Collars for cats against fleas and ticks: principle of operation and method of use

Despite the fact that cats are exclusively domestic animals, many four-legged cats are used to walking outside with a leash and harness or live with their owners in a country house. Cats are natural hunters, which means that in pursuit of small animals they spend a lot of time in tall grass, where there are a lot of ticks. And communication with other yard animals can cause fleas.

Therefore, it is important to take care of preventing the proliferation of parasites on your cat’s fur in advance. A special flea and tick collar will help with this.

How does a flea collar work?

To understand whether a flea collar helps cats and how this happens, it is enough to understand the mechanism of its action. There are two main options: repellent scented impregnation or radiation/ultrasound.

Does a domestic cat need a collar?

Even a pet sitting at home may need protection. When an anti-flea accessory is needed:

  • fleas penetrate from the basement into the living space;
  • the pet has contact with a walking animal, lives with it in the same territory;
  • During the warm season, there is a surge in the number of fleas in the area or region.

If it’s cold winter outside and the cat is sitting at home, you can do without protection.

Mechanism and duration

The basic principle of operation of the accessory is simple: the repellent-insecticidal composition with which the material is treated repels or kills parasites. If a cat has a severe infection, then the healing process can be seen with the naked eye - the fleas begin an emergency “evacuation”. Only ultrasonic and radiating models differ in their principle of operation, but they are quite expensive, so they are in little demand. Ordinary products are harmless, the main thing is to comply with the conditions specified in the instructions for the product.

What substances are applied to the base of the accessory?

  1. Essential oils

    (coniferous, citrus, mint, etc.). They play the role of repellents: they repel insects, are safe, but ineffective against parasites that have already settled in the fur.

  2. Imidacloprid

    . A chemical that paralyzes fleas. Refers to modern pharmacological agents. Imidacloprid impregnation is effective for several months.

  3. Permethrin

    . An effective insecticide, but its safety is questionable: the drug is quite poisonous, so if worn for a long time it can provoke functional disorders (liver disease, nervous system disorders).

  4. Sevin

    . An effective insect repellent. Moderately toxic. It does not accumulate in wool and skin, but with prolonged use it can cause irritation or dermatitis.

  5. Propoxur

    . Repellent and insecticidal agent. The effect of the main substance is visible within the first day. Moderately toxic, does not penetrate the blood, but spreads through the skin and fur.

  6. Metropen

    . Gives 100% results, but is highly toxic. Veterinarians do not recommend it for weakened, lactating, pregnant cats, older animals, or kittens.

  7. Phenothrin

    . Known both in veterinary and human pharmacology. Destroys adult parasites and their larvae.

  8. Fipronil

    . Has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects. It is quite dangerous, as it can cause serious poisoning if it enters the body. It does not enter the blood through the skin and fur.

  9. Diazinon

    . Repellent and insecticidal agent. Inhibits the nervous system of insects, paralyzing them. It spreads over the outer skin, but does not penetrate the bloodstream, often causing a bunch of allergic reactions.

  10. Tetrachlorvinphos

    (TCVP). Harmless and hypoallergenic substance. Spreading over the outer integument of the animal, it does not penetrate the bloodstream.

It is important to use the anti-parasitic collar correctly. Even if this is not the first time you put it on an animal, read the instructions and follow all the requirements.

Does a flea collar help cats?

How a flea collar for cats works: it kills or paralyzes parasites, depending on the main working product. The active ingredients create a protective barrier on the animal's fur, preventing the infestation of fleas and ticks. How long the accessory will work depends on the type of impregnation, the activity of the cat (goes outside or not), and the degree of infection.

The level of efficiency also depends on the manufacturer, since not all companies carefully monitor compliance with the standards established in production. Conscientious companies use expensive imported materials, due to which the collar lasts up to six months and does not cause any side effects or complications.

