A cat chews shoes: a pet’s prank or an alarming signal. Expert advice

Small kittens often chew on wires, furniture and shoes. And since not all owners have the opportunity to constantly monitor their pet, such behavior must be dealt with in a timely manner. Otherwise, it will be difficult to re-educate a grown-up four-legged friend.

Most often, small kittens chew on various things due to the fact that they are teething. During this period, the animal's gums itch. To prevent your pet from ruining your shoes, you need to provide it with all kinds of toys that can be chewed. These can be small rubber balls, mice, etc. Also, pet stores and veterinary pharmacies sell special treats that are designed to care for teeth and gums.

Folk remedies

Many cats don't like the smell of citrus fruits. Therefore, you can try putting grapefruit, lemon or orange peels in the places where you store your shoes. For example, they can be placed under the rug, in the closet, and also in the shoes themselves.

Rub the floor in the hallway with lemon juice, this can also scare away the kitten. Some pet owners recommend using citrus essential oils to treat items that animals chew on. But since the oil leaves a greasy sheen, it is better to apply it to a cloth or cotton swab and place it close to the shoes. In addition to essential oils, star liquid balm has a similar effect.

A spray bottle of water gives good results in raising kittens. As you know, almost all cats do not like water. When you catch a kitten doing something related to damaging things, you need to spray it a little with a spray bottle. With such training methods, four-legged pets usually quickly begin to understand that they will be punished for bad behavior.

Under no circumstances should an animal be punished by depriving it of food or locking it in the bathroom. Because the animal will not understand that you punished it, and there will definitely be no benefit from it. Also, you cannot beat a kitten, but for educational purposes you can raise your voice at him, making it clear that you do not like his behavior.

The main reasons why cats chew shoes

Most often, dog owners experience damaged shoes. This is mainly the case with puppies and young dogs who get bored. But, as it turned out, cats can also harm shoes and slippers, using their strong, sharp teeth. Thanks to many years of observations, it was possible to identify the main reasons for this strange behavior of the baleen-stripes.

Physiological factors

Deterioration in health and the development of various pathologies can cause nervousness in the pet. He begins to get nervous and play dirty tricks, including trying to steal his owner’s shoes. Among the diseases that provoke this behavior are:

  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heartburn;
  • increased acidity in the mouth;
  • development of diseases of teeth and gums: gingivitis, caries, tartar, plaque.

Replacement of teeth in the younger generation.

When kittens' teeth change, they can also chew on various objects, including their owner's shoes.

In some cases, this process is asymptomatic. But sometimes the change of teeth is accompanied by increased salivation, the baby licks himself more often than usual and smacks his lips. Kittens experience the greatest discomfort and pain when replacing their molars.


Innate tendencies and desires, determined by nature, also cannot be written off. Moreover, they are practically uncontrollable. Let's look at the most common of them.

Smell that attracts animals

Foot odor emanates from shoes, and it is often quite intense and specific. With sweat, a number of secrets are released that irritate the cat’s psyche on an instinctive level. By chewing shoes, a pet may try to “transmit” certain information to its owner - offer friendship, flirt, show superiority, and even threaten.

Applying a mark

In nature, cats, like other predators, tend to leave marks on the borders of their territory. By spraying objects, they warn other animals that she is busy. If a cat ruins shoes for this purpose, it does not mean that she is trying to dominate. The pet simply “talks” about a sense of ownership.

Leaving his scent on the shoes, the cat warns competitors: “This is my man, and you better not come close to him. I will stand up for him."

Don't be surprised by the unpredictability of these purrs. Even sabotage can be a sign of their care and affection.

Showing emotions

This reason can be called the most popular, especially when it comes to such emotional animals as cats. They can cause harm with any change in mood, especially against the background of experiences:

  1. Lack of attention - the behavior of even the kindest and most sympathetic pet can change significantly. An affectionate cat becomes aggressive, including showing dissatisfaction with its beloved owner.
  2. Lack of socialization - it is recommended to instill household habits in your pet as soon as it appears in the house. And although cats are not as flexible as dogs, they still have high intelligence and immediately grasp what can be done and what it is advisable to avoid.
  3. Anxiety or fear – a fearful, anxious purr may be accompanied by worsening behavior. He may start going to the toilet in the wrong place, sharpening his claws where he shouldn't, or gnawing on various objects that are not toys. Also in this case, the pet’s sleep is disturbed; he may not sleep for a long time or twitch in his sleep.
  4. Self-esteem – Most cats have significantly inflated self-esteem. Representatives of many breeds have this quality. Among Siamese, British Shorthairs, Abyssinians, Bengals, and Siberian cats, real dictators are often found. In fact, many of the cats tend to consciously assert themselves in the family, occupying not the lowest rung in the hierarchy system. However, the owner should not ignore such attacks.

