Cornish Rex diseases, what to feed and how to avoid overeating

Rules for a healthy diet for the Cornish Rex

It is worth considering that adult animals eat a lot. To correctly calculate portions, you must follow these tips:

  • Observe the norms of plant polysaccharides, as a kind of cell building material.
  • Choose the right fiber for optimal gastrointestinal function.
  • Avoid excess carbohydrates in food, so as not to exceed the critical weight for large pets.
  • Ensure the optimal content of “good” fats in the food, because lipids are the source of energy for the cat’s body. With a lack of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, problems with the coat may begin and various diseases will appear.
  • Organize feeding with the correct content of animal proteins. The amount of arginine is especially important; it is precisely with its insufficient composition that disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system are possible in animals of this breed.
  • No less important for the healthy functioning of the heart is taurine, which the predator’s body is not able to reproduce on its own. In addition, with a lack of this element, retinal degeneration can occur.
  • Do not forget about the importance of the presence of vitamin complexes and fat- and water-soluble additional minerals in the diet.

When organizing the nutrition of this large pet, it is important not to forget about the predatory natural way of life of this animal and provide the diet with complete meat products or dry industrial mixtures that are as close as possible in the composition of elements to the diet of wild ancestors.

It is especially worth making sure that you feed your Cornish Rex regularly at certain times and keep your pet's water and solid food bowls clean.

Description of the Arabian breed

The appearance, character and habits of the animal were formed over many years. The first Arabian cats were unadapted to life in the wild desert conditions. Desert dune cats bred with domestic pets, passing on beneficial genes to Arabian cats. Nature did the rest. The cat's physique, intelligence and even color allow it to survive in any hot conditions.

The appearance of the modern Arabian cat is the result of natural selection

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Appearance of Arabian cats

Arabian Mau cannot be called small cats, although they are slender. The weight of an adult male can reach 8 kg, females - 4 kg. The slender Arabian woman looks graceful. The cat seems even more graceful thanks to its slender limbs and elongated, elongated body. The cat's body is not thin, it is quite muscular.

The main distinguishing features of Arabian cats are huge ears and a sharp chin.

The Arabian Mau's coat is short, smooth, silky and slightly rough to the touch. Animals do not have undercoat (it is not needed in hot climates). Due to the lack of undercoat, Arabian cats hardly shed. They also don't have dandruff. For these reasons, the unusual long-eared cat is considered hypoallergenic. The color can be any, but the most common options are:

  • white (completely white wool without any inclusions);
  • black (charcoal black without “rust” and gray inclusions);
  • black and white (the combination of spots can be absolutely any);
  • red-brown (tabby with small stripes along the back);
  • gray-white (a combination of spots of any shape and absolutely any size).

Photo gallery: Arabian Mau main colors

Character of the Arabian Mau

Because of their indigenous origins, Arabian cats are excellent hunters. Their wild ancestors spent all their free time hunting. Therefore, the Arabian pet is ideal for keeping in a private home; the cat will catch all the rats and mice. In addition, these cats are intellectually developed and are easy to train. Due to their intelligence, these cats are sometimes compared to dogs.

The Arabian cat will become a good friend of children and an excellent guard for a private home.

A distinctive character trait of the Arabian cat is silence. The animal will not bother its owner with heartbreaking screams, even if it urgently needs help. However, such a cat does not like loneliness; she prefers to spend time with her owner. But the Arabian cat will not lie on your lap, purring contentedly from being stroked. The favorite place of such a cat is next to the owner, but no closer than arm's length.

The best dry food for the Cornish Rex

According to veterinary standards, high-quality finished food must contain at least 26% protein and 9% fat. For lactating cats – 30% protein and 9% fat. The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing industrially produced food is that protein (meat) should be the first ingredient on the label. If soy or grains come first, this food is not suitable for the breed.

Second, and no less important, avoid foods that contain corn or wheat gluten. Choose grain-free products - they do not lead to obesity. Grain is not an essential part of a cat's diet—in the wild, cats do not eat grain!

Small bowls and saucers are not suitable for Cornish Rex kittens. You should choose water bowls with a diameter of at least 30 cm and 10 cm in depth. There should be at least half of the container with water. You need to change the water at least once a day. Kittens love to play with water: they make waves, row, splash and dig.

