What to feed a Maine Coon correctly: an adult cat, a kitten or a female cat

The Maine Coon is very popular today. Its main differences from other breeds are its large size and weight. The main condition for the good appearance and health of your beloved pet is proper and balanced nutrition. Given the size of the pet, a special diet and regime is required that must be followed, so the question of what to feed the Maine Coon is very important for owners.

Natural nutrition.


  1. Basics of a healthy diet
  2. Natural nutrition Healthy food
  3. Junk food
  4. Balanced composition and daily requirement
  5. "Kunya porridge"
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Feeding with prepared food
      Dry food
  • Wet food
  • The best food for Maine Coon
  • What foods should you not use?
  • Nutritional features depending on the circumstances
      Age factor
  • Nutrition during illness
  • Feeding castrated (sterilized) animals
  • Nutrition for pregnant and lactating cats
  • Feeding Maine Coon kittens
      Feeding with natural products
  • What type of food to choose
  • Industrial feed from an early age

    Almost all manufacturers have a division of finished feed by month. On the packaging you can see detailed instructions indicating the serving for one day. The advantage of commercial kitten food is its balance. There is no need to compose and carefully think through the diet; they provide the coon with all the necessary microelements and vitamins. In addition, they simplify the life of the cat owner.

    It is easy to accustom a one-month-old Maine Coon to dry food. It is enough to soak the granules thoroughly with warm water and let him lick the pulp off his finger.

    The amount of food for a kitten is calculated individually. The brand chosen is the one that suits the mother. As they grow older, this food is diluted with goat's milk, cream, and then given only dry food (at 3-4 months). The size of the granule depends on the kitten’s ability to eat it without problems.

    Canned food is given to an adult animal; for a kitten, either completely natural products or dry food are desirable. Whether food is suitable for a small coon can be determined by the general condition of the animal, stool, activity and the amount eaten. However, the serving size for kittens does not always coincide with the value in the table on the package. Some cats need more or less food each day. By the time of full maturation and formation (3 years), food consumption is normalized.

    Basics of a healthy diet

    The main principle that cannot be neglected: food prepared for family members is not suitable for feeding a four-legged friend!

    This is due to:

    • characteristics of the animal’s digestive system;
    • a specific set of enzymes;
    • the difference in vitamin-mineral, energy needs of the human and cat body.

    Food “from the table” is poorly digested by pets, causing gastrointestinal disorders, liver and kidney diseases, and developmental disorders.

    Before creating a diet for your ward, you should choose one of two feeding options. Suitable daily menu:

    1. Natural food prepared taking into account the physiological characteristics of the animal. The main ingredient in cat dishes is lean meat.
    2. Ready food. It has a balanced composition and is available in dry and wet form. Sold in pet stores and special departments of supermarkets.

    Proper nutrition contributes to:

    • normal formation of the skeleton and muscular system;
    • good condition of teeth, claws, coat;
    • strengthening immunity, preventing diseases;
    • establishing contact with the owner;
    • increasing life expectancy.

    Natural nutrition

    You can feed a Maine Coon with natural food only if the owner has time to prepare special dishes.

    Healthy food

    The table provides a list of foods that should be included in the Maine Coon’s diet:

    The product's nameUseful compositionFeeding features
    Meat: beef, chicken, turkey (without skin), rabbit, lamb (lean), horse meat.Proteins (16–20%); vitamins A, D, E, H, PP, group B; calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, chlorine. You can give it boiled or raw, after keeping it in the freezer for 3-5 days. Sometimes it is allowed to diversify the menu with low-fat meat broth.
    By-products: liver (in small quantities), heart, tripe, udder, stomach.Proteins; vitamins A, E, PP, group B; calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc. Served boiled.
    Vegetables: carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower.Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E, K, PP; calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc. Can be given raw, boiled, baked.
    Greens: parsley, dill, lettuce.Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, K, PP; calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron. Add to meat and vegetable dishes.
    Porridge: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat.Vitamins B, E, K, PP; calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, iron, zinc. Serve porridges cooked in water or low-fat meat broth with finely chopped meat and fresh herbs.
    Sea fish: hake, pollock, lemonema, etc.Proteins; vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K; phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sulfur, chlorine, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, fluorine. Offer boiled no more than 1-2 times a week.
    Eggs: chicken, quail.Proteins; vitamins A, groups B, D, E, K, PP; calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, selenium, zinc. Serve chicken eggs (yolks) hard-boiled. Quail - can be given whole raw.
    Fermented milk products (low-fat): kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, acidophilus, Varenets.Beneficial bacteria; vitamins A, group B, C, D, D3, E, K, PP; calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, selenium. Offer fresh product at room temperature.
    Vegetable oil: sunflower, olive, flaxseedFats; vitamins: A, group B, D, E, K; potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, omega-6, omega-9 fatty acids. Add ½ tsp to porridge and vegetable dishes. for one serving.

