moderately large. The color depends on the coat color. The brighter it is, the better.
EarsMedium to small, wide set. Quite short, wide base, rounded tips.
NoseBig and wide.
NeckLong, strong, muscular.
WoolShorter than average length, may be longer in kittens. Delicate and silky, dense texture.
DrawingMarbled, rosette and spotted. Maximum clarity and contrast.
ColorBrown patterned in different colors: brown, sepia, mink, lynx.
PawsStrong, medium length. They have large rounded feet.
TailThick, medium length. Tapers towards the end, with a rounded tip.
  • Vertical stripes in spotted cats.
  • The bull's eye pattern of marbled Bengals.
  • Lack of pattern on the stomach.
  • Aggressive character.

Business Features

When considering where to invest money for passive income in 2022, you should understand that if you buy one or two pets, the business of breeding Bengal cats will not generate significant income. An entrepreneur should consider purchasing at least 8–10 animals, including one cat with a good pedigree and certified ancestors. However, you can limit yourself to only cats if you find producers from other breeders. Although this option seems reasonable from the point of view of expanding the gene pool, it is not considered the most profitable, since for mating the owner of an elite champion cat receives one of the best kittens of the litter or its equivalent value.

However, all the organizational difficulties do not stop cat lovers. After all, for them breeding activity is characterized by a number of significant advantages:

  • The breed is very valuable. If you consider how much a Bengal cat costs in Russia, then we can assume that the business will be quite profitable;
  • Animals require minimal care. If you keep two or three pets, you can combine their breeding with other work;
  • Bengal cats are in fashion today. They are bought mainly by wealthy people, for whom the price of 50–100 thousand rubles looks acceptable;
  • Being descendants of wild animals, cats maintain good health. Even a novice breeder can get large litters.

But we must not forget that breeding purebred cats as a business is working with living beings, which includes a number of unpredictable factors:

  1. Manufacturers are growing slowly. To make a profit, you will have to feed your pets expensive food for more than a year and protect them from diseases;
  2. Childbirth, especially the first one, does not always go well. In addition, there is no guarantee that all offspring will meet the standards;
  3. Caring for kittens is a labor-intensive process. Even with two or three kids you need to fuss for several hours every day.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many people think that this is a simple activity that brings a stable income and does not require any special effort. In fact, such a business has its own risks, difficulties, unforeseen costs, etc. Remember that you are working with living material, not a faceless product, and this, in turn, imposes a huge responsibility on the owner.

Among the undeniable advantages of this business are:

  1. Combining earnings with any other type of activity.
  2. Opportunity to make a hobby your main source of income.
  3. Accessible to everyone, does not require special education or equipment.
  4. Low barrier to entry into business.

However, it is worth remembering the disadvantages of this direction:

  • Huge competition among breeders.
  • The fashion for a particular breed of cat can change at any time, and the demand for pets greatly depends on this.
  • It is necessary to invest a lot of effort, energy and attention in the wards.
  • It is necessary to have theoretical knowledge of the breed and pet care skills.

Where can I get a Bengal kitten?

Real purebred cats of noble blood are very rare and of great value. They cannot be bought through an advertisement in a newspaper or at a poultry market: the most you can count on in this case is a discarded kitten from an unscheduled mating. It is possible to find a pet with a high-quality pedigree and champion ancestors only from professional breeders. Why is this advisable:

  • The seller guarantees that the cat meets breed standards and has documents;
  • The breeder will tell you about the character of the Bengal cat, its habits and features;
  • The nursery is responsible for the baby’s health and prevention.

In Russia, only 10–15 internationally registered breeders are engaged in breeding Bengal cats, so the need to travel to another region to pick up an animal cannot be ruled out. To choose a nursery, you need to know:

  1. Are the kittens active in one of the felinological federations?
  2. Does the buyer have the right to engage in breeding himself;
  3. Is there any obligation in the contract to sterilize the animal;
  4. Whether genetic examinations of the parents were carried out;
  5. Were the babies under the supervision of a veterinarian?

A budding entrepreneur should take into account that many reputable nurseries do not sell valuable Bengal kittens to a breeder without a specialist diploma in breeding. You can obtain such a document through full-time, correspondence or online courses.

Experts worth working with

When breeding cats, you will have to constantly communicate with professionals in different fields. With their help, you can solve most problems in a short time, as well as improve your knowledge.


