What documents should a purebred cat have?

Why do they issue documents for animals?

Having documents for a cat is a prerequisite for participation in exhibition events. If a pet is bought for the soul and does not plan to receive honorary titles, then this is not a reason to refuse official registration. A basic set of documentation is necessary not only for exhibitions, but also for:

  1. Border crossing

    . Moving to another country or another city within the country will be impossible without providing the required papers for a pet.

  2. Solutions to controversial issues

    that arise when a pet is kidnapped or lost. Trying to prove ownership in court with words alone is a lost cause.

  3. Proof of breeding value

    . The desire to breed a breed can come spontaneously. If everything is prepared in advance, you won’t have to look for where to buy documents for a cat. You will also have to deal with mandatory paperwork after the birth of kittens.

Before purchasing, familiarize yourself with what all the necessary papers look like. This will eliminate the subsequent search for information on how to prepare documents for a kitten yourself.

Why do you need a veterinary passport for a cat?

Firstly, it indicates medical data, but, in addition, it is required for purebred kittens. Pets with pedigrees without a document will not be able to participate in exhibitions, they will not be transported on trains, planes, or taken abroad.

Provided that the cat is not purebred, a passport will not hurt in any case. In it, the veterinarian will note the scheduled vaccination to comply with the schedule so as not to miss the date of the next vaccination.

The entries in the document help to identify in emergency situations whether treatment for worms and ticks has been carried out, and whether the cat has been vaccinated against rabies. Information received in time will give an advantage in treatment.

What set of documents does the breeder issue?

Documents for a cat are divided into 2 groups: mandatory and secondary. Mandatory ones include:

  • veterinary, recording the number of vaccinations and other medical procedures performed;
  • tribal, confirming belonging to a certain breed;
  • a purchase and sale agreement necessary to transfer ownership.

The secondary or additional group includes certificates, diplomas and certificates. Their receipt is not mandatory and is issued at the request of the future owner.

Veterinary passport

Selling an animal without a veterinary passport is a reason for serious consideration. The only legitimate explanation for this situation is the small age of the animal, less than 3 months. In this case, you don’t have to issue a veterinary passport, but then the question arises about the health of the future pet. Such an early separation from the mother is fraught with increased vulnerability to infections.

No later than 3 months, the kitten receives its first vaccination. All information about the vaccine and the doctor who administered the injection is recorded in the veterinary passport. In its content, it resembles a human medical record. It contains information about:

  • chipping;
  • antiparasitic treatment;
  • administered vaccines;
  • surgical interventions and studies performed to make a diagnosis.

The personal data of the pet (date of birth, gender, nickname), including information about reproductive function, and the owner (full name, residential address) are taken into account separately. All records are secured with the personal seal of the veterinarian and the veterinary clinic. If there are no stamps, the passport is considered invalid.

When visiting other countries, it is recommended to obtain an international veterinary license. document. All data in it is duplicated in two languages: English or German. With such a passport you can travel not only within the country, but also abroad. If you arrange it in advance, you will not have to pay twice.

Before traveling abroad, contact your state animal disease control agency to understand how to obtain paperwork for your cat. In addition to the passport, you will have to issue a special certificate in the form, valid for 5 days after its receipt.

Please note that the rules for transporting animals are constantly changing within the country, and can also vary greatly in different countries. You can find out more information about necessary vaccinations, examinations and certificates by calling the Federal Veterinary Control Service.

Pedigree, aka metric

The first official document confirming the kitten’s identity is a metric. It contains the animal's date of birth, brief information about the breed and parents. Responsibility for registration of the metric lies with the club where the kitten’s mother is registered. Data collection is carried out 1.5 months after the birth of the baby. Based on the metric, a pedigree is obtained, so these papers are compared with a birth certificate and passport.

Pedigree documents issued for a Scottish cat will confirm its real belonging to the breed. This will eliminate deception with the British Fold, because such a breed does not exist in nature. And this is the most striking example among many similar ones.

Sample of a cat certificate, its type depends on the issuing organization and region of residence

Another important point is the ability to participate in any exhibitions, including international ones. Over time, many owners can change their spontaneous decision to abandon their show career. If the pedigree is drawn up as a backup option in advance, then problems with its registration at too late an age will not arise.

