Maine Coon mixed breed - description, pros and cons of buying a half-breed kitten

Maine Coon cats are gaining popularity. There are many people who want to have such a cat. And demand determines supply, which is expressed both in an increase in the number of the breed and in an increase in the cost of kittens. Few people in the current situation can afford such expenses. Therefore, there is a demand for mixed breeds of this breed. Mixed breeds are not mongrels; they carry the genotype from Maine Coons. It’s worse when they try to sell ordinary cats to buyers under the guise of mestizos—this is obvious deception and fraud. The difference between a purebred and an ordinary cat is very noticeable.

Head shape

Experts say that one of the main distinguishing features of a real Maine Coon is the geometrically correct shape of the lower part of the muzzle. Due to its characteristic symmetry, it is a square. A powerful chin gives the muzzle a brutal and somewhat menacing appearance. Maine Coons are given additional severity by the serious look of their slanted eyes.

This is interesting: Photo of a red Maine Coon

About the origin

Most Maine-Coon mixes are born as a result of random matings. For example, when, having taken his pet with him to the dacha, the owner did not think that his fluffy beauty would probably attract the neighbor’s outbred cat as a bride. However, sometimes interbreed matings are also the result of the activities of unfortunate breeders who decided to see what would happen if they mated a Maine Coon cat, for example, with a British cat.

Interbreeding is a lottery in which it is impossible to predict how genes will fall.

Kittens born from such a mating will most likely turn out to be different from Maine Coons. In addition, there is a high risk that they will be predisposed to many diseases.


A conscientious breeder who is proud of his Maine Coons and their offspring will never think of breeding his champion cat with a yard Barsik.
If this happened by accident, for example, due to an oversight, then he will not sell mixed-breed offspring under the guise of purebred kittens.

And he will try to place them in good hands for free.

Intentional interbreeding is carried out by those owners whose cats do not have access to breeding. Such animals will consistently pass on all their shortcomings and vices to their offspring, and it does not matter whether it is from a representative of their own breed or mixed breed. At the same time, the breeder will not just give away mixed-breed kittens, but will try to sell them as early as possible and at a higher price under the guise of purebred Maine Coons.

You should be wary if kittens are sold significantly cheaper than other Maine Coons and, moreover, have not reached 3 - 3.5 months.

In this case, there is a very high risk that they were born as a result of interbreeding and their “breeder” is in a hurry to sell them as quickly as possible, before their external differences with purebred Maine Coon kittens become too obvious.

Body type

Maine Coons are distinguished by their impressive size and weight. The documented body length record is 120 cm. The weight of adult individuals ranges from 8 to 12 kg. The dimensions of kittens from birth are 1.5–2 times greater than those of half-breeds. The weight of Maine Coons is 150–200 g, while ordinary babies weigh no more than 100 g.

If an adult cat weighs less than 7 kg, it is most likely a mixed breed.

Pedigree kittens are also characterized by skeletal development. By 3–4 months, the body and limbs are stretched. Kittens become like “bicycles” and “laces”. They gain weight much later. But even a newborn Maine Coon baby stands out with its massive, wide paws.

Participation in exhibitions, documents

This American cat breed was formed many years ago. The task of breeders is to preserve and improve the gene pool. The participation of a simple cat in breeding negates their efforts.

Due to such factors, owners of hybrids cannot exhibit their pets in the breed ring. However, exhibitions where animals of unknown origin are judged are open to them. There they can show the pet and get a description if the cat is healthy, has a beautiful exterior, and an easy-going character. When the kittens grow up, it will become clear how large they will grow and what their show potential will be.

Useful to read: Features of carriers for Maine Coons

They are allowed into the ring upon reaching 10 months of age. The rules are the same as at regular exhibitions. Separate rings, strict judging. A mongrel pet is prepared with full responsibility: grooming, purchasing accessories. This is a great chance to show your favorite cats to specialists and get a lot of positive emotions from communicating with like-minded people.

Outbred cats are not registered anywhere. They cannot have a pedigree, only a veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations and treatment against worms, which the owner obtains at his own request. Subsequent mating with a coon will still result in his phenotype, and not a true Maine cat.

Where do they come from?

It is worth noting that modern veterinarians, dog handlers and felinologists are against non-professional matings between breeds and representatives without documents and permission to breed. This happens not because these specialists are sorry that new species will appear, but because there are more than 60 varieties of cats.

