Why do you dream of a little red kitten: interpretation from dream books

A small red cat appearing in a dream evokes only positive emotions in a person. But dream interpreters warn: this image foreshadows the intrigues and cunning plans of ill-wishers preparing behind the dreamer’s back. To find out what the dream character prophesies, you need to remember the details and details of the night vision. Dream books explain if you dream of a red kitten.

Interpretation of Miller and Freud

The red color has long been considered a sign of deceit and deceit. Therefore, dream interpreters believe that the appearance of a kitten of this color predicts the machinations of enemies or rivals directed against the dreamer . Dream Interpretations interpret the details of the vision as follows:

  1. Psychologist Gustav Miller believes that someone sleeping in a dream and sheltering a cat at home is a good sign. It portends good luck and prosperity. If the dreamer saw an animal on the street, this promises a meeting with an old friend, which will give him pleasure and awaken pleasant memories. The dream book warns: if a young girl picks up a red kitten in a dream, she is in danger of big trouble. The dreamer will fall into bad company and then be deceived. She shouldn't trust people she doesn't know well.
  2. According to Freud, a dream about a cat promises a romantic relationship awaiting the dreamer in the near future. But they will not bring happiness, as the person will be seduced and drawn into trouble. He will have to pay for his weaknesses.
  3. Freud's dream book explains why a married couple dreams of a small red kitten. This is a good sign, foreshadowing the renewal of stable relationships, the revival of the former craving for each other. If a kitten in a dream was decorated with an elegant bow, this promises the dreamer intimate joys. But if the animal was dirty, this means that the person will soon regret his actions.
  4. According to Loff's dream book, a red kitten is a negative symbol. It foreshadows problems and failures for the dreamer. For businessmen, the dream promises financial difficulties. If the baby was seen by a person when he was returning home in a dream, then in reality the dreamer will have pleasant acquaintances. If the dreamer bathed a kitten in a dream, this means that his relationship with his loved one will move to a new level.

Kill a kitten

The age of the dreamed animal is the size of the trouble:

  1. If he just left his mother’s womb, the problems are more far-fetched.
  2. A grown animal presents real difficulties, sometimes self-created.
  3. Large, feeding on its own, means enmity, clash, confrontation.

Decoding an unpleasant vision depends on the context:

  1. Kill with a knife or rope - gain freedom from annoying people.
  2. To drown a brood is to show cruelty to the weaker.
  3. To fry to serve is to unjustifiably suspect your neighbor. Eat, swallow a cutie - stop worrying about minor failures.
  4. Strangle with your hands - overwork.
  5. Killing a teenager is an increase in power. You will be able to compete with stronger people.
  6. Crush accidentally in bed - your partner will reveal your affair. They will have to wipe away their tears and explain themselves.
  7. Pressing with your feet is a powerful push forward.
  8. Taking your head off is a mistake.
  9. Set it on fire - you will be the source of a loud scandal in society.

Interpretations of other predictors

Other dream interpreters also negatively interpret the image of a kitten. It means the following:

  1. According to Miss Hasse’s dream book, a ginger cat in a dream foreshadows a new acquaintance that will change the dreamer’s life. But the person is not who he claims to be, and in the future he may deceive the owner of the dream. If the baby fawns over the sleeping person, this is a warning that there is a hypocrite in his environment. He pretends to be the dreamer's friend, but in reality he wants to harm him and makes insidious plans.
  2. According to the Bulgarian seer Vanga, a baby appearing in a dream warns that the sleeper is surrounded by deceitful, insidious people. According to her dream book, a red kitten that a family man dreams of foretells that his significant other is cheating on him or that he has a rival. The dreamer should take a closer look at his loved ones and not trust strangers.
  3. Dream interpreter Tsvetkov believes that a dreamed kitten promises good changes in the sleeping person’s personal life. If the animal had fluffy fur, then the person will soon be invited to a date or a business meeting, where he will meet useful and interesting people. A dirty street cat portends quarrels in the family and conflicts at work.

According to Loff

An unfavorable sign is a street kitten. This is a sign of the onset of a dark period in life:

  1. Businessmen will face failure of plans, losses, deceitful contractors, and unfair competition.
  2. Workers will lose their jobs and remain unemployed for a long time.
  3. If there are two or three of them, then the struggle will be difficult and lengthy.

A fiery red animal sitting on the threshold of an apartment means guests or an acquaintance. A short visit from distant relatives is likely. A joyful, productive meeting.

A bathed wet lump is a renewal of love experiences. The couple is entering another honeymoon period.

Meaning for men and women

Decoding night vision largely depends on the gender of the dreamer. Forecasters explain why a woman dreams of a red kitten:

  1. For a girl dating her chosen one, the dream foreshadows a rival who wants to take her lover away. If a kitten scratches and shows aggression, it means that a cunning person will behave the same way.
  2. For a lonely woman, the dream promises meeting a pleasant, intelligent person. This romance will be stormy and will give positive emotions, but will not last long.
  3. If a married lady dreams of two kittens at once, this means that she will soon have a dangerous rival. You will have to fight with her to prevent her from taking her place.

For men, the details of sleep are interpreted differently.

They mean the following:

  1. A lot of red kittens portend difficulties and problems in real life.
  2. If a person dreams of one cat, it means that he has an envious person who is trying to set him up.

The condition of a dreamed baby is interpreted in the same way for men and women.