A good doctor can be found not only in a private clinic, but also in a public clinic. When concluding an agreement with an organization, you will be given a discount.

Representatives of the breed club

The club's management helps with paperwork for animals, finding partners for mating and selling kittens. The participants themselves, who have extensive experience and knowledge, share them with newcomers free of charge during meetings and exhibitions.


This man is an expert on cat breed standards. He will help with the choice of purebred parents and explain the nuances of inheritance of rare colors.

Most professional breeders are involved in judging, so you need to get to know them at cat shows. In addition to completing basic courses, these people are required to have a university degree in animal science, animal engineering or veterinary medicine, as well as a judge's certificate from the WCF.

How to choose a Bengal kitten?

When choosing kittens for a nursery, you cannot save money. If they do not meet the breed standards, they will produce substandard offspring, which will have to be given away for free or sold for pennies on the market. To tell how much a Bengal breed cat costs, you need to find out what class it belongs to:

  • A pet is an animal with an official pedigree, which in some small ways does not meet the breed standards - for example, its tail is not long enough. It is forbidden to breed pets, so they are sterilized at a young age;
  • A breed is a cat or tom with a correct, average-level exterior, without any special or outstanding qualities, but also without flaws. Since breeds are used in breeding work, they are sold at twice the price of pets;
  • Show is a show-level pet with an ideal appearance. If these traits or the rare color of Bengal cats are inherited, show-class animals are incredibly expensive - up to half a million rubles.

When planning to buy a kitten for breeding, you should first of all get acquainted with its parents - and not only with the cat, but also with the cat. What to pay attention to:

  1. Parents should be calm and balanced. If they are aggressive, the kitten will behave the same way;
  2. It is useful to check their pedigrees. According to the standard, no more than four generations should separate parents from wild representatives of the breed;
  3. Finally, you need to see what a Bengal cat looks like. Any defects in the exterior may appear in kittens or their children.

Kittens are sold at the age of 2.5–3 months, when they become independent and can do without a cat. It is necessary to carefully examine the candidates so as not to miss any suspicious symptom:

  • Fleas are easy to remove and are not a problem. But their presence may indicate insufficient care;
  • Sunken sides and a thin tail are signs of malnutrition or stomach problems. A bloated abdomen may indicate the presence of worms;
  • Bald patches, scratching and rashes on the body and ears can appear due to infection with mites or an allergic reaction;
  • Watery eyes or nasal discharge suggest the presence of a viral or bacterial infection in the body;
  • Pale or bluish mucous membranes, wounds on the gums and tongue indicate vitamin deficiencies and anemia;
  • Uncertain gait, loss of coordination of movements - signs of injury, brain damage or diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • If a Bengal cat is much smaller in size than other members of its litter, it may have metabolic problems.

How to bring a Bengal kitten into your home?

Once the kitten has been selected, you need to prepare for its relocation. To set up in a new place, your baby will need a variety of items:

  1. Bowls. You need to buy three pieces - for water, dry and wet food. Judging by the reviews, Bengal cats prefer ceramic dishes;
  2. Tray. It must have sides so that the kitten does not scatter the filler. You should not use mesh models - they have to be washed twice a day;
  3. Filler. You need to take a little litter from the kitten’s usual tray and mix it with a new one of the same brand. This way the baby will understand where to go to the toilet;
  4. Feed supply. A good breeder will tell you what to feed your Bengal cat at home. These can be both natural and finished products;
  5. Scratching post. The animal must constantly grind down its growing claws. Some cats like hemp scratching posts, others prefer fabric or carpet ones;
  6. Carrying. The kitten will feel uncomfortable in a regular bag or in the arms of its owner. Moreover, you will have to go to the veterinarian regularly;
  7. Toys. In character and behavior, Bengal cats resemble wild predators. They need prey - tennis balls, mice, bows on a string;
  8. Little house. You should allow the kitten to choose his favorite place in the apartment in order to place a box with bedding there, and then a full-fledged house;
  9. Hygiene items. A novice breeder will need a wool brush, a nail clipper, cotton swabs for cleaning eyes and ears, creams and antiseptics.

