What size should Maine Coons be: height and weight standards for the breed

Future owners and just people who have seen a Maine Coon for the first time are interested in what height and weight this cat reaches. The elongated body, large head, paws and tail, developed muscles and long hair give the impression that this is a very massive animal.

There are stories that say Maine coon cats gain up to 15-20 kg. And many owners try to fatten their pet to such parameters. You should approach this with caution. It is useful to know what sizes are normal for Maine Coons, so as not to harm your pet.

Maine Coon Size Standards

Upon reaching 15 months, the growth of the coon is completed and until the age of three they gain only muscle mass.
The weight of a male at one and a half years old can reach 8-10 kilograms. Girls are more modest in size - about 8 kilograms. Before reaching the age of one year, there are some females that can be similar in size to the males. The weight of a coon may change after spaying and neutering (for cats). This is caused by hormonal imbalance. For such cats, you need to select special food and monitor physical activity. You can often find information that coons have enormous height and weight exceeding 25 kg. This is a very persistent myth that is simply a myth and a fallacy. If a Maine Coon cat exceeds 12 kg, this may indicate problems with the health of the animal.

There are official records for the size of coons that were exhibited at exhibitions and competitions. The largest cat had a body weight of 15 kilograms. The physique of this breed is muscular and has a large head. They have characteristic tassels on their ears and a long fluffy tail.


According to the general description, Maine Coons are strong cats with great endurance and are adapted to life in difficult climatic conditions. These are well-balanced and harmoniously built animals, without signs of excess. The main feature of the breed is its smooth and shiny coat. When assessing a particular specimen, type, not size, is of paramount importance.

Description of the standard:

  1. Head. It has medium length and width, a square-shaped muzzle. A wider head does not cause fines or disqualification of the animal, if we are talking about stud cats.
  2. Ears. Large, with pointed tips and tassels on them. Set wide and high, the distance between them approximately coincides with the width of the ear at the base.
  3. Eyes. Large, slightly convex, set wide and slightly oblique. They can be green, gold, golden-green or copper. Blue eyes are allowed only in representatives of the breed with a white coat or bicolors.
  4. Body. Medium or large, rectangular, well-developed muscles. The neck is of medium length, the chest is wide.
  5. Limbs. Strong, medium length, proportional to the body. The pads are round and there are tufts of fur between the toes. The front paws have 5 toes, the hind paws have 4.
  6. Tail. Long, tapering towards the end, covered with long hair.
  7. Coat. Fluffy, long, silky. Shorter on the shoulders than on the belly and hind legs.
  8. Coat color. White, black, blue, red, cream colors, various variations of tabby and tipping colors are allowed.

Reasons for disqualification:

  1. Light frame.
  2. Wedge-shaped or narrow muzzle.
  3. Malocclusion.
  4. Strabismus.
  5. Noticeable use of cats of other bloods when breeding an animal.

Chocolate, lilac, cinnamon or Siamese coats are not acceptable.

What is the weight of an adult cat and Maine Coon cat?

The size and weight of a kun depends on many factors. The state of an adult cat is established at birth. The size of the animal is affected by:

  • Genetics. If the kitten's parents were large and in good health, there is a high probability that the kittens will also be of impressive size.
  • Floor. Males are larger and taller than females. Males also grow faster than their female counterparts.
  • The use of hormonal drugs in a cat during certain periods.
  • Conditions in which kittens grow up.
  • Stress factor. If an animal is constantly exposed to stress, the endocrine system of the animal suffers first, which negatively affects further growth.
  • Proper nutrition. It must be balanced. By following proper nutrition, healthy and strong coons will grow up with the correct size and weight.

Typically, a cat stops growing and gaining weight at the age of three. During this period it should reach its maximum size. For a male, the weight can range from 9-12 kg, castrated individuals can weigh 13-16 kg. All cats should be between 7-10 kg. The height at the withers can reach 25-40 cm. The length of the body from the nose to the tip of the tail can reach 100 cm, that is, 1 m. The maximum length established by the kunas is 1.23 m.

Maine Coon cat.

Thoroughbred animals with a good pedigree will look larger and more massive than their counterparts. This is dictated by a special genetic exterior.

Maintenance and care at home

Firstly, you should take into account the fact that this is a large breed, so it needs a little more living space. Based on this, arranging a cat's corner for a pet requires a serious approach, since it determines how much the animal will be provided with the opportunity to burn calories. If an animal is deprived of the opportunity to spend time actively, it will quickly begin to gain excess weight, which can provoke the development of various ailments. As a rule, the life expectancy of a pet directly depends on this.