    Junk food

    The table provides a list of foods that should not be included in a cat’s diet:

    The product's nameWhy should you not include it in your diet?
    Fatty meat: pork, duck, gooseCauses functional disorders of the stomach and intestines. Frequent feeding of this product can cause severe disturbances in the cat’s digestive system and lead to the death of the animal.
    BonesInjury to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
    MilkCauses indigestion.
    PotatoWhen boiled, it is a useless product. Raw potatoes are harmful due to their high starch content.
    Tomatoes and eggplantsThey cause stomach pain due to the presence of alkaloids in vegetables.
    BeansMay cause bloating and flatulence.
    Onion and garlicThey are a source of disulfides - substances that destroy leukocytes
    MushroomsDifficult to digest and toxic to the cat's body.
    AvocadoCauses gastrointestinal disorders due to the content of persin, which is toxic to Maine Coons.
    NutsHigh phosphorus content contributes to impaired hematopoiesis, calcium loss, and the development of liver and kidney diseases.
    PastaMay cause gastrointestinal colic
    Flour productsCauses bloating and diarrhea.
    SweetsPromotes obesity, metabolic disorders, and tooth decay.
    Salty dishesThey form an electrolytic imbalance, increasing the risk of diseases of the heart, digestion, and muscular system.

    Foods that should be given to your Maine Coon with caution and in limited quantities:

    1. Fish. Feeding fish dishes more than 2 times a week can cause diseases of the genitourinary system.
    2. Eggs. Contain a large amount of cholesterol. Frequent use of this product during feeding is fraught with disorders of the digestive system and gall bladder. Raw eggs should not be given due to possible salmonellosis infection.
    3. Carrot. Carotene present in the composition contributes to the appearance of a yellow tint in the coat of light-colored cats.

    Balanced composition and daily requirement

    The goal of proper nutrition is to provide the living body with the necessary substances and calories, avoiding pathological deviations in body weight.

    The Maine Coon should be fed according to established standards: for a cat to grow large, 60 kcal and 10 g of protein are required per 1 kg of weight. The composition of natural food must correspond to the following indicators (per 100 g):

    • protein – 20–45%;
    • fats – 10–30%;
    • fiber – 2%;
    • energy value – 300–400 kcal.

    A Maine Coon that has reached the size of an ordinary cat eats approximately 250 g per day. Accordingly, the number of main products offered during the day will be as follows:

    • meat (or fish) – 60–120 g;
    • cereals – 10–20 g;
    • vegetables – 20–50 g;
    • fermented milk products – 20–60 g.

    When the Maine Coon finally grows up, the amount of food will need to be increased by 1.5–2 times.

    An adult Maine Coon should be properly fed 2 times a day, dividing the daily portion into 2 parts. It is necessary to ensure that there is always a bowl of purified drinking water in the cat’s territory (boiling is not recommended).

    "Kunya porridge"

    One of the options for natural balanced food for Maine Coons is “kunya porridge”. The general composition of this dish is as follows:

    1. Meat products – 80%.
    2. Additives – 20%.

    Meat products:

    • meat (beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit);
    • offal (heart, liver, stomach, tripe, udder, lung).


    • fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese);
    • chicken eggs (yolks);
    • vegetables (carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin);
    • greens (parsley, dill, lettuce, kelp);
    • vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, flaxseed).

    Based on these products, you can create various cooking recipes. One of them is presented here.


    • beef – 1 kg;
    • beef liver – 500 g;
    • beef kidneys – 500 g;
    • veal heart – 500 g;
    • light veal – 500 g;
    • turkey fillet – 1 kg;
    • chicken necks – 1 kg;
    • chicken stomachs – 500 g;
    • chicken necks – 1 kg;
    • carrots – 4 pcs;
    • zucchini (or pumpkin) – 1 kg;
    • wheat bran – 500 g;
    • kelp – 50 g.

    Cooking method:

    Cut the beef and turkey fillet into small pieces, and grind the offal in a meat grinder. Add the chopped herbs and mix everything. Divide the resulting mixture into bags and place in the freezer for 3-4 days. Before serving, add kefir or yogurt (without additives).