The work of felinology to improve these breeds continues to this day.

But it also happens that mixed-breed kittens appear in a family where they are not familiar with the methods and conditions of breeding. This often happens if animals of different sexes are in the same room during estrus. Or the owners let the animals go out for a walk during the mating season, which ends in the cat becoming pregnant from an unknown cat.

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Of course, such situations are an example of irresponsible animal keeping, since they pose a threat to both the pet’s life and its health.

Mixed breeds are also produced by owners who decide to independently experiment with matings between breeds

Mixed breeds are also obtained from owners who decided to independently experiment with matings between breeds, which, in their opinion, produce unusual and beautiful crosses and offspring.


Throughout the existence of Maine Coons, attempts were made from time to time to cross them with other cats in order to create a new breed. For example, in order for the Siamese color to appear in the breed, they tried to cross them with Siamese cats. But all the hybrid kittens and their descendants did not inherit the desired qualities and were not like their parents, and therefore there was no need to talk about breeding a new breed. What other Maine Coon crosses exist and how do they differ from purebred animals?

Crossed with a Siberian cat

The main advantage of a cross with a Siberian cat is the thick, long and fluffy fur that is common to representatives of both breeds, so such kittens will certainly be fluffy. They can also be larger in size than regular cats. A mixed breed with a Siberian cat will never reach the size of a Maine Coon and the characteristic tufts on his ears will also not appear. In addition, such cats will have a different head shape and a more massive build.

As a rule, mixed breeds with Siberian cats are quite affectionate, although less intelligent.

British mix

This British cross will have traits such as a calm disposition, quick wit, distrust of strangers and neatness. She will be smaller than the Maine Coon, she will have a fairly large and wider muzzle. If this is a kitten from a mating with a British Longhair, then it will grow up to be semi-longhaired. These mestizos are friendly and get along well with children, in addition, they are quite smart and quick-witted , although they are inferior in this regard to purebred cats.

Half-breed with a Norwegian cat

Such a mixed breed will probably be quite large and fluffy, with thick and dense water-repellent fur. He will probably even have small tufts on his ears, typical of Norwegians. The character of such a kitten is a little similar to the character of the Maine Coon: the mestizo will have a well-developed hunting instinct, and he will also be quite affectionate and affectionate towards people.

It should be remembered that even such a kitten may be completely different from either of its parents: it all depends on how the genes are distributed.

A cross between a normal cat

The most unpredictable combination, since an ordinary domestic cat can be the result of a mixture of many breeds. Here there is no need to talk about the similarity of mestizos with Maine Coons both in terms of appearance and character. With a high degree of probability, a mixture of genes from other breeds will turn out to be more dominant and will not allow even one or two of the characteristic breed characteristics of the original breed to appear. Perhaps such mestizos will grow a little larger than ordinary cats. They are also likely to have fairly thick, but somewhat short, fur.


The Himalayan is the most popular of the Persian breeds. The Himalayan cat is a breed of long-haired cat identical in type to the Persian, except for the blue eyes and dotted coloration, which were obtained by crossing the Persian with the Siamese.

Like Persian cats, Himalayans tend to have a round body with short legs, making it more difficult for them to jump as high as other cats. Some of them have a Siamese body and can jump up to seven feet.

These cats are quick-tempered, intelligent and, as a rule, very sociable friends. Because of their Siamese cat heritage, they tend to be more active than Persians.

Himmies, as their lovers call them, are ideal indoor companions. They are gentle, calm and fiery, but also have a playful side. Like Siamese, Himalayans love to play with each other, and a piece of crumpled paper or a kitten toy will keep them entertained for hours. The Himalayas are loyal and dependent on their people for companionship and protection. They crave affection and love, to be petted and courted. Like many long-haired cats, Himalayans need daily brushing to keep their coat healthy and looking its best. Additionally, they may need to wash their face daily.

Description of the animal

Purebred animals are divided into European and American. Which, in turn, are divided into the Shaw, Brid and Pet classes, distinguished by their large size, rich coat and tassels on the ears. When breeding, Norwegian forest seals are often found, mutations in the form of polydactyly - more than 16 fingers and Dutch rex - coons with curly hair. Maine Coon mixed breeds, like any other breed, are a mixture of the blood of parents of different origins. This can be a purebred and yard cat, or any other purebred with a representative of the animal in question. Such a pet may look different, depending on which genes were passed on from its ancestors.