Dog sippy cups are the best option for this breed. Metal or ceramic bowls on a stand are suitable for dry food.

You need to be very careful when choosing food for your little Cornish Rex. The baby’s development, appearance and ability to reproduce will depend on its correct selection.

Cats of this breed feed their kittens milk for up to 2-2.5 months. But the first complementary foods can be given when the kitten is 1 month old. Additional nutrition is introduced based on the baby’s condition and development. The Cornish Rex needs milk until it is 2 months old.

If a kitten is separated from its mother, it is given adapted milk from pet stores or bought goat milk. Cow's milk does not contain enough proteins and fats, which are so necessary for the growing body of a large cat. Up to 4 months, you need to feed 5-6 times a day in small portions.

Kitten feeding frequency:

  • 3-4 months – 5-6 times;
  • 4-6 months – 4 meals a day;
  • from 6 months – three meals a day;
  • 10-12 months – morning and evening.

Don't forget that Cornish Rex cats reach sexual maturity later than other breeds. Therefore, the Cornish Rex's diet up to the age of 9 months should consist of special food for kittens.

The main advantage of ready-made industrial feeds is their balance. This does not apply to cheap food from supermarkets. Feeding Cornish Rex kittens Whiskas and Kitekat is unacceptable! You can switch to dry food at the age of 3 months.

Make sure the bowl is clean and there is no food left in it. Anything that the kittens haven’t eaten must be removed after feeding.

Character, behavioral characteristics

The character of the Cornish Rex is soft and docile. These are sophisticated intellectuals, distinguished by their emotionality. A vigorously wagging tail is evidence of increased receptivity.

Representatives of the breed have natural cheerfulness, curiosity, and are very active. They like to be on the move all the time, climbing, jumping. Even adults retain playfulness. Nevertheless, the behavior can be considered correct: the Cornish are delicate, patient, unforgiving, and they will not do any mischief. Thanks to their increased sensitivity to a person’s mood, they always know how to behave in a given situation.

The paws have membranes between the toes. Cats love water and can swim in bathtubs and natural bodies of water.

Learning ability

Cornishes are very smart, quick-witted and obedient. If the animal is treated correctly, it can be taught to follow simple commands and walk on a harness. Representatives of the breed quickly learn funny games and can fetch small toys on command.

Attitude towards the owner, children, strangers

They are somewhat similar in behavior to dogs: the family chooses one owner, to whom they feel boundless devotion. However, they also show love and affection towards other members of the household, as they are very friendly and sociable. They love attention to their person; if you talk to a cat, it will look into its eyes and, like a dog, wag its tail. They cannot tolerate being ignored, neglected, or rude.

They do not like excessive familiarity from strangers. They are distrustful of strangers, but can be curious. Children are treated kindly, representatives of the breed are non-aggressive. Rex can be an ideal playmate if you explain to your child the rules of handling a cat.

Attitude towards other pets

They get along well with their relatives and other pets, including dogs, but they love to be in the company of people. The owner should try to give the same amount of attention to all animals. In relation to birds and rodents, they show aggression caused by hunting instincts.

Feeding the Cornish Rex with ready-made formulas

Feeding animals of this breed with ready-made industrial mixtures is the easiest way to organize proper nutrition for your pet. Sheba classic kidney food for cats.

These are wet canned food, spiders and dry food, which can be stored longer and are always available to the pet in the open if there is a bowl of water.

The Cornish Rex should be fed a super premium or holistic diet. In general, there are good premium foods, but in this case you need to study the composition very carefully.

You should not give your Cornish Rex wet food from cheap brands such as Whiskas, Kitekat, Friskas. Pets usually eat them with pleasure and quickly get used to the tastes, but it should be remembered that they do not contain high-quality meat and a lot of mineral salts. We also do not recommend feeding cats Royal Canin diets for this breed. Indeed, now everyone is buying them. But let's look at the composition. For example, Maine Coon Adult in sauce for cats over 15 months old.

