The rarest cat breeds: description, characteristics and cost

What will you learn from the article?
  1. The rarest cat breed
  2. Rare cat breeds: TOP – 10
  3. Likoy
  4. Burmilla
  5. California radiant
  6. Dwelf
  7. Nibelung
  8. Khao-mani
  9. Serengeti
  10. Singapura cat
  11. Sokoke
  12. Video

There are many different breeds of cats bred in the world, thanks to which interest in the feline family is growing every day. Many breeds have been around for a very long time. But there are also cats whose names you have never encountered. Let's get acquainted with the ten rarest cats, find out their features and cost.

The rarest cat breed

The rarest cat is the American Wirehair.

This distant relative of the American Shorthair cat is not as common as its ancestor, which is included in the TOP of “most popular cats.” There are only a few dozen purebred representatives of this breed in the world. Almost all of them live in the USA.

Wirehair cats differ from American Shorthairs in their coat structure. These pets have it very hard, reminiscent of wire or sandpaper.

Wire cat is the second unofficial name of the breed. Active and playful pets become strongly attached to their owner. They suffer in separation and do not tolerate loneliness well. When getting such a cat, you will have to take care of company for her. Wire cats easily get along with their own kind, dogs and rodents.


There are no nurseries of this breed in Russia and Ukraine. The cost of rare animals brought from abroad starts from 120,000 rubles.


One of the three rarest breeds in the world, these cats' ancestors were once wild animals.

This is a long-legged and slender cat, quite large .

Its weight can reach 18 kg, its body length is 135 cm, its coat color is similar to a cheetah.


A young breed of cat with a unique exterior has a truly terrifying appearance. Cats that look like werewolves are included in the ratings of the scariest cats. The uneven coat gives these animals a terrifying appearance. From the outside it seems that the cats are sick with something and their fur has come out in clumps.

A rare breed - the result of a natural mutation. The first partially hairless kittens appeared in 2010 in the USA (Virginia). They were carriers of a recessive gene that caused such an interesting mutation. Subsequently, work was carried out to consolidate this trait, and in 2012 the Lykoi breed was included in the TICA standards.

Cats of this breed are distinguished by their developed intelligence, impeccable hunting characteristics and a heightened sense of territoriality. They loyally protect their owners from strangers and dogs. It is not recommended to have such pets in homes where other pets live. The special coat requires careful care. Lykoi sweat a lot, their body needs to be wiped with a damp cloth or swab.


In Russia and Ukraine, kittens of this breed are not sold. The cost of rare animals brought from abroad starts from 160,000 rubles.

See the top expensive cat breeds.



Don't confuse the longhaired ragamuffin with its cousin the ragdoll. The two breeds are separate, although they are similar in personality and appearance. Big and affectionate, loving. The Ragamuffin coat comes in more colors and patterns than the Ragdoll, although not all of them are accepted by every cat breed association.

Russian blue

The Russian Blue cat is very loving, but reserved. They don't like noise, but they love to play and can be quite active outside. They bond very closely with their owner and are known to be compatible with other pets. They can happily live indoors or outdoors and are also suitable for small living spaces.


The Ragdoll is a large, gentle cat with bright blue eyes that can get along with everyone, including other animals, allowing him to adapt to almost any household.


It is believed that the beautiful exotic breed is the result of an accidental mating of a lilac Burmese cat and a chinchilla-colored Persian cat. The first kittens of unusual appearance were born in 1981, three years later the first breed standard was registered. The new breed got its appearance type from the Burmese cat, and the chinchilla cat diversified the color of the Burmilla.

Cats of this breed are sociable, friendly and become attached to their owner. Changes of ownership and moving are difficult to bear. Gentle and affectionate pets are not pushy, but they always want to be close to their person. Burmillas should not be left alone for a long time; they suffer from separation and can get sick.


In Russia – 50,000 – 70,000 rubles, in Ukraine – 10,000 – 20,000 UAH.

Read the article for a complete list of shorthaired cats.

