Milbemax for cats - a modern remedy for helminthiasis

Cats very often suffer from various parasites. They can settle in their body during walks or after eating raw meat and fish. The owner himself can bring parasite larvae into the house on shoes or clothes. This is why cats often need to be dewormed using special medications. In this article we will tell you about the anthelmintic drug Milbemax. We will share with you detailed instructions for use, and also tell you about possible side effects.

Instructions on how to give the tablet

Recommendations for use:

  • The tablet can only be given to cats that do not have any symptoms of parasite infection (vomiting, dehydration, etc.). If such symptoms are observed, then first of all you need to get rid of them. Such precautions are due to the fact that using Milbemax for vomiting can lead to health problems.
  • The dosage must be carefully calculated, but it is best to have this done by a qualified veterinarian. After this, you can crush the tablets and then add them to your cat’s food.
  • It is recommended to give the drug to the cat forcibly. That is, put the tablet on the root of the tongue, after which your pet will swallow it on its own. You can also pour a small amount of water into the mouth from a syringe without a needle. Then the pill will go through much easier.

    Experts note that this method is more effective, since a concentrated active substance enters the body. Therefore, the result will not take long to arrive.


Composition and properties of the drug

The drug Milbemax is a domestically produced combined anthelmintic. It was developed by specialists.

The veterinary drug is marketed in tablet form. They have the following composition:

  • milbemycin oxime;
  • praziquantel;
  • MCC;
  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • lactose;
  • pyrogenic silicon dioxide;
  • additive E572;
  • hydroxypropyl methylcellulose;
  • macrogol;
  • talc;
  • artificial beef flavoring.

Important! There are 2 variations of Milbemax: for kittens and small cats, as well as for large cats. They differ slightly in composition, appearance and dosage of active ingredients.

The composition of Milbemax for kittens and small cats is described above. The modification for large pets contains the same components, but is supplemented with iron oxide (dye).

Tablets for kittens and small cats contain milbemycin and praziquantel in the following dosages: 4 mg and 10 mg. The content of the main components in tablets for large animals is 16 mg and 40 mg.

Tablets for kittens and small cats are oval, their color can vary from light beige to dark (almost brown). They have different imprints on both sides: “BC” and “NA”. In the middle there is a dividing strip, which facilitates the dosage of the drug.

Milbemax for large cats also have an oval shape and a break line in the center. They differ from the previous modification in color (red with a brown tint) and logos (“KK” on one side, “NA” on the other).

The tablets are packaged in foil blisters of 2 pieces. A cardboard pack contains 1 or 2 plates along with instructions for use.

The active ingredients of Milbemax are milbemycin and praziquantel. The first component has a detrimental effect on parasitic roundworms (nematodes). The second substance is active against round and tape (cestodes) helminths.

Important! To store Milbemax, you need to choose a dark place with a temperature of about +25°C and a humidity of less than 50%. It should not be near food or feed. It is better to store the drug at a height so that children do not find it.

The medication must be used within 3 years after manufacture. After this period it is disposed of.

What parasites does it remove?

The drug is capable of removing the following types of parasites:

  • Nematodes. These helminths mainly affect the digestive system. They also like to settle in the liver. Once infected and developed, cats may experience severe coughing, vomiting, and watery, bloody stools.
  • Trematodes. If your pet catches these flatworms, then his entire gastrointestinal tract will be disrupted. Therefore, the following signs will be noticeable: vomiting, bowel dysfunction, refusal to eat.
  • Cestodes. Tapeworms of this type can reach a length of 140 centimeters when fully developed. If such parasites can develop to this stage, they will take a lot of useful substances from the pet, so its condition will greatly worsen.

Composition and storage conditions


It is enough to give the medicine to the animal once, whereas in the case of other anthelmintics it is necessary to repeat the administration after 14 days. Dosage varies depending on the cat's weight and age.

It is enough to give a kitten weighing from 0.5 to 1 kg half a tablet of Milbemax for kittens and young cats. For 1-2 kg, 1 tablet is given. Adult cats should be given adult-grade medication. If the animal weighs from 2 to 4 kg, half a tablet is given at one time, from 4 to 8 kg - 1 tablet, from 8 to 12 kg - one and a half tablets.

If you have pets of different ages and weights living at home, you should remember that the medicine for kittens is in the form of pink capsules, and the pills for adult animals are red. Pills for adults are stamped “KK”, for kittens - “BC” (baby cats).

Owners often have a question about how long the anthelmintic lasts, i.e. After what period should the treatment be repeated? As stated in the instructions, re-administration after 14 days is not required. Do not overload the animal's body. Especially in the case of prevention, especially since the medicine kills not only adult parasites, but also larvae.

However, in case of high infestation of the animal (if you picked up a pet on the street and want to protect yourself, if helminths are visible to the naked eye, and also if the animal suffers from exhaustion with a good appetite), taking the medicine is not contraindicated after 14 days. To neutralize the negative effects on the body, give your cat Vaseline oil. It works as a laxative and will help get rid of parasite waste products.

