The most common and popular breeds of domestic cats

08/31/2015 Category: Pets Author: Natalya Ivantsova

Cats are very affectionate and kind creatures. They have been living next to us for more than ten thousand years, and today they are one of the most popular pets. There are many breeds of cats. Some of them appeared naturally, others were bred artificially by breeders.

However, they are all beautiful and unique in their own way. Prices for purebred cats vary greatly. First of all, they depend on the uniqueness of the species. We bring to your attention a list of the most popular cat breeds among Russian residents.

  • Peterbald or St. Petersburg Sphynx
  • Himalayan cat
  • Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold
  • Canadian Sphynx
  • British Shorthair
  • Maine Coon
  • Laperm
  • Russian blue
  • American Curl
  • Bengal cat
  • Video: Popular cat breeds

Devon Rex

These cats are very smart and easy to train; they can master even the most difficult tricks without much effort.

This short-haired breed first appeared in 1960 in Great Britain. Its representatives have a very unusual appearance: their fragile body is covered with soft curly fur, and the size of their ears is unusually large. These cats are very smart and easy to train; they can master even the most difficult tricks without much effort. Devon Rex is a hypoallergenic breed. This further increases its popularity. One “alien” cat with all the documents and pedigree will cost you about 350-1250 dollars.

Peterbald or St. Petersburg Sphynx

These cats have no hair, sometimes there is a small fluff

This breed was first developed in 1994 in Russia after crossing an Oriental cat and a Don Sphynx. These cats have no hair, sometimes there is a small fluff. Representatives of the breed have a slender body, an elongated head and pointed ears set apart in different directions. They are very curious, friendly and affectionate, and are very trainable. The cost of a kitten ranges from 300-1300 dollars.

Siamese cat

This breed originated in the 60s of the last century in Thailand. Siamese cats are popular not only in their homeland and Russia, but also in other countries.

The breed has a characteristic appearance. It is a thin and flexible body, an elongated wedge-shaped head, and large bright blue almond-shaped eyes. The classic coat color is color point. The base is light, and the face, paws, ears and tail are dark.

Siamese cats are demanding and capricious, but at the same time affectionate and trusting. Communication is important to them. The cat loves to talk and expresses its demands and feelings by changing the tonality and pitch of the sound.

Siamese cats become very attached to their household members. They don't like loneliness. The relationship with children is not bad, but I don’t have enough patience for kids under 6-7 years old who like to cuddle animals.

Due to jealousy, Siamese cats may not get along with other pets, although they are often friends with dogs. The best option is to get two animals of the same breed, but it is better to do this at the same time.

Detailed description of the Siamese breed »

Himalayan cat

This breed is a cross between a Persian and a Siamese.

Beautiful long-haired Himalayan cats resemble Persians in appearance. They are almost identical, except for the eyes and unusual coloring. Himalayan cats were bred in the United States in 1950. This breed is a cross between a Persian and a Siamese. However, there are still differences, especially regarding character. Himalayan cats are less playful, very active and friendly. The character is affectionate and non-aggressive. On average, the cost of one kitten varies from $500 to $1,400.

Persian cat

This breed is one of the most common not only in Russia, but throughout the world. In our country, Persian cats began to gain leading positions in the 90s of the last century, although they were expensive. At first they were very rare in the USSR.

Persian cats are long-haired. Over the many years of their breeding, about 100 color variations have appeared, including solid color and color point. The Persian's coat is silky and fine, but thick. It can reach 12 cm in length.

One of the characteristic features of Persian cats is their small but wide nose. Classic, when it is relatively long and upturned. There is also an extreme version, when the nose is very small and upturned.

Another physiological feature of the breed is the inversion of the inner parts of the lower eyelids. As a result, the fur comes into contact with the cornea, causing lacrimation. Because of this feature, Persian cats require special care.

The breed is balanced and phlegmatic. Persians can lie down for a long time, although they do not refuse to participate in active games. The animal becomes strongly attached to its owners and gets along well with other pets. Persians are wary of strangers.

Detailed description of the Persian breed »

Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold

Fold cats are very playful, intelligent, with a balanced disposition.