    Vitamins and minerals

    A natural diet does not always meet the standards of a balanced diet. To compensate for the lack of active substances, it is recommended to use vitamin and mineral supplements. The need for them is increasing:

    • during a period of active growth;
    • during illness;
    • under stress;
    • during the molting period;
    • during pregnancy and feeding;
    • in the autumn-spring season.

    A veterinarian will help you choose a suitable complex, taking into account the individual characteristics of the animal. To prescribe certain additives, the following factors are taken into account:

    • pet's age;
    • appearance;
    • emotional condition;
    • behavioral characteristics;
    • results of biochemical tests.

    The table contains general recommendations for the use of vitamin and mineral supplements:

    What is the purpose of the additive?What medications are needed
    For proper growth and development (up to 6 months)Complexes with high calcium content.
    For bone strengthCalcium and phosphorus supplements.
    For the beauty of woolPreparations containing vitamins A, D, group B and calcium.
    To improve digestionVitamin complexes with taurine.
    To improve visual acuityVitamin complexes with taurine.
    For a successful pregnancySupplements with calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, E, D, group B. Special preparations based on spirulina (a rich source of folic acid).
    For well-being in old agePreparations containing calcium. Vitamin B6 (stimulates brain function). Herbal supplement based on ginkgo biloba.
    For the prevention of urolithiasis in castrated animalsMultivitamins with taurine and calcium.

    There are various forms of vitamin and mineral supplements:

    • pills;
    • capsules;
    • pastes;
    • powders.

    Many vitamin products have a pleasant taste, so cats eat them with great pleasure. If the pet refuses to take the drug in its pure form, it is added to the food (the tablets are pre-crushed).

    Feeding with prepared food

    If you have a shortage of free time and for a more balanced diet, you can use ready-made food. They contain all the necessary substances in optimal proportions. The main condition for the successful use of an industrial product is its compliance with high quality. This is the feed class:

    • "premium";
    • "super-premium";
    • "holistic".

    According to veterinary standards, the quantitative ratio of nutrients in the finished product should be as follows:

    • proteins – no less than 26%;
    • fats – 9%.

    High-quality food contains the following components:

    • natural meat (up to 70%);
    • offal;
    • herbal supplements (herbs);
    • cereals (absent in some foods).

    In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need to buy food in original packaging. The product is of high quality if the information on the box or package meets regulatory requirements:

    • the first in the list of ingredients is meat indicating its variety (beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit);
    • the product contains no artificial preservatives;
    • products o, “Superpremium”, “Holistic”.

    Depending on the consistency, industrial feeds are divided into 2 types:

    • dry;
    • wet.

    Dry food


    1. Has a long shelf life without special conditions.
    2. Can stay in the cat's bowl for 24 hours.
    3. Reduces the likelihood of tartar formation.
    4. Indispensable when traveling.
    5. Costs less than wet.

    One of the disadvantages of dry food is the lack of moisture, so when using it, you should provide your pet with the necessary amount of water. The daily fluid intake corresponds to 25 ml per 1 kg of weight. The ratio of the amount of dry food and water is determined by the proportion 1:3.

    Wet food

    Available in the form of pates and jellies. Contains up to 80% water. Has its advantages:

    1. Better absorbed by the cat's body.
    2. It is more nutritious and high in calories.
    3. Eaten by cats with great appetite.


    1. Overeating contributes to excess weight gain.
    2. Stored in the refrigerator.
    3. Once opened, the can quickly deteriorates.

    If both types of ready-made food are present in the Maine Coon’s diet, it is advisable to adhere to the following ratio:

    • dry food – 75%;
    • wet food – 25%.

    When using an industrial product, the following rules should be observed:

    1. Choose food for Maine Coons in accordance with the age, weight, and energy expenditure of the pet.
    2. Follow the dosage specified by the manufacturer.
    3. Do not add vitamins and minerals to the finished product.
    4. Do not mix food from different brands.
    5. Make sure there is fresh water in the bowl.

    Veterinarians do not recommend combining the use of a finished product with a natural type of feeding.

    This combination can cause:

    • vitamin and mineral imbalance;
    • metabolic disease;
    • digestive disorders;
    • weight gain or loss.

    Tips and tricks

    In order not to make a mistake when preparing your pet’s diet, you can consult the forums of Maine Coon breeders.

    Key recommendations from experts:

    1. You cannot mix products of different brands or classes of feed. It is better to use a specific ruler.
    2. There is no need to overfeed your pet.
    3. It is worth choosing quality products.
    4. The diet should be tailored to your weight and age.
    5. You need to get tested periodically: what suits one cat may not suit another.