Basic moments

  • American Shorthair cats have a balanced character: they do not go to extremes, behave with restraint, but do not forget about fun games with their own tail.
  • “Americans” do not like to sit on their hands, so when the opportunity arises, they will leave their forced perch and go in search of a cozy place where they can take a nap.
  • Representatives of the breed rarely emit loud meows and prefer to communicate with the owner mainly through animated facial expressions.
  • American Shorthairs can cope with forced solitude, but being away for long periods of time is not advisable.
  • Fluffy beauties love to hunt and often “delight” family members with a caught fly, and in a private home with a bird or rodent.
  • “Americans” get along well with other animals (except rodents and birds); they are no less tolerant and affectionate with children.
  • Cats can be trained only if they have a trusting relationship with the owner and learn commands in a playful way.
  • American Shorthairs are easy to care for, but you will have to carefully control your pet's diet: this breed is prone to overeating and, as a result, obesity.

The American Shorthair has come a long way from an unremarkable rat-catcher to the most popular breed in the United States. Such widespread fame ceases to surprise when you get to know her better. American Shorthairs are characterized by a delightful appearance, good health and an easy-going character. Cats easily make contact with people; They know when the time is right for wild games with their owner, and when it’s time for peaceful snoring next to them. Animals are not alien to hunting instincts, but this does not prevent them from remaining the gentle and loving pets that every person dreams of. Get this wonderful little furball and you will forget what a bad mood is!

California radiant

These rare cats are the result of painstaking selection work. Breeders have been crossing different cat breeds for over 10 years to achieve the desired result. The breeders wanted to get a cat that would look like a leopard. The result of this work was the emergence of a new breed - the Californian radiant.

Exotic Californians are incredibly energetic, playful and friendly. They need a lot of time and space to realize their natural activity. Owners need to come to terms with the fact that cats will poke their noses everywhere they can and cannot, hunt, climb and jump. To prevent this activity from becoming destructive, you need to take care of a multi-level play complex for the cat.


In Russia and Ukraine it is difficult to purchase this breed. The cost of kittens is from 500 to 2000 US dollars.


When it comes to photos of rare cats , then, as a rule, Bombays will appear in the pictures. Very strong, simply bursting with strength, giving the impression of wild animals and vaguely reminiscent of panthers, these cats sparkle with deep amber eyes against the background of an even, pure color of short, glossy fur - from charcoal to blue.

When breeding Bombays, Burmese were used, from which these cats adopted equanimity and intelligence, and they received their grace. from the Burmese and Siamese, of course.

Pictured is the Bombay cat breed

They were bred in Kentucky, and these cats have been a “state property” since 1958. The breed received worldwide status only in 1976, but only because no one was puzzled by receiving this status. The weight of the animal varies from 3.5 to 7 kg, the main thing for this breed is the complete proportionality of the ratio of all parameters - length, height and weight.


The rare breed was the result of crossing three different breeds: the American Curl, the Canadian Sphynx and the Munchkin. The result of this selection is a cat with an original appearance, which at first glance seems repulsive. Completely hairless, the miniature breed has huge curled ears, a massive neck, a small wedge-shaped head, large slanted eyes and short legs.

Small hairless animals do not tolerate temperature changes well and are very thermophilic. The owners will have to take care of clothes for home and walking, constantly monitor the indoor climate, and prevent drafts. Delicate cat skin requires careful care; it is regularly wiped with damp wipes to cleanse it from sweat, grease, and dirt.


In Russia – 135,000 – 180,000 rubles; in Ukraine – 50,000 – 70,000 UAH.

Read about all hairless cat breeds.


This exotic cat breed with an unusual name resembles the Russian Blue cat in appearance. The main difference between this American breed and the Russian Blue is its long, silky coat. The coat color of both breeds is a beautiful shade of blue.

Luxurious fur is both a source of pride for a cat and a headache for its owner. You need to take care of such a fur coat regularly, competently and carefully. The owner will have to comb the fur to prevent tangles from forming. It is also necessary to ensure that the pet is not exposed to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation destroys the coloring pigment of wool, the blue color in the sun becomes ugly with a rusty tint.


