Food "Perfect Fit": description and reviews from veterinarians

Choosing food for your pet is a very important point. The result of your mistake may be a chronic disease of the digestive or urinary system, which will affect the length and quality of life of your pet. Therefore, it makes sense to take the time to properly understand this issue. Today we want to tell you about what Perfect Fit food is. We chose it from dozens of analogues for two reasons:

  • The manufacturer's affordable pricing policy makes the food accessible to most animal lovers.
  • Good reviews from veterinarians and owners.

Middle class food

We strongly recommend that you listen to the opinion of veterinarians and do not buy economy-class food for your pet. In addition to by-products, they contain a large amount of dyes and flavors, which does not have the best effect on your pet’s health.

Perfect Fit food belongs to the middle class. Let's take a little closer look at what this means. First of all, there is an almost complete absence of flavoring additives and preservatives. There is no meat in the composition, this is a fact; this ingredient is present only in super-premium food. However, Perfect Fit food consists of high-quality by-products, and the packaging indicates a detailed composition, which the buyer can familiarize himself with. This already inspires confidence.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perfect Fit products can be purchased in most stores and even in stationary grocery stores at an affordable price. The range of diets for cats after sterilization and Perfect for neutered cats includes both dry (packaged in 190, 650, 1200, 3000 g) and wet (85 g bags) food, which is convenient for combined nutrition.

Disadvantages include the lack of natural meat ingredients, the presence of yeast and salt.

There are not many advantages of food belonging to the middle class.

Distinctive features

Sufficiently high quality is a fact confirmed by clinical studies. At the same time, the product line has a lot of varieties that differ in taste and purpose. Thus, the line includes “Perfect Fit” food for kittens, for cats leading an active lifestyle, as well as for older cats. According to veterinarians and breeders, this food contains a balanced content of vitamins and microelements, as well as antioxidants. Therefore, experts assure that regular consumption of this product will not lead to a deterioration in your pet’s health.

Manufacturer information

Perfect Fit brand food has been produced by Mars for several decades. These products are characterized by good quality and affordable prices. In terms of content, the food does not reach the premium level. This is due to the fact that the list of ingredients used does not include natural meat. Therefore, this product belongs to the economy class.

The composition of this food fully satisfies the needs of furry pets. These foods (dry and wet) are suitable for daily feeding. Thanks to its good composition and advertising, the products of this manufacturer are in demand all over the world.


Perfect Fit food is produced by Mars. Its founder, France Mars, founded the company in 1911 and initially was engaged in the manufacture and sale of confectionery and chocolate bars. The success was enormous and Frank began to wonder: isn’t it time to do something else? The first animal products were produced in 1935; Whiskas food appeared on the markets in 1958. Russian consumers saw cat food in 1991. In 2007, the first feed production factory appeared in the Ulyanovsk region.

In addition to Perfect Fit food, the company produces Sheba, Royal Canin, Kitekat, and Pedigree food lines.

Some restrictions

What should owners who want to transfer their pets to Perfect Fit take into account? The food grade indicates that its quality is quite acceptable, but it is only suitable for healthy cats. If your pet is prone to allergic reactions, has a sensitive digestive tract, or has chronic diseases, then you need to think about choosing a special series of medicinal foods. Of course, it is not always possible to determine on your own how healthy your pet is, so seek advice from a veterinarian.


The main marketing ploy of Perfect Fit is a harmonious and balanced supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the feed. All types of food contain at least 40% protein. Mostly dehydrated chicken; the manufacturer is silent about the origin of others, although they are stated on the packaging. In addition, Perfect fit contains 25% carbohydrates and 35% fat.

The role of fiber is played by corn flour, rice, soybeans. Moreover, the latter can be in the form of flour and butter. The feed necessarily contains minerals and vitamins, as well as salt. You need to pay special attention to this; ideally, it is not recommended to add it to cats’ diet.

Marketing techniques

If you look carefully at the product label, which is what we did when compiling an analysis of Perfect Fit Cat Sterile food, two ingredient splits emerge immediately. As a rule, the method of separating derivatives of one type of plant material is used to be able to save on meat ingredients by adding plant sources of protein, and at the same time shift the latter further from the beginning of the list so as not to focus the attention of consumers on them.

First split: corn flour (No. 3) and corn protein concentrate (No. 8) - the same corn gluten that we found in the previous formula of this diet. Second split: soy protein concentrate (No. 4) and soy flour (No. 7). In addition, we also found rice in the ingredients list - as if corn and soybeans weren’t enough. True, there is relatively little rice here - it is listed only in 9th place in the list of ingredients.