This is a very interesting breed of cat. The main difference between its representatives is the unusual auricle. The ears of these cats are curved forward and down. This feature is a consequence of a gene mutation. The breed was developed in 1961 in Scotland. Fold cats are very playful, intelligent, and have a balanced disposition. They get along well with both adults and children. In addition, the Scots have a number of unique characteristics. The first is their extraordinary voice. It is more creaky than that of ordinary cats. Also, “Scots” can stand on their hind legs for a long time and look around. Fold cats love to sit in an L-shaped position with a straight back and outstretched paws. The cost of cats ranges from $300 to $1,400.

This is interesting: In the Far East, scientists knew about this breed a couple of centuries ago. In 1795, an article appeared in a magazine that described traditions and life in China. There they mentioned the Scottish Fold. But in Europe they appeared only in the twentieth century.

Canadian Sphynx

Sphinxes are famous for their sociability, peace-loving and friendly nature.

Hairless cats first appeared in Canada in 1966, however, there is evidence that they existed in Ancient Egypt. Sphinxes are famous for their sociability, peaceful and friendly nature. These are very graceful and energetic creatures, incredibly intelligent and devoted to their owners. Often representatives of this breed can be found doing their most favorite pastime: sphinxes spend a lot of time in bizarre poses, thoughtfully looking at some object. You can buy a thinking cat for 400-1500 US dollars.

British Shorthair

British Shorthairs come in medium and large sizes

British Shorthairs come in medium and large sizes. This breed was officially recognized only in 1984. Its representatives have a very beautiful and unusual color; the most popular option is considered solid (lilac, black, blue and chocolate). The British have an English aristocratic character; they are not alien to feelings of restraint and pride. As for girls, they are much calmer and not as gentle as boys. They don't need a lot of attention as cats love being alone. But when the desire to play arises, hold on, owners! The cost of one aristocratic British is 500-1500 dollars.

Neva masquerade cat

This breed is a type of Siberian cat, although the color point color is more similar to the Siamese. The animal’s muzzle is darker and appears to be wearing a mask – hence part of the name. The other half of it is due to the fact that they first started breeding the breed in St. Petersburg (a city on the Neva River).

Neva masquerade cats have long hair. The animals are medium to large in size with a strong, muscular body. Cats are noticeably smaller than males.

In addition to the long hair from Siberians, the breed inherited tufts of hair between the toes and a thick undercoat. The tail is perfectly feathered, the panties are well defined, there is a mane, a full collar and frill. Neva masquerade cats have blue eyes, which adds to their resemblance to the Siamese breed.

Animals are freedom-loving and sometimes stubborn. The Neva Masquerade cat is independent and not demanding. She becomes strongly attached to a person, but is not intrusive; she prefers partnerships. The breed is suitable for families with children - the pet will willingly play with an older child and protect the baby. The animal is not characterized by aggression; it prefers to leave an unpleasant situation.

The Neva Masquerade cat is friendly with other pets. She is wary of strangers.

Maine Coon

Their favorite pastime is purring and meowing loudly.

One of the largest breeds of cats was bred on a farm in Northeast America in Maine. In appearance, these animals are similar to raccoons; they have a black and white striped color and a large fluffy tail. Maine Coons are very large, their weight can reach from 5 to 15 kg, body length - 1.23 m. This breed seems formidable, but people call such cats gentle giants. Representatives of this breed are kind, playful, love to play and indulge. Their favorite pastime is purring and meowing loudly. The owners love it. You can buy a singing cat for $600-1500.

This is interesting: In natural conditions, these individuals live, like lions, in prides. And the main ones in them are not cats, but cats. The place in the hierarchy is determined by the age of the animal.

Which cats did Russians choose in 2022?

The most popular cat breeds among Russians this year were Maine Coons, British and Siberian, RIA Novosti quotes President of the International Felinological Association Elena Shevchenko. The expert noted that during the pandemic, interest in pets, and especially cats, among Russians has increased.

Indeed, in the period from April to October 2022, Avito users searched for advertisements for the sale of cats 48% more often than last year. However, the portal’s data disagrees with Elena Shevchenko’s statement - outbred animals were the most popular, most of which could be picked up for free.