We weigh the pros and cons

The popularity of anti-parasitic collars can easily be explained by their advantages. Anyone who has ever tried them on their pets will use them again. A short list of advantages:

  • they are convenient and effective;
  • have both a therapeutic and preventive effect;
  • most models have a normal price, long shelf life;
  • some accessories are suitable for treating pregnant, lactating, sick cats, as well as kittens;
  • guarantee the cat's safety while walking.

With a quality product, the cat will be protected from parasite bites - and therefore from the diseases they carry.

Unfortunately, there are disadvantages that cannot be kept silent about:

  • specific pungent aroma;
  • risk of allergies, especially in sensitive pets;
  • may cause hair loss on the neck;
  • when wet, the product may lose its beneficial properties;
  • ultrasonic models are very expensive;
  • low-quality products cause cat poisoning.

The collar may cause individual intolerance. If your cat develops unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately remove the accessory and consult a veterinarian. The doctor will suggest an alternative method of protection against fleas.

Rules of application

The instructions for the protective product are simple:

  1. Take the accessory out of the package.
  2. Unfasten the buckle.
  3. Wrap the ribbon around your pet's neck.
  4. Fasten the tape so that it fits snugly, but does not choke.

For the product to work, the accessory must be on the animal at all times. When swimming, the collar can be removed, but it will need to be wrapped in a bag so that the active ingredients do not “fizzle out.” It is recommended to remove the tape only in rare and exceptional cases.

IMPORTANT ! The average validity period of the protective tape is 2 months. American and German tapes are effective for 7 months.

Types of flea collars

There are four main types of anti-parasitic accessories. They are divided according to the principle of operation and the level of safety.


Made from rubber. Their main effect is protective; such models cannot cope with the destruction of existing fleas. Essential oils or natural poisons (usually from herbs) are used as impregnation for bio-collars. Such odors are harmless to cats, but perfectly repel ectoparasites. Bio-collars are not dangerous for the cat’s body and are environmentally friendly, although they can sometimes cause allergic reactions (itching, redness, dermatitis), this is due to individual intolerance. The shelf life of biomodels is approximately three months. Recommended for pregnant and lactating cats, as well as for kittens up to one year old.


They are made from a rubber or polyvinyl chloride base and are impregnated with an antiparasitic composition. The advantages include their real effectiveness, and the disadvantages include the danger of toxic effects on the cat. Before use, it is recommended to stretch the device slightly to activate the active substance. Such products have a protective effect for several months.


The fabric base of the cat flea collar is supplemented with a mini-device that emits ultrasound, which is not perceptible to the human ear, but has a depressing effect on insects. It is completely harmless for pets. The mechanism is started by a battery, the performance of which determines the effectiveness of the accessory. Perhaps the only drawback of such devices is the significant price.


The mechanism of action of the radiating collar is the propagation of electromagnetic waves, which have a destructive effect on ectoparasites. The advantages of this option include odorlessness and non-toxicity. However, they are not capable of adversely affecting eggs with larvae, and besides, the safety of electromagnetic radiation is a controversial issue.

Regardless of the model type, the listed accessories are suitable for representatives of all breeds: short-haired and long-haired.

Precautionary measures

Using a collar requires the following precautions:

  1. If the tape is ineffective and your pet exhibits unpleasant symptoms, change the brand . Perhaps the model is not suitable for your pet.
  2. Buy only those products whose effects have been tested by your friends . When choosing, you should not focus on low cost.
  3. You cannot combine the tape with other antiparasitic agents ; this can lead to hair loss, dermatitis, and allergies in your pet.
  4. Make sure that your pet does not chew the end of the tape , as this can lead to poisoning. In this case, conscientious manufacturers indicate the antidote substance in the instructions.

Can there be side effects?

When using cat flea collars, be aware of possible side effects. Not all manufacturers use high-quality materials when making a product. When purchasing a flea collar for your cat, carefully read the instructions and make sure that the manufacturer has positive reviews. A low-quality product will do more harm than good. It is necessary to take into account that a flea and tick collar for cats, even from a trusted manufacturer, may have side effects. Among them the most common:

  • skin irritation, allergies;
  • hair loss;
  • an unpleasant odor that causes severe discomfort to the animal.