  1. It is not specified what kind of meat is contained, how much of it, the phrase “meat by-products” - also no specifics, what quality they are, they may not be very good.
  2. In second place are cereals, again, without further clarification, they are poorly digested by cats and serve as a cheap filler. It is better that they are not in the stern at all, or at least not higher than fifth place.
  3. The composition contains protein extracts of plant origin, plant by-products - again, nothing good.

We can conclude that this is an economy class, although the manufacturer classifies it as premium. Of course, there are no dyes or preservatives, but Whiskas doesn’t have them either.

So what kind of wet food can you give? We recommend Animonda, Leonardo, Applaws, Bozita. The latter has wet food for large breeds, however, it contains unwanted cellulose.

If we talk about dry mixtures, today a certain rating of these feeds has been formed, popular both among experienced breeders and private owners:

  • Leading the list is Wellness, a fairly new product on the market from American manufacturers. It contains natural salmon and tuna, meat and fish flour, a small content of plant components, such as peas, and no grain. Wellness® Indoor Health for Adult Cat is suitable for young adult cats, but there are also products for pregnant and lactating cats, and kittens with a high content of animal protein. The disadvantage of this holistic product is that it can not yet be purchased in Russia even in all online stores and at a very high price.
  • Bosch Sanabelle Grande takes second place in the ranking. The German manufacturer classifies this product as a super premium class product, but it is made from products suitable for human nutrition, which meets the criteria of canvas. The composition is based on liver and poultry meat, rice, millet, and sorghum. Based on the content of components, it is optimal for the prevention of urolithiasis; the granules are large and pets really like it.

We also recommend Akana and Orijen food. Although they have a small selection of flavors, the quality is very high. Read the article review of food for cats and kittens.

Good food:

  • Hill's Nature's Best™ With Real Chicken Adult Cat is made in the Netherlands. The mixture contains high-quality products - poultry meat, plant components are represented by oats, rice, potatoes, and corn. The protein content is high. Cornish Rexes love this mixture very much.
  • Eukanuba Mature Care Formula for Cats contains many meat ingredients, but also contains grains. Cornish Rex eat this dry mixture with pleasure, although some pets have allergic reactions.
  • ProNature 30 Adult for Cats - until recently, breeders considered this Canadian food one of the best products in terms of price-quality ratio. In addition, the pets always ate it with pleasure. The only thing is that since production opened in Russia at the beginning of 2022, the level of Pronature has decreased significantly and many breeders have begun to abandon this feed. Contains chicken, corn, peas.

Natural diet for Cornish Rex

Most owners of animals of this large breed prefer natural products in feeding their pets. It should be remembered that at least half of the diet should consist of meat ingredients. The following components must be present in the diet:

  • Meat and offal (stomachs, heart, liver) from poultry, mainly chicken.
  • Beef in the form of meat and offal, preference should be given to low-fat varieties.
  • Fermented milk products are low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk.
  • Cheeses in the form of hard varieties.
  • Cereals are porridges prepared according to special recipes from buckwheat and multigrain mixtures.
  • Fresh and boiled vegetables - carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber.
  • Some types of sprouted grains and specially grown grass.
  • Brewer's yeast and meat and bone meal, fish meal.
  • Vitamin supplements, special pastes for removing hairballs from the gastrointestinal tract.

As an example of porridge, in which the majority of protein components are occupied, we can recommend the following composition:

  • meat and chicken by-products – 80%;
  • fermented milk products – kefir or cottage cheese – 5%;
  • vegetable and green components (zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber, spinach, celery, carrots) – 5%;
  • oatmeal or buckwheat – 10%.

Here is another composition of the diet, which owners usually prepare for several weeks, divide into portions and freeze (in grams):

  • beef kidneys – 500;
  • beef liver – 500;
  • heart (beef or veal) – 100;
  • light beef – 100;
  • necks and heads of chicken broilers – 100;
  • beef or veal meat – 100;
  • chicken stomachs or hearts – 1000;
  • turkey fillet – 1000;
  • pumpkin and zucchini – 1000;
  • carrots – 500;
  • kelp – 1000;
  • wheat bran – 500.

By-products and meat, lightly boiled vegetables are passed through a meat grinder, the bran is poured with boiling water and infused. The finished mixture is packaged and deep frozen for three to four days.