Since the exact proportions of components in the diet, as before, are not indicated, the real “dosage” of protein from cereals and legumes in the Perfect Fit Cat Sterile food may well turn out to be even greater than the protein from meat components, and cats are carnivores, and they want meat, not soy and corn.

The source of animal fat in the diet was and remains unknown and is simply called “animal fat”, without specification, which allows the use of different raw materials in different batches of feed. As before, vegetable oil, aptly named sunflower oil, has been added to the food, but fish oil can no longer be found in the new composition.

For domestic cats

This “Perfect Fit” option was developed especially for sofa beds. Feedback from owners says that all cats readily switch to this food, their playfulness and mood noticeably increase, and their fur begins to shine beautifully. This composition is designed specifically to maintain the vitality and well-being of the cat.

It contains chicken protein (at least 24%), animal fat and corn, rice and soy protein. The food is enriched with dried beets and yeast, calendula flower extract, vitamins and minerals. This line also includes salmon food, which contains 14% poultry and fishmeal each, as well as lamb. Cats' taste preferences vary from person to person, but salmon food is often the favorite option.

Better design, less fat

Packaging design has certainly changed for the better. Now a beautiful purebred cat is looking at us from the package with a soulful gaze - the photo of the animal has become larger and looks better than on the old packaging.

The package indicates that it will help control the weight of cats after sterilization and castration. In fact, it simply has a relatively low fat content - 12% (in the previous version of the food it was 14.5%) and contains L-carnitine. This substance is often added to foods labeled “after sterilization,” as it is believed to speed up metabolism and prevent excess fat deposits.

Varieties of Perfect Fit food

All Perfect Fit products are represented by 8 types of food.

  • Junior - food for kittens and teenagers . Suitable for babies up to 6 months. They need a diet different from that consumed by adults. A growing body needs more minerals and vitamins. Perfect Fit food for kittens and adolescents contains vitamins C, E, as well as essential minerals. This food is produced in the form of small granules, so the animals’ gums and teeth develop better.
  • Active - for active pets . This food is suitable for very active adult cats. Such food helps the animal to always be in shape. To maintain the physical activity of cats, the food contains a lot of protein, vitamins A and B, and useful minerals.
  • Sensitive - dietary food . Well suited for animals that suffer from allergies or suffer from indigestion. The product is suitable for maintaining a diet. Contains only natural plant ingredients, no soy or wheat waste. It is very important to give this type of food to cats that suffer from liver and kidney diseases.
  • In-home - for adult domestic cats. This type of food is suitable for animals that are not active and never walk outside. To prevent your cat from becoming obese due to a sedentary lifestyle, she needs special nutrition. To maintain proper metabolism, this food contains biotin and omega acids. To prevent animal excrement in the cat potty from having an unpleasant odor, Perfect Fit I n-home contains extract of the evergreen Yucca. The food also contains a large amount of fiber, which helps remove pieces of hair from the body.
  • Sterile - for castrated and sterilized individuals . Sterilized animals also require special care. The composition includes useful substances that help normalize weight and balance metabolism.
  • Senior - nutrition for older cats . Suitable for animals over 8 years old. Older cats require special nutrition that does not contain the vitamins and minerals necessary for activity during adolescence. This food is rich in antioxidants for a beautiful shiny coat, taurine for healthy heart function and glucosamine for strong bones and normal joint function.
  • Hair&beauty - for the beauty of the fur of cats and cats . Designed for the care of long-haired cats. Perfect Fit H air&beauty products contain useful vitamins and minerals that give the coat a beautiful, healthy shine.
  • I n-form - to maintain normal weight . Used in feeding animals that lead a sedentary lifestyle and are prone to obesity. This can happen after suffering some kind of illness, as a result of which the metabolism is disrupted. The product contains L-carotene, which promotes the rapid breakdown of fats.

For castrated and sterilized cats

This is a special category of animals, the nutrition of which must be approached in a special way. Particular attention is paid here to the urinary system, in which (especially in castrated cats) stones often form due to improper feeding. Perfect Fit food does not have this disadvantage. Reviews from veterinarians convince us that this line will allow your pet to live a long and happy life without worries.

Let's look at the composition. Dried poultry protein comes first (including 24% chicken protein), followed by cereals, in this case wheat and dried animal protein. The remaining components can be considered additional, these are animal fat and rice, liver, beets and fish oil. Thus, Perfect Fit fully confirms the title of high-quality and natural food; it does not contain synthetic flavors or flavoring additives.

Perfect Fit Cat Sterile: composition characteristics

As before, the composition of Perfect Fit Cat Sterile food is indicated only in Russian. Previously, two animal protein concentrates were used as the basis of feed, including those from chicken and other birds of unknown species, and two types of cereals in combination with vegetable protein isolated from grain. The picture has remained virtually unchanged with the updated composition.