When everything is ready, you can go to the nursery to get a kitten. Moving will likely cause stress for your pet, so you need to take some safety precautions:

  • In the first week, it is better to give your baby a closed room. This way he will get used to the house faster, and the owner will be able to control his trips to the toilet;
  • In an unfamiliar room, the kitten will hide in a secluded place. There is no need to disturb him, but it won’t hurt to periodically check his condition;
  • After a couple of hours, when the cat gets used to it a little, you need to show him where the litter tray, food bowls and scratching post are located;
  • It is useless to offer the kitten food immediately after rehoming. He will not touch the food until he recovers from stress;
  • All dangerous and small objects, household chemicals, plastic bags and threads must be hidden so that the baby does not harm himself;
  • It is extremely dangerous to leave windows open, even on the first floor. It is necessary to protect them in advance with bars or mesh;
  • You should not let your kitten outside unless it is a closed outdoor enclosure. Even on a leash, he can become infected with worms, ticks and viruses.


The efforts of the owner determine how cute the kitten will grow up to be. The breed is not particularly difficult to train. Its representatives easily remember all the requirements placed on them. They get used to the tray quickly. But they can walk by if the cat litter box is not very clean. Therefore, it is better to use wood filler. It masks odors and is pleasant to rummage through. And Bengals tend to bury their excrement. Therefore, choose a pot with high sides for them.

Bengals are very playful. They should have their own toys. Otherwise, pets will find replacements for them in the form of the owner’s things. If you don't want your animal to seek adventure, play with it as often as possible. This will help establish contact with the purr.

It is important to teach the animal to respond to the “No” command. At first, it can be combined with pinching the baby’s neck. This is how his mother cat taught him, and this touch is familiar to him. But you should not use violence against your pet. This will undermine his trust in you. Damaged relationships will be difficult to renew.

If you plan to walk your pet outside, teach him to calmly respond to the collar. Always wear a comfortable harness when walking in the city or outdoors. These animals are very curious. Without a leash, they can harm themselves by going to explore unknown worlds.

Bengals not intended for breeding are neutered before the age of 6 months. This is a simple operation. Cats tolerate it well. Sexually mature cats not only create inconvenience in the house, leaving marks everywhere, but can also run away during the “hunt.”

What to feed Bengal cats?

Bengal cats had to pay for domestication by weakening the functions of the digestive system. Therefore, a carelessly prepared diet can pose a threat not only to their health, but also to their lives. There are several feeding rules:

  • Kittens up to three months old are given wet food four times a day. Dry granules should be kept in bowls at all times;
  • Supporters of natural nutrition can feed babies beef and veal, liver, boiled boneless fish, chicken, eggs, and fermented milk products;
  • The breeder should know which food is not suitable for Bengal cats. This list includes raw fish, fatty pork, milk, sausages, smoked meats;
  • Ready-made food is selected according to the age and activity of the pets. There are separate lines for kittens, adult animals, lactating cats, neutered cats;
  • New food is introduced gradually over the course of a week, while monitoring the animal’s condition. If allergies or gastrointestinal dysfunction occur, it is replaced;
  • When choosing what to feed your Bengal cats, you should never use cheap brands from the supermarket. Only the premium class is balanced in composition;
  • Animals are given filtered and purified water, replacing it in the bowl every day. Some cats like to drink from fountains.

Let's go to the exhibition! Cups and grades are all important!

Before breeding your mini leopardess with a high-quality cat of the same Bengal breed, you, as a responsible breeder, must take her to a cat show at least once and receive two descriptions with ratings of at least “5”. Take part in special breed rings, earn cups and awards. One exhibition, on average, costs 6,000 rubles. Ideally, at the first exhibition you open the championship title, and at the second you close it. In total, for 2 exhibitions you will spend a minimum of 12,000 rubles (the amount is indicated without travel, payment for accommodation in another city and food costs). After this, your city club will issue you a breed champion certificate. Along with it, you get a lifetime right to breed your cat and officially register the litters in the club.

Tip 4: When you finish your championship title, sit on your butt straight. The Bengal cat does not need to win medals and cups, it does not need high titles. Its main goal is to give birth to healthy, genetically strong offspring. They only “pump up” cats. However, you shouldn’t put off going for assessments until later. A Bengali woman who has given birth once is already 100% “disqualified”. After giving birth, the cat will no longer be able to shine at exhibitions.

The Bengal cat reaches sexual maturity at 6-7 months. The cat begins to “walk”. It is impossible to miss this event. Rolling on the floor, heart-rending screams and other delights of the “reel” will haunt you for 7 whole days. Bengal cats are temperamental creatures. You miss the first heat, but during the second, you definitely need to mate a cat with a cat.