Before eating, the bag is defrosted and placed in bowls; the porridge can be topped with natural unsweetened yoghurt or fermented baked milk, and pieces of hard cheese can also be added.

Supporters of natural nutrition need to remember that the Cornish Rex is a huge and very energetic cat. Cats of this breed behave like young kittens for a long time. In order for them to grow healthy and energetic, they need a high-calorie diet that provides the body with the necessary energy.

Meat should form the basis of the diet. Choose only high-quality and fresh lean meat: rabbit, beef, poultry and veal. You should give raw meat that has been previously deep-frozen. It is best to prepare portioned pieces in advance by cutting them and freeing them from tendons, films and bones. Do not give cats cold food (directly from the freezer); keep it warm until it reaches room temperature.

Fish is given no more than 1-2 times a week. Sea fish can be given raw, but river fish must be boiled. Eating fish more frequently can cause the Cornish Rex to develop urolithiasis.

What other products can be included in the Cornish Rex menu:

  • by-products: liver, kidneys, lung;
  • boiled egg;
  • cereals in limited quantities;
  • vegetables: carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower;
  • green salad;
  • cheese as a treat.

Vitamins and minerals for the Cornish Rex

These components play a very important role in the nutrition of the Cornish Rex. Preference should be given to complex drugs, having previously discussed their composition and brand with a veterinarian.

Some pets may benefit from mono-supplements that contain only certain elements, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B or E.

Typically, the veterinarian will first evaluate the animal's urine and blood tests in order to select the appropriate composition of vitamin and mineral supplements.

These complexes are necessary for natural nutrition of the Cornish Rex; in ready-made industrial mixtures, as a rule, all vitamins, micro- and macro-additives are present in the required quantity and ratio.


The Cornish Rex's high intelligence has a positive effect on the amazing variability of behavioral reactions. These cats are very perceptive, easily understand a person and calmly fulfill the owner’s demands if they coincide with their own desires.

Cornish Rex dogs are easy to train and, with the right amount of training, can easily master some simple, typically canine tricks. For example, you can train your cat to find and retrieve a ball you throw. All Cornish Rex cats, without exception, will appreciate such training for the body and mind.

This breed is distinguished by high sensitivity and emotionality to everything that happens around them. Professional energy therapists attribute healing qualities to Royal Cornish cats, along with Siamese cats and Sphynx cats. It is recognized that being near them has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of owners and can cure depression.

What to feed a Cornish Rex kitten at 2, 3, 4 months and later

The Cornish Rex differs from other breeds in its unusually long period of maturation and growth. Only the formation of the musculoskeletal system is completed by the 15th month of life, and the cat sometimes reaches full growth only by four years.

When raising kittens, it should be taken into account that they gain weight quickly; by the age of three months, the baby weighs at least 2 kg, which is at least twice as much as the cub of an ordinary domestic cat. Therefore, the kitten must receive sufficient amounts of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D for the proper formation of the skeleton, musculoskeletal system, and muscles.

In addition, massive jaws grow very quickly, which is another distinctive feature of the breed. The granules of dry food for kittens should have a predominantly cubic shape so that the load is uniform. In addition, in this case, babies are forced to carefully gnaw and chew food, which also promotes oral hygiene; plaque is well cleaned and tartar does not form.

The first dry complementary food is usually given to kittens once a month and its composition remains the same for up to six months, only the number and frequency of feedings changes.

Month-old kittens are also given natural milk, with preference given to goat milk. Or they are fed with ready-made dry milk formulas. At first, they are fed six times a day, supplementing the diet with cereals, meat and vegetables.

At 3-4 months, they are switched to eating four times a day; crushed poultry giblets, vegetable ingredients, and fermented milk products are introduced into the diet.

Six months to a year is the most active growth period for a Cornish Rex kitten. If the baby is not gaining enough weight, then the diet is reviewed, changing the ready-made formula to a more nutritious one or supplementing the menu with seafood.

A new component is always introduced gradually, with careful attention to ensure that no allergic reactions or changes in stool occur.

Normally, the growth of a Cornish Rex kitten per month during this period is 300-400 g.