In order for an animal to please family members for many years, it must be provided with the following accessories:

  • Pukhoderka.
  • Non-metallic comb with wide teeth.
  • Massage, non-metallic brush with antistatic coating.
  • Shampoo-conditioner.
  • Bath terry towel.
  • Nail clippers or special tweezers.
  • A special toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Ear cleaning solution or sterile petroleum jelly.
  • With cotton swabs and regular cotton wool.

Maine Coons are one of the few breeds that respond well to being walked on a leash, so they can be walked like dogs. It is also necessary to take care of the safety of the animal by timely vaccination, as well as quarterly deworming. This is especially true if there are other pets in the house.

Important point! By walking a pet, the owner unwittingly exposes it to the risk of infection with ectoparasites.

Care and hygiene

As a rule, mandatory care and hygiene measures include monitoring the oral cavity, eyes and ears. That's why:

  • Experts recommend removing natural discharge from the eyes daily using a damp cotton swab.
  • Clean your ears regularly using special solutions or sterilized petroleum jelly.
  • Once a month, ears are cleaned using cotton swabs, taking precautions.
  • When feeding with dry factory food, teeth are brushed once a month, and in the case of feeding with natural food, then at least once every 2 weeks.

Due to the fact that the breed is distinguished by the presence of long and fluffy hair, it is necessary to properly and regularly groom it. The cat will have to be bathed once a week, and it is better to accustom the animal to such water procedures from an early age.

Interesting fact! Maine Coons generally take well to water procedures, so there should be no problems with bathing. The animal is also bathed immediately before being shown at an exhibition, as well as during periods of molting.

It is advisable that the animal be bathed with its ears closed. To do this, they can be covered with cotton swabs. Bathing should be carried out using special detergents designed for bathing animals with long hair. At the same time, we should not forget about the fluffy and long tail of the Maine Coon. After applying the detergent and evenly distributing it over the surface of the coat, the soap suds are thoroughly washed off several times with plenty of water. The use of special conditioners allows you to obtain a much better appearance of wool. In addition, this will make the process of combing the animal easier.

What to feed

The diet of this breed should be approached very responsibly, taking into account the active metabolism, as well as the weight of the animal. It is very important that the diet is balanced in all nutritional components. In this case, it is advisable to give preference to ready-made factory feed of the highest class. Such, for example, as:

  • Royal Canin;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Eagle-Pack;
  • Nutro;
  • Hills.

Dry factory food can be combined with canned wet food from the same foreign manufacturer. It is not recommended to feed your animal a mixture of food from different brands. Before purchasing such food rations, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the contents of the package. It is very important that the content of plant components is minimal.

You need to know this! When feeding natural food, it is necessary that the percentage of meat in the Maine Coon's diet is at least 75 percent. The missing 25 percent of the diet should be diluted with eggs, liquid cereals, vegetables, seafood, and dairy products.

It is very important that the Maine Coon’s diet includes greens, as well as vitamin and mineral supplements. If there is no need, then switching an animal from feeding on natural ingredients to feeding on ready-made commercial diets does not make sense, and is not recommended. In addition, it is not advisable to mix diets from different manufacturers.

Nutrition for purebred cats. Maine Coons

Diseases and breed defects

As a rule, this breed has a good, stable immune system, so Maine Coons are considered healthy and hardy animals. They tolerate well even the conditions of colder climatic zones.

The most serious diseases are:

  • Heart problems associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which develops against the background of autosomal dominant hereditary processes. As a rule, such problems are observed in middle-aged and elderly animals. As the disease progresses, swelling of the pulmonary tissues occurs with sudden paralysis of the hind limbs. After such negative processes, the death of the animal occurs.
  • Wall muscular atrophy appears in kittens three to four months of age and is caused by genetic factors. When moving, the animal's back part of the body sways, which with age becomes an obstacle to the animal easily jumping onto various objects located at a height.
  • Hip dysplasia, which can affect both joints at the same time. It is considered a genetically determined disease that makes the animal inferior. As a rule, older animals suffer and in the initial stages it manifests itself in the form of noticeable lameness.

Polycystic renal disease is also considered a hereditary disease, although it occurs quite rarely. Such diseases or predisposition to them are determined as a result of genetic testing.

Maine Coon weight by month

To understand what health condition a pet has, veterinarians have developed a special table that can be used to check its body weight.

How much do Maine Coons weigh: table by month.