Mental disorders

It is not for nothing that the psyche is considered the most poorly studied area of ​​medicine, since it is still quite difficult to diagnose various abnormalities.

Usually doctors give a conclusion about mental disorders only when other causes are excluded.

There is a high probability that a cat has a mental disorder if it has experienced severe stress and began to behave unusually. These animals may be diagnosed with various mental illnesses:

  1. OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) is a pathological condition accompanied by an obsessive feeling of anxiety, which can be relieved by performing actions in a certain order. The disorder does not occur suddenly. Accordingly, it is almost impossible to identify what provoked it. To diagnose the disease, it is recommended to monitor your pet’s behavior, identifying patterns of events and behaviors. The most obvious sign of OCD in cats is constant chewing.
  2. Depression is a mental disorder that is accompanied by deterioration of mood, lack of positive emotions and negative thinking. For a long time, the animals were not diagnosed with depression because there was no treatment for this condition. In the case of people, the doctor conducts a conversation with the patient, identifies the cause of the disorder and prescribes comprehensive treatment. With cats, everything is more complicated, because they cannot talk about their experiences. Therefore, they are treated by relieving the existing symptoms.
  3. Pica is a taste disorder in which an animal begins to eat inedible objects. The disorder is associated with mental disorders that occur after prolonged hunger, with severe vitamin deficiency. Therapy and prognosis are related to how stable the pet’s psyche is.

If the habit of chewing shoes is associated with a disease, then the cat needs veterinary help and treatment. However, in some cases, the pet needs behavior correction, and the owner can influence it.

How to identify the cause of incorrect behavior

It’s easier said than done, but there is no other way out. To stop a cat from chewing shoes, you need to understand why she does it. Long-term observations of domestic animals have allowed people to understand some algorithms on which we will rely. For convenience, we will divide the possible reasons into groups.

1. Physiology – that is, the health and well-being of the pet.

Disease - an adult cat chewing shoes can pursue the goal of breaking a diseased tooth . Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, heartburn, increased acidity in the mouth, inflammation of the gums, caries, tartar or plaque - all these are good reasons for damage to your slippers and boots.

Shoes hold familiar smells

For a cat, their sense of smell is probably the most important of their five senses. It is fourteen times stronger than humans, and they have twice as many receptors in their nasal tissues as humans.

Cats have a special organ located at the top of their mouth called Jacobson's organ, which humans do not have. This organ allows cats to essentially taste the scents and pheromones in the air, giving them a wealth of information about the animals and people in the area.

Cats are naturally inquisitive and will explore new smells, but they will also seek out the smells of things that are familiar to them and that make them feel safe.

Cats themselves create and secrete their own unique scented pheromones in glands throughout their bodies, including their cheeks. When your cat rubs their face against you or an object, they leave their mark as a way of saying, “I've been here before. It belongs to my space and makes me feel safe.” Cats will be drawn to things that smell like them or like things they like.

Sleeping on your shoes is your cat's sign that she is comfortable in your company, comfortable in your presence, and loves you!

How to protect furniture and wallpaper from a cat

Give your animal something that can scratch without damaging your budget and nervous system - a scratching post. They are made of wood or durable cardboard and covered with coarse fiber or other material.

Scratching posts can be either stand-alone or included as part of a multi-level space where the animal can sleep, play and scratch.

To make the right choice and protect furniture from the effects of cat claws, study at what height the animal most often scratches. Look at what surface he prefers: wood, walls, sofa...

How to solve the problem of perverted appetite

The decision will depend on the reason. Let's look at each point in more detail:

  • behavioral problems. Remember if any event occurred before the start of eating various objects that could cause stress for the animal. This could be a trip to visit or to a veterinary clinic, for example. If the situation exists, then you can try using sedatives. The simplest of them is a spray to correct behavior disorders. It is used for cat resting areas. If it doesn't help, buy drops that can be applied to the withers. If you clearly understand that you have recently forgotten about your cat, are not paying enough attention to it, and are not playing with it, then a perverted appetite may be a reaction to your distance. Try to compensate for the care and attention, pet the animal more often, offer various treats for correct behavior, buy new interesting toys;
  • diet issues. If the animal receives high-quality ready-made dry food, usually this problem does not arise, but it is difficult to feed it correctly with natural food, it is better to contact a specialist to draw up a diet;
  • vitamins and minerals. If the issue of perverted appetite affected you in the spring, then most likely there is a lack of nutrients in the pet’s body. Introduce vitamins and minerals into your diet. If the animal eats woolen items and kitchen towels, add bran. If your pet shows interest in its own feces, it is most likely lacking potassium and phosphorus; you can also purchase them separately. The problem can also be solved by switching to fortified feed;
  • worms. Even if a cat does not go outside, it can become infected with worms. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out appropriate treatment of the animal. This is done at least once every six months for a pet, and once every three months for those that visit the street;
  • diseases. If a cat is sick with something, then most likely other symptoms will be added to the perverted appetite: anxiety, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, apathy, etc. Monitor your animal closely, or better yet, consult a doctor.