Characteristic colors of the breed

The standard allows for a large number of tabby colors for the Cornish Rex. Among them, the most popular are the following:

Classic tabby

. This color is characterized by a dark red coat color and a terracotta nose, lips and chin. Cornish cats of this color should have golden eyes.

Blue tabby.

It has a basic ivory tone with a contrasting pattern. This color is complemented by golden eyes and pink skin on the tip of the nose.

Cream tabby

. Does not differ in the contrast of coat tones. The fur pattern has a slight contrast with the background color. The nose of cats of this color suggests a pink color, and the eyes are golden.

Brown tabby.

Often called brindle. With it, the main background coat has a copper-brown color, and the pattern is a more intense shade of it. The eyes of animals with this color should be golden.

Lilac tabby

. This color is characterized by the color of milk chocolate.

Tortoiseshell color

. It may have a coat of black, red and white background, on which spots of other colors are visible. In particular, there are red spots on a black background.

In addition to the listed colors, Conish Rex cats, which do not contradict the standard, may have other colors, but provided that the boundaries between the spots are clearly visible.

Nutrition of an adult Cornish Rex

In nature, raccoon cats feed on small mammals, so even when kept at home, portions of a healthy, adult pet should be small and meals should be fractional.

At one time, an adult animal should eat 6-7 g of food in a few minutes. Feeding takes about half an hour a day.

Scientists have found that the Cornish Rex, like the Siamese, eats somewhat faster than other cat breeds; for example, the Persian eats no more than 2 g per minute.

The structural features of the jaws require a special form of dry food granules; the pet should always gnaw and chew them thoroughly, never swallowing them whole. The diet must contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and taurine.

Pets are considered adults from the age of 15 months, at the same time they are transferred to food of a different age category.

The cubic shape of the granules will greatly help to cope with cleaning the oral cavity, but to prevent stomatitis and gingivitis, periodontal disease, it is still better to brush your teeth once a day, first with a soft cloth (kittens), and then with a special brush and paste.

Dry food is selected based on the pet’s preferences; you can occasionally give high-quality wet spiders as a treat, correspondingly reducing the amount of the main product.

Research by scientists has shown that Cornish Rex dogs are prone to hip dysplasia due to their heavy weight (about 23% of animals suffer), so the owner must pay special attention to their diet. Only a high-quality diet containing polyunsaturated fatty acids will help the proper development and maintenance of the normal musculoskeletal system.

Heart pathologies are also common among representatives of this breed. The most common cases of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy occur when the left ventricle of the organ is overstretched. This is due to a natural mutation in the protein gene that is responsible for binding cardiac myosin. To exclude pathology, the kitten should also undergo appropriate tests and be examined completely. Sometimes the disease manifests itself only in adulthood, so an ultrasound of the heart should be performed once a year.

Foods that contain taurine, EPA and DHA in the right proportions can support normal heart function in an adult Cornish Rex.

Special food should be selected for pregnant and lactating cats. Experienced breeders from an early stage switch expectant mothers to kitten food with a high content of animal proteins.

Aging pets from about the tenth year of life also need special nutrition to prevent the development of chronic diseases. If we talk about dry industrial mixtures, Eukanuba has specialized lines for this age group: “Mature & Senior”, BioMill: “Cat Senior”, Perfect Fit: Senior, Bosch Sanabelle: Senior, Pro Plan: Vital Age 7+ Dry Chicken & Rice.

Choosing a kitten

When choosing a Cornish kitten, you should initially decide for what purpose you need the animal: for the soul or for breeding and exhibitions. In the latter case, it is very important to complete the following points:

Meet the kitten's mother, or better yet, both parents. It is by their appearance and behavior that one can understand what kind of character and appearance an adult pet will have. If the parents have defects in appearance or character traits atypical for the breed, they will almost certainly be inherited by the baby. Such a kitten is not suitable for breeding and participation in exhibitions. It is also very important to inquire about the health of the parents. Check the availability of documents (this includes a certificate from a veterinary clinic and vaccinations and a metric). Assess the animal's health status. Study the living conditions: how clean, tidy, warm and spacious the room is. What other pets did the kitten live with, and was he toilet trained? You also need to ask about their diet. Try to make contact with the animal. If a pet is needed for the soul, pedigree may not play a significant role. However, it is advisable to buy a kitten in special clubs, nurseries, from breeders or friends. If the animal was picked up on the street or was purchased blindly (via the Internet), you need to visit a veterinarian and make sure that everything is fine with the pet.

