CAT BAYUN (infusion) - sedative for dogs and cats (3 bottles of 10 ml)

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Various sedatives are used to correct the behavior of cats. One of them is “Cat Bayun”. The product based on herbal extracts is dosed and given to the pet according to the instructions for use. The medicine helps the animal adapt to new living conditions and survive a stressful situation without negative consequences. Thanks to sedative substances, it is possible to reduce aggressiveness and increased anxiety in cats.


CAT BAYUN (infusion) is a sedative of plant origin for dogs and cats.
Trade name of the drug: Cat Baiyun® infusion (Cat Baiyun infusum).

The drug is a liquid from light yellow to brown in color with a characteristic herbal odor. During storage, sediment may form, which, when shaken, breaks down into a uniform cloud.

Dosage form: infusion for oral use.

How it works

To produce the drug, plants are used that have a sedative effect to one degree or another. The sedative Kot Bayun is prescribed to adult cats to correct the functioning of the central nervous system. Indications for this may include inappropriate forms of cat behavior:

  • Aggressive reaction towards the owner or other people.
  • Various types of phobias (fear of loud sounds, separation, travel, new places).
  • All kinds of disorders associated with sexual behavior in males and females.
  • Aggression towards relatives caused by a competitive struggle for dominance.
  • Frequent meowing for no apparent reason, excessive licking of fur.
  • Increased activity or, conversely, deep apathy due to stress.
  • Food taste distortion and coprophagia.

The drug has a sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic, restorative, anxiolytic (phobia-suppressing) effect. The complex of plant extracts is a source of biologically important substances that ensure the cat’s adaptation process in extreme and normal conditions.


Contains aqueous extracts from plant materials: oregano herb - 0.45%, sweet clover herb - 0.23%, rhizomes with valerian roots - 0.23% and phytocomplex - 1.45%, containing extracts of: flowers and fruits of hawthorn, hop cones , motherwort herb, peppermint leaves, ivy bud herb, catnip herb, lemon balm herb, meadowsweet flowers, St. John's wort herb, thyme herb, cudweed herb, hillwort herb, nettle leaves, roots, rhizomes and herb of evasive peony, and as excipient - distilled water - up to 100%.

The content of total flavonoids in terms of rutin is not less than 0.007%, the content of valeric acid is not less than 0.025%.

Group names - oregano herb, sweet clover herb, valerian rhizomes with roots, hawthorn flowers and fruits, hop cones, motherwort herb, peppermint leaves, ivy herb, catnip herb, lemon balm herb, meadowsweet flowers, St. John's wort herb, thyme herb, dried herb swamp grass, solyanka hill grass, nettle leaves, peony roots, rhizomes, grass.

Kot Bayun for cats and dogs 50 tablets 0.2g each


Cat Bayun - tablets for correcting the behavior of cats and dogs.


Extracts from plant materials: oregano herb, sweet clover herb, rhizomes with valerian roots, hawthorn flowers and fruits, hop cones, motherwort herb, peppermint leaves, ivy herb, catnip herb, lemon balm herb, meadowsweet flowers, St. John's wort herb, thyme herb , herb of marsh marsh grass, herb of solyanka kholmovoy, nettle leaves, roots, rhizomes and herb of peony - 6.4 mg, with a content of flavonoids in terms of rutin of at least 1 × 10-3 μg, and as excipients: calcium stearate, starch, lactose - in an amount sufficient to obtain a tablet weighing 0.2 g.


The drug Kot Bayun belongs to the sedative group of drugs. The mechanism of action of the drug is due to the presence in its composition of biologically active substances from plant materials that have sedative, anxiolytic (weakening the feeling of fear), antispasmodic properties. Cat Bayun ensures that animals receive the most important plant micronutrients with adaptogenic properties necessary for stable, adequate, balanced behavior of the animal, which helps correct behavior and reduce the risk of mental lability - anxiety and aggressiveness in normal environments and under stress.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Kot Bayun is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76).