Types and how to recognize?

In most cases, mestizos are born from random mating; they are not specially bred.

The cat breed in question is distinguished by its large size, large ears with tufts, semi-long hair, a wide chest, strong bones and a long tail. The Maine Coon hybrid has generally accepted types, such as:

  • si-kun - a mixture with Siamese;
  • Renegade is a cross between a Bengal cat.

A mixed breed cat is undesirable for experienced breeders, most often resulting from accidental mating of animals. The most unpredictable results are obtained from Sphynx cats or yard cats. A half-breed will look different depending on what breed was present in the cross. More details are presented in the table:

Cats with which Maine Coons were crossedWhat do they look like?
Kitten from a PersianLarge red kittens with fluffy and soft fur
Half-breeds with a Bengal mixWhen trying to crossbreed with a Maine Coon, they do not have similarities with both breeds in frequent cases
British Scottish Straight mixThe result looks like an ordinary large-sized yard short-haired kitten, not similar to either a British cat or a Maine Coon
Hybrid from Scottish FoldGives an unpredictable result, in rare cases similar to a fold-eared cat
A cross between a Maine Coon and a Siberian catRed and tabby cat of outbred appearance
Bred with an ordinary catA cross between a Maine Coon and a regular cat also looks like yard animals
Sphinx mixUnpredictable result, most often having sphinx ears and fluffy fur


Maine Coons have fluffy, thick, but at the same time soft hair. The pants, chest and belly have especially long pile. The undercoat is also silky and delicate. A characteristic detail is long tufts of fur between the toes.

According to the rules, the pedigree of a real Maine Coon is confirmed by a pedigree of at least 4 generations. Conscientious breeders give up kittens at the age of 3 months. If the seller offers younger pets, you should seriously think about purebred.

Mestizos are often not inferior in beauty to purebred individuals, although they are smaller. But if the goal is to acquire a Maine Coon, it is worth taking into account the listed signs and evaluating the kittens according to their presence. If you have any doubts about your own competence, it is better to consult a professional breeder.

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Differences between mestizos and purebred kittens

It is impossible to determine the breed by color, since the coat colors of “Americans” are the same as those of ordinary cats.

If you cross a long-haired Maine Coon with a short-haired cat, the cross will have short hair. And if both parents have long fur, then the cubs will have the same coat. A mestizo may exhibit polydactyly (six-fingered feet), a mutation characteristic of the American breed.

The character of mestizos is impossible to predict. Ordinary cats are more aggressive and independent, while the behavior of the Maine Coon is affectionate and friendly. There is a high probability that the kittens will acquire the character of the outbred parent.

Body dimensions are also unpredictable. But most often large half-breeds are born. As adults, they are slightly smaller than the Maine Coon parent. It is noteworthy that in one litter there can be mixed breeds of different sizes.

You can tell whether a baby is mixed or purebred when he reaches 3 months of age. Signs of mestizo:

  • Absence of tufts on the ears, characteristic of a purebred Maine Coon.
  • Less strong and heavy paws.
  • Less long and strong tail.
  • The shape of the muzzle is typical for natural cats, without cheekbones, elongation and the characteristic box chin.

Oriental Shorthair

The Oriental Shorthair, known as the "rainbow cat", is an intelligent, social animal that has a very close bond with humans. They are inquisitive, friendly, emotional, demanding and often quite loud. Their purring can be very loud when they are happy.

The Oriental Shorthair is a member of the Siamese family. They can be found in solid colors (white, red, chocolate, cream, ebony, blue, lavender, cinnamon or fawn), smoky (an undercoat of white to any of the above except white), shaded (only the ends of the hair are dyed), partially dyed (red or cream splashes on any of the above), striped (mackerel/striped, tagged, spotted and spotted/classic) and bi-color (any of the above, with white). In total, more than 300 combinations of colors and patterns are possible.

How to tell the difference?

The older the kitten, the easier it is to understand whether it is purebred or not.
By about three months, purebred Maine Coon babies acquire tufts on their ears, which are one of the most characteristic features of the breed.

Mixed-breed or outbred kittens usually do not have ear tufts.

