How to tell a male cat apart: Tips for determining the sex of your pet

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At first glance, the question of how to distinguish a cat from a female cat may make you smile.

Many will think that nothing is simpler, because there are obvious gender differences that make it easy to determine gender.

But what if you need to find out the gender of small or newborn kittens?

At this age, primary signs are not as pronounced as in adults.

In this case, the following tips will help determine the gender of the kitten.

The sex of a kitten can be determined by various characteristics

  • 2 Determination of gender by external characteristics
  • 3 Habits and character
  • 4 How to find out the gender of British kittens?
  • 5 Determining the sex of sphinxes

Is it possible to determine the sex of newborn babies?

To start raising a kitten, it is very important to determine the gender as early as possible (preferably in infancy). This way you can apply the correct taming techniques to the tray, scratching post and bathing, as well as select the right food, vitamins and get the necessary vaccinations.

At first glance, it is almost impossible to understand for sure whether a newborn baby is a boy or a girl, due to the structural features of the body. Don’t despair and seek help from a veterinarian or a familiar felinologist!

As a rule, a cat's litter gives birth to babies of different sexes. This feature will help you almost unambiguously identify boys and girls among babies. To determine the sex, you just need to compare the kittens' genitals.

The baby’s body is still very weak, so you need to act with extreme caution:

  • gently grab the kitten by the scruff of the neck (as a mother cat does) and place it, belly down, in your palm;
  • then carefully raise the baby to eye level, so that you can easily inspect everything;
  • slowly lift your ponytail;
  • begin visual gender determination.

Photo: the example shows that the genitals of newborns are different, a boy on the left, a girl on the right

You should know that the genitals of newborn kittens are just beginning to form. Therefore, pay attention to the distance between the genitals and the anus: in girls it is much smaller than in boys.

When visually inspecting, be careful not to scare or harm the newborn kitten. If the baby begins to meow pitifully, his mother will become seriously worried: she will start calling her children, constantly dragging them to new shelters.

You can also observe the behavior of newborns. Usually girls are calmer, sleep a lot and eat more willingly. Boys squeak more often, looking for new adventures, climbing on their mother or crawling around the house.

Never “check” the floor too often or forcefully. Firstly, you will only become more confused in your conclusions, and secondly, such actions create a lot of stress for both the mother cat and her babies.

Try to consider the following tips:

  • do not lift kittens by the tail;
  • do not take babies away from their mother during feeding;
  • do not try to feel something in the pet’s genital area - you can damage the fragile organism;
  • It is better not to touch the kittens unnecessarily, as the alien smell can frighten the mother cat and force her to abandon the children.

Differences between adult cats and cats

The sex of adult animals is easier to determine than that of babies. Cats and cats have distinctive features:

  1. Genital organs. The cat's genitals are external, and the testicles are easily visible. Cats have internal genitals, so there are no bulges on the outside.
  2. A one-year-old cat has a dry constitution, rough bones, developed muscles and massive limbs. Cats remain graceful, as at six months of age.
  3. On the face of an adult cat, one can distinguish a massive forehead and clearly defined angles. The cat has a small head and huge eyes. For some breeds, differences in the appearance of the head and muzzle are not typical.
  4. Males have visually thicker and more beautiful fur than females. A healthy animal has greasy hair under its tail. The female has scanty fur in these places. It is also a secondary sexual characteristic in cats.

Black cat and red cat

At what age can you accurately determine the gender of a kitten?

It is possible to find out absolutely exactly who the kitten is only after two months. By this time, sexual characteristics have already developed quite strongly.

Photo: at two months of age, cats and seals become different

The babies begin to lead an almost independent lifestyle, gradually moving away from their mother. The difference in behavior, look, habits and even daily routine between boys and girls will be immediately visible.

As a rule, cats are quite soft, affectionate, very active and playful. Their gaze is particularly attentive and kind. Cat girls love attention and love to be carried in your arms like princesses.

But boys grow up to be real pranksters! They will be happy to engage their brothers and sisters in games. The kitten boys are ready for pranks; mischievous lights immediately begin to play in their eyes.