Active ingredient

The main component is considered to be a macrocyclic lactone. This is a special enzyme that manufacturers extract from bacteria of the species streptomyces hygroscopicus. 2-3 hours after entering the body, the concentration of milbemycin reaches its maximum. After this, the enzyme begins to affect the parasites, as a result of which their muscles and nerves contract. Soon they die from this. During the day, the drug is excreted in the urine from the fluffy’s body.


Table: Milbemax analogues

AnalogueActive substanceIndicationsContraindicationsSide effectsPrice (approximate)
  • pills;
  • suspension.
  • praziquantel;
  • pyrantel pamoate.
Nematode-cestodes infestations
  • renal failure;
  • pregnant and lactating cats;
  • kittens younger than 3 weeks of age.
Brief drooling
  • tablets - about 70 rubles;
  • suspension - about 150 rub.
Kanikvantel Plus tablets
  • praziquantel;
  • fenbendazole
Helminthiases caused by round, tape and flatworms
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • kittens up to 3 months.
In case of overdose:
  • depressed state;
  • shiver;
  • salivation;
  • minor cramps.
12 tablets - 1500 rub.
Pyrantel tablets and suspensionPirantelRoundworm infection
  • pregnancy;
  • feeding;
  • kittens up to 1 month;
  • renal and liver failure.
  • allergic reaction;
  • gastrointestinal disorder.
Tablets and suspension - about 80 rub.
Drontal tablets
  • praziquantel;
  • pyrantel embonate.
Nematode-cestodes infestations
  • kittens up to 21 days from birth;
  • pregnancy.
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • salivation.
1 tablet - about 150 rub.
  • pills;
  • suspension;
  • paste.
  • pyrantel pamoate;
  • praziquantel;
  • febantel.
  • period of acute illness;
  • conditions after surgery;
  • age up to 3 weeks;
  • impaired renal and liver function.
  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite.
  • tablets - about 170 rubles;
  • pasta - 150 rub.;
  • suspension - 150 rub.

Photo gallery: drugs to replace Milbemax

Pyrantel is an effective anthelmintic drug intended for humans, but is also successfully used in veterinary medicine Prazitel is an inexpensive but effective anthelmintic drug Dirofen is effective against nematodes and cestodes that parasitize animals Drontal is a modern safe drug for cats Kanikquantel Plus has a wide spectrum of anthelmintic action, active against three types of helminthic infestations

How to store?

Recommendations for storing Milbemax:

  • Once the package is opened, the tablets are stored for no longer than 6 months.
  • The product should be kept away from sunlight.
  • The optimal storage temperature is from -15 to +25 degrees Celsius.
  • Do not store the medicine near your pet's food or other foods.

For kittens


Milbemax has a gentle effect, but it cannot be used for deworming:

  • animals with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • kittens up to 1.5 months;
  • pregnant cats;
  • nursing;
  • during the period of infectious disease and recovery;
  • animals with chronic pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

For such animals, if deworming is necessary, only a veterinarian can choose a safe drug.

Feedback from cat owners

Victor: Last year my cat Musya became infected with parasites. Unfortunately, I was on a business trip at that moment, and my family could not notice any signs of infection. As a result, the worms managed to develop greatly, so Musya’s health deteriorated greatly. When I returned home, I went to the vet, and he prescribed Milbemax. Within 2 weeks, the symptoms of infection completely disappeared. Now I deworm my pet quarterly with this anthelmintic.

Stepan: The drug can be used by both kittens and adult cats, and it is very convenient; you just need to calculate the dose. We regularly give the cat these tablets for prevention purposes, and she has not had worms for more than a year.

Indications for use

Milbemax is prescribed to cats for the treatment of helminthiasis, as well as the prevention of infection with endoparasites.

An anthelmintic drug is used in the following cases:

  • infections caused by tapeworms (cucumber tapeworm, helminths of the Tenidae family and Echinococcus tapeworm);
  • helminthiasis, which provoked hookworms, toxocara from the nematode family;
  • combined infections caused by parasitic worms of both types.

Milbemax helps destroy cat worms at different stages of development (larvae and adult worms).

Interesting! The deworming remedy is used to prevent the development of dirofilariasis. The active components have a detrimental effect on the larvae of heartworms (microfilaria). However, it is ineffective against adults (adults). Therefore, it is used only for the prevention of this dangerous infection, which often leads to death due to embolism (blockage) of the pulmonary artery of the heart.


The anthelmintic Milbemax is prohibited from being administered to cats who have been identified as having an individual intolerance to the substances contained in the drug, as well as to babies under six weeks of age or weighing less than 500 g.

Red-brown tablets intended for large animals should not be given to pets weighing less than 2 kg.

Weakened and exhausted cats, as well as pets who have been diagnosed with infectious diseases, should not be given medication.

The medicine is not prescribed to farm animals used for food production.

Side effects

If you follow the treatment regimen with Milbemax, side effects are extremely rare.

Cats with hypersensitivity may experience:

  • weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • intestinal disorders, diarrhea.

If these signs are present, the drug is discontinued.

Despite the fact that Milbemax belongs to substances of the 3rd hazard class (moderately dangerous), it is necessary to strictly follow the indicated dosage. Exceeding the norm can cause side effects such as tremor. If this condition occurs, there is no need to take special actions; it is enough to provide your pet with drinking water.

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