In addition, a purebred Maine Coon has wide and strong paws at a very early age with tufts of hair between the toes, and a long and powerful tail.

The head and muzzle of a purebred baby is elongated and wide-cheeked; later it will acquire the so-called “box” shape characteristic of a representative of this breed. And in general, such a kitten looks much larger than its peers. Already at one and a half months he is the same size as a six-month-old young cat of another breed.

The only reliable confirmation of the Maine Coon breed is documents on the origin of the kitten.

Below is a selection of photos of purebred representatives of this breed.

Arabian Mau

At first glance, an ordinary yard cat

This cat may be an aboriginal mongrel, but in 2004 the whole world learned about it. And in 2008, the animal acquired “pedigree” status.

The Arabian Mau is the oldest breed that originated on the Arabian Peninsula. This area of ​​land is considered one of the hottest on the planet; in summer the air temperature reaches +55 degrees. Moreover, there are problems with humidity; in some areas there is nothing but sand. Aboriginal cats managed to survive in such a difficult climate.

Representatives of the breed have excellent health, are unpretentious and have a very warm attitude towards people. In Russia, Arabian Mau are rare; there are no nurseries breeding these cats.

It’s a pity... Mau are good-looking, easily adapt to our climate, and good-natured. The only drawback is the size, the weight of an adult cat reaches 9 kg, cats are a little lighter. But when did the weight category of an animal stop lovers of the breed...?

Is it worth buying a half-breed kitten?

How to name a Maine Coon boy or girl

Most owners prefer mestizos not because of their external features, but because the price is lower than for a purebred cat. It is also believed that if the baby has purebred parents, then genes will appear in the kitten. However, in most cases this opinion is erroneous.

Half-breed is an unpredictable pet

It should be understood that a half-breed is not the same thing as a purebred cat. No one can ever guarantee what a kitten will look like when it grows up and what its character will be like. The reason is precisely that purebred Maine Coons are freedom-loving, and even the British gene cannot correct this.

The correct approach to breeding is also important. Irresponsibility can result in a mixed-breed kitten becoming aggressive, sickly, or mentally unstable.

Advantages and disadvantages of a crossbreed

The positive aspect of such half-breeds is their low cost. Most mestizos are friendly and sociable, but there are exceptions. Another advantage is flexibility and affection for a person.

Also, the Maine Coon gene has a positive effect on the intelligence of a cat. Such animals understand and remember commands well and quickly get accustomed to the tray.

As for the disadvantages of mestizo, first of all it is the loss of a thoroughbred pedigree. In this case, there can be no talk of any exhibitions. In addition, if a male and a female of a smaller breed are crossed, there is a risk of death of the mother due to the birth of a large fetus.

Important! If a person nevertheless decides to get a crossbreed, it is worth contacting an experienced breeder to rule out problems with the health and psychological state of the animal.

Possible offspring

No significant changes are expected in terms of coat color. Most domestic cats without admixture from other breeds have the colors acceptable in Maine Coon Cats. But genetics suggests unexpected results. Mutations, such as polydactyly, which is common in coons, are likely to affect part of the litter. Coat color and pattern are inherited according to established laws.

Useful to read: How much do Maine Coons cost?

Science knows interesting facts about eye color. Usually it does not depend on the color of the coat, but blue pigment accompanies color-point colors (Siamese cats), and less often white. In practice, if you cross a green-eyed coon with a blue-eyed female, the offspring will most likely take after the father for this trait. This happens because green is dominant to blue. When white kittens are born, the situation may change.

All Maine Coon cats have medium-length fur. If you cross a representative with a smooth cat, the litter will be short-haired. The birth of kittens with long hair is possible if there are two long-haired parents.

Character and behavior are unpredictable in this combination. Street cats are more aggressive by nature, this is dictated by the laws of survival in difficult conditions. Pedigree cats are softer, because purposeful work has been carried out for decades to consolidate behavior that is comfortable for humans.

Weight and body structure are also difficult to calculate, but most half-breeds are distinguished by their impressive dimensions, although they are inferior to their purebred parents. Kittens are born with different characteristics, some are smaller, some are larger.

Metis requires the same careful attention as a purebred animal. A balanced diet, walks, and the love of the owner are mandatory criteria for the happiness of any pet.