But the leader in requests for purebred cats on Avito this year were Scottish cats: such kittens were put up for sale for an average of 1 thousand rubles, although breeders doubt that it is really possible to buy a purebred animal for this price. British cats took third place in the ranking. The top five most popular breeds on the platform in the period from April to October were Maine Coon and Bengal cats - their kittens were offered by breeders for an average of 5 thousand rubles.

All these breeds remain the most popular from year to year. Felinologists explain this choice of breeds by fashion, which extends not only to clothing, but also to pets. “British, Siberian and Maine Coons are some of the most popular cat breeds in recent times. First of all, when choosing an animal, people are guided by its visual characteristics: buyers want to see a beautiful animal at home,” says felinologist-zoopsychologist, breeder of Bengal cats Svetlana Latysheva.

However, not only appearance is important, people also look at the cat’s character, which they select to suit their own rhythm and lifestyle, temperament. “In addition to appearance, the character of the animal is of great importance,” explains Latysheva. — There was a period when breeders shifted the emphasis from character to exclusively external data of the animal. As a result, the cats became quite capricious, got along worse with people, and became somewhat “wild”—many people did not like this. After all, the owners want to have not only a beautiful, but also a kind animal that they can safely leave with their child to play with and pet whenever they want. This doesn’t happen with all breeds.”

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Posted by Lotus (@lotus_the_mainecoon)

“Maine Coons are very friendly, active, they have something of dogs in them,” adds dog handler Dina Kuznetsova. - Then, they are large - many people like it, and now it’s also fashionable. The British are such a timeless classic because they have a gentlemanly sweetness, a nice touch - they've always been popular." By the way, the famous Cheshire cat, described by Lewis Carroll in “Alice in Wonderland,” is also British.

“And Siberians are an eternal Russian classic, they have always been popular in Russia, this fluffy breed is quite natural for us,” the dog handler clarifies.

“In general, I’m surprised that the top three popular breeds, according to the President of the International Felinological Association, did not include the Scots with their floppy ears, which everyone loves so much,” admitted felinologist Svetlana Latysheva in an interview with Gazeta.Ru. —

The British have remained popular for many years: their cute “plush” appearance is captivating. But the floppy ears of the Scots are also pleasing to people's eyes.

However, this breed is very difficult to breed due to a lethal mutation - weak cartilage, which causes them to have floppy ears. Maine Coons deservedly take their place in the top three: size, beauty, fur coat, lynx ears with tassels - because of these external characteristics the breed has become so popular.”

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Posted by Lazy House Cattery (

At the same time, there are three times fewer purebred cats in Russia than representatives of mixed breeds and cats without a specific breed. According to Mars Petcare, there are more than 25.6 million outbred cats in Russia compared to 8 million purebred cats.

“Historically in Russia there is a tradition of taking cats from the street, not dogs. This can be explained by the fact that it is psychologically easier for people to adopt an independent and independent animal that does not have to be walked,” explains Dmitry Mironov, senior specialist in external communications at Mars Petcare. —

Russia ranks third in the world in the number of cats: over the past three years, their population in Russia has increased to almost 34 million (+5 million), and dogs - only to 19 million (+1.6 million): now every second home has a pet. family in Russia."

“People often pick up cats from the street or take them from shelters - most of them are outbred cats; for many owners, the breed does not matter much,” notes dog handler Dina Kuznetsova. — In dogs, the behavioral characteristics are very strongly tied to the breed type, and there are more than 400 dog breeds, while cats have only 70 - the species diversity is much lower, as is the behavioral difference between the breeds, although there is one. Maine Coons will have one character and behavior, while Siamese will have a different, pronounced one. But when an ordinary yard cat is taken from the street, in principle it is clear what to expect from it, unless, of course, it has had bad life experiences that have greatly damaged its character. Therefore, people are more willing to adopt cats rather than dogs: there is less hassle and worry with them, they live for themselves, walk around the house - there are fewer demands on them and less expectations from them, so people are calmer about what kind of cat it will be, and they take many mongrel animals.”