Only now the first place on the list is occupied by a component called “poultry flour (including 20% ​​chicken”), and the second place is occupied by animal flour. The characteristics of these components of Perfect Fit Cat food for sterilized cats leave much to be desired.

It is still impossible to say exactly what is included in these dried mixtures. The sources of raw materials for them may vary from one batch of feed to another, so we are against such vague ingredients - the consistency of the formula of the feed from one batch to another when using them is very doubtful.

What kind of food is this?

Probably every cat owner, going to the store for industrial food, saw on store shelves a package with the name Perfect Fit. The eye is always attracted by the beautiful image of pets, as well as the sonorous name of the brand, which translates as “Perfect fit.” It can be confidently classified as a second class of food, which is equivalent to an above-average rating. This is a good result, but what gives this manufacturer the right to bear the title of “premium food”?

So, let's understand everything in order. Perfect Fit cat food is an international trademark of Mars, which has been producing food products for animals for several decades in a row. Attracts a lot of variety. Each pet owner will be able to choose a food option for their pet that suits not only its age, but also its special needs. For example, there is food for kittens, elderly cats, active pets and couch potatoes, and others. Each option deserves attention and a separate review.

In terms of pricing, this is a relatively inexpensive food, however, as reviews suggest, not all cat breeders can buy it all the time. Some people buy it as a treat and reward for their animals. Perfect Fit is known for its balanced diet. The feed contains the necessary substances, a lot of protein, but low in carbohydrates.

The selected balance of nutrients is the result of many years of laboratory research by Perfect Fit. This is a complete daily food that meets the natural and specific needs of cats. However, do not forget that it does not belong to the Super-premium class, so its use should be balanced.

Veterinarian recommendations

Karina Sergeeva, veterinarian at the Dog and Cat clinic

I have been working in the clinic for about 7 years. I can say that it is healthier to give kittens cottage cheese and milk; As you grow older, add more boiled fish or meat to your diet; vegetables can also be given. This will develop the habit of eating natural foods. Neither dry nor wet Perfect Fit food, in my opinion, can be considered balanced, because... any form contains ingredients that can cause allergies. In practice, we often encounter diseases in animals caused by cheap feed.

Vladimir Lugov, veterinarian

If you choose ready-made diets for pets, then you should choose those that belong to the super-premium class. They are expensive, but your pet's health is even more expensive. Sometimes animals completely refuse even canned food, so you should not buy it in large packages. I can’t say about any of them that this is an ideal food, even if it contains vitamins and minerals.

All information posted on the site is provided in accordance with the User Agreement and is not a direct instruction to action. We strongly recommend that before using any product, you must obtain a face-to-face consultation at an accredited veterinary clinic.

For older cats

Animals that have lived with us for many years become integral members of the family. In order for them to stay with them as long as possible, you need to choose optimal and gentle nutrition for them. “Perfect” for cats over eight years of age is perfectly balanced and helps fight the signs of aging.

The food contains a combination of natural antioxidants that cleanse and rejuvenate cells. Special ingredients (lutein and taurine) are essential for heart health. But the most important thing is the balance of minerals; it is optimal in order to maintain normal PH of urine, and therefore maintain the health of the urinary system. This is very important for castrated cats, since in them the process of formation of kidney stones occurs at a fairly high rate.

general information

Perfect Fit ready-made food for domestic cats is created by the American company Mars. The manufacturer produces several lines in Russia, Hungary and Germany. Among them there is both dry and wet food.

The brand's products are popular among owners of furry and not so four-legged animals, as they contain healthy ingredients. The cost of food is considered not very high compared to premium products, only slightly falling short of its quality.

Daily feeding recommendations

Cats are carnivores and in nature they eat literally everything. The diet of pets often consists of food of industrial origin. However, nutrition should be as close to natural as possible.

Brit: food for cats and kittens, dry and wet

Industrial feeds often differ only in the degree of advertising. Functional properties and qualities can be determined by reading the label. The objective criterion for choosing one species or another is the condition of the animal. The pet's body must be in excellent shape. A happy and healthy animal is the best sign of quality food.

Experts recommend using food that takes into account age characteristics. For example, kitten food takes into account the needs of a growing organism. Dry and wet food must be alternated. It is better to divide food into several meals.

An adult cat consumes fewer calories, so it is better to change the diet of a one-year-old cat. The ideal weight for most breeds is 4 kg. To prevent obesity, it is recommended to use toys to encourage your pet to move more.

Important! Your cat will benefit from both dry and wet food. 200-220 kcal per day is enough.