Coon kittens grow very quickly and gain weight rapidly. When they reach 4 months, they can be the size of a normal adult cat. The pace of development slows down over the years and stops altogether after three years.

Birth weight

Kittens of this breed are larger in size compared to other cats. A newborn kitten weighs 120-170 grams, but for example, a Persian kitten weighs only 80-100 grams. If we take into account the average size, the usual weight of a coon kitten reaches 140 grams. In many ways, this figure may vary depending on the size of the entire litter. If there were five kittens, the weight could be within 130 grams, if there was only one kitten - 160 grams. The more kittens in the litter, the less their body weight will be.

FIFe (Europe)

The FIFe system, founded in the first half of the 20th century, is today the main one for many clubs. Representatives of different breeds can take part in exhibitions, and the regulations were developed exclusively for internal users. The current Maine Coon breed standard has several differences from other systems:

  1. Big size.
  2. The space between the ears increases as the cat ages.
  3. Clear eye color is desirable, but not required.
  4. Males have a strong neck with well-developed muscles.
  5. The color allows any amount of white fur.
  6. The type of cat is more important than the color of the coat.

The disadvantages of the breed specified in FIFe coincide with those described in the standards of other systems.

Why does a Maine Coon kitten not gain weight?

As soon as the owner notices a discrepancy with the body weight table, it is worth seeking help from veterinarians. Insufficient recruitment can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • non-compliance with energy balance;
  • the kitten is stressed;
  • genetic or acquired diseases of the kitten.

If a cat gives birth to small newborn kittens, they may develop more slowly and take longer to reach the required weight and body size. Larger ones develop much faster than their smaller peers. Small size is often due to genetics.

Sometimes there are situations when just small kittens are born. This can be called a genetic failure; it cannot be corrected. You should not give your kitten any supplements that affect growth on your own. All drugs should be prescribed only by a veterinarian and if there are compelling reasons for their use.

Breed Features

Maine Coon and humans coexist perfectly, because these cats have a friendly character. In addition, they are distinguished by their devotion to their owner and adore children. A person who decides to get a “raccoon cat” must understand that this is a large and physically active animal, so it needs space to play.

American Maine Coon, European Maine Coon

As for intelligence, Maine Coons are significantly ahead of their smaller counterparts: they are smart, observant, able to remember a certain number of commands and words, and understand human gestures and facial expressions.

Coons do not meow like ordinary cats, but have a pleasant melodic voice.

Another feature of these cats is their calm reaction to a leash, harness or collar: they happily walk with their owner, do not run away or break out.

Wherever the Maine Coon is kept, in an apartment or a private house, he will definitely find his favorite corner where he will feel comfortable. “Raccoon cats” do not immediately begin to trust strangers - their trust must be earned with a good attitude and affection.

Maines are wonderful nannies and love children. At the same time, they are endowed with an exceptional hunting instinct and are the best at catching mice.

Interesting! Representatives of the breed always try to be close to the owner. However, they do not like to be held, preferring to lie at the owner's feet or just be nearby.

Maine Coons are very attached to their owner

The popularity of Maine Coons is growing every year, and photos literally flood the Internet. There are several reasons for this: the small number of the breed, the high cost of kittens, huge size, easy-going nature, and many rumors about the origin of the breed.

Why can a Maine Coon lose weight?

Body weight standards affect the portion of food that domestic coons should receive. If suddenly your pet begins to lose body weight, this may indicate the presence of health problems. It is important to take action in time and contact a veterinarian. Typically, there are many reasons for weight loss:

  • change in diet or diet;
  • poor nutrition;
  • use of low-quality products;
  • worms or other parasites;
  • hereditary factors;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • poor animal hygiene;
  • serious illnesses.

At the first signs of weight loss, it is worth paying attention to the animal’s diet. Perhaps it is not receiving enough necessary nutrients. If there have been no changes in the diet, the cause may be the stressful state of the coon. In any case, weight loss is most often due to health problems. In this case, only specialists can help and immediately prescribe adequate treatment.

Material on the topic: all about the character and habits of Maine Coons.

Maine Coon kitten.

WCF Standards

The World Cat Federation (WCF) began with the unification of 3 Brazilian clubs in 1988. Later, WCF moved to Europe and placed its headquarters in Germany. Now this respected organization has 540 club and 93 associate members.

Many cat expert communities are considered official partners of WCF, including the American TICA and the European FIFe. Here they recognize the parameters adopted in other organizations and pedigree documents that were issued by other official clubs.