Allowed and prohibited foods for the Cornish Rex

In the case of natural feeding of the Cornish Rex, you should listen to the advice of experienced breeders and be sure to include in the feeding diet:

  • Chicken heads, tails, necks, wings, paws. These products are usually ground up and given to pets after deep freezing as part of porridge; they contain many substances necessary for the healthy existence of a predator.
  • Although pork is considered an unfavorable food for cats, occasionally the Cornish Rex should be given pork heart, as it contains a record amount of taurine. It is passed through a meat grinder, frozen and added to portioned porridge.
  • Fermented milk products, especially cheeses, kefir and cottage cheese, must be included in the Cornish Rex’s diet. You just have to watch the fat content.
  • It is advisable to sometimes give marine varieties of fish: pink salmon, salmon, cod are suitable.

There is also a fairly extensive list of foods that are strictly prohibited from feeding the Cornish Rex:

  • Viscous cereals with a lot of milk have a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract and often cause diarrhea.
  • Baked goods, pastries, pies, cookies, preserves and jams, other sweets and chocolate are prohibited.
  • Boiled poultry bones should be excluded from the diet; it is the fragments of tubular elements that can injure the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pork should be completely removed from the diet; it is a heavy meat product that is dangerous for cats in many ways (except for the heart).
  • Potatoes, beans, beans, peas, and tomatoes are not allowed as vegetables. They cause increased gas formation and diarrhea.
  • River fish should not be given, as there is a high risk of infection with parasites. In addition, it contains many small and sharp seeds.
  • Whole cow's milk is not recommended in the diet of adult animals.
  • It is also worth excluding sausages, sausages, smoked, pickled, canned, salted, hot and spicy foods.

In strictly limited quantities, they give the yolk of raw chicken eggs (the white is prohibited), olive oil (and other vegetable oils), poultry liver, and seafood.

The most complete types of meat for the Cornish Rex are turkey, rabbit, beef, and lamb. Chicken is healthy, but feeding this bird alone is not enough in terms of animal protein content.

Health, tendency to disease

Corinche Rex cats are distinguished by good health; a possible reason for good immunity is a slightly elevated temperature (38.5-39 ° C). No genetic problems (breed diseases) were found. The most common types found in rexes are:

  • skin diseases (dermatitis);
  • colds of the respiratory tract;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).

Animals tend to overeat, which can cause obesity. Cornish Rexes are very sensitive to anesthesia drugs, therefore, unlike cats of other breeds, they take longer to recover from anesthesia. An overdose of sedatives used before surgery can cause complications: deafness, neurological disorders, damage to brain cells, and death.

It is recommended to have a first aid kit for your cat. Need to buy:

  • cotton wool,
  • cotton buds,
  • elastic bandage,
  • gauze,
  • patch,
  • brilliant green,
  • iodine,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • Activated carbon,
  • Vaseline oil (Vaseline),
  • scissors with blunt tips,
  • tweezers,
  • eye dropper,
  • rectal thermometer,
  • syringes, incl. insulin,
  • ammonia,
  • boric acid powder,
  • streptocide powder.


They begin when the kitten is 8 weeks old. First you need to rid the animal of fleas and ticks, then deworm it. The remedy for parasites is given 10-12 days in advance. before vaccination. First, they are vaccinated against panleukopenia, calicivirus and rhinotracheitis. Revaccination is necessary after 2-4 weeks, then 1 time per year.

Starting from the age of 12 weeks, they are given a rabies vaccination (once), revaccination – annually.

After 2-3 weeks. The kitten is vaccinated against fungal diseases. 2 injections are required, with an interval of 10-14 days, revaccination - every year.

Quarantine after vaccinations should last 10 days, during which it is important to protect the baby from:

  • overheating;
  • hypothermia;
  • strong physical activity;
  • long transportation;
  • contacts with other pets;
  • suspected sources of infection (for example, street shoes).
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