Older pets often lose their appetite, so experts recommend wet food. It is worth paying attention to special nutrition that meets the basic needs of older pets.

An elderly pet needs special care

It is important to consider the following:

  • If your cat eats food, you should not supplement it with chicken or minced meat. This is important, since the pet’s digestion will not adapt to the new type, and problems will eventually arise. Ready meals are officially quite balanced. Additives create an imbalance. For example, when adding meat, the balance of amino acids is disrupted.
  • If ready-made food is chosen as a daily diet, it is advisable that both wet and dry mixtures be of the same brand. It is important to pay attention to the unity of the line, and not to interfere with premium and economy feed.

Cost and reviews

To compare with other brands available on the market, we need to know not only the composition, but also the cost. The price of Perfect Fit also changes depending on your weight. We will not list the cost of the entire line; we will focus only on the most popular options. If you have a small kitten and you are just learning its taste preferences, then the best option would be kitten food with chicken, weighing 190 g. The cost of such a package is 86 rubles.

The next option is a pack weighing 0.65 kg. This is the most popular version of Perfect Fit food. Price - 245 rubles. Ideal for an adult cat who leads an active lifestyle, but is too fussy about food to stick to the same flavored food for a long time. A package weighing 1.9 kg will cost you 650 rubles. Finally, the most economical packs weighing 3 kg can be purchased for 1000 rubles.



Shumskaya Oksana Viktorovna (veterinarian) – The quality of the food corresponds to its pricing policy

Perfect Fit food is a balanced diet for your pet. Its pricing policy matches its composition. Perfect Fit is, without a doubt, not a high quality holistic food, but a good mid-range food. After an examination, natural meat was found in the food, as well as high-quality by-products. The downside is the presence of cereals in the feed, as well as flavoring additives and aromas. If you plan to make Perfect Fit food your pet’s main diet, do not forget to additionally add vitamin complexes to your animal’s diet.

The next disadvantage is that the animal quickly gets used to a certain taste of food, which makes their frequent alternation inevitable. And the animal’s body, as is known, does not tolerate frequent changes of food.

Borisova Ekaterina Dmitrievna (veterinarian) – Decent food in its category

Perfect Fit cat food is definitely not perfect, but it is a decent enough cat food. It belongs to the premium class and has a very reasonable price. The food is quite economical and has a relatively high nutritional value. If you use ready-made food for daily feeding of your pet, no matter dry or wet, do not forget to always have a sippy cup with clean drinking water near the food. Otherwise, the pet will suffer from dehydration.

1 pouch bag of wet food is used per meal. However, remember that wet food can only be given to your pet when it is warm, at room temperature.


Katrin – I’m happy with everything

My pet is six years old. During this time we tried many different foods. For the last year and a half we have been using Perfect Fit food. Everyone is happy, and most importantly my cat likes it. The absolute convenience is that the food can be purchased in absolutely every supermarket or the nearest small store. Our cat enjoys eating Perfect Fit dry food and has not had any problems with digestion. Goes to the toilet consistently and without problems.

It should be noted that there is also a convenient sealed packaging of the food, which after opening can be tightly closed with a built-in lock. I can recommend this food to anyone looking for an affordable ready-made food.

Marina_05 – He approached us right away

Good afternoon. This story happened to us 4 years ago. A stray kitten ran into our house, hid under the sofa and didn’t want to come out. We didn’t plan to start anyone, but (getting ahead of ourselves) we had to.

While I was luring the cat out from under the sofa, my husband drove to the nearest store and bought the first cat food he came across. It turned out to be Perfect Fit. The cat sensed the smell and, of course, crawled out of the bunker. After we washed and fed him, the kitten became very affectionate and gentle. We decided to leave it that way.

Throughout the entire time, the cat was fed only Perfect Fitom. There were no problems with digestion, the coat was excellent and the cat’s activity was at a high level. We feed the food mixed, that is, wet and dry.

Ninel02 – Stopped buying it

I feed my purebred cat only natural food. I pamper her and cook different dishes every day. Recently a situation occurred that involved leaving the animal at home all alone for several days. For these purposes I bought dry Perfect Fit. She poured it in and left. Upon arrival, my queen completely refused natural food, demanding dry Perfect from me, which surprised me extremely. Within a few days, my cat became so accustomed to this food. As a matter of principle, she no longer bought food; the princess fasted for two days and switched to her usual natural food.