The latest update of the Maine Coon breed standard came into force back in 2010 - native American cats have a stable phenotype and are rarely subject to changes in external parameters.

Factors influencing growth

Factors that influence the growth and development of the Maine Coon can be divided into two types - internal and external. Internal ones include:

  • The growth rate of a kitten depends on the breed and its purebred. The higher your birth weight, the more you will gain weight in the future.
  • Gender of the kitten. Boys grow faster and gain weight.
  • Genetic predisposition. With a high degree of probability, parents of large sizes will have kittens of corresponding sizes.
  • The combination of mom and dad's genotypes creates the kitten's own genotype. This is a unique organism that can have its own individuality.
  • Hormones. The use of medications can affect the animal's body weight.

There are also external factors that have a significant impact on weight gain and growth of the Maine Coon. These factors include the hygiene of the animal and the conditions in which it lives. The attitude of the mother cat towards him greatly influences the growth of a kitten; sometimes a cat may deprive one of its cubs of attention and care. A newborn kitten should gain 10 grams in weight. in a day.

What influences development

The development of a purebred pet is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Floor; girls are usually born smaller in size than male maikunas; Adult cats are also different; they weigh less.
  2. Number of babies in the litter; most often 4-5 individuals are born. If a cat has 6-7 kittens, each weighs about 100-120 g;
  3. Parameters of the mother and her nutrition during pregnancy. Food rich in proteins, fats, vitamins and beneficial microelements will support the cat’s health and provide the baby’s body with the necessary substances;
  4. Conditions of detention; a clean, healthy, vaccinated and treated animal for ticks, fleas and worms is stronger than its unkempt counterparts;
  5. Selection work of the breeder; affects the formation of the skeleton and skull of the pet.
  6. Stressful condition in a cat. The composition of mother's milk in an unfavorable situation deteriorates, this affects the growth of babies.

Record holders

The largest Maine Coon in history had a body length of 123 cm. The tail was 41.5 cm long. This cat had a gray-smoky color, and the record itself was recorded on August 28, 2010. His name was Stewie, he lived in the USA, in the state of Nevada. Another record holder lived in Australia, his name was Omar. He weighed 14 kg. It had a length of 120 cm.

Maine Coon record holder.

One of the most sensational records concerning this breed lived in Australia and had similar dimensions.

The largest cat by weight lived in the USA. He reached a weight of 16.5 kg, and did not have any health problems that could cause such a body weight.

No artificial records

In order to achieve records, many owners begin to overfeed the cat or even introduce special hormonal supplements to quickly gain height and weight, thereby harming its health. Large weight impairs the functioning of the heart, liver, digestive tract, and also leads to metabolic disorders. This way the animal can die much faster. All this led to the fact that many international exhibitions and competitions canceled awards in this category.

Comparative table of the rating scale in points

Head shape158
Eye shape and fit5
Ear shape and placement10
Coat, color, pattern, eye color35252030

Useful tips and tricks

The most important task for the owner of a Maine Coon kitten is to create the right diet for him, which will ensure the normal growth and development of the animal. For coons, natural food is preferable as it is most suitable for them. Veterinarians consider poultry, rabbit, and beef to be the most appropriate. Milk can be given to small kittens; it is not suitable for adults.

Now a number of manufacturers offer specialized food for their owners. They are produced keeping in mind the body weight and size of this cat breed. Such food can be combined with natural food. Veterinarians do not have a consensus on what type of feeding should be chosen. Each owner determines this independently for his pet.

Owner reviews

Many owners note the fact that Maine Coon cats embody the best that is possible in relation to cats. These are animals with very aristocratic behavior that require appropriate attention to themselves. In addition, the cat is strong and graceful, but at the same time good-natured and affectionate. She treats both her owner and the rest of the family with love, and is devoted to them for life.

Adult Maine Coons are not known for making sounds when needed and not needed, but if a cat wants to play with its owner, it will definitely remind you of this by making original sounds. Unlike the sounds that other breeds of cats make, Maine Coons produce sounds with a characteristic vibrating timbre. If there is no need, the animal does not make sounds or makes sounds, but very rarely. It is noted that the timbre of their voice does not in any way correspond to their appearance and, especially, their size.

Enthusiasts who practice breeding of this breed monitor the preservation of the main characteristics of the breed, and also popularize this breed in our country. In this regard, they quite often travel abroad with their pets to find a worthy pair with the appropriate breed characteristics. This factor has a significant impact on the cost of kittens, although, as practice shows, this is quite reasonable and worth it.

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