Reviews from veterinarians about the popular cat food Perfect Fit

Analysis of the composition and comparative characteristics of Perfect Fit feed

First of all, the cat should like the food. The food must be safe and also improve the health of the pet.

Perfect Fit cat food is considered a good choice, although the food is economy class. An analysis of the composition suggests a similar conclusion. For example, here you can find a good balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The manufacturer divides the types based on the age of the pets.

The composition is unclear about the protein, which can be of animal or plant origin. It is also impossible to understand what the quality of the original products was.

Choosing food for a cat

However, describing the range of economy class food without specifying the information is normal. Perfect Fit does not belong to the premium class due to the content of the following components:

  • corn;
  • wheat;
  • soy concentrate;
  • vitamins and dietary supplements.

Competition for Perfect Fit products comes from the following types of cat food:

  • Fun Cat, produced by . This is an economical option, but of good quality. It contains enough animal proteins, vitamins and minerals. However, the food is only suitable for adult cats. There are only two varieties on sale: with chicken and with fish. A 2.4 kg package sells for 500 rubles.
  • Purina One has relatively identical characteristics. This is an intermediate link between economy and premium classes. Among the nutrients there are enough vitamins and minerals. Good content of the main components. There are a variety of flavors on sale, and there are even medicinal options. The cost varies depending on the weight of the package. 200 grams sell for approximately 100 rubles, and 750 grams cost 400 rubles.

* — all prices are indicated for October 2022

Perfect Fit range

The varieties of Perfect Fit nutrition are presented below.

For reference! The manufacturer insists that Perfect Fit food belongs to the premium class.

Food for kittens

Perfect fit for kittens with chicken is a dry food that contains 41% protein, 18% fat, 1.3% fiber. Babies can be given the granule version from the age of one month. In addition to kittens, the food is suitable for pregnant and lactating cats. The dry form is widely available in retail chains in packaging of 190, 650 g, at a price of 70 to 200 rubles.

Perfect fit kitten food with chicken in sauce, 85g can be an addition to the dry version. Essentially these are canned goods that go on sale in soft packaging. The cost of one pack is small - 24 rubles.

For cats aged 1-7 years (Adult)

Perfect Fit Adult is suitable for adult pets, as it takes into account the condition of cats. It is important for older cats to stay in good shape. It contains a special combination of proteins, vitamins and minerals. The composition is relevant for maintaining muscle strength.

The food will add energy to an adult animal. The pet will be happy to spend active time. The commercially available packages weigh 650 g and cost 220 rubles.

Cat food Perfect Fit for adults with beef in sauce, PERFECT FIT Adult Beef. The food takes into account all the needs of cats, for whom it is important to stay in good shape. It contains proteins, minerals and vitamins that will provide your pet with energy.

Wet food Perfect fit

Important! Wet food should be at room temperature. An adult cat will be provided with a complete diet if you give it 3-4 sachets daily.

For domestic sedentary animals (In-Home)

Perfect Fit cat food is suitable for pets kept at home. Pets living in high-rise buildings often suffer from lack of exercise. Cats are starting to get fat. To eliminate this condition, the feed mixture is enriched with dietary fiber. For example, it is in this proposal that the content of beet pulp is increased by 3.9%. The composition is characterized by reduced calorie content and palatability.

Dietary fiber helps remove hair from the stomach, so the food is suitable for furry pets. Plant mixtures are beneficial because they contain inulin. The component has a prebiotic effect. Profit reduces the unpleasant odor from feces. The weight of commercially available feed varies from 0.19 g to 3 kg. The price of mixtures varies from 70 to 800 rubles.

For active cats (Active)

Perfect Fit active chicken is a food that takes into account the individual needs of an adult cat. Complete food, specially designed for pets aged 1 to 8 years. The food has an ideal ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Thanks to nutrition, the animal is always in good shape and energetic. The diet is rich in vitamins and minerals. For example, iron and B vitamins normalize metabolism. Vitamins E, C and lutein strengthen the immune system. Vitamin A supports visual acuity.

Perfect Fit active chicken in wet form is suitable for all cat breeds. The food is rich in antioxidants, which help strengthen the immune system. There is no soy in the composition, no preservatives, flavors or dyes. This option is suitable for the daily menu of the most picky person. Small pieces of meat in a flavorful sauce will be appreciated.

Cats love wet food

Overweight (In-Form)

Cats prone to overweight can receive Perfect Fit In-Form, which is suitable for daily feeding. The best veterinarians and nutritionists participated in the development of this cat food. As a result, the food contains 20% fewer calories, and also contains L-carnitine.