Reviews of Perfect Fit food

Alexey Yu. Should you feed your pet this poison? Of course not! I was stupid, I wanted to save money and bought this food cheaper. I fed them for a whole month. Poor cat. I have never seen him in such a lousy state. The tray began to smell so bad it stung my eyes. A day later the cat began to suffer from diarrhea. I stopped feeding Perfect Fit - and here is the effect, the smell disappeared. Think about what they add there, since it is so lousy to digest. Don't make my mistakes!

Bakhchisaraeva Angela Recently acquired a kitten. I didn't know what to feed him. The seller offered Perfect Fit for kittens. Sweetie eats, likes everything, gains weight, and behaves actively. I'm happy with the food. And its composition seems to be natural.

Dmitry K. Choosing between perfik and whiskey, I, of course, chose the first. Although, the strange smell of the food is alarming. But the cat eats it on both cheeks. I like the fact that the food is sold in every store and is not expensive. Only the packaging is too small and runs out quickly.

Olesya Zharikova My husband bought the food, but the cat didn’t even eat it. I just dug with my paw next to the plate and that’s it. Well, yes, the smell is still the same. I read reviews on the Internet, and on the advice of one of them, I tried mixing it with food from another manufacturer. So what do you think? Rose CHOOSE another food, but Perfect Fit remained on the plate. Once again I was convinced that you can’t believe advertising.

Veterinarians' opinion

As usual, doctors' opinions differ somewhat. There are supporters of natural feeding who will try to dissuade you from the idea of ​​buying this or any other dry food. However, today more and more veterinarians are coming to the conclusion that high-quality, balanced, ready-made food is much less likely to lead to health problems than a homemade diet. At the same time, doctors have the opportunity to observe animals that have switched to ready-made feed.

It is based on such observations that veterinarians note that Perfect Fit food is the optimal combination of price and quality. A balanced composition, the absence of harmful ingredients, a good percentage of protein - not all food from more expensive brands offers you this quality. Based on practice, we can say with confidence that by regularly eating food from this brand, your cat will be healthy and active for many years.

Reviews from veterinarians

My opinion, as a veterinarian, is that you should not buy cheap food for your pet. Many people contact me who bring their pets with various diseases of the liver, kidneys and stomach. All these diseases are caused precisely by the fact that cats are fed inexpensive dry food.

Valentina, 3 years experience

I have been working as a veterinarian for 10 years. In principle, I think that Perfect Fit food is not the worst that is presented on our market. The quality matches the price. But there are also economy-class feeds that cause much more harm to animals.

Mikhail, 10 years experience

It is best to feed cats natural foods. Cottage cheese, chicken, fish, cereals will help balance the diet of your animals. If you still want to use store-bought food, then give it to your pets not all the time. You can also use Perfect Fit, but read the information about other foods, preferably premium ones.

Svetlana, 7 years experience

Before you buy Perfect Fit food for your pet, read all the reviews about it, but not on the official website. Also be sure to consult your veterinarian. Research other cat foods on the market. You should have an alternative to purchase other products if your pet does not like Perfect Fit.

Is it worth purchasing?

Most domestic cats, incl. purebred, does not refuse natural food. You can easily accustom a pet to it, but not everyone is ready to study the habits and preferences of a pet for a long time. In addition, advertisements that beautifully describe the benefits of canned food also have an influence.

Each pet owner must decide for himself whether it is worth spending money on Perfect products or on natural fish, meat, and chicken.

The manufacturer uses dehydrated poultry meat and offal, the origin of which is unknown, so the quality of the protein is difficult to determine. The flavoring component in the diet is hydrolyzed animal origin, but the manufacturer also does not say what raw materials it is obtained from. Perhaps the animal will immediately refuse the herbal composition of Perfect Fit, and then it will be necessary to select a premium food that contains meat ingredients, and not salt, corn, and beets that are dangerous to the health of the animals.

Owner reviews

Alla D.

I decided to buy a bag of this food by pure chance. I went into the store and just saw a new brand on the dog food counter. I decided to try it because I liked the composition and the price. For the first time in 9 years, my dog, who was accustomed to premium food, ate every last crumb and even asked for more. My pet always had a poor appetite and was not particularly interested in food. I can already give it a solid four out of five, but I want to check whether there will be any side effects or allergic reactions. The dog “sits” on this brand of food for only a week.

Snezhana M.

The food is quite suitable for its price category. Ordered delivery from a local store after reading reviews from other customers. There are no special complaints. I didn't really like the composition. There are a lot of useful substances and vitamins, which are already on everyone’s lips. The inscription “including chicken” implies the presence of offal of a different origin. It is not entirely clear what kind of meat the food is made from. The recommended portions are not suitable for a medium-sized dog weighing more than 10 kg, whose activity is usually off the charts. We had to increase them, so it’s probably better to select the daily allowance individually for each pet.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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