In Russia – 55,000 – 80,000 rubles; There are no breed nurseries in Ukraine.


The breed is ancient, but quite rare. Having such a cat in your home is considered great luck. The breed received its second name Diamond Eye (diamond eye) for the beautiful color of the iris. The eyes of these cats are blue, green, amber and multi-colored. Snow-white pets with eyes of different colors look especially impressive.

Kao-mani are friendly, social animals. For a happy life, they vitally need communication with their own kind. The owners of such a pet must take care of other pets with whom the cats will spend time. Cats have a hard time with loneliness and without company they become depressed and aggressive.


There are no breed nurseries in Russia and Ukraine. You can buy a kitten abroad or from private breeders. The cost of kittens starts from 80,000 rubles.

Not ready to spend that much, but want a cat like this? Read the article about white cats.


This breed is deservedly included in the TOP “The Rarest Cats” - few people are familiar with it. The cat is large (up to 12 kg), but incredibly beautiful and graceful. The blood of several breeds flows in the veins of the Serengeti, but they inherited the elegance and wild African grace from Bengal cats.

To keep large cats you need space. Representatives of this breed feel cramped in small city apartments. A country house with its own yard for walking is an ideal place to keep these pets.


In Russia – 45,000 – 70,000 rubles; There are no breed nurseries in Ukraine.

Singapura cat

This small cat breed is included in the ranking of the smallest breeds. The weight of adult animals does not exceed 2-3 kg. The Singapura is a rare cat and is not often seen. The main distinguishing feature of these pets is their shiny coat. The fibers, light at the base, darken towards the tips, resulting in an unusual glowing effect. The animal's large yellow or green eyes are slightly bulging, so the cat's face always looks surprised and puzzled.

Singapura cats remain kittens until old age; they are friendly and playful. Animals are cautious and timid; they cannot stand it when there is noise nearby, talking loudly and quarreling. Cats do not like to be left alone; owners will have to take care of company for these exotic pets.


In Russia – 60,000 – 120,000 rubles; in Ukraine – 20,000 – 50,000 UAH.

Do you like cats with blue eyes? Choose one of the articles about cats with blue eyes.



Thai cats form strong bonds with people. They are loving, affectionate and attached to their families. They are social cats who really enjoy the company of people and should have support if they are left indoors for long periods of time.


The Toyger is a medium-sized cat that was created by crossing a Bengal cat with a tabby domestic shorthair cat. This is a domestic cat, without wild blood. It was designed to have branching stripes and orange, as well as black or brown coloring, reminiscent of a tiger pattern.

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The Tonkinese cat is friendly, active and loving. If you think that cats are solitary and independent, it is only because you have not yet met the Tonkinese breed. She will demand attention and will not rest until she gets it.

Turkish Angora

The Angora is a natural breed and has existed in Turkey at least as far back as the 15th century. Angoras are usually considered white cats with blue or green eyes, but they also come in a variety of colors and patterns. This is a small to medium sized cat.

Turkish van

The Turkish Van earned the nickname "swimming cat" for his love of water. It is not uncommon for him to splash around in ponds, pools, or any other water he can find. She is an intelligent, active, loving cat with a silky, medium-length coat that is easy to groom. Most vans are white with colored spots on the head and tail.


The cat breed with an unusual name was bred not by breeders, but by nature itself. Sokoke's homeland is Kenya. Descendants of wild African cats have retained the beautiful ticked coat color of various shades of brown tabby. The animals are incredibly active, love to climb into hard-to-reach places, and are extremely talkative. This breed is not suitable for inactive people.

Cats of this breed will always find something to do with themselves, they will not obsessively demand attention from a person. But Sokoke quickly and strongly become attached to their owners and other pets with whom they live in the same house. They have a hard time with a change of environment and parting with their people.


In Russia – 60,000 – 70,000 rubles, in Ukraine – 22,000 – 30,000 UAH.

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