The component breaks down fats perfectly. Vitamin A is effective in the fight against excess weight. The diet contains the optimal amount of protein. Vitamins and mineral components are perfectly balanced.

Perfect Fit In-Form with chicken for cats prone to obesity, in wet form, also has a balanced composition. The food is high quality, your pet will be in good shape and in a friendly mood.

Feeding rates are based on the cat's weight. If it needs to be supported, 30 to 75 g of feed is given. If feeding is to reduce the number of kg, it is necessary to provide from 25 to 60 g of feed. The weight of a pet receiving diet food can range from 2 to 7 kg. The food is suitable for individuals who prefer to spend time comfortably on the couch.

With sensitive digestion (Sensitive)

Dry food for cats with sensitive digestion Perfect Fit with turkey is a hypoallergenic food that can be used to meet the needs of adult animals.

The feed mixture does not contain soy and wheat, which are considered potential allergens.

For reference! Packages on sale range in weight from 0.19 to 3 kg, with prices ranging from 70 to 800 rubles.

For sterilized cats and neutered cats (Sterile)

Dry food for sterilized cats - Perfect Fit with chicken contains about 38 g of protein, 12 g of fat, 2.3 g of dietary fiber. All this is contained in 100 grams of feed mixture.

A version of this food goes on sale in weights from 0.19 to 3 kg. The price varies depending on the weight of the package and ranges from 70 to 800 rubles.

Dry cat food

For aging animals (Senior)

Dry food for cats over 7 years old Perfect Fit with chicken is suitable as food for older pets.

The feed mixture is characterized by a high content of taurine, vitamins C and E. These components stimulate the heart muscle. Glucosamine and Omega 3 included in the composition ensure normal functioning of the joints. Sunflower oil acids guarantee good skin condition.

The food is available in 650 g packages, the price is 200 rubles.

Product varieties

The Perfect Fit line includes 8 different foods that differ in their composition. They are aimed at performing various functions, for example, helping the animal to be active at any age, not to become obese, to have soft, silky fur, to restore or maintain metabolism.


Designed for feeding small kittens and teenagers. It is recommended to give it up to six months. Feature: 31% protein in the form of chicken, a large amount of minerals, vitamins C, E, minerals. Junior is available in the form of small granules that promote the development of gums and teeth.


Food for the most active kittens who love to play, jump, and run a lot. Can be given from 6 months . Contains vitamins A, B, protein and minerals, helping to be energetic.


Dry food granules, intended for cats and cats with diseases of internal organs: stomach, for example, indigestion, problems with the kidneys or liver, who are allergic to other foods. It is recommended to use this type of product during treatment and diet.

The food in this line contains only natural plant ingredients; no soy or wheat is used.


The manufacturer recommends giving it to adult cats who do not walk outside, like to lie down more, and are not very active. To keep you in good shape and avoid obesity, food with omega acids in combination with biotin, which normalizes metabolism, will help. Features in the composition: fiber, to remove hairballs from the pet’s body, and Yucca extract, so that stool does not emit an unpleasant odor.


Special liquid food for sterilized and neutered cats living without worries. Contains: substances to balance metabolism, normalize weight, maintain the functioning of the urinary system.


Ideal food suitable for older cats over 8 years of age . Features in the composition: antioxidants for a smooth and shiny coat, taurine to support the functioning of the cardiovascular system, glucosamine to strengthen bones and joints.


Food that helps your pet's coat become beautiful, silky, and shiny. Recommended for purebred cats with long hair.


For breeds prone to obesity. If the animal has been ill or has a metabolic disorder, the L-carotene in the composition quickly breaks down accumulated fats.

As you can see, the manufacturer has taken care of all ages and categories of cats. You can consult your veterinarian about which class of food is suitable specifically for your pet.

Daily feeding recommendations

Cats are carnivores and in nature they eat literally everything. The diet of pets often consists of food of industrial origin. However, nutrition should be as close to natural as possible.

Brit: food for cats and kittens, dry and wet

Industrial feeds often differ only in the degree of advertising. Functional properties and qualities can be determined by reading the label. The objective criterion for choosing one species or another is the condition of the animal. The pet's body must be in excellent shape. A happy and healthy animal is the best sign of quality food.

Experts recommend using food that takes into account age characteristics. For example, kitten food takes into account the needs of a growing organism. Dry and wet food must be alternated. It is better to divide food into several meals.

