Maine Coon nutrition recommendations and number of feedings per day

Maine Coons attract attention not only with their size, but also with their unusual character, habits, luxurious coat and exoticism. All cat lovers know this domestic animal with a predatory look.

How much money will it take to feed this giant? And not just give him something to eat, but create a diet in such a way that the natural beauty and shine of the coat does not fade away, but on the contrary, your four-legged friend feels satisfied, looks beautiful and feels comfortable?

Maintenance and care

In order for the pet to feel comfortable, it needs to be provided with a territory sufficient for its size and provided with everything necessary for everyday cat life. Essential items include:

  • Little house. You can make it yourself or buy it in a store. The best option would be a multifunctional complex, including a booth, a bench and several observation platforms installed at different heights.
  • Carrying. A necessary item for trips to the veterinarian and traveling any distance.
  • Scratching post. Can be purchased separately or as part of a gaming complex.
  • Utensils for eating and drinking. It must be of a suitable volume and weight so that the pet cannot knock it over. For greater convenience, you can install an automatic drinking bowl.
  • Toilet tray. When choosing this item, you must take into account the size of the animal. For safety reasons, it is recommended to use natural filler.

To care for a Maine Coon you will need special tools and equipment:

  • Several types of combs: with rare movable teeth, frequent metal teeth, a brush with natural bristles.
  • Furminator is a device designed to remove dead fur. It is recommended to use both during the period of shedding and in its absence to improve the quality of the coat.
  • A nail clipper is a device for regularly trimming claws.
  • Cat toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Shampoo with conditioner for long-haired breeds.

Regular brushing

The procedure should be carried out 1-2 times a week. More frequent grooming may be required during shedding. First, the coat is combed with a sparse comb, and only then a comb with thick teeth is used. Individual areas of the body are processed in the following sequence:

  • tail;
  • back;
  • side zones;
  • breast;
  • "pants";
  • stomach.

The resulting tangles must be disassembled by hand or carefully cut with scissors.

Water treatments

Maine Coons, like other cats, do not need frequent bathing. The animal should be washed on the eve of the exhibition or if it is heavily soiled.

Before bathing, your pet's ears must be protected with cotton balls. It is recommended to place a rubber mat at the bottom of the bathtub to prevent the cat's paws from slipping.

The patient should be bathed in warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed 38°C. It is advisable to use shampoo with conditioner designed for long-haired breeds.

If your pet flatly refuses water treatments, you can clean the animal’s coat with dry shampoo.

Grooming is not for the Maine Coon

According to experts, the Maine Coon's coat is not intended for grooming. Firstly, a “fashionable” haircut does not suit a descendant of Aboriginal people. Secondly, the highlight of the breed - its wild charm can be lost forever.

Already after the first use of cutting devices, the structure of the coat is disrupted. The fur coat irreversibly loses its smooth guard hair. All that remains is fluff, reminiscent of cotton wool.

In Maine Coons, as an exception, it is allowed to trim the hair in the groin area and under the tail. Such intervention is justified by hygienic purposes and does not disturb the exterior. You can carry out this procedure yourself or seek help from a specialist.

Vitamins and minerals

When naturally fed, Maine Coons should also be given vitamin supplements. To avoid mistakes, you should consult a veterinarian before purchasing the complex.

The need for vitamins in cats increases:

  • during illness;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during a period of active growth.

Sometimes doctors recommend a mono supplement. For example, it could only be vitamin D, E or iron. They are prescribed in cases where the pet suffers from any illness. Vitamin D acts as an antirachitic agent, and vitamin E has a positive effect on the reproductive function of Maine Coons.

After taking blood and urine tests, experts usually recommend a full complex. For proper growth and development, animals are prescribed supplements with a high calcium content, and taurine-based complexes are needed to improve digestion and visual acuity.

Vitamin supplements are available in the form of capsules, tablets and powder. Manufacturers often add components to the composition that give the tablets a pleasant taste. Usually the pet does not refuse to take the medication and eats it with pleasure.

Mineral and vitamin supplements in the Maine Coon diet

The use of mineral-vitamin complexes (MVC) usually concerns only natural nutrition. These additives are already present in industrial wet and dry food for Maine Coons.

Vitamins A, B1 and H must be included in the diet of cats of all breeds.

Maine Coon fish oil (vitamin D) is most often obtained from natural products and should not be given separately. It is better to periodically increase the number of relevant components in the menu.