The drug does not have cumulative, embryotoxic or teratogenic properties.


Used from 10 months of age to correct aggression (towards the owner, associated with the struggle for dominance or due to fear), phobias (fear of noise, fear of separation, fear and excitement before exhibitions and during transportation), sexual behavior disorders (sexual aggression, imitation coverings, cats screaming during heat, excessive anxiety during false pregnancy, marking in the apartment)

Pharmacological properties

The drug Kot Bayun® infusion belongs to the sedative group of drugs.

The mechanism of action of the drug is due to the presence in its composition of biologically active substances from plant materials that have sedative, anxiolytic (weakening the feeling of fear), antispasmodic properties. The infusion ensures that animals receive the most important plant micronutrients with adaptogenic properties necessary for stable, adequate, balanced behavior of the animal, which helps correct behavior and reduce the risk of mental lability - anxiety and aggressiveness in normal conditions and under stress.

According to the degree of impact on the body, it is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). The drug does not have cumulative, embryotoxic or teratogenic properties.


The drug Kot Bayun contains safe components of plant origin, therefore it is classified by pharmacists and veterinarians as a harmless product. Contraindication for use is individual intolerance to all or individual ingredients. The list of restrictions includes the age of the pet. If 10 months have not yet passed since the kitten was born, then it is not allowed to treat it with this sedative. The drug is also not given to pregnant and lactating cats.

If an allergic reaction occurs, the cat must be shown to a doctor to select a suitable analogue and prescribe adequate antihistamine therapy.

Indications for use

The drug is intended for the correction of behavioral disorders in dogs and cats, such as:

  • violation of sexual behavior (sexual aggression, imitation of covering, cats screaming during sexual hunting);
  • fear during transportation, before exhibitions;
  • excessive anxiety during false pregnancy;
  • fear of noise, separation from the owner;
  • aggression towards the owner, associated with the struggle for dominance or due to fear;
  • urine marking in the apartment;
  • hyperactivity, constant barking for no reason, compulsive licking, coprophagia.

Recommended for use from 10 months of age.

Drugs with similar effects

Sometimes Kot Bayun does not have the desired effect, since the product is herbal, not hormonal, and one should not expect one hundred percent effectiveness. You cannot increase the dosage or extend the course of treatment if the cat still has problems after treatment. Most likely, Kot Bayun is simply not suitable for your pet, and you need to try another remedy. There are a number of medications used in similar cases. Before choosing, you should consult your veterinarian.

Table: comparative characteristics of sedatives for cats

Drug nameRelease formCompoundIndicationsContraindicationsApproximate price (according to Yandex.Market)
  • valerian officinalis;
  • motherwort;
  • common hop;
  • Baikal skullcap.


  • distilled glycerin;
  • water.
  • fear, high excitability;
  • excessive activity;
  • constant barking, whining, loud meowing;
  • fights with other pets;
  • the animal “marks” the apartment;
  • anxiety and loud meowing during estrus in cats, hypersexuality in cats;
  • prevention of stress before guests arrive, travel on transport, or visit a veterinarian.
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug,
  • reduced blood pressure.
150 rubles
Sanal RelaxPills
  • inositol,
  • nicotinamide, L-
  • tryptophan,
  • calcium,
  • vitamin B6,
  • vitamin E,
  • zinc,
  • selenium,
  • vitamin D3.
Used to reduce stress in the following cases:
  • when traveling in transport, motion sickness, moving;
  • before visiting the veterinarian;
  • at animal shows;
  • when cutting, bathing, nail correction;
  • for fear of loneliness/

And also in case of behavioral disorders: incessant meowing or barking; if an animal craps at home, it “marks” the territory; anxiety, restlessness at night; wandering around the house for no reason; incessant licking of fur; fear of noise.

  • serious liver diseases;
  • disturbance of brain activity;
  • significant intestinal disorder, such as enteritis.
450–550 rubles

Photo gallery: sedatives for cats

Packages of Kota Bayun with tablets and infusion are similar, but slightly different in size

Previously, the packaging of Kota Bayun looked different; Occasionally, you can still find medicine from old stocks on sale today.