Contract of sale

The purchase and sale agreement specifies the breed, color, age and cost of the future pet. After receiving it, ownership of the kitten is transferred to the new owner. Assigning a future pet to your name is a reliable argument when resolving controversial situations in court (theft, division of property during divorce).

In addition to the basic data, it is permissible to enter additional information: the timing of sterilization, restrictions on the selection of partners for mating. The seller has the right to prescribe conditions for a potential litter. Basic information about the seller, buyer and the club where the kitten’s mother is registered is also indicated.

Additional papers

Additional documentation includes certificates, diplomas and a certificate from a veterinarian. They are issued on the basis of mandatory cat papers.

Registration certificate

is drawn up on the basis of metrics. It contains the registration number of the pet and indicates ownership. The certificate makes it possible to register litters, obtain pedigrees and titles. If its registration occurred before the sale of the animal, the seller is obliged to make a transfer. In this case, ownership will pass to the new owner.

In the diploma

assign the final grade to the furry contestants who performed at the exhibition. It specifies the expert assessment, title, nomination and awarded place.

Veterinary certificate

necessary for participation in exhibitions and trips abroad. It is issued after confirmation:

  • pet health;
  • undergoing mandatory vaccinations and veterinary and sanitary treatments;
  • carrying out the necessary laboratory diagnostic studies.

An animal older than 3 months must be vaccinated against rabies and examined for parasites and ringworm. All vaccinations are done no later than a month before the certificate is issued. They check for parasites no later than 2 months in advance, and for lichen – immediately before registration.

Cats from the nursery - veterinary passport and pedigree

In order for a cat to participate in exhibitions, owners must provide:

  • veterinary passport;
  • pedigree of the cat (if the animal is purebred);
  • certificate form No. 4, which should be issued 3 days before the start of the event at the clinic.

In order to obtain a document of origin of the animal, the owner should have the kitten's identification card with him. It contains information about the baby’s parents, as well as the breed. Upon reaching 6 months, the metric is exchanged for a pedigree; to do this, you will need to contact the club in which the mother cat was registered.

A pedigree document is issued after verification and if the kitten meets accepted standards. It will contain the following information:

  • name, contact details of the club;
  • full nickname;
  • color and breed;
  • gender of the animal;
  • information about the mother cat and her parents, as well as titles;
  • information about the father;
  • date of issue of the pedigree.

A document for an adult animal must be purchased differently. The cat is taken for examination, where it is decided whether it belongs to the breed or not.


Exporting a cat to European countries is possible after microchipping. A note about this is made in the international passport in the appropriate column. In addition to the chip number, the date of the procedure is indicated with the signature of the doctor and the seal of the medical institution, and a sticker with a barcode is affixed.

There is no way you will receive the documents. How can you prove the purity of a kitten, only in your own words? A breed is not only a phenotype, but also a genotype!

If the kitten did not have a metric, then this means either the kitten is not purebred or an unscheduled mating.

Before breeding a cat, you need to get a pedigree, then join a club, go to at least 2 shows, get a breeding assessment, find a cat with a title and only then breed. If everything above is not done, then the kittens will be without documents. Also, if a cat is of a poor breed type and has not received assessments and access to mating, and is bred with the same cat without documents, then a kitten will be born, this is called a fold of folk “breeding”.

Such animals do not receive documents and do not participate in breeding. Only the same cats/cats without documents will agree to mate with a cat without documents, and this is a huge risk of catching some kind of infection, the treatment of which will cost you many times more.

And nothing good will come from animals that have not been exhibited and do not have any ratings or descriptions from an expert. The kittens will all be of poor breed type, that is, no one will issue documents for them on the sofa. And without documents, any cat is officially considered out of breed.