Vitamins of groups C and E also rarely cause vitamin deficiency, so there is no need to introduce them additionally into the diet.

Along with food, you can give your cat regular dry yeast - it contains a complex of vitamins, and 40% of the composition is proteins and amino acids.

When feeding a Maine Coon with natural products at home, the question of administering vitamin and mineral supplements should be decided by a veterinarian.

Simple rules

Breeders of these beautiful and big cats need to remember a few simple tips from veterinarians:

  • never exceed the amount of food for your Maine Coon per day, then he will always be active and playful. Overeating will lead to obesity, which, in turn, threatens diseases and decreased tone.
  • Proper nutrition for a Maine Coon contains the optimal ratio of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Only this will help your pet stay healthy. A good coat appearance may be an indicator. If the hair falls out a lot, in clumps, and in long-haired cats this is very noticeable, then something is clearly missing. This can be easily corrected by adjusting your diet.
  • The feeding diet of a Maine Coon cat can consist of both industrial food and natural food and an unlimited amount of water.

Follow all the tips and your cat will delight you with its healthy appearance, excellent mood and well-being, beautiful fur and gentle purring!

Feeding with industrial feed

If owners choose to eat natural products, they will have to spend a lot of effort, time and money to create a balanced Maine Coon diet that will keep the animal healthy.

It is much easier and cheaper to choose ready-made industrial food for Maine Coons. Its advantage is that it provides complete and balanced nutrition, moreover, it already contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

Which dry food is best for a Maine Coon?

Royal Canin Maine Coon consumption guidelines for adult animals

You can feed your Maine Coon both canned food and dry food, as long as it is at least premium, or even better, super premium. Economy class food (Whiskas, KittyKat, Darling, Friskas) is absolutely not suitable for Maine Coons as the main food. Not only do they not meet the needs of the animal, but they can also be harmful to it.

Under no circumstances should you mix food from different manufacturers, as this can upset the balance of substances in the body and lead to illness.

It is also impossible to combine natural nutrition for Maine Coons and feeding dry food. The process of digesting “wet” and “dry” foods occurs differently, and when mixing food, the pet’s stomach and intestines will not have time to rebuild, as a result of which gastroenteritis and coprostasis (intestinal obstruction) may develop.

It should be remembered that when feeding a cat with dry food, it should drink 3 times more water than it eats. Therefore, if your pet drinks little, you need to think about switching it to either canned food or natural food. You can soak dry food in water.

Rating of food for Maine Coons

The best food for Maine Coons, according to owners, is:

  • Royal Canin;
  • Bosh Sanabelle;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Nutro Choice.

Most cat owners prefer Royal Canin premium food for Maine Coons, as it is developed taking into account the characteristics of the breed and contains all the necessary ingredients and vitamins for complete and balanced nutrition. This manufacturer also has a line for feeding kittens from birth to 1 year (Royal Canin Kitten) and a series of medicinal foods, the quality of which allows you to raise the level of Royal Canin to a super premium class.

When choosing industrial food, you should not completely trust the reviews of other owners about a particular product, but find an option yourself that will satisfy all the needs of your pet. Whether a particular dry food is suitable for a Maine Coon will be determined by the state of its health and the appearance of the cat.

The diet for a Maine Coon should first of all be chosen based on its needs and your capabilities. How well your pet will eat and whether he will be healthy depends on you.

Amount of food

It has been noted that genetically representatives of this breed are prone to obesity, therefore the Maine Coon should be fed in such a way as to prevent overeating. If we take the daily norm at the rate of 30 grams per 1 kg of animal weight, as noted earlier, then 250 grams of food for an adult cat will be enough for a day . This amount can be divided into 2-3 doses.

The amount of food per day for a Maine Coon is recommended by veterinarians and you should not indulge a pet that asks for a snack when the owners sit down at the table. Develop a habit for yourself and your cat that the food bowl should only appear during feeding time.

Do not leave uneaten food; if there is any left, remove and wash the bowl. The only exceptions are water and fermented milk drinks. Water should be available to the cat at all times.

Dinner (evening)

I fed it as for breakfast, but if the kitten eats dry food well, don’t add anything for dinner, add dry food for smell and change the water. You can switch places for dinner tomorrow! It has been noticed that a Maine Coon that has eaten meat at night sleeps more soundly, does not go out hunting for food at night, wakes you up later and is in a great mood

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