During initial use, be sure to monitor possible changes in your pet’s behavior in order to help him in time - if necessary.

The cat was poisoned by a flea collar - what to do?

A negative reaction may not occur immediately, so do not let your guard down. What symptoms should you pay special attention to:

  • lethargy, apathy;
  • vomit;
  • lack of appetite;
  • constant itching on or near the neck;
  • increased salivation.

If you notice at least one of the listed symptoms, remove the product and immediately contact your veterinarian. To avoid causing unnecessary stress to your pet, you can call a veterinarian to your home. While the doctor is visiting you, give the animal clean water to help the kidneys remove toxins from the body.

Cat itches from flea collar

If your cat keeps trying to scratch under the collar, there are two possible problems: allergies or simple chafing. In the second case, you can simply loosen the seal, and the itching will stop almost immediately. With allergies the situation is more complicated.

Allergy to flea collar

An allergic reaction can manifest itself as:

  • itching;
  • hair loss;
  • redness of the neck, eyes, lacrimation;
  • stuffy nose;
  • red blisters on the skin with clear liquid.

Perhaps the animal is allergic to a component of the impregnation - try changing one model to another. If this doesn’t help, switch to sprays or ultrasonic collars.

Criterias of choice

To decide whether to buy a flea collar or anti-flea drops for your pet, you need to consider the following criteria:

  • pet's age and weight. Manufacturers provide instructions that describe the rules for using insecticidal substances. Insect collars are allowed for animals over two months of age. The tapes have different lengths. You need to select it taking into account the volume of your pet’s neck. They are produced in lengths from thirty-five to forty centimeters. The tapes are regulated by a special fixing device. Do not tighten the collar too tightly. The distance between the neck and the tape should be at least two centimeters;
  • absence of any contraindications for use. If the owner does not have such information when purchasing drops, then a test must first be performed. A small amount of the solution is dripped onto the animal’s withers, and it is observed whether the body reacts to the insecticide. This criterion also applies to collars. When the animal wears it for some time, you need to check its skin in the neck area. If allergic reactions appear there, or the hair begins to fall out, select a ribbon from another manufacturer;
  • the effectiveness of the drugs, taking into account the climatic conditions in which the pet lives.

How to use the collar correctly

Even the best quality collar can be ineffective or harmful if used incorrectly. The surest way not to make a mistake is to read the instructions included with the product.

Precautions and contraindications

Like any medications, flea collars for cats have their own contraindications. Not all types are suitable for kittens, pregnant cats, sick and weakened animals. All restrictions are stated in the instructions.

For allergy sufferers, kittens and mother cats, special safe models are suitable: they will be recommended by a veterinarian or a seller at a veterinary pharmacy. Remember that babies under 2 months are vulnerable even to weak substances; for them, you need to choose a different method of getting rid of fleas.

Also, the animal should not wear the accessory all the time. The poisons it contains tend to accumulate in the animal’s body - this leads to diseases of the internal organs and disruption of the functioning of some body systems. To avoid this, take a break from wearing it every 3-4 months.

The health of your pet depends on compliance with basic requirements. Products from well-known manufacturers usually have detailed instructions on proper use and storage; these recommendations should not be neglected.

How to use the collar:

  1. After unpacking, the accessory is immediately put on the cat and precisely adjusted to size. It should be inaccessible for licking, but also not fit too tightly to the neck so as not to rub it.
  2. First, you need to put on the device for a short time and carefully monitor the cat’s condition to exclude allergic reactions.
  3. When an item is put away for storage, it should be packaged in a plastic bag or film.
  4. The expiration date is indicated in the instructions and varies from one month to six months.

The simultaneous use of several anti-parasitic agents, for example, a collar and shampoo/drops, is unacceptable. This can lead to acute intoxication. If the infestation is very serious, you can first use medicinal drugs, and after one or two weeks put on a collar.