How to care for Bengal cats?

Keeping and caring for Bengal cats does not involve any complex or time-consuming procedures. Therefore, even a novice breeder, after a little preparation, will be able to provide his pets with comfortable living conditions:

  • Animals get along well in groups. But it is easier to control the health of your pets if you place them in separate spacious enclosures;
  • As a rule, animals cope with hair care on their own. You can help them by combing out dead hairs during the molting period;
  • Bengal cats enjoy being in the water, but they should not be bathed often. Once every 3-4 months is enough;
  • It is advisable to trim the nails weekly. At home, even a scratching post prevents them from growing too long;
  • Eyes and ears should be cleaned every few days by removing dust and dirt from them using a cotton swab moistened with clean water;
  • Bengal breeds are recommended to periodically brush their teeth with a special toothpaste for cats or be given food to remove tartar.

Breeding Bengal cats involves a number of medical measures. In order not to take your animal to the clinic, you can enter into an agreement with a veterinarian:

  • At 12 weeks, kittens are given a vaccine against plague, rhinotracheitis and calicivirus;
  • At 16 weeks, a rabies vaccine is added;
  • Adult cats are vaccinated annually;
  • Anthelmintic drugs are given to pets every six months.

Pet care

In order for such a business to become successful, you must first know how to breed Bengal cats. To do this, you should inquire not only about theoretical information, but also have some practical experience in keeping a pet of this breed, and also consult with professional breeders.

In order for the appearance of a healthy pet to meet accepted standards, you need to pay special attention to feeding. So, the diet should include a variety of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Gradually increase the content of protein foods. It is imperative to diversify the menu of the wards. Always ensure that animals have clean and fresh drinking water in a separate bowl.

But remember that the Bengal breed's stomach is quite sensitive. And if you do not organize proper nutrition or provide a spoiled product, this will immediately lead to the animal getting sick.

Since Bengal cats love to play, you need to think about what valuable items should be hidden. But you cannot limit the freedom of pets. They should have enough space to move, play, and walk. The room in which they are kept is often ventilated, there is access to fresh air at optimal temperature, and natural lighting.

Pay attention to cleanliness. It is recommended to bathe cats twice a month. Frequent bathing increases the risk of hair loss. But regular combing and removing matted lumps are of great benefit. You can perform this procedure at least every day.

How to breed Bengal cats?

Puberty in Bengal cats ends at the age of 7–9 months. But, it is recommended to allow only one-year-old animals whose body is ready for such an important operation to be mated. If the breeder does not have his own cat, he will have to search for a sire with a good pedigree at exhibitions, in felinological clubs and in other nurseries. Mating is carried out as follows:

  1. Before the procedure, it is necessary to check future parents for common viral and bacterial infections;
  2. Considering how much a Bengal cat costs, it is better to first conclude an agreement on the rules for mating;
  3. To prevent the cat from being stressed in an unfamiliar environment, you need to bring the cat to him. In someone else's house, he will not think about reproduction;
  4. A feature of the character of Bengal cats is the rapid establishment of contacts between animals. But mating still takes 2–4 days;
  5. The male and female need to be locked in a separate room with a supply of food and water. It is advisable not to disturb them, but in case of conflict, prepare to quickly separate them;
  6. If the mating ends successfully, the cat changes its behavior to a calmer one. To confirm pregnancy, you need to do an ultrasound in a couple of weeks;
  7. If the outcome is unsuccessful, the agreement between the breeders may indicate the permissibility of re-breeding in the next cycle.

Pregnancy and childbirth

The pregnancy of a Bengal cat lasts 60–70 days. During this difficult period, the owner must constantly surround her with care, protect her from stress and troubles:

  1. During pregnancy, the cat should not be denied food. It is preferable to use premium dry and wet food for pregnant women;
  2. To prepare a nest for childbirth, you should take a box in advance and cover its bottom with a soft diaper. The cat must get used to the new place;
  3. As a rule, labor begins at night. 3-5 days before the due date, it is necessary to establish round-the-clock monitoring of the cat to prevent complications;
  4. The animal should not be left for a minute until the birth is over. If a kitten is born in the amniotic sac, it will have to be rescued immediately;
  5. Babies are born at intervals of 30–50 minutes. According to owners, a Bengal cat gives birth to three to six kittens.

How to raise Bengal kittens?