If you don’t notice their approach in time, they will bite your hand, pull your hair, jump, and try to bite other pets by the ear and tail.

You can also pay attention to the color and shape of the muzzle. This method is effective and allows you to draw a certain conclusion at an early age.

Characteristic features of male and female genitalia in cats

In adult males, the anus, scrotum and urethra are clearly distinguishable. The penis is located between the scrotum and the anus. In a calm state, it is a fluffy tubercle. Inside the scrotum are testicles in which sperm are formed. The scrotum is visually visible when the cat's tail is raised. In furry breeds, the organ is not so clearly visible due to their long hair. To unambiguously identify a cat’s gender, he needs to wet the fur under his tail, then the testicles will be clearly visible. In females, the only external genital organs are the urethra; besides it, the anus is clearly visible under the cat’s tail, but there are no bulges.

Cat's genitals

About sterilized animals

If more than six months have passed since the cat was castrated, then his behavior and coat are almost no different from the same signs in sterilized females. After surgery, cats are left with an empty scrotum, only by feeling it can one determine the sex of the animal.

Determination methods

Among modern felinologists, various methods are used to determine the sex of kittens. There are both quite simple and traditional methods, as well as those using high technology.

By genitals

The easiest and most reliable way to find out who your pet is is a simple visual assessment of the animal's genitals. The main advantage of this method is the opportunity to find out the sex of the baby as early as possible.

It is recommended not to touch newborn kittens until they reach three to four weeks of age. Mothers of babies are very worried!

Next, you will learn how to determine the sex of a kitten. At 1 month, the babies are already strong enough and can be carefully examined.

Girls have a vertical stripe (vulva), which from a distance resembles an inverted letter “i”. Also, the genitals of cats are located almost close to the anus. If you notice a colon under your pet's tail, it means it's a boy.

Photo: the area under the tail of cats and cats is very different

Also, small cats have small swellings in this area, the testicles. They will be formed only by two to three months. But there were cases when girls, due to the structural features of the body, had similar testicles, and in boys, the testicles were “hidden” in the abdominal cavity for up to three months.

Controversial situations often confuse owners who have encountered this for the first time and do not know exactly how to determine the sex of a kitten. At 2 months, the characteristic differences between girls and boys are clearly outlined.

The character and description of the British Fold cat breed is discussed in the article: British Fold cat.

Where to buy a Russian blue cat in Moscow, read here.

By color

Many people suggest determining the sex of an animal by its color. This method should not be underestimated or taken as a joke. In fact, by the number of colors on the fur coat and the pattern, you can easily distinguish cats from male cats.

A certain set of genes and a combination of chromosomes are responsible for the appearance of fur. Biological analysis in research has shown that only cats are tricolored.

For such a combination, two X chromosomes are needed, which only female individuals have. Very rarely, abnormal tortoiseshell (multi-colored) cats were born, but they were infertile.

Photo: only cats have a tortoiseshell color.
Different coat pigments are directly linked to genes and gender. Statistics have revealed that cats are most often completely red.

Photo: seals can boast of red coats

By behavior

It would seem that cats and cats are very similar to each other. They are excellent hunters, loyal companions and avid sleepers. How to determine the sex of a kitten? At 3 months you can notice slight changes in the behavior of babies.

After just a little observation of the brood, you will see that girls and boys have their own habits and behavior:

  • teenage cats try to be like adults in everything, sharpen their claws and rub their faces against various objects, marking their territory;
  • girls are more active than boys, they play with pleasure for a long time and sleep much less;
  • cats are often more sociable, they like to sleep with people, hug and kiss;
  • girls usually demonstrate their independence and relax alone;
  • beautiful pets are more clean: they lick themselves more often and require a neat bed and toilet;
  • boys behave more confidently and slightly arrogantly.

Despite the fact that the behavior of cats and seals is different, you should not rely entirely on this method.

By palpation

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine the gender of a kitten purely visually. Palpation will definitely help resolve your doubts and will not cause any inconvenience to your pet.

Another advantage of this method is the ability to determine the sex of the baby at a very early age.