    The best food for Maine Coon

    The table shows the TOP 5 (best industrial feed):

    Name of foodClass a brief description of
    1. Wellness® Indoor Health for Adult Cat (USA)"Holistic"Protein content – ​​30%, fat – 12%. Ingredients: chicken meat and liver, herring flour, cereals. Enriched with vitamins E, B2, B3, B6, B12, D3, folic acid, calcium, copper. Contains chondroitin and glucosamine (for joint health).
    2. Bosch Sanabelle Grande (Germany)"Super-premium"Protein content – ​​31%, fat – 20%. Ingredients: poultry meat and liver, salmon, cereals, beet pulp, blueberries and cranberries, brewer's yeast, calendula extract, chicory root; chondroitin and glucosamine.
    3. Eukanuba Mature Care Formula for Cats (USA)"Premium"Protein content – ​​36%, fat – 17%. Ingredients: chicken meat and offal, fish oil, egg powder, beet pulp, corn flour. As additives - vitamins A, C, E, B2, B3, B12, D3, folic acid, calcium, zinc, tocopherols. The food strengthens the immune system, improves digestion and wool quality.
    4. ProNature 30 Adult for Cats (Canada)"Premium"Protein content – ​​30%, fat – 18%. Ingredients: chicken meal, chicken fat, beet pulp, cereals, cranberries. Additives: calcium, lecithin, tocopherols, natural fibers; Yucca Schidigera extract. The product improves immunity, slows down the aging process, and helps remove hair from the digestive tract.
    5. Hill's Nature's Hill's "Premium" Nature's Best™ With Real Chicken Adult Cat (USA)"Premium"Protein content – ​​30%, fat – 19%. Ingredients: chicken meat and liver, egg powder, cereals, beet pulp, carrots, peas, animal fat. Includes 25 vitamin and mineral supplements. Active components include iodine, copper, biotin, folic acid. The food has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

    Nutritional features depending on the circumstances

    When preparing a diet for your pet, the following factors should be taken into account:

    • age of the animal;
    • health status;
    • history of sterilization (castration) operations;
    • for cats – bearing and feeding offspring.

    Age factor

    The composition and quantity of feed, diet must be adjusted in accordance with age needs. A growing organism needs “building” material, the source of which is food and vitamin and mineral supplements.

    Up to 4 months, a Maine Coon kitten should be fed small portions 5-6 times a day. Gradually, the number of feedings decreases and by 12 months the growing baby switches to 2 meals a day.

    By this time, the composition of the feed should also change. A mature body does not experience the same needs as during the period of growth.

    Therefore, you should not offer a mature cat food intended for kittens, and babies should not be fed “adult” food.

    Nutrition during illness

    Despite the fact that representatives of the breed are distinguished by their strong physique and endurance, they may experience health problems due to unfortunate heredity.

    The table shows diseases characteristic of the Maine Coon breed:

    Disease Recommendations for treatment and prevention
    Urolithiasis diseaseTo prevent the disease, it is necessary to exclude fish and economy-class food from the diet, and ensure an optimal drinking regime. For therapeutic and preventive purposes, veterinary foods from the Urinary series (Royal Canin Urinary S/O, Purina Pro Plan Urinary, Eukanuba Veterinary Diets Urinary Oxalate) should be used.
    Joint pathologyFor the purpose of prevention, preference should be given to high-quality feed, which includes the medicinal substances chondroitin and glucosamine. To treat the disease, in case of obesity with increased stress on the joints, the pet should be switched to veterinary feed products (Eukanuba Veterinary Diets Urinary Struvite for Cats Dry, Hill's Feline j/d.)
    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathyThe animal must be under the supervision of a veterinarian. It is recommended to reduce the amount of salt in the diet.

    Feeding castrated (sterilized) animals

    Removal of testes in cats (ovaries in cats) affects their character and behavior. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. Animals become calmer, move less, and rest more.

    The composition of the feed and diet for castrated (sterilized) individuals should be selected in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of obesity. To prevent urolithiasis, it is necessary to choose feed with a reduced content of phosphorus and magnesium.

    The volume of liquid drunk should be 3 times the amount of dry food eaten. In case of insufficient consumption, the following methods can be taken:

    • offer food soaked in water;
    • switch partially or completely to wet food;
    • switch your pet to home-cooked meals.

    Nutrition for pregnant and lactating cats

    If the expectant mother is accustomed to eating ready-made food, she should not be switched to natural food. In this case it is necessary:

    • switch to special super premium food for pregnant and lactating cats ;
    • introduce kitten food (dry and wet) into the diet.