If you cannot independently find the cause of your animal’s incomprehensible eating behavior and solve it, it is better to get examined by a veterinarian and not risk your pet’s health.

Pet Rescue

If something irreparable has happened—the kitten has suffered an electrical injury—you need to know how to save it before the doctor arrives.

A cat can relatively easily tolerate exposure to 220 V if it is short-term.

Therefore, it is necessary to immediately stop the current supply - pull the wire out of the socket using special dielectric gloves or a stick, a cardboard tube, or a plastic tube from a vacuum cleaner. You cannot grab a damaged wire or animal with your bare hands - there is a risk of suffering from an electric discharge yourself.

Algorithm of actions. After the current supply is stopped and the cat is freed from the wires, you can immediately begin providing first aid:

  1. To ensure blood flow to the brain - turn the animal upside down with its hind legs and spin with it around its axis, as in a children's game.
  2. Provide air access - inspect the oral cavity, pull out the tongue, move it to an open window or door.
  3. Check whether the animal is breathing; if not, then you need to perform mouth-to-nose artificial respiration. Each “breath” should last at least 5 seconds. Excess air will escape from the open mouth.
  4. Check your pulse. It is easiest to feel on the inner thigh. If the pulse cannot be felt, you need to give the cat an indirect heart massage - clasp the chest with your hand, placing the thumb in the heart area, and place the rest under the animal’s back below the shoulder blade. Press rhythmically with your thumb on the heart area at a rate of 100 times per minute.
  5. Give your pet warm water or tea from a pipette or syringe with the needle removed when he regains consciousness.
  6. Call a veterinarian at home or take your pet to the nearest veterinary clinic.

How to stop a cat from chewing shoes

If a pet that does not have problems with physical health and psyche harms its owner and chews shoes, then you can use products that have an unpleasant odor for felines. Shoes are sprayed with special compounds that are sold in pet stores or other means are used:

  • cayenne pepper (chili) is mixed with water;
  • orange oil – 1 part diluted in 3 parts water;
  • rosemary or peppermint oil.

In addition, you should not provoke your pet and leave shoes in a visible place, at least until he loses interest in them.

In most cases, with a competent approach, it is possible to wean a pet from a bad habit without physical influence or punishment. In the process, the owner gets to know his furry friend better and finds the most effective method and individual approach.


What to put on the wires to wean them off

Any bitter taste is unpleasant for the cat. You can lubricate the surface of the wires:

  • fresh orange peel (outer part);
  • the middle of an aloe leaf;
  • a clove of garlic or onion;
  • soap solution with pepper - the animal will not like the bitter taste.

Disadvantage of methods (with the exception of soap): the unpleasant odor quickly disappears, and bitterness ceases to be so when interacting with oxygen. The electrical cord will have to be processed several times.

Attention. Before applying liquid products, you must turn off the electricity!

Industrial products will help you stop your kitten from chewing both wires and the plug:

  1. Varnish for children with quinine (with brush included).
  2. Infusion of wormwood, buckthorn (1 teaspoon per third cup of boiling water, leave for 2 hours).

How to insulate wires

To protect the animal from injury and equipment from damage, it is better to hide all cables, thus preventing the cat from playing with them. There are several isolation methods:

  1. The use of special tubes into which the wires are inserted. Next, these channels are attached to the wall.
  2. Wrapping wires with foil. Cats are afraid of the rustling noise coming from this material, and also cannot stand its taste.
  3. Wrapping with 2-sided tape. Animals don't like sticky things, so this method will protect the wires. A noticeable disadvantage of this method is that the adhesive surface will attract dust.
  4. Insulation under the baseboard. If possible, place the cables under the baseboard; modern models are equipped with special compartments for cable routing.
  5. Fixation on walls or furniture. For this purpose, special construction fastenings or stationery tape are suitable.
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