Despite the impressive size of the mother, Bengal kittens are born quite small - weighing no more than 100-120 g. In the first three weeks, you need to constantly look after them, especially if an inexperienced cat does not know how to do this:

  1. Kittens should receive milk regularly. They do not yet have internal reserves, so two to three hours of fasting can cause them hypothermia;
  2. Babies need a warm nest. In the first week, they must be kept at a temperature of 29–32°C, and then gradually begin to accustom them to cool temperatures;
  3. If the kitten's body temperature decreases to 37°C or lower, you should gradually warm it up on a heating pad. It is impossible to give food to a hypothermic baby;
  4. A cat cannot cope with feeding five or more kittens on her own. Therefore, large litters must be nursed;
  5. An indicator of a kitten's health is weight gain. At five weeks he should already weigh 450-500 g, and at two months - almost a kilogram;
  6. During lactation, mother eats twice as much. It is advisable to give her premium ready-made complete food for Bengal cats;
  7. At three weeks, kittens begin to walk, and at four weeks they begin to navigate in space. At this stage, you need to wean them off milk and switch them to baby food.

At three months of age, when the kittens can eat, groom themselves and go to the toilet on their own, they are handed over to new owners.

Sexual maturity of Bengals

  • Males mature at 8-9 months
  • Females mature at 5-9 months

The first mating is best done with a female who has already given birth. Subsequent matings can be carried out up to twice a week. Estrus lasts from three to fourteen days. Sexual passivity (anaestrus) lasts about four months. Preparation for mating (proestrus) takes up to three days. When readiness for sexual intercourse (estrus) occurs, the cat can be mated with a worthy, pre-selected partner.

How to sell Bengal kittens?

When starting this most profitable business today, you should understand that even perfect kittens without advertising will not find new owners. It is necessary to start promoting the nursery immediately after its registration, and accepting applications for babies - a couple of weeks after mating. The price of kittens is directly affected by:

  • Presence of diplomas and awards among ancestors;
  • Rare and original types of colors of Bengal cats;
  • The class to which experts classify the kitten.

Finding a buyer for a kitten for 40 thousand rubles is not so easy. Therefore, you need to use all advertising methods to reach the maximum audience:

  1. You can spread information through the club. People who want to buy a pet of noble blood come here first of all;
  2. It is necessary to take part in exhibitions. Among the visitors to such events there are many interested citizens;
  3. Considering how much a Bengal cat kitten costs, it is useless to advertise in newspapers. But it won’t hurt to contact specialized publications;
  4. The nursery needs a website and groups on social networks. Here you can publish information about new litters and accept applications for kittens;
  5. It is also useful to place advertisements on specialized forums and message boards. Clients are ready to travel even from other regions for rare kittens.

In order to prevent claims from future owners and provide the kittens with proper care, all transactions must be accompanied by the conclusion of purchase and sale agreements.

Sale of kittens

If you managed to wait for purebred offspring, then we assure you that there will be no problems with the sale of kittens, especially if you are a resident of a big city. After all, then, there is an opportunity to sell your pets at exhibitions, using the Internet, the media or even bulletin boards. For example, if you are interested in what kind of business to open in Moscow in 2022, then by taking up the idea of ​​​​a business with Bengal cats today, you can secure yourself a good income. Indeed, recently, Bengals have become very popular, and wealthy citizens are trying to buy such a cat for themselves.

How to obtain the right to breed Bengal cats

The activities of nurseries are regulated by felinological federations. There are five of them in the world, and all of them are represented in Russia by numerous clubs of cat lovers. To participate in exhibitions and obtain official pedigrees, you must become a member of one of them. Next, you can send an application to an international organization:

  • To register a cattery, you need at least one breed or show class cat, as well as skills confirmed by the club’s recommendation or felinologist courses;
  • The application indicates three options for names in order of priority. The Federation chooses one of them, guided by internal rules;
  • The name length is up to 15 characters, including spaces. You can take one or two words in English, French, German or Russian with transliteration;
  • When choosing what to name a Bengal cat, you can use the name of the cattery only if you follow the breeding rules and pay club fees;
  • To maintain the status, the breeder must keep a book of breeding records and take part in exhibitions at least once a year;
  • According to the standards, no more than one mating is allowed per 8 months. Cats older than 6 years are not mated, but for valuable specimens the term can be extended to 8 years.

