What to feed a Maine Coon. Natural nutrition - kunin porridge recipe

In the article you will find information about natural nutrition - how to feed a Maine Coon with meat. Step-by-step photo recipe for kunin porridge, in the appendices there is a visual table with the composition of the feed.

With the acquisition of Maine Coon kittens, the question immediately arose of what to feed them. After studying the forum and recommendations from breeders, the decision was made to stick to natural food, especially since it is possible to get meat from trusted sources plus the household.

Useful links: Nursery group on VK Topic about natural nutrition on the forum

Meet Bells and Bourbon from the Striped Gang:

Bell's and Bourbon iz Polosatoy Bandy (Stavropol)

For ease of use, based on information from the topic about natural nutrition, a summary was made in the form of a table (

). We printed it out and attached it to the refrigerator for clarity.

Feeding castrated Maine Coon cats

photo of our graduate MisterCoon Kamelot, learn more >>

You have long wanted to get a cat or male cat and finally decided to buy a Maine Coon kitten.

There is no doubt that your joy knows no bounds! After all, the biggest cat is an excellent companion and friend of the whole family. If you bought a kitten as a pet (pet-class), then when it turns 7-10 months old, the question of castration or sterilization will arise. It is at the age of 7-10 months that veterinarians and Maine Coon cat breeders advise carrying out this operation. The cat’s body is young and healthy, so it is able to undergo this ordinary operation for any veterinarian. However, in any case, you need to take this issue seriously and find an experienced veterinarian. What to feed Maine Coons after castration? The nutrition of Maine Coons after castration or sterilization remains virtually unchanged. Much attention in feeding the Maine Coon should be given to drinking plenty of water. If your pet's diet includes dry food, then the water/food ratio must be 3 to 1. Otherwise, it is necessary to give the cat liquid food. It would be better if you give preference to dry food specifically for castrates, since such food already contains the necessary balance of microelements and nutrients. For example, you can consider the rich line of food from Royal Canin. If you feed your Maine Coon natural food, then the Maine Coon’s diet should contain meat (necessarily cut into large pieces to clean teeth and strengthen gums), offal, and vegetables. It is also possible to consume fermented milk products - kefir, white yogurt and cottage cheese. And of course, vitamins to maintain the skeleton of a big cat. What is not advisable to feed neutered Maine Coons? Spaying and neutering cats can stop the development of their urethra. It remains in a narrowed state forever. This means that any objects in the urinary system create an obstruction of the urethra. Therefore, when castrating or sterilizing Maine Coons, it is necessary to exclude fish from their diet. It is its consumption that leads to feline urolithiasis, because it contains large amounts of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. This also applies to some offal products rich in minerals. Vitamins for neutered cats. If you feed your Maine Coon with premium or super premium dry food for neutered cats, then you do not need to give additional vitamins, because they are already included in the feed. Except, of course, in those cases when there is a need for their use. For example, coat vitamins to improve the appearance of the coat and skin, or simply pamper your Maine Coon with a course of some healthy vitamins. But if you feed your cat natural food, then vitamins in its diet are required. For the prevention of urolithiasis, for the exchange of microelements, etc. Take the advice of your veterinarian as well as your breeder and create your own vitamin list for your Maine Coon. We can offer you the following list of vitamins for your consideration. You can read about them in more detail on the Internet. • Radostin for castrated cats. These vitamins normalize the metabolism of castrated cats. Used for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis (urolithiasis), obesity. Directions for use: see the amount of vitamins per day on the package. Course 14-30 days. (~ 90 tab = 120 rub.) • Neo formavit. Also good vitamins necessary for castrated cats and female cats for normal metabolism, and prevention of urolithiasis, hypovitaminosis, excretory system, to remove toxins from the body. Directions for use: for prevention - 1 tab. for 3 kg of weight, course 2 months, break 1 month. For treatment - 2 tablets. by 3 kg of weight until recovery. (~ 60tab=80rub.) •