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Posted by AVAILABLE SIBERIAN KITTENS (@siberian.cats)

Breeders of cats that are not among the most popular, first of all, praise their animals. “We deal with Bengals, this breed is different from the top three: it is a catdog, a very active breed of cats,” said breeder Svetlana Latysheva. - They either sleep, or run, play with the owner - they are very human-oriented, if compared with the British, Scots or Siberians. Bengals are easier to keep because they have no undercoat and very smooth, short hair, and therefore there is practically no hair from them.”

According to the expert, after the character of the animal and its visual features, people pay attention to the nuances of the breed and study prices, which can vary greatly. “Those who buy animals from me clearly understand what they want. Before buying a purebred animal, people usually study information about it in advance,” the felinologist noted. - If a calm person comes to me, who values ​​personal space and does not like active animals, when the cat constantly climbs on the owner, a Bengal cat will not suit him. For such a person, the best company will be British, Scottish or Siberian breeds.

Maine Coons are more active than British and other "plush" breeds, but slightly less active than Bengals and Abyssinians."

The price of a cat depends on many factors, including the breeder’s investment, the quality of the animal and its compliance with the standard of the declared breed, warns “grandparents.” This will give you a guarantee that you will grow up to be a Maine Coon and not a hairy Murzik. Documents are not worth some cosmic money, as many deceivers who do not have them claim. They cost 300-1000 rubles. and are included free of charge, mandatory for every purebred animal, regardless of whether it is sold as breeding for exhibitions or for home and soul. An animal without a document is a phenotype of some breed - it looks like such and such a breed, but in fact it is considered an outbred animal - just a beautiful mongrel.”

Russian blue

The main distinguishing feature is short blue fur with an unusually beautiful silver tint.

Russian Blue is a very popular breed among Russians. These short-haired cats first appeared in 1893 in Russia. The main distinguishing feature is short blue fur with an unusually beautiful silver tint. These cats are very smart, loving and obedient, however, sometimes they can show their character and stubbornness. There is a belief that people who own a cat of this breed will be lucky and rich. You can buy it for 350-2000 US dollars.

The most popular cat breeds. Top 20 (with photos)

19th place. Burmese cat (Burmese) . The short-haired breed is native to Southeast Asia. In Burma (modern name Myanmar), such cats were kept in Buddhist temples and were considered the reincarnation of deceased monks.

see also Buddhist Cats

18th place. The Siberian cat is a famous Russian breed of semi-long-haired cats, which got its name due to its place of origin - Siberia.

17th place. The Tonkinese cat is a hybrid of the American-type Siamese and Burmese cats.

16th place. Russian Blue . The breed traces its origins to the cats of the ancient Slavs. This breed became known outside Russia in 1893, when the English breeder Karen Cox brought two blue kittens from Arkhangelsk. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its short blue coat with a beautiful silver tint. Russian Blue is one of the most expensive cat breeds.

15th place. The Burmese cat (sacred Burmese) is a breed of semi-long-haired cat that originates from Burma (Myanmar). It should not be confused with the Burmese cat, which is a separate breed of short-haired cat. The Burmese cat is recognizable due to its unusual color, which is called the Burmese color after the name of the breed. Cats with this color are characterized by the presence of white “gloves” with the point color of long hair.

14th place. The Norwegian Forest Cat is a breed of domestic semi-longhaired cat originally from Norway. The breed's ancestors were ship's cats on Viking longships.

13th place. Cornish Rex . A short-haired breed of domestic cat originally from Great Britain. The main distinguishing feature of the Cornish Rex is their coat. It has no guard hairs, and the undercoat is curled into a dense wave, reminiscent of astrakhan fur in structure.

12th place. The Siamese cat is a breed originally from Thailand (its old name is Siam).

11th place. The Devon Rex is a breed of short-haired domestic cat that originated in Great Britain. Representatives of this breed have a very extraordinary appearance: their fragile body is covered with soft curly hair, and their head is decorated with huge ears.

10th place. Oriental cat (oriental) . This shorthaired breed's ancestors are from Thailand, but it officially originated in the United States.