No way. It is impossible to make a pedigree if the kitten's parents are unknown. The pedigree is drawn up on the basis of metrics. . The metrics must indicate the contacts of the club and its chairman. You can buy a pedigree for a cat in a club only on the basis of the metric and only in the club where the mother cat was registered and where this metric was issued. The pedigree of a cat or cat is drawn up on the basis of data from stud books, which are maintained in all felinological organizations and clubs. The cat's pedigree must be drawn up according to all the rules and contain the necessary data about the kitten and its ancestors. Not only your kitten’s parents are registered, but also their ancestors up to the 3rd generation (grandfathers, great-grandfathers). The pedigree must contain: 1. The emblem of the club (or felinological organization). 2. Name of the club (or felinological organization), its address, telephone number, e-mail. 3. Full name of the club president and Breeder. 4. Pedigree registration number. 5. Details of the cat for which the pedigree is registered: Nickname; Breed; Color and its EMS code; Floor; Date of Birth. 6. Data about the mother cat and her ancestors, including nicknames, breed, titles. 7. Data of the father and his ancestors (according to the same scheme). 8. Date of issue of the pedigree.

No one will just do a pedigree for your cat, much less take it to an exhibition and allow it to breed. For a cat to be recognized as a representative of the breed, external data alone is not enough. You need to have an idea about your ancestors (the ancestors must be allowed to breed and have titles). No veterinary clinic or club that you do not belong to can do a pedigree. Breeding purebred cats is out of the question at all. Because such kittens will not be registered. And no purebred cat will want to deal with you. Therefore, breeding is only possible in the kitchen. At the same time, since the kitten’s ancestors are unknown, there is a high probability of various hereditary diseases in the offspring and the manifestation of signs not characteristic of the breed (because no one can guarantee that your kitten is purebred and that Barsik has not found its way anywhere in the family).

If the kitten’s parents and the kitten itself do not have any documents, then you will have to prepare them yourself from scratch. Since the ancestors are unknown, it is not possible to issue a full pedigree; in this case, a Breed Certificate is provided with the possibility of issuing an initial pedigree for experimental breeding, which can be obtained in two ways:

1. Contact the cat club in your city and order the service of registering the animal “on the table” from a professional expert felinologist. Based on the results of the examination, a Breed Certificate is issued, which confirms that your animal truly corresponds to the British breed. Then, on the basis of this certificate, you can draw up the initial pedigree for the animal in experimental breeding and begin felinological activities in experimental breeding.

2. You can also take part in a cat show in the domestic cat class. Before the exhibition, the animal will also be sent for examination, its belonging to the British breed will be assessed, and a detailed description will be given. To do this, you need to contact the organizers of the exhibition, or the club organizing the exhibition, fill out the application form and pay for participation in the exhibition. After the exhibition, it is also possible to open experimental breeding.

It is possible that after the examination, the owners are denied a Certificate. In this case, it is always indicated why the animal does not fit the British breed standard.

Animals that do not have documents, but meet a certain breed standard, are allowed into experimental breeding. If the animal passes the standards, it has the right to receive initial documents of origin, where “origin unknown” will be written in the father and mother column.

After the opening of experimental cat breeding, the owner can register a British cattery and receive a referral for mating. In this type of breeding, matings with breeding animals (which have full pedigrees) are also acceptable, but litters will be registered only by experiment, since your animal has an incomplete pedigree.

Owners of cats participating in experimental breeding have the right to participate in exhibitions and receive titles in this system. And also compete with purebred breeding animals in the same ring.

It is not uncommon for cat owners in cat clubs to be denied the procedure for activating the animal “on the table” and paperwork, explaining this by the fact that in this club the British breed is closed for experimental breeding. Such clubs do not need competitors, so do not despair and contact another club where you will be treated not as a competitor, but as a partner in selective breeding programs. Professional clubs breed cats based on breed and color standards, and the owner of a purebred animal always has a choice!

The presence of a pedigree for purebred domestic cats is a mandatory official confirmation in the form of a document about the status and breed of the animal. A document no less important than that of dogs. When buying a purebred kitten and planning to use it in further breeding work, you need to make sure that the baby has a pedigree.

This document contains all the necessary data that allows the animal to participate in exhibitions, and also enables the owner to plan and participate in breeding. Moreover, the information contained in the pedigree allows you to select a match for the animal as accurately as possible.

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