Cat-Mineral Tabs, Canina Vitamins for cats on a natural diet. To enrich the body of Maine Coon cats with the necessary macro and micro elements, for the development of a healthy skeleton and strong teeth. Directions for use: 5-8 tablets. in a day. Regularly, in courses (~500-700 rub.) • Tsamax This is a feed additive that is successfully used in the treatment of urolithiasis, liver dysfunction, restores mineral metabolism, for allergic reactions, and many others. Directions for use: add powder to wet food, or mix 2 ml with water and drink. For treatment: 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight 1 time per day for 1 month, repeat the course after 2 weeks if necessary. For prevention: 0.3 g per 1 kg of weight (~100 g = 130 rub.) •

Cantaren, Helvet company (and also possibly in combination with other drugs from this company, such as Liarsin, Travmatin). Excellent veterinary homeopathic preparations. If your Maine Coon pet is at risk (seals and cats over 4 years old, overweight, or neutered Maine Coons), then you need to constantly prevent urolithiasis. Method of use: prevention of urolithiasis - Kantaren 2-3 weeks, course 2 times a year. Read about the treatment of urolithiasis on the company's website. Play with your pet more often, make him run around the house or apartment a couple of times and your pet will definitely retain its athletic shape even after such an operation. If you are interested in the breed of the world's largest domestic cat, in our nursery you can buy Maine kittens of large, affectionate and almost any color. We will definitely find your best friend!

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Maine Coon natural healthy diet: meat, eggs, cereals - advice from veterinarians – Cybercoon

Maine Coon is a breed of cat that is very widespread today. This breed is characterized by its small size, care rules and character traits. But to make a cat look beautiful you need to make a lot of effort. Cats of this breed need proper and balanced nutrition. Many owners believe that Maine Coons eat the same food as people, but this erroneous opinion and the wrong selection of foods will lead to the formation of some health problems. Therefore, you should follow all the rules and advice of veterinarians. Proper nutrition will help raise a beautiful and healthy pet.

How to properly feed your Maine Coon with natural products

In order for a cat to grow healthy, its diet should be properly composed and maintained. If you feed your cat incorrectly, it will lead to illness and damage to some organs. Many owners wonder what is better to feed: homemade natural products or use special ready-made food. In this article we will try to outline the main points of the different types of feeding Maine Coons. But if you have chosen natural food, then it is worth studying the basic rules correctly and preparing food daily that will help your pet grow and develop. Please note that the article is written for informational purposes and in particular cases, recommendations from a veterinarian are necessary.


Meat products should be as similar as possible to what cats eat in their natural environment. Therefore, it is recommended to give no more than 30 grams of raw beef to a kitten, and 100-120 grams to an adult cat. Starting from three months, the amount of beef per day should not exceed 150 grams. Boiled boneless chicken should be given daily; for kittens up to 3 months it is better to give breasts, and then legs. Of beef and chicken by-products, it is worth including in the diet the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, exclusively boiled. You should not give heart and liver often, but only as a treat. To protect your cat from infection, you need to scald with boiling water and refreeze the food before cooking.


It is wrong to think that cats love fish and this will be the best food for them. This breed should not eat a lot of fish, it is dangerous for them. After all, it contains a large amount of salts that form kidney stones. It is given infrequently, because it will harm the pet’s body. The fish is given from sea or ocean. You should not feed your cat fresh river or pond fish. It is recommended to eat raw red fish, trout, salmon, and herring several times a week as a source of fatty acids.


Quail eggs are quite useful for this breed. But chicken is also included in the diet, but only a couple of times a week, so as not to cause allergic reactions. They are added to dairy products. Cats of all ages should eat eggs, but not often.

