Gestrenol - a hormonal drug for cats: detailed instructions

After a cat enters the puberty phase, owners face the problem of how to prevent unwanted offspring. The bihormonal drug Gestrenol will help cope with this. It is used to regulate sexual behavior and, when used in a timely manner, exhibits a contraceptive effect. Let's find out how to properly use this drug for cats.

Composition and release form of the drug Gestrenol

Gestrenol is a drug intended to stabilize sexual desire in cats during periods of exacerbation. The drug is available in two forms: drops and tablets.

Gestrenol will help calm your cat

Gestrenol includes medicinal components responsible for the regulation of sexual activity in an animal, and auxiliary substances that enhance the pharmacological properties of the former. Depending on the gender of the pet, the drug contains:

  • Gestrenol for cats

One tablet weighing 0.100 grams includes: mepregenol propionate - 0.15 milligrams, ethinyl estradiol in an amount - 0.0015 milligrams. The following excipients are used: milk sugar in the amount of 75.0 milligrams, potato starch - 23.8485 milligrams, calcium stearate - 1.0 milligrams.

  • Gestrenol for cats

One tablet weighing 0.100 grams includes: mepregenol propionate - 0.4 milligrams, ethinyl estradiol - 0.02 milligrams. The following excipients are used: milk sugar - 75.09 milligrams, potato starch - 23.49 milligrams, calcium stearate - 1.0 milligrams.

The composition of the tablet and liquid forms of gestrenol is identical. Catnip can be used as an aromatic and flavoring additive, which makes the medicine especially attractive to the animal.

Important! A drug intended to regulate sexual activity in cats should not be given to cats, and vice versa.


The gestagen contained in the drug, mepregenol propionate, blocks the mediobasal zones in the hypothalamus, which release gonadoliberins (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones), which are the trigger for the pituitary gland to secrete follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones, responsible for the development of follicles in the ovaries and their ovulation .

Ethinyl estradiol in combination with mepregenol propionate enhances the contraceptive effect by changing the biological properties of the vaginal environment, the viscosity of cervical mucus, which inhibits sperm motility, and changes in the endometrium of the uterus prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Mepregenol propionate and ethinyl estradiol are quickly absorbed in the intestine and, biotransformed in the liver, are completely excreted from the body in the urine in the form of metabolites within 48 hours;

How the drug works

Bravecto for cats: instructions, tablets

Gestrenol is developed taking into account the individual characteristics of cats and cats. The veterinary medicine contains gestagens and estrogens obtained synthetically. In female representatives, the drug causes interruption or delay of estrus. In cats, the acidity of the vagina will change, due to which, even if mating has occurred, conception will not occur.

Gestrenol with mint for cats (packaging)

The drug acts on cats by stopping sperm production.

Important! In relation to cats, the drug is effective only if no more than two days have passed since the start of the “binge”.

Gestrenol has a calming effect on the animal not only at the physiological level, but also at the psychological level. With the start of taking the drug, an improvement in the pet’s behavioral reflexes is noted: appetite normalizes and aggressiveness decreases. However, the drug does not have a hypnotic effect. The animal returns to a calm lifestyle without stress to the body.

Indications for use of the drug

Drops for cats from partying, tablets, anti-sex

The veterinarian prescribes the hormonal drug Gestrenol when necessary:

  • termination of an unwanted pregnancy in a cat;
  • adjusting the animal’s sexual desire;
  • adjusting your pet’s behavior during sexual activity;
  • regulation of the cat's reproductive cycle.

Gestrenol is not addictive and, if the instructions are followed, does not harm the animal’s body. In addition, the reproductive capacity of male cats is restored within a few months.

What effect does Gestrenol have on cats?

Gestrenol is a multifunctional drug. It affects the physiological processes in the body of animals and changes their behavior. Its main effect is aimed at changing the hormonal levels of animals. Experts have recognized it as having low toxicity for animals. Hormonal medication is prescribed for:

  • termination of cat pregnancy;
  • decreased libido and arousal;
  • improving sexual behavior.

After discontinuation of the drug, the reproductive activity of animals is restored within 2-3 months.

Instructions for use and dosage

Inspector drops for cats: instructions for use

The dosage is determined depending on the form of the drug, the purpose (for cats or cats) and the desired result.

The dosage of the drug depends on a number of factors

Gestrenol tablets for cats: instructions for use and dosage

The tablets should be given to cats according to the following instructions:

  • To stabilize behavior during sexual activity, it is recommended to give 1-2 tablets per day. The duration of taking the drug is 4-5 days.
  • As a preventive measure, the drug is given 1 tablet for three days, every month (at the same time).
  • In case of inappropriate behavior provoked by a strong sexual desire, cats are given 2 tablets at a time. Further, according to the course - 1-2 per day.
  • After the pet has calmed down, it is advisable to drink the drug for another day.

Gestrenol tablets for cats: instructions for use and dosage

For cats, the application scheme is slightly different and looks like this:

  • To terminate pregnancy, immediately after crossing, give 2 tablets 2 times a day. The drug is effective for two days after mating.
  • As a preventive measure, the drug is given 1 tablet for three days, every month (at the same time).
  • To stabilize behavior during sexual activity, it is recommended to give 1-2 tablets per day. The duration of taking the drug is 4-5 days.
  • After the pet has calmed down, it is advisable to drink the drug for another day.