The packaging of the drug Fitex, suitable for cats, shows a cat

Depending on the country of origin, Sanal Relax packaging may look different.

Doses and method of administration

The drug is used starting from 10 months of age to correct the behavior of cats and dogs.

The drug is administered orally:

  • cats 2 ml (0.5 teaspoon),
  • dogs 4 ml (1 teaspoon)

3-4 times a day for 5-7 days every month, or add to drinking water.

Kot Bayun® infusion does not contain preservatives, therefore, when using it, the following requirements should be observed:

  • Before use, the bottle is uncorked,
  • put a dropper cap on its neck and pour the medicine into a teaspoon in accordance with the dosage,
  • then the medicine is added to drinking water, or given to the animal from a spoon undiluted.

The remaining drug can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days without removing the dropper cap from the bottle. Before use, the bottle of medication should be kept at room temperature and shaken


Drops "Cat Bayun" - reviews

The drug is very famous and is used by many owners of cats, cats and dogs. Accordingly, there are a lot of reviews, most are positive, although there are also negative ones.

Customer Reviews

Evgenia writes:

For the first time I bought Kot Bayun Infusion at the pharmacy, in the photo it is on the right. I found a similar drug on ozone: Feed additive PhytoDiet Cat Bayun. As you can see in the photo, they differ slightly in composition. But overall it’s not a bad drug!

The cat always gets nervous in the fall, itches and licks himself right up to his bald spots. I calmed down with these drops. Added 2-3 ml per 100-150 ml of water to a bowl of water. I will now buy these drops for the season so that the poor animal does not suffer!

Angelica writes:

The price is the best, the drops are effective during stress (travels when for some reason it is not yet possible to castrate/sterilize, new animals in the house, haircuts, etc.)

The most convenient way is to draw the product with a syringe with a needle, then remove the needle and pour it between the teeth. The best natural remedy available. Don’t buy hormone pills for animals, hormones kill the poor thing. The most harmless thing is castration/sterilization!

Tatyana writes:

Cat Bayun drops were recommended to us by a veterinarian. The cat is really becoming calmer. But the dosage must be selected individually. I liked that the price is reasonable and the composition is natural.

Personal prevention measures

When working with the drug Kot Bayun® infusion, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medications. After finishing work, wash your hands with warm water and soap.

In case of accidental contact of the drug with the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes, they must be rinsed with plenty of water. People with hypersensitivity to its components should avoid direct contact with this drug. If allergic reactions occur or if the drug accidentally enters the human body, you should immediately contact a medical facility (bring with you the instructions for use of the drug or the label).

Contraindications and side effects of the drug Kot Bayun

Cat Bayun should not be used only if the animal is individually intolerant to its components, or if the animal is under 10 months of age. Pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications to the use of the medicine.

There are no symptoms of overdose or side effects. If after using the medicine the animal’s health worsens, then the product should not be used. Treatment for individual intolerance is symptomatic, you need to consult a doctor.

There is no data on the incompatibility of Kota Bayun with other drugs.

Composition and action

Kot Bayun is a herbal preparation containing only natural ingredients:

  • motherwort extracts;
  • peppermint;
  • catnip;
  • Melissa;
  • hawthorn fruits and flowers;
  • valerian root;
  • oregano;
  • thyme and others.

Plant extracts have a calming effect and neutralize the possible negative effects of stress factors. Valerian rhizomes provide a sedative effect, have calming and antispasmodic effects. Catnip - catnip - relieves stress and has a calming effect. Motherwort herb is effectively used to reduce nervous excitability and can normalize the functions of the central nervous system.

The medicine contains safe doses of herbal components that are safe for the pet’s body. When using the drug, smooth muscle spasms are relieved and pain is relieved. In dogs, unmotivated aggressiveness and fearfulness decrease, and overall well-being improves. Thanks to its natural composition, the medicine helps strengthen the immune system.

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