Dairy products

Cats should consume fermented milk products with a fat content of up to 9%; low-fat products should not be given. You should not give fermented baked milk, cream and sour cream, as well as yoghurts with additives. It is not recommended to use products with a long shelf life; this can cause significant harm to the cat’s health, because there are many harmful additives. The best product is cheese with a fat content of 5-9%, kefir 3.5% and yogurt. It is recommended to use products with a short shelf life. Milk is better suited for kittens under three months of age, because adult cats do not perceive it well.

Cereals (porridge)

Buckwheat, oatmeal and multigrain flakes are a source of numerous vitamins, as well as minerals necessary for the body. Meat porridges are cooked on their basis. The recipe for porridge for Maine Coons can be obtained from veterinarians and prepared exclusively based on it.

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables are given in any form, according to the pet’s preference. The diet mainly includes carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, tomatoes and cucumbers. Use them once a week. They go well with meat and cereals. Any fruit is given; if your pet prefers fruit, do not deny him this treat or limit it. However, many cats categorically do not like citrus fruits.


Sprouted wheat is only beneficial for your pet. You can make healthy bait for your pet at home using wheat or oats. It is strictly forbidden to give street grass. You should also not add it to food, as the cat will regurgitate grass.


Maine Coons should always drink clean, fresh water. It needs to be defended or filtered. Boiled water is not good for this breed; it causes the animal’s teeth to deteriorate.

Essential Foods in the Maine Coon Diet

Natural feeding is the best and correct way to raise a healthy and beautiful pet. But you need to know exactly what Maine Coon kittens eat, and what foods should not be included in your pet’s diet.

They should receive the following products daily:

  • Meat products - chicken, turkey, rabbit, as well as lean beef;
  • Eggs – quail eggs are used, they are healthy and nutritious and will not cause allergies. But you can also give chicken eggs, only in limited quantities;
  • Vegetables – raw or boiled, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini and cauliflower;
  • Offal – heart, liver and chicken gizzards. Everything must be boiled to avoid stomach upset;
  • Goat's milk is quite healthy; it is replaced instead of cow's milk, which causes allergic reactions and stomach upsets;
  • Cottage cheese and fermented milk products are not often given a couple of times a week;
  • Seafood – this breed enjoys eating squid. But you don’t need to get carried away, and limit the amount you consume as much as possible. Raw or dried seaweed is useful; it is considered a source of microelements;
  • Greens, sprouted varieties of wheat and oat grains.

What should you not give to your Maine Coon?

Advice from veterinarians will help you when shaping your kittens’ diet, so don’t forget to contact your veterinarian periodically.

Maine Coon kittens should absolutely not eat the following foods:

  • Bones from chicken and fish, because kittens can choke, and in this case the intestines become clogged and the esophagus is damaged;
  • Pork, they lead to infection with worms, and the cat can also become infected with various infectious diseases;
  • Fatty, spicy, salted and smoked products, as well as canned food and sausages;
  • All sweet and confectionery products;
  • Potato starch causes diarrhea, so you should avoid eating potatoes;
  • Legume products provoke poor intestinal function;
  • Medicines and vitamins for people.

Maine Coon natural food for an adult cat (examples and norms)

There are several expert opinions, some say that a pet of this breed should be fed twice a day, others say that there should be no restrictions. How many times a day do cats feed? The number of feedings will depend on different situations, for example, in catteries, cats are fed twice a day, but at home you can allow an unlimited number of feedings. But if the cat is overweight, or the animal is after sterilization or castration, then food is limited to two times.

You can give an example from the diet of an adult cat:

  1. 113 g lean meat.
  2. 35 g boiled rice.
  3. half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  4. two teaspoons of vegetable puree.

Vitamins and microelements should be added to this diet according to the norm. All these ingredients are combined and mixed. The final yield is 150-160 g, calorie content 420 kcal per 100 grams of feed.

Natural diet for Maine Coon baby

The kitten's food must be calculated and consumed according to established standards.