The external features of a Maine Coon can be lost due to uncontrolled reproduction. Its genetic characteristics have their own nuances. For example, they can be inherited by genotype and phenotype. The genotype determines the set of parental genes in which the kitten receives them from both parents. A phenotype is nothing more than external characteristics that depend on a combination of genes.

These cats are friendly, flexible, loyal, non-aggressive, although cautious in their behavior. Purebred representatives of the breed have medium-length hair. Kittens are born with different weights, however, regardless of this, the weight of a Maine Coon is always greater than the weight of an outbred individual. Unlike regular cats, Maine Coons love water. They can splash in it, bathe, pour water from a bowl, play with its streams, and do things that an ordinary cat would hardly agree to.

As practice shows, these cats also differ in their level of intelligence, which is why they can be taught various tricks. Other characteristics of the breed include mobility. These cats are so active that ordinary pets can envy them. Despite their important appearance, they happily run around and play, sometimes entertaining themselves with the most ordinary objects.

These animals single out one owner, although they are quite friendly towards the rest of the household. They are naturally fearless, but very curious and constantly looking for something to do. They are very talkative and often purr, although they do not make heart-rending and harsh sounds. The character of a representative of the breed completes its formation by the age of three.

External features of cats

When crossing representatives of different breeds, there is a risk that the offspring will not inherit any desired characteristics. There is a general description of the external parameters of mestizos.

A mixed breed of Maine Coon and Siberian cat resembles a purebred cat in appearance. The colors and shape of the skull are similar. There are almost no external signs of Siberian admixture. At the same time, such mixtures do not grow to large sizes. In addition, such individuals do not have tufts on their ears.

Mixed Maine Coon and Siberian cat

Mixing a Maine Coon with a barn cat leads to the appearance of kittens that resemble a purebred animal in color and strong bones. At the same time, they are distinguished by a less flexible character. In addition, not all the positive qualities of a purebred animal will be passed on to the offspring. In rare cases, kittens have tassels. Such mestizos reach large sizes.

Maine Coon and barn cat mix

Crossing Persians and Maine Coons produces large kittens. They have fluffy fur, often red in color. Externally, the offspring resembles a Persian.

Persian and Maine Coon mix

When representatives of the breed are mixed with a Scottish Fold cat, offspring will appear that are similar in appearance to the mother. Crossing with a Sphynx results in kittens with a fluffy body and erect large ears. If a Briton is involved in the crossing, the offspring will not resemble the purebred parents. The kitten will have medium length fur and a large head.

Crossing with a Norwegian cat allows you to get large kittens covered with thick hair that is water-repellent. Often, such mestizos begin to have tufts on their ears at 3 months.

Mixed Norwegian cat and Maine Coon

Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail is a breed of domestic cat with an unusual "pointy" tail that resembles that of a rabbit. Short tail is a body type mutation caused by a recessive gene.

Sometimes the Japanese Bobtail may have mismatched eye colors. Regardless of breed, cats with this trait are known as fuzzy-eyed cats. This breed has one iris that is blue and the other yellow. This trait is more common in this breed than most others.

On average, the breed is an active, intelligent cat with a highly human-oriented nature. They are easier to train to perform tricks than most breeds and are more likely to enjoy learning human-mediated activities such as harness and leash walking and playing catch. Considered to be an unusually “talkative” breed, they often communicate vocally with people. Their soft voices are capable of producing almost the entire range of tones, leading to the popular belief that they can sing.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of half-breeds is their moderate cost. And mestizos are also very flexible and friendly. Despite their origin, such pets will be devoted and loyal friends. Another positive quality is the loving and sociable nature of cats.

They can be compared to small children, because they love affection and attention very much, they gladly reciprocate their feelings to their owner.

Developed intelligence allows you to carry out various commands, and easy receptivity to information will help you quickly accustom the kitten to the litter box. Mestizos have strong immunity, they get sick less. In terms of appearance, they are in no way inferior to purebred cats. Their unusual color and fluffy tail can charm anyone. To avoid surprises, before purchasing such a pet, you should carefully study information about its parents.

Disadvantages include the lack of pedigree and the inability to participate in exhibitions.

It is undesirable for mestizos to reproduce, as there is a huge risk of the cat dying during childbirth due to the large size of the kittens.

What to look for when buying a Sphynx

Prices for hairless kittens depend on various factors, including their class. So before buying, decide why you need a pet.

