Mating cats: a description of all the nuances of the first mating of a cat and a male cat (tips from breeders on preparing for mating)



All animals on this planet have an instinct for procreation. It begins to appear when the animal reaches sexual maturity. For those who have decided to breed a certain breed, it is necessary to know on what day of heat the cat should be bred.

Of course, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the animal’s body, since in some people puberty occurs earlier, in others later. There are also various pathologies in cats that disrupt the estrus process.

The cat is ready for mating

The first mating of a cat is due to estrus, which occurs in the first year of her life. The age of maturity in pets occurs after six months, but during the first heat the cat cannot be taken to a partner. The body is not yet fully formed, because of this, pregnancy can be much more difficult, complications and pathologies may appear.

Therefore, the first mating must be planned starting from the age of one and a half years, or after the 3rd heat. The body is fully formed, the hormonal levels are stable, and she is ready to bear offspring.

Suitable age

The reproductive age of each dog is individual and depends on factors, the leading of which are:

  • Floor.
  • Breed.
  • Dimensions.
  • Heredity.

Puberty occurs quite early in most animals. In females, the first heat can occur as early as 6 months, and the male will be ready for mating at 9. However, the formation of the reproductive system does not mean that the dog is ready to give birth, and the dog has become a good producer.

Up to 1.5 -2 years, that is, before the dog reaches the size of an adult, the number of sperm in the seed is too small for high-quality fertilization to occur. In addition, it is necessary to wait until the testes have completely descended into the scrotum. Since at this stage, deficiencies that can be inherited are often identified.

If one of the testes does not descend from the abdominal cavity, the dog will not be given permission to reproduce. He may have offspring. But this defect is inherited, so it is removed from breeding. Age restrictions for females also have physiological grounds.

Therefore, the pet is allowed to fully mature. In addition, world canine organizations strictly limit the number of litters and the frequency of pregnancies. This is done for several reasons:

  • Limit the number and prevalence of the breed so as not to oversaturate the market.
  • Reduce the number of culled puppies born from mothers that are too young, too old, or who have not fully recovered.
  • Preserve the health of dogs that need a period of rest after pregnancy, as this is a very difficult physical and psychological test for the body.

A feature that emphasizes the difference between the two sexes is also the age limit, which prohibits bitches over 8 years old from participating in breeding. At this time, boys can be active as much as their health allows.


It is very easy to recognize a cat's heat; as a rule, this period occurs in the spring, sometimes twice a year. At this time she is the most affectionate, does not want to play at all, constantly purrs, rubs against furniture and asks for affection.

She can also meow very loudly, thus calling for a cat that may be nearby.

  • You cannot delay mating, because the cat can become very aggressive and simply abandon the cat and even bite him.
  • If you do not plan to continue the cat's birth, it is necessary to use specialized products, they can be in the form of drops or tablets.

Recommendations for the owner

A cat for breeding must be selected before the cat goes into heat. There are a number of rules that you need to follow in order to choose the right pair for your pet.

  • If the cat is purebred, it can only be crossed with those breeds that are acceptable for mating. The list of breeds can be obtained from a veterinarian, he will advise and explain the characteristics of each
  • When choosing a cat, you need to take into account the blood type, it should be exactly the same as that of the cat. Under no circumstances should pets with different blood types be allowed to mate, as complications may arise during pregnancy.
  • The cat should not be given hormonal drugs that are aimed at suppressing empty estrus; this can also cause complications.
  • In order to properly prepare a pet for mating, she must be vaccinated on time and treated against all possible parasites; she must be completely clean, just like the cat. Carrying out bathing procedures 2 weeks before mating is strictly prohibited. This is done so that the fur retains the smell that it releases during estrus.
  • For the first mating, you need to select an experienced cat, this is done in order to speed up the process. It is not uncommon for a cat to be afraid of a cat and try to scare it away. The process may take a long time, or the acquaintance may not take place.
  • Keeping a cat 2-3 days before estrus should be carefully discussed with the cat's owner, this will prepare the pets for each other and eliminate the possibility of fright when meeting.

Knitting process

Mating of animals should occur on the 3-4th day of estrus. On the first day of being in a new territory, the cat carefully explores it, she must get used to it, make sure that it is safe.

  • The introduction process needs to be carried out only on day 2, for this you need to open the rooms and allow the animals to meet in the house on their own.
  • After this, the cat may begin to hiss and scare the cat away, but this is only part of the ritual.
  • She can flirt with him by raising her tail and lowering her body, and as soon as he approaches, she can run away.

Courtship can take up to several hours, after which the male takes decisive action, and if the cat does not mind, the act of mating begins. It can take up to five minutes, during which time there should be silence in the house so as not to scare the animals. After the process is completed, the cat will purr contentedly.

Features of sexual hunting

From 8 months the cat is considered sexually mature. If the male does not live in a closed room (apartment) and has free access to the street, during this period he begins to disappear from the house for a long time in search of a sexual object. The owners will immediately understand that their pet has grown up - during the onset of puberty, he begins to meow frequently at night.

The behavior and character of the cat changes, it may become more aggressive. Sexual activity among representatives of the cat world is well expressed. If a pet does not have access to the street, it can imitate sexual intercourse using soft toys and wool clothing. Every time the cat will react violently if a sexually mature female is next to him. If a pet lives in a private home, the owners need to try very hard to keep it from escaping.

For the first sexual intercourse, a sexually mature cat will always choose an experienced female who has already given birth.

If mating occurs in a cat without sexual experience, the owners of the animals should bring them to mating no more than once a month. When they become more experienced and learn to behave appropriately, mating can be carried out 2 times a week.

Behavior after mating

Sometimes there are cases where a cat after mating still continues to call the cat. Her behavior is actually no different from the mating season. Discharge in a cat after mating is quite normal, this happens very often.

After mating, she will look for the cat, call him, she may well refuse food and water, and even stop going to the toilet for some time.

There is no need to take any measures for about 2 days, the main thing is to ensure that there is always fresh water and food in the bowl, and the tray is clean. When the cat calms down, she eats herself and goes into the litter box.

When considering how a cat behaves after mating, it is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of its breed and character.

  • For example, mating of Scottish cats occurs very quickly, taking 2-3 days.
  • In some cases, pets may take several days to get to know each other due to their difficult nature.
  • That is why you need to choose a determined and arrogant cat as a partner, otherwise the mating may simply not take place.

If a cat yells after mating, this is quite normal, her hormonal levels have not yet recovered to normal levels, she is still inviting the cat and looking for him. At this time, you need to leave the cat alone; you should not stroke it and calm it down, giving it affection; the owners only aggravate its situation, significantly prolonging its restless behavior.

Usually, restless behavior after mating lasts no more than 2 days; if after this period of time the pet has not calmed down, you need to invite a veterinarian home so that he can examine it and find out the cause and provide qualified assistance.

Search for a partner

The easiest way to find a partner is through the club where the animal is a member. You can visit exhibitions or search through advertisements, but the search process will take a lot of time if you are looking for a partner for the first time.

The search is complicated by the fact that specific goals are often pursued to improve the offspring. For example, if a female has short ears and you want to get offspring with longer ears, then you need to look for a cat with long and large ears.

It is important to check the veterinary passport and pedigree of the partner; it would not be amiss to familiarize yourself with the results of tests for genetic diseases.

Compliance with breeding rules is required. Therefore, it is imperative to draw up a mating agreement; the conditions for keeping the female in the cat’s territory and payment are agreed upon in advance. The cost depends on the breed, experience, and in some cases the title of the partner, but usually the cost of one kitten. The payment may be a kitten.

Photos of mating cats

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