The tablets can be crushed to a powder and added to the animal’s food. In this case, it is advisable to add the drug to liquid food. The whole tablet must be placed on the root of the pet’s tongue and pushed a little into the throat.

Gestrenol drops for cats and kittens: instructions

The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days. It is recommended to give no more than 4 drops daily to animals weighing less than 5 kilograms. Pets weighing more than 5 kilograms are given 4 to 8 drops per day.

Gestrenol drops for cats can be added to food, no matter what food - liquid or solid, dripped into the animal's nose or mouth.

Important! You should not skip taking the drug, as in this case the hormonal effect is sharply reduced.

The dosage of drops for cats depends only on the weight of the pet.

Important! No cases of overdose of the drug Gestrenol have been identified.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraceptives for cats have a number of contraindications, so before you start using the product, you need to have the animal checked at a veterinary clinic. Gestrenol is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • the pet has not yet reached puberty;
  • females nursing or bearing kittens;
  • cats and cats prone to the formation of urolithiasis;
  • animals with high blood sugar levels;
  • with pathology of the mammary glands in a cat;
  • in the presence of neoplasms on the animal’s skin;
  • with individual intolerance.

If the dosage is followed, side effects are extremely rare. However, if after taking the drug the animal experiences increased salivation, vomiting, loss of appetite, or an allergic reaction, it is necessary to immediately show the pet to a doctor.

Precautionary measures

When using gestrenol, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene , as well as safety precautions, which are generalized when working with all types of medicinal substances. While taking gestrenol, you should not eat or drink. After use, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

The medicine container does not imply further household use. Boxes are disposed of as household waste.

Gestrenol is a unique contraceptive drug based on natural hormones, which was created taking into account all the physiological features of cats. It is ideal for various breeds of pets, has no strict contraindications and is not addictive.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Gestrenol, being a medicinal product, requires special storage rules:

  • The temperature should not go beyond -15 degrees to +25 degrees.
  • The drug should be stored in a dark place where children and animals do not have access.
  • At a safe distance from food products of people and pets.

Shelf life: 3 years.

After using Gestrenol or analogues, the cat becomes calmer

Personal prevention measures

When using Gestrenol, you must follow safety regulations and maintain cleanliness; this is required by interaction with medicinal drugs.


  • eat foods
  • drink drinks
  • smoke cigarettes

Before and after contact with tablets, you must wash your hands using a special product. You should immediately contact a specialist if the medicine accidentally gets inside.

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Table: Gestrenol analogues by therapeutic effect

NameActive ingredientIndications for useContraindicationsRelease formsPrice segment
"4 with a tail"Megestrol acetate.
  • calming effect during sexual activity;
  • preventing pregnancy in females;
  • regulation of sexual estrus;
  • controlling or interrupting a cat's estrus.
It is ineffective if estrus has been going on for more than 3 days. If an animal has diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, tumors, or hormonal disorders. tablets, dropsFrom 50 rubles to 120 rubles
"Sex control"Ethinyl estradiol, megestrol acetate.
  • calming effect during sexual activity;
  • preventing pregnancy in females;
  • regulation of sexual estrus;
  • controlling or interrupting a cat's estrus.
The drug is intended only for cats, not for cats. If an animal has diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, tumors, or hormonal disorders. drops, tablets.From 180 rubles to 120 rubles.
"Contrasex"Ethinyl estradiol, acetobumedone.
  • regulation of animal sexual activity;
  • inhibition of estrus development;
  • stopping the ovulation process;
  • inhibition of mammary gland secretion;
  • decreased testosterone synthesis;
  • suppression of hypersexuality and aggression;
  • provision of contraception;
  • calming the cat.
  • diseases associated with the genitourinary system;
  • neoplasms;
  • diabetes;
  • immature age;
  • bearing offspring;
  • lactation.
suspension, drops.From 30 rubles to 70 rubles.

Keeping a pet is not easy. The pet periodically needs treatment, and if sterilization or castration is not done for some reason, it is necessary to monitor and maintain the pet’s hormonal health.

Price and analogues

One bottle of Gestrenol solution with a volume of 1.5 ml costs on average about 100 rubles. The price for 10 tablets is approximately 70 rubles. There are also many analogues of the drug that have exactly the same effect:

  • Perlutex . The main active ingredient is medroxyprogisterone acetate. Produced in Denmark and is a very popular medicine abroad. Among the features, one can highlight the fact that it is necessary to give the cat only 1 tablet once a week. Because of this, Perlutex is not suitable for preventing pregnancy or estrus. Contraindications are completely the same as Gestrenol.
  • CounterSex . The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and acetobumedone. These substances are analogues of natural hormones. In all respects, the drug is absolutely identical to Gestrenol. Only the shelf life is 1 year less.
  • Stop-Intimate . Megestrol acetate is the active ingredient of the drug. The auxiliary components are vegetable oil and sodium benzoate. With this medicine you can correct your pet's behavior, interrupt or delay estrus, and also reduce your cat's sexual activity.
  • Sex Barrier . The components of the drug enhance the effect of each other. This medicine can cause loss of ovulation.
  • Antisex . The drug can be of plant or synthetic origin. The composition contains megestrol acetate.

Non-hormonal drops can also be used as an alternative. They smoothly calm the pet, but most cat owners report their low effectiveness.

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