Is a flea collar suitable for kittens?

Depending on the active substance used, the accessory may be contraindicated for kittens, since some poisons can be dangerous for a fragile organism. Collars for kittens have been developed especially for such cases. They have a smaller diameter and consist of safer components. But even before purchasing a specialized drug, carefully read the instructions at what age of the animal it can be used. Mostly biological varieties are suitable for kittens.

Can pregnant and lactating cats wear a collar?

This issue is very acute and should be approached with caution. Pregnant cats can be fitted with biological or ultrasonic collars, but it is best to consult a veterinarian before doing so. You shouldn't make a decision on your own.

It is recommended to avoid using flea collars for cats while nursing, as kittens may lick or bite the accessory during play. It is best to buy safe sprays or folk remedies (for example, put wormwood grass under the cat's bed).

When to put on and take off a collar

Do not remove the product from your pet until the expiration date, as this will provide better protection. In case of urgent need, the flea and tick cat collar can be removed and placed in a thick plastic bag - this way it will retain its properties longer.

It is better not to remove the product after walks, as there is a risk that some parasites may still remain on the animal’s body. If you are planning to give your pet a bath, you simply must remove all accessories before doing so.

Popular questions

Pet owners have a huge number of questions regarding insecticides for fleas.

To make a choice, consider the most popular of them:

  • What flea treatment is suitable for small puppies and kittens so as not to endanger their health? – Each owner has the right to decide for himself which insecticide to choose. However, it is better to use a collar or drops that have acceptable age restrictions for puppies and kittens;
  • Are flea drops allowed for pregnant and lactating animals? – They are allowed if the owner strictly follows the instructions for use. Exceeding the dosage of the product can harm your pet and its future offspring.

When faced with the appearance of fleas on a pet, it is necessary to take immediate action. Parasites can multiply very quickly, and it will be more difficult to remove them.

When selecting an insecticide, you need to take into account their advantages and disadvantages. In order to no longer encounter the appearance of fleas, preventive measures are carried out by putting a repellent collar on the animal.

Which flea collar for cats is better: review of manufacturers and prices

According to reviews from veterinarians and experienced breeders, the list of the most popular and in-demand brands includes the following.

Germany, Bolfo

. Inexpensive (450-500 rubles), but effective, suitable for representatives of all breeds. Available in several versions: weakly concentrated and highly concentrated impregnation. The duration of the effect is two to three months. Effective on all types of ectoparasites.

Holland, "Beaphar"

. Also inexpensive (300-400 rubles) and high-quality bio-collar. Essential oils are used as a repellent. It repels insects well, but does not affect existing fleas and larvae. It has a short shelf life (one to two months).

Russia, "Doctor Zoo"

. A reliable domestic manufacturer offers a very inexpensive option (50-70 rubles) with diazinon impregnation. The duration of its beneficial effect is several months. Low toxicity, hypoallergenic, comfortable to wear.

Russia, Bars

. A well-known brand offers a waterproof accessory with a fipronil medicinal composition. Price – 150-200 rubles. It is not inferior to more expensive imported analogues and perfectly repels all types of insects - from fleas to mosquitoes. Valid for no more than three months. Recommended for both adult cats and kittens.

USA, Hartz
. Not the cheapest (700-900 rubles), but a very high-quality option. Produces a destructive and repellent effect. It has a high level of hypoallergenicity. Not afraid of getting wet. Suitable for both adult cats and kittens.

Germany, RolfClub

. Ivermectin impregnation gives a lasting effect without a strong odor. It has a convenient clasp, a minimum number of contraindications and an affordable price - from 200 to 400 rubles.

Russia, “4 with a tail”

. Inexpensive domestic product within the cost of 100 rubles. It is impregnated exclusively with natural oils, so it is suitable for pregnant cats, kittens over 2 months old and adult animals.

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