    If your cat ate natural foods before pregnancy, you need to adjust its menu. The following products should be excluded:

    • fish (increases the load on the kidneys);
    • vegetables that can cause intestinal disorders (cabbage, beets);
    • products containing spices.

    Milk must be included in the diet.

    In the first trimester, the cat should be fed 2 times a day. In the middle of pregnancy - 3 times, increasing the daily norm by 50%. On the eve of birth, feeding should be frequent (5-6 times a day) using small portions.

    With a natural diet, pregnant and lactating cats need special vitamin and mineral supplements. Any drug must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

    A nursing cat is also given fractional meals, thanks to which it is possible to avoid additional stress on the body. During lactation, the animal must consume large amounts of fluid. In addition to water, you can offer your cat milk and low-fat broth.

    Breed Features

    Maine Coon translated as “Maine raccoon” (Maine, USA). The weight of an average male is from 6 to 8 kg, females - 3.5-5 kg. Often individual specimens reach 12 or even 15 kg.

    These animals are not only the largest among felines, they:

    • energetic;
    • mobile;
    • excellent hunters;
    • have a huge fluffy tail and tassels on the ears, a strong skeleton and muscle corset, a wide skull;
    • have semi-long hair.

    All these features are reflected in feeding. To maintain life potential and health indicators (energy, fur quality), you need not just cat food, but a high-quality diet. Often when taking such a kitten into your home, problems arise. Reviews indicate that animals constantly ask for food. They scream angrily and demand food.

    Looking at the characteristics of the breed when preparing the diet, you should make sure that it is:

    • balanced;
    • with optimal protein content;
    • without a predominance of carbohydrates (does not contain grain base, soy and cereals);
    • with easily digestible fats (as a source of fat-soluble vitamins);
    • rich in mineral components.

    Unbalanced and low energy value contributes to overeating, which should not be allowed.

    Feeding Maine Coon kittens

    In the first weeks of life, the only food for a kitten is mother's milk. The first complementary foods should be introduced at the end of 1 month. By this time, it is necessary to decide on the type of nutrition - based on natural products or using ready-made feed.

    Feeding with natural products

    The table shows feeding features according to the age of the kitten (by month):

    AgeSample menuNumber of feedings
    1st monthThe main food is mother's milk. If it is unavailable, a substitute must be used. Complementary foods are gradually introduced - liquid porridge, boiled scraped meat. Kefir, cottage cheese, and egg yolk are allowed in small quantities. 8 times
    2nd monthFeeding with breast milk or substitute. Introducing boiled, grated vegetables into the diet with the addition of a few drops of vegetable oil. The number of porridges is being reduced. The daily portion of meat increases, which needs to be cut into thin strips. 6 times
    3rd monthThe menu includes almost all “adult” products: boiled lean meat, offal (no more than 3 times a week, liver - 1 time), seafood, cereals, eggs, dairy products, fruits and vegetables.5 times
    4-5 monthsThe composition of the diet does not change. The volume of portions is adjusted depending on the weight of the pet. 4 times
    6-12 monthsEating habits are consolidated (eating certain foods in the required quantities at the prescribed time). 3 times,

    after 9 months – 2 times

    If you choose a ready-made food type, you must give preference to high-quality products that are specially designed for Maine Coon kittens. The following feeds meet these requirements:

    • Royal Canin Kitten Maine Coon
    • Bosch Sanabell kitten

    At first, dry food needs to be soaked until the kittens can chew the hard granules on their own.

    Age 4 to 7 months

    An adult Maine Coon should consume a large amount of calories compared to an average-sized cat. However, it is undesirable to overfeed a kitten; problems with joints and digestion are possible. However, by this period many of the kittens are already able to independently regulate the amount of food for 1 day and not eat excess.

    Normal feeding consists of a standard set; you can try to include chicken gizzards, hearts, liver and other offal in the diet. For proper nutrition, vegetables, cereals, as well as cottage cheese and whey are still needed.

    [ads-pc-1] The only thing that distinguishes a teenage Maine Coon from an established relative in terms of nutrition is the frequency of feeding. The more times he eats, the better the food is absorbed. For a playful and energetic kitten, the energy that comes from protein food is important. Calcium contained in fermented milk products and phosphorus from fish take part in the growth of the musculoskeletal system, jaws and teeth of the kitten. Many substances affect the condition of the animal’s fur, claws and well-being. As before, feeding requires variety.

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