When starting breeding, you need to send your cat to an exhibition at least twice, where you will receive “excellent” ratings.
Based on the diplomas, the club will issue a breeder certificate and allow you to engage in breeding work with the official registration of kittens. Activation is the registration of a litter in the international system, which implies the issuance of metrics and pedigree for the animal. Taking into account which colors of Bengal cats meet the standards, the expert will examine the babies and assign each of them the appropriate class - pet, breed or show.

How to register a nursery?

When thinking about how to open a business now so that it will be profitable in 2022, we should not forget about registering business activities. The breeder can register the nursery as one of the following business entities:

  • Individual. Pays 13% of income in tax;
  • Self-employed citizen. Gives 4% of revenue to the state;
  • IP on the simplified tax system. Transfers 6% of revenue or 15% of net profit to the budget.

A breeder who registers as an individual entrepreneur must indicate in the application the following OKVED codes:

OKVED for breeding Bengal cats

01.49Breeding other animals
01.49.5Pet breeding

Breeding a Bengal cat for beginners does not require licenses or permits. But kittens will need passports, which will contain information about vaccinations and medical examinations. They can be issued by any veterinary clinic with which the nursery enters into a service agreement.

Health, tendency to disease

This is a hardy breed with good health. The first Bengals only had problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Pets still often have intestinal disorders. But over time, other diseases began to appear in pets. These are hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and flat chest syndrome (FCK) in kittens. Allergies are not that uncommon.

As for the weak immune system, it is characteristic of lines in which matings between close relatives were allowed more than once. Such individuals must be regularly vaccinated and dewormed.

Disease Prevention

  • A well-chosen diet - the food must be fresh and of good quality.
  • Annual examinations with a veterinarian - an experienced specialist will identify most dangerous diseases at an early stage.
  • Vaccination - kittens are vaccinated in the nursery, then the new owner must adhere to the vaccination schedule against the most common feline diseases.
  • Control of parasites – the Bengal needs to be protected from helminths, ticks and fleas.
  • Sterilization – if animals are not involved in breeding, they must be sterilized. There is no other option. There is no such thing as “giving birth for health.”

How to prepare a room for a nursery?

Strictly speaking, such a mini business idea 2022 can be implemented with minimal investment even in a city apartment. However, at best, two or three animals can fit in cramped rooms, so it is more convenient to breed Bengal cats in a private home. An entrepreneur will need:

  • Hall for keeping the main livestock;
  • Quarantine room;
  • Examination room;
  • Delivery room;
  • Warehouse for equipment and feed.

There are no special requirements for nurseries in the legislation. But a breeder running a cat business can take as a basis GOST R 57014-2016, which regulates the arrangement of premises for keeping animals. According to the standard:

  1. To decorate premises and assemble enclosures, it is necessary to use materials that can withstand regular wet cleaning;
  2. The nursery needs good ventilation. In order for cats to feel good, air exchange should be provided within 4-6 room volumes per hour;
  3. Walking cats is not necessary, but it is useful. You can set up a large enclosure in the yard, covered with a net or canopy;
  4. In rooms for adult animals, the temperature should be maintained at 18–24°C, and in the compartment for kittens, it should be adjusted within 20–30°C;
  5. The nursery needs perfect cleanliness. Enclosures should be cleaned at least once a day, using safe detergents.

How to equip a nursery?

An uninitiated person who keeps one or two pets in an apartment can hardly imagine how many different little things will be needed to implement such a business idea: it is difficult to provide proper care for cats without special tools and devices. As an example, consider a nursery where ten representatives of the Bengal breed live - nine females and one male:

Nursery equipment

Nameprice, rub.Quantity, pcs.Amount, rub.
Aviary 2 x 3 m2600010260000
Aviary for kittens200005100000
Quarantine cage15000115000
Lounger with mattress24001536000
A bowl4003212800
House with scratching post35001552500
Hygienic tray8001512000
Feed rack420014200
Birthing nest3400413600
Observation room
Veterinary table950019500
Veterinary instrument60006000
Tool for grooming hair and claws80008000
Rack for medicines430014300
Utility rooms
Cleaning equipment set50005000
Refrigerator for feed21800121800
Chest freezer17800117800
Production table820018200

Apart from the purchase of premium food, maintaining ten cats and their offspring will not require serious expenses. To provide the nursery with everything necessary for a whole year, you will have to spend no more than 80 thousand rubles:

Nursery supplies for a year

Nameprice, rub.Quantity, pcs.Amount, rub.
Wood filler 15 kg5004824000
Drugs against parasites3003610800
Anthelmintic drugs4003614400
Water 19 l50361800
Household gloves2524600

Business plan for breeding Bengal cats

Taking into account the price of Bengal cats in rubles, we can assume that setting up a nursery for ten animals will cost the entrepreneur a tidy sum. Taking into account the purchase of feed for the year, you will have to invest 1.7 million rubles in the business:

Investments in breeding Bengal cats

ArticleAmount, rub.
Self-employment registration800
Repair of premises200000
Consumables for a year79200
Feline courses2000
Nursery registration1500
Buying 9 cats360000
Buying a stud cat50000
Food for adult animals for a year320000
Household expenses12000

However, it is not only the high initial investment that worries newcomers. Maintaining a nursery is no less expensive, since the entrepreneur has to solve many primary and secondary problems:

Nursery expenses per year

ArticleAmount, rub.
Food for adult animals320000
Kitten food360000
Tests before mating60000
Veterinarian services72000
Pregnancy support90000
Litter activation16200
Communal payments36000
Household expenses12000
Club fees12000
Internet and communications24000

Profitability of breeding Bengal cats

The main income of the cattery is determined by how much a Bengal cat costs in rubles. As a rule, even with impeccable parents, the litter consists of 50–60% pets, 30–40% breeds and 10–20% show class kittens. Respectively:

  • A pet without breeding rights can be sold for 15–30 thousand rubles;
  • Breeds are estimated at 40–80 thousand rubles;
  • Show class costs from 100 to 450 thousand rubles.

If you breed every 8 months, then on average you can get 6-7 kittens from each of the 9 cats in the nursery per year. In addition, an entrepreneur can give his cat for mating with other purebred cats:

Income from raising Bengal cats

NameQtyprice, rub.Per month, rub.
Pet class kittens2725000675000
Breeding class kittens2440000960000
Show class kittens3100000300000
Mating a cat24000080000

Now you need to find out whether cat breeding as a business is profitable or not. Unfortunately, you can’t count on super profits, but it is quite possible to ensure a comfortable existence for yourself:

The profitability of raising Bengal cats

Revenue, rub.2015000
Costs, rub.1244600
Profit, rub.770400
Self-employment tax 4%, rub.80600
Net profit, rub.689800
Profitability, %55,4
Capital investments, rub.1695100
Payback period, years2,4

Calculations per litter and per kitten

The next important point is calculating the costs for each litter. With its help you can determine the price for one kitten.

Lifetime expenses

In addition to the initial investment, it is necessary to take into account the costs incurred from the day of mating to the immediate sale of the kittens. The main cost items include:

  • feed and fillers;
  • grooming products;
  • anthelmintic and antiparasitic drugs;
  • vaccines and chips;
  • registration of pedigree;
  • advertising;
  • Exhibitions;
  • maintenance of animals removed from breeding;
  • remuneration of employees;
  • utility bills and rent of premises (not taken into account when using your own living space);
  • taxes.

On average, one animal costs at least 4 thousand rubles per month. A separate item should be highlighted for unforeseen expenses: operations, repeated comprehensive examinations and other veterinary services. Depending on the complexity of the diagnosed disease, treatment may cost 10-90 thousand rubles.


The costs of castration and sterilization are taken into account only when selling mature pets.

Pricing for kittens

Before you set a price, carefully calculate all the costs involved, including your own time. Caring for babies and their mother takes a lot of time, so this point should also be taken into account. The amount received is the base, below which you cannot fall. Anything over it will become your profit.

The size of the premium amount on top of the base for the final price formation depends on the following factors:

  1. Breed.

    Focus on the average market price so as not to scare off potential buyers.

  2. Floor.

    Due to the possibility of further production of kittens, females are valued much more than males.

  3. Class.

    Breeding and show class will always be the most expensive.

  4. The prestige of the parents' pedigree.

    The more awards and honorary titles, the higher the price.

Once you have figured out the cost, you can move on to selling. To do this, the little “mustaches” must be at least 3 months old.

To whom and how to sell

The simplest and most budget option is word of mouth. He has one problem - long promotion, so in addition to this, you should start placing your ads in other sources:

  • your own website or the website of the club you are a member of;
  • social networks and forums;
  • marketplaces and local newspapers.

Separately, it is worth noting the cat exhibitions. Participation in them requires certain investments, but there are always many potential buyers there.

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