Photo: palpation should be carried out as carefully as possible

Carefully take the kitten in your palm and lightly feel the area under the anus.

If you feel slight swelling, it means this is a boy. These will form testicles by two months. For female cats, the area under the tail will be smooth without protrusions.

However, sometimes the palpation method misfires. Some cats have peculiar swellings (due to the peculiar structure of the body), which can easily be confused with male genital organs. Also, in small cats, the testicles are often located in the abdominal cavity.

You can also determine the sex of your pet by the hair in the area under the tail. Take the kitten and gently run your finger over the area between the anus and the genitals. Girls in this area have practically no hair, but boys have quite thick hair.


In addition to the above methods of determining sex, there are other, less used, but still effective methods.

They are very different: there are both innovative (using high technology) and quite traditional (based on the physiology of the pet).

You can definitely determine the sex of your pet using a DNA test. Experienced specialists at the clinic will conduct an analysis and give an accurate conclusion within a week.

However, not all cities have equipment for a complex test, and the procedure is quite expensive. This method is not common, since it is possible to determine the sex of a kitten in a simpler way.

It is also worth paying attention to the difference in the development of girls and boys. Puberty begins earlier in cats (at six months) than in boys (at seven to twelve months). Therefore, using the sign you can confirm what gender your pet is.

Also, cats, as a rule, mark their territory more often and scratch things they like more often. Girls are comparatively more careful; they take care of the environment around them.

Seals have more odorous urine, which is due to the natural need to clearly mark the boundaries of their territory.

Some people manage to determine the gender of their pets by their faces. If you take a good look at these animals, you will notice that cats have smoother and more refined features, while cats, on the contrary, are a little rougher and tougher. The size of the head also varies. Girls have significantly smaller heads than boys.

Photo: cats and female cats have different shapes and sizes of faces.
The physique of animals is also a clear indicator of their gender. Kitties have a thinner and more flexible body. The impression of extraterrestrial grace is created. But cats have a stronger, stockier body, designed for the need to defend their own territory.

However, this method has a major disadvantage. Baby kittens have almost the same body type, which makes it very difficult to determine the sex visually.

What selection criteria should you focus on?

The choice of sex of a four-legged pet is influenced by many factors. One of the most important criteria is the type of home in which the owner lives. We must not forget about those who live next to him. The presence of small children and other pets must be taken into account. An important factor will be how the new pet tolerates loneliness and long separation from a loved one.

In an apartment or private house

When thinking about whether it is better to have a cat in an apartment or a country house, you can read forums or chat with experienced owners. Most often, in a city apartment it is recommended to have cats. Females are cleaner than males, do not leave odorous marks, and do not scatter litter. In addition, keeping a girl in a confined space will not result in an unplanned pregnancy, because the owner can control her social circle.

Cats love to spend time on the couch and on a person's lap. They don't need the open spaces of the street to feel happy. But the female, unlike the males, is much more effective in ridding the country house of annoying rodents. Cats quickly lose interest in monotonous hunting and find other activities - mainly guarding the territory and clashes with neighboring cats.

Boys prefer the opportunity to go outside the home. They want to run, jump, climb trees. Males need to feel like masters, so they mark their territory. Finding such marks in an apartment is not very pleasant. A private house will be the optimal habitat for boys.


The furry pet is very sensitive to the attitude of family members. If someone doesn’t like him or offends him, the two-legged animal avoids him.

Girls are more prone to reciprocal affection and tenderness from the owner. Kitties become more attached to a person and better adapt to his character. Cats are more independent in this regard. They are more interested in climbing a tree or curtain than purring in the arms of their owner.

Intelligence and ease of education

The behavior of mustaches directly depends on their upbringing

It is important to instill in children the norms of behavior in the family from early childhood. Representatives of any gender and breed respond well to the persistent demands of the owner

However, females are more flexible in this regard. They will fulfill a person’s demands, so as not to offend him, to please him.

Males, on the contrary, will prefer to run away, hide, rather than obey. It is more difficult to train them to use the cat litter box and not to throw litter around. After a walk outside, males will immediately jump onto the sofa, and the girl will patiently allow her to wipe her paws.