Feeding Maine Coons by month can be represented as follows:

  • At 1 month, the kitten is gradually introduced to new food. The food becomes varied, special milk, lean meat, and milk porridges are added. But the basis is mother's milk;
  • 2 months feeding occurs about six times. The daily norm is 120-150 g, at this time the consumption of milk and milk porridges is limited;
  • 3 months and up to six - the norm is feeding 4 times a day, meat should be given no more than 40 g;
  • A small Maine Coon from 6-9 months needs to be fed three times a day, and the norm is up to 250 grams;
  • 10-12 months, active growth has already stopped and the cat can be fed several times a day.

Nutrition for a pregnant cat

When a cat is pregnant, it requires special attention and nutrition plays a major role. For a pregnant cat, natural nutrition is better, which must include:

  • Boiled lean beef or chicken;
  • Boiled cartilaginous parts of chicken bones;
  • Sea lean fish;
  • Dairy products without dyes or additives;
  • Boiled chicken egg yolk;
  • From cereals, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • Fruits and vegetables, raw or cooked;
  • You need to include vitamins prescribed by your doctor in your diet;
  • Clean drinking water.

Dry food pros and cons

Dry food is always an easy and simple solution for owners, because there is no need to prepare food, just pour it into a plate and that’s it.

It is worth noting that dry food has a number of advantages and disadvantages, they are as follows:

  • This food saves money and time;
  • If it is really of high quality and good, then you don’t have to follow the feeding regime;
  • Dry food is properly balanced and contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

One of the disadvantages of such foods is that they contain little moisture, so the cat constantly needs a large amount of water. Any food is harmful to your cat's teeth. Also, poor and low-quality food contains a lot of carbohydrates. The food is also quickly addictive, and cats cannot eat anything other than it.

Wet food

Canned food or wet food are not particularly different. The basis of this diet is pates and jellies. They are divided into economy and high-end products. This type of food is the most favorite for cats of these breeds. As mentioned above, the Maine Coon kitten breed requires only high quality food. The diet must contain high quality canned meat without the addition of preservatives and dyes.

Combined nutrition

If a certain diet has already been introduced, there is no need to change it often. Cats do not tolerate this well, especially when fed dry food. But if

If you need to feed your cat natural products, it is worth remembering that you cannot combine several types of food in one meal. Dry food is absorbed differently in the body than wet food, so to avoid digestive problems, it is necessary to maintain a gap of three hours between feeding different foods. Combining is not recommended, because it will not be possible to count the number of calories.


Regardless of the type of food that is chosen for Maine Coons, natural needs must be respected. An indicator of a well-formulated diet will be an active and healthy pet that has no health problems. These cats eat well, exercise a lot and look great.


Maine Coon food

Proper and balanced nutrition for a Maine Coon is the key to its health.

Try not to mix dry food and natural food (meat and dry food) in one feeding; do not mix canned food and raw meat! To digest these types of feed, a different composition of enzymes is required. A balanced diet is necessary to maintain the health and normal functioning of a cat. Unlike their ancestors, who obtained food in forests and fields. Our pets, Maine Coons, cannot independently provide themselves with proper nutrition and obtain food for themselves. Therefore, my dear owners, you should strive to feed your beloved Maine Coons correctly. Although each breeder and veterinarian still has their own concept of “proper feeding.” The main thing to remember is that there is no diversity in nature. Don’t get carried away with creating a menu for the week with multiple changes of dishes. This definitely won't lead to anything good. And one more rule - cats know when to eat in moderation; it is difficult to overfeed them, but it is possible. Mostly, problems arise due to the fact that mothers and fathers think that their cat is not eating well. so you need to offer him seven dishes in a row, maybe he’ll eat something, my love. And the result? problem with stool, too much protein in the diet, bad hair, etc. and so on...

