Detailed instructions for using Gamavit for different animals

The drug Gamavit is given to animals when they need to replenish vitamin reserves. Instructions for use of Gamavit include its use for cats and dogs, pigs, horses, large and small livestock, as well as birds. The product is suitable for use independently and as part of complex therapy.

Indications for use:

  • Gamavit - application. Indicated for stimulating growth and development, prevention and treatment of anemia, rickets and other diseases in young farm animals; as well as for stress, exhaustion, dermatitis of various etiologies, hypovitaminosis, toxicosis of pregnancy in adult animals. Used intramuscularly 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 months.
  • For infectious diseases accompanied by exhaustion, intoxication, dehydration, Gamavit is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly 2 times a day for 3-5 days.
  • In case of severe poisoning, Gamavit is administered once subcutaneously, intravenously (can be in a dropper) or intraperitoneally in a 5-fold dosage.
  • When deworming, gamavit is used together with anthelmintics to relieve toxicosis and prevent anemia. Administer intramuscularly simultaneously with the drug and every other day.
  • During difficult childbirth, gamavit is administered intramuscularly in a double dosage to remove dead fetuses.
  • Gamavit combines well with antibiotics, sulfonamides, and antiviral drugs (in particular, Fosprenil).

Mechanism of action

Gamavit is a complex drug that has a general strengthening effect for different types of animals. It is taken as a course alone or in combination with other medications.

In the body it causes several effects simultaneously:

  • normalizes metabolic processes, including the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates;
  • improves the composition and properties of blood;
  • increases antiviral and antibacterial protection of the immune system;
  • stimulates regenerative processes.

The drug is useful for young animals for rapid growth and proper development of all organ systems. In addition, it is prescribed during pregnancy and lactation to prevent pathologies of fetal development. The complex will help older animals to restore their defenses, and young animals will be able to bear physical activity without harm to the body.

For prophylactic purposes, Gamavit is used:

  • intramuscularly for anemia, intoxication, acidosis, in the post-vaccination period, in old and weakened animals, during the recovery period after illnesses and operations at a dose of 0.1 cm3/kg body weight 1-3 times a week for 2-4 weeks;
  • to increase the weight gain of young animals during fattening, the drug is administered subcutaneously once a day at a dose of 0.1 cm3/kg body weight at the beginning of the fattening period - on days 1, 4 and 9;
  • to increase the safety of newborn calves and piglets, the drug is administered intramuscularly once a day at a dose of 0.1 cm3/kg body weight on days 1, 3, 5, 7 and 21 of life;
  • at increased loads to enhance the resistance of animals to technological stress (preparing animals for exhibitions, competitions, transportation, on-farm movements) and vaccination, the drug is administered intramuscularly once before stress exposure or a course 8, 6, 4 days before and immediately before exposure to stress factors.
  • for laying hens to increase egg production and egg weight, the safety of day-old chicks, as well as increase weight gain in broiler chickens, Gamavit is used by watering. In this case, 5 cm3 of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water (working solution) and a bird drinker is filled with it based on the birds’ 2-hour need for water. Watering is carried out for 2 hours once a day for 4-5 days in a row. Before drinking the drug, the bird is kept without water for 1 hour.

Description of the veterinary drug

Gamavit is a multivitamin complex, which in traditional veterinary medicine is used to normalize the immune system, prevent hypo-, avitaminosis in cats, dogs, rodents, poultry, agricultural animals (pigs, cows, sheep, horses, goats). The vitamin supplement is also used for rabbits and other types of fur-bearing animals. International nonproprietary name - sodium nucleinate and acid hydrolyzate of denatured emulsified placenta.

Gamavit vitamins are produced in the form of a sterile injection solution, which is a transparent red liquid. The veterinary drug is packaged in glass bottles of various volumes (5, 10, 100 ml), which are hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers, over which aluminum caps are screwed. Included with the vitamins is an annotation that indicates the dosage and method of use for various groups of animals and poultry.

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Gamavit for animals, birds

As active ingredients, 1 ml of Gamavit vitamins contains: sodium nucleinate - 0.02 mg, acid hydrolyzate of denatured emulsified placenta (PDE) - 0.50 mg. Excipient: water for injection (1 ml).

According to the instructions, Gamavit is stored in its original packaging in dark, cool places, protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature of 3–22 °C. From the date of release the shelf life is 2 years. After its completion, the product must be disposed of. It is not recommended to use Gamavit if the solution has changed its color, consistency, or contains flakes or foreign impurities.

Before using the vitamin complex, in order to avoid complications and side symptoms, we recommend that you carefully read the instructions.