An adult cat consumes fewer calories, so it is better to change the diet of a one-year-old cat. The ideal weight for most breeds is 4 kg. To prevent obesity, it is recommended to use toys to encourage your pet to move more.

Important! Your cat will benefit from both dry and wet food. 200-220 kcal per day is enough.

Older pets often lose their appetite, so experts recommend wet food. It is worth paying attention to special nutrition that meets the basic needs of older pets.

An elderly pet needs special care

It is important to consider the following:

  • If your cat eats food, you should not supplement it with chicken or minced meat. This is important, since the pet’s digestion will not adapt to the new type, and problems will eventually arise. Ready meals are officially quite balanced. Additives create an imbalance. For example, when adding meat, the balance of amino acids is disrupted.
  • If ready-made food is chosen as a daily diet, it is advisable that both wet and dry mixtures be of the same brand. It is important to pay attention to the unity of the line, and not to interfere with premium and economy feed.

Composition of dry food

Let's look at what is included in the universal food for adult cats and cats Inhome from the Perfect Fit line from.

  1. The product is based on dried poultry and salmon protein - about 14%. Animal proteins are well absorbed by the body and give strength and energy.
  2. Cereal base – corn and corn flour, wheat and wheat processing products. These are all sources of carbohydrates for pets.
  3. B vitamins come from the liver of large-horned animals.

The composition also includes fats, a thickener, and dry beets (serves as a source of fiber).

The energy value is 368 Kcal per 100 g of product. On the packaging you will find a full description of the ingredients and recommendations for use.

A distinctive feature of the entire Perfect Fit line for cats is the presence of 40% proteins, 35% fats, 25% carbohydrates. This is an ideal formula developed by specialists to keep pets in excellent shape, normalizes metabolism in the body and replenishes all necessary nutrients.

Veterinarians' opinion

Whiskas for kittens: dry and wet food for cats

Veterinarians often advise choosing more expensive food. Specialists often solve problems with pet diseases that arise due to unbalanced nutrition. Cheap food often contains dyes, flavors, and allergens. Substances cause various disorders. Therefore, professionals assure that high-quality food cannot be cheap.

However, the market is diverse; inexpensive options that do not belong to the premium class have affordable quality. Among manufacturers, the Perfect Fit brand is often called. The brand is distinguished by its optimal content of meat components - chicken, turkey, lamb. Some options are wheat and soy free. All types do not include dyes or preservatives.

Composition of Perfect Fit food

Ready-made food is very convenient for the owner and provides the pet with all the necessary components. Cooking natural food always takes time and is extremely difficult. Good ready-made food is not harmful to cats, since the compositions are often natural, with mineral supplements and vitamins. No special conditions are required to preserve the components.

Cat food manufacturers today operate under enormous competition. Almost no one uses cheap raw materials, especially no one passes off their products as being of higher quality. The entire composition can be studied on the label.

Veterinarians advise paying attention to the protein content. This component is of uneven importance; some types are poorly absorbed by pets. For example, vegetable protein is not always necessary for proper nutrition of a pet.

It is also important to pay attention to the carbohydrate content. For example, soy and corn are unlikely to be healthy carbohydrates. If substances are present in the product, they must be in minimal quantities.

In addition, when feeding dry food, it is important to take into account the drinking regime. If it is violated, you can provoke urolithiasis.

Important! A cat eating dry food should always have a full bowl of fresh water.

Water for a cat eating dry food

Advantages and disadvantages of Perfect Fit

Wet food for cats: rating of the best according to veterinarians

All feed mixtures have advantages and disadvantages. The following things are said about Perfect Fit.


  • the components included in the composition are able to support all the needs of a pet;
  • the product is presented in a wide variety, you can choose according to age;
  • There are varieties presented in the form of dry or wet food;
  • the components include vitamins and biological additives;
  • The company's food can always be found on sale;
  • In terms of cost, Perfect Fit is not very expensive.


  • the composition clearly contains protein of plant origin;
  • the contents of the components are not entirely clear;
  • vitamins and minerals are contained in the feed in small quantities;
  • Some constituent substances can cause allergies, for example, corn, soy.

Among owners of domestic cats and cats there are adherents of both natural and ready-made feeding. Most professional breeders tend to believe that high-quality, balanced food rarely leads to digestive problems.

Perfect Fit is the optimal combination of price and quality. There are no harmful ingredients in the composition, animal protein is offered in good quantities. You can feed your cat or cat regularly with Perfect Fit food. The animal will be distinguished by activity and longevity.

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