9th place. The Canadian Sphynx is a breed of hairless cat whose history officially began in 1966 in Canada, but there is evidence that these unusual creatures were known back to the times of the Egyptian pharaohs and were common in the Aztec and Incas temples in ancient Mexico.

8th place. The Abyssinian cat is one of the oldest cat breeds. Abyssinia is the former name of Ethiopia, where this breed originates.

7th place. The Scottish Fold (or Scottish Fold) is a very interesting breed of cat, the main distinguishing feature of which is the characteristic structure of the ears, curved forward and down. This unusual detail of their appearance is a consequence of a gene mutation. The first representative of this breed was discovered in 1961 in Scotland.

6th place. American shorthair cat . The ancestors of this breed were brought by the first settlers from Europe to North America.

5th place. British shorthair cat. This breed is the most popular in the UK.

4th place. Ragdoll is a breed of semi-long-haired cat. The name of the breed is translated as “rag doll”, because. Ragdolls phlegmatically accept any actions towards them: they can be stroked, squeezed, or put in certain positions.

3rd place. The Maine Coon is a large breed of domestic cat whose ancestors lived on the farms of Maine (Northeast America). Due to their original black striped color and large fluffy tail, they looked like raccoons - hence the second part of the name “coon”, that is, “raccoon”.

see also The largest breeds of domestic cats

2nd place. Persian cat . The ancestors of the modern breed were taken from Persia (modern name Iran) to Italy in the 17th century. In 2012 and 2013, the Persian cat was the most popular breed in the world, but in the last two years it has been content with only second place.

1 place. The exotic cat (exotic cat) is a breed of shorthair cat artificially created by American breeders in the 1960s by crossing American shorthair cats with Persian cats. In 2014 and 2015, exotics managed to surpass in popularity even their long-haired ancestors - Persian cats.

see also The rarest cat breeds

American Curl

These cats are very inquisitive, friendly and playful.

The American Curl is a breed of shorthaired cat that was first bred in California in 1980. They have unusual folded back ears. Outwardly, they resemble small horns. The most interesting thing is that when curls are born, their ears are completely normal, but they curl up only after several days of life. These cats are very inquisitive, friendly and playful. Curls are loyal and quickly adapt to their new home. The cost of a faithful friend with funny ears ranges from 1100 to 2000 US dollars.

Siberian cat

Siberian cats were first mentioned in written sources back in the 16th century, but then they were called Bukhara cats. The breed is especially widespread in the central, western regions of Russia and in the north of its European part.

The formation of Siberian cats was influenced by harsh weather conditions. Adaptation to them is expressed in dense semi-long wool that does not allow moisture to pass through, thick undercoat and pubescent ears.

Siberian cats are active and playful, strongly attached to their owners, and love to spend time with small children. This breed is characterized by self-esteem and willfulness. Animals adapt well to different conditions, but still prefer freedom and space. They get along well with other pets, but their hunting instincts are incompatible with rodents.

Detailed description of the Siberian breed »

Bengal cat

Representatives of this breed are inquisitive and require a lot of attention.

This hybrid breed was developed in 1980 in the USA by crossing an Asian leopard cat and a regular domestic cat. The main advantage is the luxurious thick fur with a leopard color. An adult Bengal weighs about 5-9 kilograms. Representatives of this breed are inquisitive and require a lot of attention. They are smart, active, playful and, despite their roots, not at all aggressive. These gentle and sensitive creatures quickly get used to their new home.

This is interesting: Despite their large size, Bengals love to sit on their owner's shoulder. They love swimming even more! These cats can simply play with water, often ask to go to the owner’s bathroom, and insistently demand that they be given water treatments as often as possible.

The price of one kitten ranges from 800 to 2500 dollars.

American shorthair cat

Appearance. American Shorthairs are quite large in size. Distinctive feature: the length and width of the head are completely identical.

The coat is short and thick with a dense undercoat. The most popular colors are silver marble, white, black.

Character. The pet will delight its owners with its obedience and intelligence. They are clean, easy to train, and very smart.

Independent, do not suffer from loneliness. Cats are active, require attention, and love to play.

Care. The animal's coat is short, but requires constant care. It should be combed regularly and the pet must be bathed (without fanaticism, as it gets dirty).

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