Ready-made feed

Owners choose dry and canned food for coons because it is easier. There is no need to monitor the balance of minerals and vitamins. In theory, this is done by the feed manufacturer. In any case, food from the shelves of regular supermarkets is not suitable for Maine Coons. These should be croquettes, premium or super premium canned goods.

A number of popular brands:

  • Orijen
  • Acana
  • Applaws
  • Bozita
  • Royal Canin Maine;
  • Eagle Pack
  • Nutra Gold

Small Maine Coons (up to a year old) can only be given kitten food, both dry and canned. When they are introduced to granules, they are soaked for the first time so that the baby does not injure his gums.

Croquettes are good because they do not spoil while remaining in the bowl. There is enough canned food for the cat to eat a portion at a time. Typically, the daily dose consists of 75% dry food and 25% wet food. Exhibition animals are fed a 50/50 combination of canned food and pellets.

Meat - meat

Although they claim on many websites that “beef is the healthiest variety,” I would not say so. Well, cats don’t herd cows in nature... not at all. Perhaps wild large felines can cope with such a large animal, but ordinary cats feed on smaller representatives of the “meat component”. In the diet of wild cats: mice, rabbits, snakes, frogs, birds, birds, birds, grass for cleaning the stomach, possibly other small rams and lambs. Therefore, all components of birds (chickens, ducks, quails, turkeys), rabbits are the main thing! Fish, squid, shrimp, as a replacement for reptiles, but strictly boiled and without bones. Remember: fish is suitable for feeding Maine Coons only when boiled. I would recommend any of the types of salmon and cod. Maine Coons love squid in any form. It is not recommended to give fish to castrated cats. You can also give pork. Sometimes. A brand of super premium food like Bozita constantly adds it to its food. I’ll say right away - the pork is strictly boiled and lean. Never give it raw. Lamb and beef are beneficial in terms of taurine. This is beneficial for all red meat and beef, pork or lamb heart. We also remember that chicken meat often causes allergies, so keep an eye on it.

By-products are a source of useful substances. All. Beef tripe. It is useful because it improves digestion and replenishes energy reserves. I’ll say right away that I haven’t tried it. Firstly, I couldn’t find it in stores, and secondly, after smelling it at the market, I didn’t dare try it. Kidneys are very rich in vitamin A. They are given twice a week.

I love day old chicks. They contain all the components: from fluff to cartilage. But no taurine. Therefore, in addition to chickens, the nursery will always add red meat.

Chicken heads are very useful, just remove the beak and sharp bones. Cupid paws - remove claws. Chicken wings - cut along the cartilage and give to the cat, she will diligently eat the meat and leave the bone intact, chicken necks - if you give them whole, beat them off. They contain round cartilage - it can get stuck in the throat.

It is better to give all meat and its parts in finely chopped pieces and raw. At the same time, look at your Maine Coon, raw meat may not be suitable for someone - everyone’s stomachs are different, and only your attention to the animal will help you properly establish its nutrition.

How to cook kunin porridge

We didn’t directly calculate the percentage so strictly, but if you have scales, why not.

  • pork hearts - 1 kg,
  • chicken hearts - 800 g,
  • chicken necks - 1 kg,
  • beef - 1 kg,
  • chicken stomachs - 500 g,
  • carrots - 400 g,
  • beef liver - 200 g.

We cut all the ingredients into medium pieces (the cats are already 5 months old, let their jaws develop).

Chicken hearts (remove excess fat)

The liver was cut into the smallest pieces, about a centimeter.

Simply - products

A Maine Coon's diet can and should include cottage cheese, cream, kefir, and fresh plant foods. Fermented milk products should not be fatty (1-1.5%). No sweet products, condensed milk, cookies, chocolates (yes, yes, there are such things). No salty foods - chips, dried fish, herring, caviar. Cheese. I give you cheese. In the form of a treat. Some eat, some don't.

The Maine Coon benefits from vegetables and fruits. He asks - let's be sure. Just no mayonnaise, please. And that is, I have “salad lovers”

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