If you are just choosing a domestic cat, pay attention to the pet class. To breed Sphynxes, buy a breed-class kitten

And to participate in exhibitions, choose potential champions who belong to the show class.

Make sure you receive all the documents for the animal:

  • A purchase and sale agreement that confirms ownership.
  • Veterinary passport, which contains information about vaccinations performed.
  • A metric indicating information about the animals is issued by the club. Based on it, you can upon request obtain a pedigree, which contains data on several generations of the cat’s ancestors.

If the listed documents for the Sphynx are not available, first of all take care of obtaining a veterinary passport and make sure that all vaccinations have been completed.

Pay attention to the appearance of the kitten itself. He should be cheerful, active and moderately well-fed

Look at the conditions of his detention and check information about his parents.

Features and risks of breeding

You should not hope that a mixed-breed kitten will look like a real Maine Coon. Indeed, during interbreeding, the characteristic traits inherent in representatives of a given breed appear extremely rarely, even individually, and never all at once. Even if the resulting kittens are a little larger than babies from a cat of another breed and a little fluffier, they will still be very different from purebred animals.

The amazing character of Maine Coons, which so distinguishes them from ordinary cats, is also, as a rule, not passed on to mixed-breed kittens. In addition, the more breeds are mixed, the greater the risk of genetic diseases or congenital pathologies.

Mating a Maine Coon cat with a representative of another breed is also fraught with the fact that due to the very large size of the kittens, the cat may simply not give birth and die.

Finally, there is a risk that mixed-breed kittens, which have disappointed their new owners because they are different from purebred animals, may end up on the street or in a shelter.


It may look like a fox, but it's actually a Somalian! A fast and agile cat, the Somali can jump on the dinner table and ask for seconds!

The Somali cat breed is created from long-haired Abyssinian cats. The body type and markings of the two breeds are similar; however, the length of the Somali fur requires more care than that of the Abyssinian. Unlike most long-haired cats, Somalis have very little extra hair. Their coats generally shed or "blow" once or twice a year, rather than constantly shedding like Persians or other long-haired cats. Somalis, along with the parent Abyssinian breed, have been found to suffer from pyruvate kinase deficiency (PKDef). About 5% of the breed carries the defective gene. There is now a genetic test to identify this recessive disorder in the breed. All breeding stock must be tested to ensure that no affected kittens are born.

Conditions and care

Often breeders of mixed breeds believe that if the animals are not purebred, they do not require any specific care and regular visits to the veterinarian.

However, this is not true, because only with high-quality food and regular care will the animal reach its maximum size and not have health problems. After purchasing a kitten, you need to show it to the veterinarian so that he can set a date for sterilization and draw up a vaccination plan.

Considering that mestizos have thick fur, they need to be tamed to combing from an early age. During the shedding period, your pet's fur needs to be combed every day. The rest of the time, the procedure should be performed once a week.

You need to bathe your pet with shampoo and conditioner for long-haired cat breeds. Your pet should be treated regularly against parasites.

Animals can be given premium jelly food, but it is better to feed them natural products. They should not be given milk.

You can include in your pet's diet:

  • boiled rabbit and chicken;
  • raw beef;
  • sour cream;
  • cottage cheese;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • sour cream;
  • kefir;
  • porridge.

The diet must be balanced, as a lack of nutrients will affect the quality of the coat. You need to regularly wash your pet's eyes with a special solution. This will reduce the risk of infection.

Once a week you should clean your cat's ears and give him a manicure. The animal must have access to special toys designed to remove plaque. Some mestizos reach large sizes, so they require a special tray.

Russian blue

The Russian Blue is a quiet, elegant cat with a silver-blue coat. These cats are known to be very intelligent, curious and calm animals. They were known to play hide and seek and are sensitive to basic human emotions. They enjoy playing with a variety of toys and develop very strong bonds with their loved ones.

Russian Blues are also good with children and other pets. They are known to be quiet and clean animals that are usually kept around strangers unless raised in a very active household. They also love to play with other small pets such as dogs and other cats. Russian Blues have an average life expectancy of about 10-15 years, and they have few health problems, as they generally have few genetic problems and are not susceptible to disease. They are a medium sized cat with an average weight of 8-12 pounds when fully grown. Males will usually be larger than females.

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