It means the following:

  1. If you dreamed of a thin and sick kitten, then a person should pay attention to the health status of their loved ones.
  2. The emaciated baby was dirty - this promises bad news from afar concerning the dreamer’s relatives.
  3. If his fur was matted and infested with fleas, then this means that the person is haunted by minor troubles and empty chores. They prevent him from focusing on what is important in life.
  4. A playful and fluffy animal predicts difficulties and obstacles that the dreamer will have to overcome in the near future.

Animal color

When trying to uncover the meaning of a dream with a cat, you should also remember what color the animal was. The color of the pet is important, since the interpretation is different:

  • black - achieving your goals will require a lot of time and effort;
  • white - changes for the better await you, at work or on a personal front;
  • black and white - there will come a period when it will be difficult to concentrate on business. Be distracted and sloppy;
  • red - you will receive an invitation to a grand event, which will leave a positive impression;
  • gray - among your friends there is a person who wants to denigrate you in front of others;
  • green - arrogance will lead to quarrels at work, as well as in your close circle;
  • red - the action of a loved one will lead you to disappointment;
  • blue - you should be on guard, the enemies will try to strike;
  • tricolor (a girl dreams) - you have a rival, you should be more attentive to your partner’s surroundings.

Activities during sleep

To get the correct interpretation of night vision, you need to remember the actions of the participants in the plot. They mean the following:

  1. If in a dream a person was given a red cat, in reality he will have to work hard to find a way out of a difficult situation.
  2. The little cat was playing and having fun - this is a warning that fate is preparing trouble for the sleeper.
  3. Stroking a kitten means that a person should take a closer look at his loved ones. Some of them became his enemy.
  4. Feeding the cat means it’s time to get down to business.
  5. If the baby begins to bite the sleeping person, this indicates the dreamer’s greed. Perhaps he is used to taking, but not giving anything in return.
  6. If in a night vision the animal was sleeping, it means that the enemies of the sleeping person have temporarily stopped plotting against him. But soon they will begin to harm him again.
  7. If a kitten pooped on the floor in a dream, this portends minor problems, household worries and troubles.
  8. Picking up a dirty, frozen kitten on the street and bringing it home means that the person himself is to blame for the troubles that befall him. There is no one else to blame for them.
  9. Saving a ginger cat from death means profit.
  10. Killing a kitten in a dream means the dreamer is able to solve any problems and ensure the well-being of his family.
  11. Dreaming of a dead cat predicts that an unpleasant person will leave the dreamer's life.

Vanga's Dream Book

A bad sign predicts continuous negative emotions:

  • the meanness of others;
  • black gossip behind your back;
  • heartfelt betrayal;
  • a devilish obsession that destroys the established way of life.

Vanga separately examines a number of important subjects.

If he has no tail

A sign of insidious deception. Check the words of even loyal friends. Someone is trying to weave nets and lure them into them. The tailless specimen hints at a complete lack of conscience.


A harbinger of disappointment. The rose-colored glasses will instantly fly off your eyes, revealing all the ugliness of the real world.


You will meet an important person according to fate. It will change your worldview forever. Events can be both positive and negative. But you won’t be able to forget the participants until they turn gray.

Catches a gray mouse

A picture of a hunting cat indicates the likelihood of losing a good reputation. Separately, look at what a mouse means...

Is being caressed

The new acquaintance whom you bestow trust will turn out to be a scoundrel. It is advisable to take a closer look at individuals who are trying too hard to please.

Other characters

Other participants in the plot also influence its interpretation . These details are deciphered as follows:

  1. A ginger cat with kittens is a good sign. It foretells a successful period in the dreamer's life. If a woman has a dream, it means that she will soon become pregnant.
  2. Newborn blind babies are a controversial symbol. If, upon seeing the cat give birth, the dreamer experienced unpleasant sensations, then this promises obstacles from ill-wishers. The dream can also predict a difficult situation in which a person will feel like a blind kitten.
  3. If a person dreams of a cat along with several kittens: white, black and red, then this foretells the dreamer that he will be popular with the opposite sex. But he will not have a serious relationship.
  4. A man saw a red kitten and a puppy in a dream - this promises new love adventures. If the kids are fighting, it means that the person will find a way out of the conflict situation, provided that the opposite parties express their complaints to each other.
  5. The baby had a blue eye - this portends the dreamer a black streak in his professional activities. It is better for a person to postpone making important decisions for a while.
  6. If you dreamed of a cat whose fur has three colors: white, gray and red, then this means that the person fusses a lot and spends energy on unimportant things, but does not have time to do the main thing.

Dream Interpretations believe that the image of a cute red-haired baby appearing in a dream warns of possible betrayal and insidious actions of ill-wishers. The dreamer needs to be careful and take a close look at his surroundings.

Who dreamed of a cat

Cats personify comfort and tranquility, but in dreams they carry information warning of troubles and troubles.

To an unmarried girl

  • A cat in a dream suggests a long-awaited acquaintance;
  • Holding a kitten or a cat in your arms means being a victim of an adventure or being involved in unfavorable affairs.

To a woman

Seeing a well-groomed cat in a dream means sensing your feminine intuitive self and the feminine half of your essence.

  • For married women, a cat is a symbol of having a rival;
  • It is possible to meet people from the past who clearly will not lift your spirits.


The dream has a positive meaning only if the cat was with her own kittens, and not strangers; A small kitten that has not been paid attention to promises an unwanted meeting.

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