Independent representatives of the cat family that do not like to obey humans and are difficult to train include the British, Russian Blue, and Scottish Fold breeds. But sphinxes, bobtails, and orientals are ready to do anything for the sake of their owner, so they can be trained without any problems - regardless of their gender.

Are there small children in the family?

Females are much more obedient and affectionate than males. They are less likely to scratch and bite

In a family with a small child, this is very important. The male is accustomed to dominating and defending his position no matter what, so he is capable of harming the baby

You must understand that no animal likes to have its tail pulled, constantly pressed and squeezed. It is necessary to explain to the child that this is not a toy, but a living creature with its own character. Sooner or later, both girls and boys can react equally aggressively to persistent caresses and disrespectful attitudes.

Are there other animals in the family?

Because of their inherent mentality, girls share their territory with other pets much more easily. And the tendency to dominate, characteristic of boys, forces them to show their superiority over the rest of the inhabitants. It is especially difficult for two cats to get along in one place. They constantly fight for leadership, arrange showdowns, and mark their territory.

Even castrated males are unlikely to make friends - most likely, their conflicts will subside, but a strong friendship will not work out. If there is an adult cat in the house, it is not advisable to take a second adult male - it is better to take a female or a very small kitten.

Cats get along with other animals depending on their character, and gender does not have that much influence on this. Even a brutal cat can become an affectionate nanny for a horde of puppies, ferrets and even chicks - if his disposition is completely peaceful.

Caution when handling kittens

When examining babies, you need to be as careful as possible. The kittens' bodies are not yet strong enough, so even an accidental awkward movement or slight use of force can injure the pet.

Photo: you need to be careful when examining kittens

It is very important to consider the age of the kitten. Newborn babies should not be separated from their mother until they reach one month of age.

You need to lift the kittens carefully by the scruff of the neck (in no case by the tail!), holding it lightly. Try not to hold the baby in your arms for more than two minutes, otherwise his mother will be very worried.

If you are going to palpate, try to palpate as gently as possible. Accidentally pressing the wrong button can lead to a tragic outcome.

Determining the sex of a kitten is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. With just a little practice, you will be able to distinguish a boy from a girl even by the outline of his face.

A flea and tick collar for cats is discussed in the article: fleas on cats.

How long does a Russian blue cat live, see on the page.

Learn about caring for your cat's fur from this information.

Differences in color and size

You can determine the sex of a kitten by its color only in one case - if you have acquired a tricolor pet, whose color according to the standard is called tortoiseshell-and-white (tortoiseshell with white) or simply tricolour. In addition, a patchwork color of red, black and white, but with a predominance of the latter, is called Calico by felinologists. In the vast majority of cases, it is cats (not cats) who have this spectacular color, which is explained by the genetic connection between pigmentation and a certain chromosome.

Tales that red color signals belonging to a male tribe make serious felinologists smile, as do advice to look closely at the outlines of a cat's face (which is recommended by some authors).

In their opinion, against the backdrop of brutal male forms, females demonstrate more graceful and streamlined lines, which is a rather controversial argument. The configurations of the head and muzzle are determined by the breed standard, but in no way by gender. It is also very unreasonable to start from the size of a kitten - all newborns weigh approximately the same, and the gender difference in size (often indicated in the standard) becomes noticeable only in adult animals.

Characteristic features of male and female genitalia in cats

In adult males, the anus, scrotum and urethra are clearly distinguishable. The penis is located between the scrotum and the anus. In a calm state, it is a fluffy tubercle. Inside the scrotum are testicles in which sperm are formed. The scrotum is visually visible when the cat's tail is raised.

Cat's genitals

If more than six months have passed since the cat was castrated, then his behavior and coat are almost no different from the same signs in sterilized females. After surgery, cats are left with an empty scrotum, only by feeling it can one determine the sex of the animal.

There are different ways to determine the sex of a kitten, because many external signs and behavior of the animal can help us with this. But even if you were mistaken about the gender of the baby, you will still understand who is in front of you - a cat or a female cat - as soon as the animal gets a little older.

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