For medicinal purposes, Gamavit is used:

  • for infectious and invasive diseases (including piroplasmosis) at a dose of 0.5 cm3/kg of animal body weight. The drug is administered intramuscularly 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days as part of a complex of therapeutic agents in accordance with the instructions for their use;
  • when deworming together with anthelmintic drugs in accordance with the instructions for their use, Gamavit is administered intramuscularly at a single dose of 0.3 cm3/kg of animal body weight on the day of deworming and again at the same dose every other day;
  • to increase the fertility of female farm animals, the drug should be administered subcutaneously at a dose of 0.04 cm3/kg body weight several hours before insemination;
  • to facilitate childbirth and prevent postpartum complications (retained placenta and endometritis), the drug is administered subcutaneously at a dose of 0.05 cm3/kg of animal weight 1 week before birth and during the preparatory period of childbirth;
  • in case of poisoning, the drug is administered intravenously or subcutaneously 2 times a day at a dose of 0.5-1.5 cm3/kg.

Composition of the drug

Gamavit is a solution for injection or for oral administration. It is made from several components - sodium nucleinate, denatured placenta hydrolyzate, as well as a complex of vitamins, salts and microelements. These substances supply the body with all the necessary substances and also stimulate the immune system.

Composition of Gamavit vitamins:

  • vitamin C – necessary for the formation of connective and bone tissues, the functioning of internal organs;
  • vikasol (vitamin K) – an anticoagulant, increases blood clotting, used for bleeding and poisoning;
  • vitamin E – useful for the reproductive system, and is also a natural antioxidant;
  • Vitamin D – affects the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

The drug also contains vitamins A, B9, B12 and others. Amino acids include arginine, asparagine, glycine, histidine, serine, proline, tryptophan and other useful compounds.

Gamavit contains important vitamins and microelements. They are necessary for the coordinated functioning of all organ systems, as well as during the period of treatment and recovery after most diseases.

How to cook mussels

It should be noted that it is most useful to consume mussels either as an independent dish without any auxiliary components, or as part of light salads with exclusively protein ingredients, without fatty dressings or sauces.

The maximum concentration of nutrients is preserved in freshly caught mussels, which have been lightly fried in a frying pan until the shells open slightly. After this, you can lightly sprinkle them with lemon juice and immediately start eating the delicacy.

For those who are not mentally prepared for such culinary delights, there are many other options: boiled, fried or baked mussels. They are used both as an independent dish and as a filling for pies, risotto, pizza, and pasta. A variety of sauces and salads are prepared on their basis, and added to soups.

Mussels: benefits and harm on

Life in the modern world is replete with many factors that negatively affect human health. The main ones are poor ecology, questionable quality of food, contaminated drinking water, poor quality medical care, as well as stressful situations and bad habits.

Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to regular healing of the body using various methods and means. Before using the information, be sure to consult with your doctor. All advice on the site is intended for informational purposes only and does not replace examination, diagnosis and consultation with a specialist.

All advice on the site is for informational purposes only and does not replace examination, diagnosis and consultation with a specialist.

Recommendations for using Gamavit

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points.

  • Under no circumstances should you inject the medicine if the liquid has changed color or a sediment has appeared in it. Do not use the drug if it has been frozen or been exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. The same applies to violating the seal of the bottle.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the next administration of the medicine is done on time, otherwise its effect may be weakened. Also, during the treatment process, the recommended intervals between procedures should be observed.
  • Gamavit can be combined with other drugs, for example, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral agents, vitamin complexes. In this case, the dosage of the medicine and the duration of its administration are determined only by a veterinarian.
  • The injection site must be treated with alcohol. Only new sterile syringes are used for injection. Before drawing the solution into the syringe, you need to shake it.
  • After the procedure, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap, even if the manipulation was carried out with gloves. If the product gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse them thoroughly with running water.

Although Gamavit for dogs can be purchased without a prescription, its use requires prior consultation with a veterinarian to assess the pet’s condition and draw up the correct treatment regimen. Self-administration of the medicine can lead to complications.

What are the disadvantages?

As usual, they exist too. Mussels are a kind of natural sponge that collects everything that is around them. Therefore, shellfish that lived in a polluted environment should not be eaten. They can be poisonous and cause serious poisoning. However, this statement is correct only for “free-range” mussels. Shellfish that are bred on special farms are safe, since such farms monitor the purity of the water.

Otherwise, mussels have virtually no contraindications for consumption. Limiting their amount in the diet is only recommended for those who suffer from diseases associated with blood clotting disorders. And, of course, this is a forbidden product for anyone who is allergic to all kinds of seafood.

Contraindications and side symptoms

If the dosages are observed, no side effects were identified after discontinuation of Gamavit. The main thing is not to skip taking the medicine, so as not to reduce its effectiveness.

In case of individual intolerance, allergic reactions, indigestion, or other side symptoms occur, stop giving Gamavit to animals and poultry. To relieve uncharacteristic symptoms, antihistamines are prescribed and symptomatic treatment is carried out.

After using the veterinary drug, meat, milk, and eggs can be eaten without restrictions. Gamavit does not contain toxic components harmful to human health. You can also buy Gamavit forte on sale. Instructions for use will help you correctly calculate the required dosage for birds and animals.

Gamavit forte for pets

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